HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/30/1958
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 19 Gontinuea
Mr. Vergeer requested. that the following notice be read: "Due to circumstances over which I have
no control I herewith submit my resignation frOlQ the position of City Manager effective thirty days
from date:' It was moved by Councilman Randall that resignation be accepted. Seconded by Councilman
Thorne. Councilman Maxfield inquired as to what had prompted resignation and was concerned about 30-day
limitation. Mr. Vergeer replied that he had been requested to appear at the Mayor's office at 5:00 P.M.
June 17. Mr. Randall was also present and resignation was requested. Reason given f or request was
I apparent friction between the manager and the new couucilmen.
Mayor Richardson explained that it was concensus of new council members that friction had arisen prior to
, election which divided the Council into different factions which was evident by the publtity received on
I the election a nd the new members felt that since the group was !plit on such divergent opinions. it would
I be of. better interest tothe City and Council to start with new manager. It was the feeling that if there
I cannot be harmony in City Government, the council can't effectively go about its business in a workmanlike
: manner when friction and divergence of opinion exists. which was apparent prior to the election.
: co~cilmao Randall stated that in opinion of Council members, it was the honorable thing to do. giving
, Mr. Vergeer a chao!;e to resign so there would be no black mark on his record in event he would want to
I get a jOb elsewhere. The question was requested and Councilmen Randall, Caldwell and Thorne voted in favor
, of acceptance. Councilmen Smith and Maxfield voted ,opposed. Motion carried. '
Mr. Vergeer thought Council had .acted in haste, only being in office for two council meetings, although
tI1is is their'qirivilege and under the circumstances he could hardly be of beaefit to the City. He also
I' expressed appreciation for ,support he had in programs of improvements to the City in the past six years
and particularly the very excellent relationship with Council up to this time. On behalf of employees,
I hoped they will coniHnue to enjoy privileges .as in the past.
, The Mayor thanked Mr. Vergeer for years of service and hoped him best of luck in a>y ende..vor he may
I wish to go into.
I Councilman Smith ~tated it has been a pleasure working with Mr. Vergeer in improving the City and especially
, in the operation of a three and a half million dollar lIudget. i
I Mr. Vergeer asked about time allowed for interviews, also vacation to which he is entitled. Council assure4
that time would be permitted for interviews and vac..tion as defined by Resolution.
" Bngineer Warder was questioned ..s to whether or not he would consider acting as temporary manager until a
professional can be obtained. He replied that he did not have qualifications, ability or aspirations
, for the position. That he has been .employed and worked with Mr. Vergeer in some small degree to obtain
1 some of results for which he is responsible and concurs witb what has been done and planned. He expressed
doubt that Council would be satisfied with w hat he would do and asked that they give much cbnsideration.
I After further discussion, it was mOIled by Councilman Randall that Mr. Warder be appointed temporary
manager until capable replacement can be obtained. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell IIIId carried.
I . '
Council considered the process of hiring a nelw manager. On advice from the Attorney. it was moved by
Councilman Randall that the City advertise for manager in sui table papers or bulletins. Seconded by .
Councilman Th<;>rne and carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordina>ces, the following was introduced and placed on first
AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $300.00 to cover the purchase of one 'tape recorder for the Clerk's
Department from available current expense funels, and appropriating the sum of >1,250.00 from available
library funds to cover City """,ployees 'Retirement and Prior Servic e Expense for the Library Department.
and appropriating the sum of $5,000.00 from available Park Department funds to cover the cost of painting
the Civic field stadium and cl\lLrgeable out of funds available in tbe different departments, and declaring
an ~mergency. .
It wif. ~OYid b~ Councqman 'fhorne that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by Council-
mre"Gefng jtR ffi~gH"6usiness, the meeting was declared adjourned.
50, 1958.
M yor
City Clork
city Council met in Special Session at 7:50 p, 1.1., with the following Officers present: l.Iayor Richardson,
Councilmen Smith, Maxfield and Caldwell, Acting Manager Warder) Attorney Severyns and Clerk .Law.
Pursuant to proper notification, the Mayor declared public hearing open on proposed L. 1. D. No. 178.
I .
~ed Strange, Planning Commission Chairman, doscribed area, what will 'be accomplished and cited merits of
the same, Don Morrison also cited need and health conditions.
The Engineer read protests filed in total amount of $1,621.57 or 1.601% of District. He then read
recommendations from State and Local Health Departments.
Harry Sandhagen, Lots 11, 12, 15, Blk. 454, Al Huse, Lot 11, Blk. 415,
5, 4, 5, 6, Blk. 448, Mildred L. Doyle, Lots 15, 14, Elk. 451, Harry B. Pilllard,
Protests filed were:
Alice B. Jewett, Lots
~ts l'to 6, Elk 457.
No other objections being made or filed, it was moved by ,Councilman Maxfield that hearing be closed. Seconded
by C oWlcilman Smith and carried.
Property owners present thanked council for interet in their community and establishing tbe sewer district.
There being no further rosiness, the meeting was adjourned.
51 G. :LtUV
U City Cl,erk