HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/02/1947 I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 357 ~ ~ ~~ ~ __July P, 19..tLl.- ~~''''''',_'~,n._._"""",,. ~ The City Commission lOOt in regular session at 10 A.l!.., and >vas called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call' showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney Wilson I and Clerk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. II I I 1,000.00 200.00' 350.00' 400 .00 350.00; 750.00,: 300.00 5,000.00; 5,000.00, 2,000.00, Under the head of applicati~r;s for wilding pennits and licenses, the follovling were granted: I . 4/5 JSiJ . Building Permits: ' JR. ,L. Smith Addition to Existing Dwelling & Reroofing; Lot 7, Elk. .161, Tovmsite I C. ,J. Tisdale Put Concrete Foundation under House; Lot 2, Blk. 319, Townsite ',L. E. Winters Addition on to Garage; Lot 6, Blk. 336, Tovmsite IA. Vedin Reroof & Repair Front Porch; 616 East Fourth I C. ,J. Reader Side Garage, Paint House Garage, Stain Roof; Lot 6, Blk. 197, Townsite C. .C. Breiland Remodel Present Dwelling; Lot 5, Elk. 86, Townsite IG.c. King Add bed room to existing Dilelling; Lot 18, Blk. 39, N.H.Smith Add. IJack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 107, E.C.Baker Add. IJack DelGuzzi Build 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, 81k. 4~0, Tov,nsite ,IVan E. Rill Duild 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 143, Townsite 11Lic'enses: * 52J?, 50 ; Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Junk Dealer 25.00 Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Second Hand Dealer 15.00 'Goldie IS Soft Drink 5.001 ,Club Billiards 3 Amusement !4achines 72.00,' IC1Ub Billiards Soft Drink 5.00' Club Billiards 5 Pool Tables 50.00 Club Billiards 4 Card Tables 20.00' 'Ed Vannausdle Second Hand Dealer 15.00 ~IGUY' C. King Journeyman Plumber--renewal .50 :Hazel's Cafe Restaurant 12.00' IRazel's Cafe Soft Drink 5.001 ,The. Electric Co. !feaster Electrician 10.00 'Olympic Amusement Co. Amusement Geme Distributor 2,500.001 ,'Ruby Amusement Co. Amusement Game Distributor 2,500.00! \under the head of unfinished business, the Engineer reported the estimated cost of alley improvement east of 'I ILincoln Street to Chase Street as folloVls: 18 lots at $420.00 each; total cost $7,500.00 to $8,000.00. ' Cities share for culvert, approximately $19,000.00. It was decided to contact property owners to ascertain ; ';if they would pay estimated amount for sewer and fill as proposed. ,The Commission discussed drafting an Ordinance requiring the cutting of grass and brush on parking strips 'and. certain private property, and the City Attorney ViaS instructed to ascertain if existing Ordinances include regulations which would apply to said improvanents. The. Fire Chief informed the Gommission that fire fighting equipment loaned to the city during defense emergency will noVl have to be paid for. The Chief was instructed to contact the State Office and arrange Ifor payments, reporting at next session. 'Under the head of reading and pes sage of Ordinances, the following Ordinance was passed third reading and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1185 AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AND PROVIDING for the improvement of Eighth Street from the easterly margin of E Street easterly to the west end of Twmvater Creek bridge by the construction of concrete sidewalks on both 'sides of said street, excepting that property in front of ,mieh there now exists concrete sidewalks of such :construction and dimensions as to confcrm to the proposed improvements herein provided for; creating Local Improvement District No. 150, and providing for the payment of the costs and expenses thereof by special 'assessments on the property benefited, according to law, and by the mode of "payment by bonds", all in accordance with Improvement Resolution No. 150 cf the Cit~' of Port Angeles, and in conformity "i.th maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission. I,It was moved by COIlllllissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordl./lBnce be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. !~nder the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of read property oy the City, the fol1owL~ was introduced: Clif f Bena Lots 10 and 11, Blk. 4, Dyke Land Co.'s Subd. of So. t of Sub. Lot No. 52, Trnmsi te 525.00 It was moved by Commissioner Steele the t the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. !~he Commission examined and approved the followL'lg claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same j! bmmNT EXPENSE WIlD: /I'll /1 City Treasurer ti ty Light Dept. Lake Crescent Lodge Marlatt I s Grocery Washington State Penitentiary Olympic Hot Springs Hazel's Cafe Samuelson Motor Co. :Rire Appliance Co. 1Iarold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Natural Gas Corp. C. A. Wolverton Louis J. Howser J'Y CITY STREET WIlD: / .J I) _ f\1rehauf Trailer & Equipment Co. ~ ty Treasurer tannoye & Davidson I Postage Office Rent Tea for Convention Ladies Dog Fo od Signs Junior Patrol Swimmers Meals for Prisoners Val voline Pyrene Foam Suction Side Proportioner Plumbing Supplies Cas Traveling Expense Traveling Expense 15.00 50 .00 ' 29.56, 6.99 ; 4.14 ; 35.00 , 168.71 :1 8.65 18.54 J 5.581 3.09 48.85 !; 48.081 85.06 , .B21 44.96 Sprinkler Shoe, Grane Valve Express Paid Labor on Pick-up ~ ,. 358 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 2nd. continued. 19JL WATER FUND: 1'5 ~ Janish Motor Co. hruck & Equipment Co. 'City L:leht Dept. The Bristol Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Tooker's Motor Freight Puget Sound Navigation Cb. Willson Hardware Co. ,;Radio Service & Appliance Co. Auto Beauty Shop Fe. LIGHT FUND: '~3- II City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph l.lcClallans Hardware ILi~e Material CO. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Puget Sound Navigation CO. General Electric Supply Corp. , SANITATION FUND: George Conrad I,Roy Pike Sa~elson Motor 71ff Co. LIBRARY FUND: J J'f- :..J Marga ret Wils on Catherine Riclmrd Li])rarian of Congress IDe~co Library Supplies Gaylord Bros., Inc. Je!illilu Norris Angeles Electric Co. Americana Corporation Conner Reed The ~ethodistcPublishing House Doubleday & Co., Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. PARK FUND: .2 '1f' ~.3 I,Samuelson Motor Co. "Ross & Beasley, Inc. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Pacific Telephone & Telegraph CO. City Treasurer PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Marguerite Vane Felix Gallacci M. H. Rhodes, Inc. ,LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: Puget Sound News Co. '14' 7 7 Tire s Parts Rent and Lights Re c Gauge COncrete Frt. Charges Frt. Bill Tools Parts Cans Cash Payments Phone Nails Is sued in lieu 0 f War. No. 1971l & 19843, lost and cancelled Lamps Frt. Charges Meters, Telephone Wire, Radio Parts Dozing Fire Trail Car Mileage for June Truck Repairs Extra Labor Extra La bor Printed Catalog Cards Office Supplies Office Supplies Postage; Cleaning Powder Six Fluo-Tubes Americana Annual Books Book Books Books Spark Plugs Mower Plumbing Supplies Service 1051 Express Paid ?7~ :,-5 Extra Labor Car lJileage for June Co. 's Share of June Collections Books " . :16 - Adv. for Bids CUUULA TlVE RESERVE FUND'f'~CURRIlNT EJCPENSE: The Pacific Builder & Engineer 1" U. S. INCOME TAX FUND: .<3/J'- City Treasurer .12- L. 1. D. REVOLVING FUllD: j,f ~ City Treasurer Taxes paid and recording fees II I' There baing no further business, the session Vias declared adjourned. j. c; ;t~ L Withholding Tax for June 24.52 4.95 25.75 73.66 11.33 3.95 1.00 8.44 I 6.03 I 6.18 1.50 48.00 1.44 95.40 9.98 6.74 500 .80 58.50 14.77 6.21 14.50 30.00 5.61 2.55 24.10 2.15 6.68 5.00 8.00 1.00 6.65 277.86 1.01 216.50 76.52 5.00 .70 18.75 26.67 726.85 44.77 23.00 2,318.70 38.32 Clerk ~~~(J ~u,..,~ . Mayor I I I I I