HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/01/1936 II'!"" 400 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 1. 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the follo~ing offioe=s present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits and Lioenses the following were granted: J. C. MoDonald, Garage, Lot 10, Blk. 172, Townsite El~ Olsen, House, Lot 17, Blk. 274, Townsite Violet Clark, Restaurant (year ending June 30, 1936) Merohants Cafe, Restaurant Street Shop, Soft Drink Street ShOp, 2 Card Tables C. W. Kilmer, ~ Card Tables T. M. Sawby & tion, 4 Card Tables LaPetite Eea~ty Shoppe, 1 Chair C. A. Oviatt, 1 Barber Chair Riohard Pearson, Shooting Gallery, July 3, 4, and 6, 1936 O. E. Keeling, Master Plumber Under the head of New Business the following Resolution was introduoed: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT .~GELES 100.00 200.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 25.00 WHEREAS, there was on the 16th day of January, 193~, strioken off to the City of Port Angeles under and by virtue of prooeedings for the foreolosure of assessments in looal Improvement Districts No. lIB and 119 in the City of Port Angeles the following describeu real estate~ ,to-wit: The' East one-half of, the north One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet of Lot Nine (9) in Elook One (I), Tidelands ITest of Laurel Street, in front 0 f the City of Port "ngel as, Clallam County, '/lashing t on. And, \VKEREAS, a deed was issued to the City of Port Angeles on the 29th day of February, 1932, which deed was reoorded in Vol. 126 of Deeds, page 654, and oonveyed said property, subJeot to lien for general taxes, and WHEREAS, said prop er-ty thereafter was under general foreolosure for taxes on the 28th day of Deoe~er, 1932. deeded to the County of Clallam, and WHEREAS, said property was thereafter, under authority of Seo. 9393 if Rem. Rev. Stat., Chap. 143, and the laws of 1929, again ao~uired by the City of Port Angeles and deeded by the said oounty to said oity, and WHEREAS, Thomas T. Aldwell has made an offer for said property to purohase the same free and olear of all,assessments, whioh offer is not disproportionate to the value of the property and is a fair and equitable prioe therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CillflMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES That the offer of Thomas T. Aldwell be acoepted and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Said property be sold at pr~vate sale to the said Thomas T. lldwell for the sum of $500.00 and that the City Attorney be, an~ he is hereby instruoted to draw a deed for the sale of said property to Thomas T. Aldwell, free and olear of all assess~ents and taxes and that the City Treasurer be and she is hereb; instructed to exeoute and deliver said deed conveying the said property to Thomas T. Aldwell upon the reoeipt of $500.00, all of whioh is under and by virtue of Chap. 275 of the Laws of 1927, inoluding Seotion Four thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Qommiss10ner Lutz. On rbll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. It appearing that the "merioan Legion was desirous of relin~uishing all rights and priv- ileges granted them for holding the 4th of July oelebration, as entered in Vol. 19 of Commissioners' Prooeedings on page 395. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the grant and privileges given the American Legion for holding the 4th of July oelebration be reoinded and oanoelled and that street oonoessions for the 4th of July oelebration be granted to the Fraternal Order of Eagles with the privilege of olosing N. Laurel Street from the North side of First ~treet to the South side of Front Street and the North side of Front Street to the South side of iiailroad Avenue on July 3rd and 4th. The said oelebration to be oonduoted under the supervision of the City Engineer and the Chief of po11oe. Motion seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The Commission examined and lllowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Street Department J. R. MoDonald J.. H. Thornton Harris & Schuller George Porter Fire Department JIIarion Jaggers D. A. Masters Harris & Sohuller Port Angeles Iron Works Pay Roll Services as dog oa~oher Speoial Polioe Parking Signs Expense Aocount Pay Roll Truok Repair Car Hire for June Street ;)ie;ns Materials 862.49 25.00 21.00 5.40 75.00 48.00 72.50 25.00 4.00 6.08 ~ I I I I I """l Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 401 July 1, 1936 193_ !I I I I I Banaroft & Whitney 1936 Pocket Parts 1/7 10.00 n)<J - Pay Roll 860.00 Me. terial s 2.42 Shop Work 1.75 Fittings 1.68 Garage Ren t ~ 3.00 Chlorine 14.46 Pipe Bands 101 17.89 Pay Ro 11 1063.50 Condensers, eto. 2.75 Repairs to olook 2.50 Rent of Car 35.00 Insuran 0 e on ranges 3.19 Garage Rent 3.00 Jam tor Tlork E~ 5.00 Supplies 2.41 Truok Repairs ,J -VO 3.49 Assessmen ts ,126.68 WATER FUND Water Department Willson Hardware Co. Port Angeles Iron ,jorks Central Motor Parts & Maohine Works Al MoKnight Hooker Eleotroohemia~l Co. Federal Pipe & Tank 20. LIGHT FUND Light Department Mulhollands Melo~ $hop J. L. Ooffey S. H. "hi te J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Chas. Beam L. T. Guy Willson Hardware Co. MoHugh & ~eterson GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer There being no fUrther business the Commission then adJourned. 7J~ , , Jfo~ (If ty Clerk Mayor \ ~