HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 559 June 29. 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.~:., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Roll call of ~ officers showed the following preseI1t: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Hobinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumlull 1 and Clerk Law. 1J.,~inute5 of the previous session Viere read and approved. ,Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: 0" !BUilding Permits: ?r. 300 - Otto Stulke Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 13, dlk. 413, Tovmsite Jack DelGuzzi Construct 5-Room DV/elling; Lot 2, Blk. 5, Sub.Lot 17 .,Charles Hockey Heroof Existing Dwelling; 1,0t 6, Blk. 19B, Townsite !Jack DelGuzzi Construct Store Building; Lot 15, hlk. 2, Williams & Cramers !ldd. !Jack DelGuzzi Construct 5-Room l}{(elling; Lot 9, Blk. 175, 1'ownsita Jeck DelGuzzi Construct 5-Room IN/elling; E2 Lot 14, fl2 Lot 15, Block 10, P.S.C.C. 'IJaCk DelGuzzi Construct Store Building; W2 Lot lB, E2 l,ot 12, Elk. 15, l'ovmsite .- Licenses, 5 .;lJ.~ ~ Crystal Bath House Bath house and Massage 25.00,1 "Crystal Bath House Sof:t Drink 5.00 Goldies I Surriries Soft Drink 5.00 Club Billiards 5 Amusement .Iachines 72.00 :Club Billiards Soft Drink 5.00' Club Billiards 5 Pool Tables 50.00 "Club Billiards 4 Card Tables 20.00" Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Junk Dealer 25.00. Loop Auto '[recning Co. Second Hand Dealer 15.00 IRuby Amusement Co. Amusement Game Distributor 2,500.00 100?mPic Amusement Co. Amusement Game Distributor 2,500.00 !Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to bids published for Bituminous plant mix patching material!, one bid was received and opened as follows, Western Asphalt Co., $6.10 per j,on or total of ~5,769.80, tax " included. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded, by Commissioner Robinson.' All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I 1,500.00 I 6,000.00, 300 .00 6,500.00, 6,000.00' 6,000.00' SC,OOO.OO Clark Thornton again appeared regarding control of Peabody Creek and informed that due to lack of proper signatures on proposed easement, it is necessary for him to proceed as described in easement at his own expense, excepting culvert which need not be installed, as the bridge is being repaired by the Street Department. Ill'. Thornton also acknowledged that the bridge '{(as posted as to load limit before heavy eqUipment inflicted damage. Commissioner. Taylor recommended, and it was regularly moved and seoonded, that I Mr'. Thornton be authorized to make the necessary alterations on a portion of Chase Street without obligatior! to' the City. ! I' ! I Ceorge Drake met with the Commission regarding a logging contract with the City and do~er service near the I 'Morse Creek Dam, also balance due for emergency work on pipeline. The matter "as referred to the Street 1 Commissioner until the next session. ,Rex Oakes appeared regarding cab stand at ~~rst and Laurel Streets. Request was for two parking meter , ;!sp~ces. After due consideration it was moved by Mayor }'eeley that permission be granted for Rex to use one I ',parking space immediately Ylest of the pedestrian lane on the South side of }'irst at Laurel, if eatisfactory.' 'Motion secooded by Commissioner RolJinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IService Station operators reappeared regarding self-service gas stations. Mr. Nebert ini'ormed that he had I in!,pected stations in several cities and that no exceptional fire hazard is evident, if proper equipment I' is. used. Chief Wolverton informed that certain cities have ordinanoes prohibiting self-service and explained why-the same creates a hazard. Decision was postponed until the next session. 1\r. Swanson informed that Third and Pine grade and partial construction of street has left his property high in the air causing considerable erosion. Commissioner Taylor cited request to remove dilapidated , 1 sidewalk and improve the street and that the Street .Department was instructed to make the improvellBnt. 1 Air.. Swanson agreed to put in forms for retaining wall if the City would furnish the cone rete. After further ,discussion the matter was referred to the Engineer and Attorney. Cogunissioner Taylor informed that a portion of the fourth estimate for fire hall construction and the I ar~hitect should be paid, and recommended that a warrant be issued to the Contractor for i9,000.00, leaving; ba;Lance of ~2, 763.00 and $500.00 ba paid the architect, leaving balance of $596.02. The recommenda tion was , , a c~epted. 'Under the head of new business, Don Morrison was questioned regarding meat inspection and qualifications of 'I th~ inspector. Mr. Morrison informed that the Health Department is not qualified for meat inspection, but, ,Dr.. Dubigk, the appointed inspector, will return tomorrow. Mayor }seley agreed to consult Dr. Dubigk I regarding duties, etc. " The Commission approved bond filed by Olympic Tribune, which was awarded contract for city printing. ? ; I Sig Larson appeared regarding a permit for alteration of a garage. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor th~ matter be referred to the Engineer and Attorney, and when decision is reached, convey the same to Mr. Larson. that I , , desire to Ii is ~335.oo. I Margaret Mead, having purchased Lots 5 to 8, inclusive, in Blocll: 145, from the City, expressed trade her equity in Lots 5 and 5 for a clear title to Lots 7 and 8. The amount of equity paid ,Mr. Davidson rIBs instructed to contact Mrs. Mead and report later. , :\"Oll~O~:I~r~~~ :t~~;>~h~ feald Mayor Feeley presented a letter from Samuelson lfotor CD. requesting loading zone ; ~~\~~11: :~p t~~ ~~~~I~~etd.~)~t 1~~~!J;;~l:: on East First Street vrhich was referred to Chief Ide. The Musicians Association i : ;Xa:~~~~~~lkl~1(~(1I~a~e~~Yllt13ih~tJ~1b~t also requested that dancing be permitted from 10:00 P.M. till 2:00 A.M... Daylight : '~~lr~h0A~~rini~~~,.<~fng~~. C;~y the Saving Time. It was moved and seconded that the extra hour be grCillllted over the ~;'~{~e~~te~t ~!W-~~r C~~~. The work holiday and if continuation desired, will consider next session. A request from }~~I:l~u~en~~r~'l r~o ~~[e~,or~~~e~~ P.U .D. No.1.. CroTin Zellerbach, and ltayonier, Inc." for assistance in establishing I' ~r;onl~l.rl~tr~~;lltub~'~~~~~~~l~~d by location for transmission lines on Lauridsen Boulevard was referred t 0 the Light I: t~~?~}~~j~~:;:~~);~J;~~f JO~~h~~~~J Superintendent. Trc:l.s\1l"or 01' the City 01' Po~t .0\11- ~ ~~f'1le ~~~~~~ne~:~.';t=or.th(' n'fl ",fll, Mr. Smith complirr.ented the Canunission on progress accomplishedJ assuring that his' ll~OU~~n~f ~~~locoon~:;ct~(::~iceorm~1~~ company of Consulting Engineers offer any service desired. h' fllmlshed hy the successful Md- <3",,. I 3~timr~~;r~,~sP~~~~~~~:~oco~:~~~~ sum "'111 be refunded II' the plan!! and IIpecificatJons are l'clurned to lh... Clerk bel'ore the bId", are nl)oned. The City CommiSsion ]'el>en'es the right to reject am- -or all bids. .1. K LAW, Cily CJel'l, I'llh, .June :.111, .Tuly 7, 194:J, 560 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .hm~ ~9J ~nnt:imlp.riJ 19:1lL I.Commissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for the improvement of Laurel Street from a point ,'100 feet North of Front Street to Railroad Avenue, bids to be opened July 13th. It was moved by Mayor 'Feeley, seconded by Commissicner Robinson, that the bids be published. Unanimously carried. Under the head of reading and passage of ordinances, the following was placed on third reading and adopted: OillJINANCE NO. 1210 AN OHDINANCE vacating a certain alley in Block Gne hundred TV/enty-Five (125) of D. W. Morse's Subdivision of' Suburban Lot Eight (B) of Port Angeles. j.It. was moved by Commissioner Hobinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third reading and finally adoptsd. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants is"ued in payment of same: CUIUlENT EXPENSE FUND: ISf,~ .1....0 &1. iI. Taylor 'IHerman Ahl vers City Light Dept. The Ol;YlIlpic Electric Co. R. L. R. Service Stewart Filion Bob's Mobile Service !Hooker I s Storage Garage ,Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. "Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Olympic Laundry &. Cleaners Angeles Machine & Welding Works Howard-Cooper Corp. ,CITY STREET JiUND: "1-'1 ~ Puget Sound Navigation Co. ,Nailor Lumber Co. Middle ton Motor Parts J5 103'f _ WATER JiUND: Herman Ahl vers Brighten-Up Shop City Light Dept. 'Pacific Telephone Ii.. Telegraph Co. 7fueeler Hardware Co. '~liddleton Motor Parts Co. Palmer Supply Co. :C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Puget Sound l/avigation Co. LIGHT RIND: /f1'f ~b Peninsula Herald Pacific Telephone &. Telegraph Cc. City !'later Dept. 'ltdddlaton Motor Parts Co. "Line I~jaterial Co. I,Graybar Electric Co. General Electric Co. ,Puget Sound Navigation Co. SANITATION FUND: 1 ~i 2- Middleton Motor Parts LIBRARY FUND: 3J.'f- 71 Peninsula FUel Co. - City Treasurer Olympic Electric Co. Lee Hodson, Librarian 'Ilray & Raber ulympic Stationers ,Americap.B Corp. ;Jean Karr & Co. Personal Book Shop, Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. Clallam County Library "PARK JiU NIl: 1-55" 7 j,crown Zellerbacl~ Corp. Used canvas Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Service 5288 ,PARKING I!ETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 1-3!,lf G &. L Paint Supplies Paint M. H. Rhodes, Inc. 6 Keys CITY OF POj(T ANGELES FIRE & POLICE STN.. STATE DEVELOPMENT FU~lJ: 'I? 5"'f- J...O Brazier Construction Co. 4th Estimate, construction new Fire Hall Chiarelli & Kirk, Archt. Architectural .~ees G & L Paint Supply Extra Material for J~eV{ Fire Hall Nailor Lumber CO. OU Extra Labor & !/at'l for New Fire Hall FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: ~ Clallam County Medical Service Corp. Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Hent One Switch Re po ir Car bura tor One Gal. Cleaner Tire Repair j(epairs Phone Services Gas Parts Laundry Servic e Cut flff and Thread Valve Credit deduc ted in error--See Voucher No. 1365 " 16.121 15.12 50.00, .41 3.87 ' 2.83 ' 1.03 5.251 32.341 5.85 27.12 19.87 5.41 8.98 Freight Lumber Parts 1.25'1 10.85 37.531 Expens e Wall Paper and Paint Rent and Lights Phone Scales Rental fittings Frt. on Pipe Chlorine Frt. 9.48 15.96 ' 51. 691 61.96 !j 50.99 .86 122 .25 70B.19 : 54.121 1.25 Address Slips Phone S.j'rvice Water ka: Sui>-stn. Solvent Splicers Meters & Cable Deposit on Barrels Freight 2.32 10.50 87.85 .951 50.991 1,059.481 585.00 97.69, 1.821 Head Gasket ~uel Oil Light, Water, Garbage Flourescent Lamps Stamps Lock Repair, Keys, etc. Office Supplies Annual Books Books Books Books 94.16. 10.12, IB.54 i .50 4.17 1l.97 5.00 5.99] 73.45. 98.32 ' 12.51 1 8.241 7.53 , 42.491' 1'.35 9,000.00 ' 500.00 44.25 310.47. June and July Med. Fees-Firemen 66.00 There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. o t ~ ~ City Clerk -d&d~ a ~~ Mayor I I I I I