HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/30/1948 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 4591 June 50, _ 19~ I I' I 1 I "'_."~""'1',...n"""'eTAr-""""""UI.l&77lJ ~ I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. ,! present were: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Vlilson, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers Under the head of applications for building pennits and licenses'the following were granted: ;:;.- 750' Addition of Storer-oom on back of Drive-In; Lots 1-2, Blk. 26, To~nsite Build 2-Room & Bath Thvelling~ Lot 14, nlk. 58, N.R.Smith Add. Construct 5-Room llYIelling; SLots 1-2, Illk. 588, TOY/nsite i Building Permits: IBirney Higgerson Everett Drake Ada J. Hoare 1 1,000 .00, 500.00 6,000.00 I I 5.001: 48.001 12.00' 5.00! 1.00'1 1.00 2.-001 48.00" 12.00 12.00: 5.00 I ~ Licenses: ;51 ,lGoldie's Sundries Soft Drink Service Little Brick Tavern 2 Amusement !{.achines Little Brick Tavern Music Machine ILittle Brick Tavern Soft Drink 'Roy!s Barber Shop 1 Barber Chair Lucille's Beauty Shop 1 Baauty Chair IWilliam's Beauty Shop 2 Beauty Chairs '!Birney,s Drive-In 2 Amusement Machines Birney's Drive-In Restaurant Birney's Drive-In Music Machina Birney's Drive-In Soft Drink Service IUnder the head of unfinished business, it was moved by Commissioner Steele thet the bid for peinting the [ICity Building be awarded to G. S. MacPherson, two coats for $200.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner I Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Attorney Severyns presented a petition signed by residents requesting that a dog kennel at 314 West 8th be eliminated. The petition was referred to the Police Chief for further investigation. I Henry Davies, lil1lnager of the Port District, requested the Commission to write a letter soliciting assistance from the District Engineer Corps for extension and enlargement of the Boat Haven. 1I.r. Davies was advised '\ that the said request would be vcritten and signed. I Mr. Vernon Basom, of the Fibreboard, Inc., requested in v{riting tht a blinker light be installed at the ' ~pedestrian crossing from the said mill on Marine Drive. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Steele that the Light Supt. be instructed to install a light at the Fibreboard and also at the Washington ~ IPulP Mills. Motion seconded by Comlllissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ',The COl1llllJ.ssion examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: , 70 ,CURRENT ElO'ENSE RJlID: 7:;' - IWall Street Journal , City Light Dept. :Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. :Howard-Cooper Corp. I ~. CITY STREET FUND: ift- Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. 'Angeles Machine & Welding Works 'Janish Motor Co. I ;L~ WATER :FUND: 5.1> ;1.. City Light Dept. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. 'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. I ;<.:3 LIGHT FUND: If os Janish Motor Co. 'Carl W. Price f.Ci ty Water Dapt. 'J. B. Matthews Glass :Co. Thos. Hutchings ,Line !{",teria1Co. 31 SANITATION FUND: f- Janish Motor CO. 'I J 0 PARK FUND: off- Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. :J'f 'I .3<f:J... ' PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Angeles Pittsburgh Paints A. Contesti Subscription 20.001 Rent 50.001' Gas 1.20' Gaskets 1.50 Concrete, Cement 50.151 Equipment Repair 9.64 One Switch 1.45 " :1 Rent and Lights 52.61 Cement, etc. 32.02" Fittings, Tubing 232.391 Air-valves 255.18 i I I Pa rts 1.351 Wash Cars 6.00; Water at Sub-Station 57.621' Repairs 4.64 Expense 6.841 Trans'former 328.78, , I Truck Repeirs 4.391 I I Concrete, Sand, Cement 44.50il Paint 40.58, Side Walks and CUr bs 301. 76' " I There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. I' a. rJ ~ ~, City Clerk Mayor ~Afj ~/l>-~~~ ~