HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/30/1937 "II June 30. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 501 193_ I I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. ! Roll call showed the follo,'lin>>; officers present: ,Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. 'll1d was ca lIed to order by Mayor Davis. Mayor Davis, Commissioner Henson, The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'Under the head of Aplllica tions for Licenses the follovling Vier" ~ranted: Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating. Master ptumber Cadden Electric Company, Master ~lectrician Ange les Grave 1 & Supply Co.. Re s tauran t 25.00 10.00 If). 00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUIID The Qommission examined and allowed the follo\ting claims and ordered warrants draTIn for same: Street Department Marguerite "'ue Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. r. c. Groves Pac 'eel & Tel Co. rr 11 Pay Roll Salary Servi ce Meals for Prisoners Servi c e " Blackburn Printing Cv. Union Oil Co. P. S. Navigation Co. Longview Daily News Ernest Harding , Martin .r. Scnuriser J. R. McDonald R. .l:.l. Davis I Tri<:k & Murray Pac Tel & Tel vo. Supplie s Gasoline Freight Supplies Expense tccount Salary Services Car Hir e Supplies Servic e CITY STR'~ET FUIID City street It f! Pay '(011 n 11 D. A. Masters Port nn~el~s Motors V. rt. S~muelson & ~o. 'I n It II Car Hire Tires Repairs " H. "'. "ril",h t Splicing Cable WATER FUND \7ater Department Purma id Dairy A. G. IccKnigh t Pac Tel & Tel vo. Penn. Salt Mf~. Co. Pav '(011 Re;t Garage Rent Service Cleaning ~ Jmpound LIGHT FUND Light D8partment , L. T. Guy Chas. Beam S. H. Hhi te Pac Tel & tel ~o. ,1m. Duncan Westlnghous~ Electric Irving P. Benn Co. Line Material vo. Harry B. Jherman Mfg. ~e8tinghouse ~lectria Graybar Ele<:tric Co. Pay Uo 11 Janitor Garage rtent Car ~:xpense Servlc e Poles Me te r Bocke ts Pi ttings Connectors " & lUg. Co. IJa. & Mf". ~o. Meters & Sockets Ma t:er ial & )!':quipment CEMETE:<Y FUlID A, 1.1. Walker Labor LIBR_.RY FUlID J.lar jorie Case P~cj Tel & Tel Co. L.I.D. GENE~AL FUND Sal e:ry S~rvic e I Ruth";. Beam Salary 'I There being no further business the vommissiun then adjourned. ???yy()~~ . - Ci ty Clerk F f-I.f-Y)~ l..,...B~ ~I /3tfl7,! ,,"-p.,.." 7 ~ / () v '}-~- /~~ / /1}: ~ - Ma yor 187..'50 75.00 2.50 3".55 2.75 3,50 17.05 40.48 1. 75 7.0r 100.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 21. 76 1.25 nOO.94 10;50 25.00 43.42 21. 55 100.00 4.00 1276.00 40,(' n 3.00 4.25 18.52 1228.00 5.00 3.00 35,00 14.00 280.00 1.5. <:: 5 19.66 134.95 33.59 50,'W 203.87 4.0r 96.00 4.25 90.00 ....