HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/02/1953 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 337 " July 2. 1953 19_ I ,.".'"""....."....."".."".""....,.- ~ I The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by ~or Smith. Officers present were: Mao'or Smith, Councilman Brown, Neer., Sandiaon, Powell, Wolfe and McFadden, Manager ,Vergeerj Attorney Savery-ns and Clerk Law. . . _ _ I It was ~oved by Councilman Sandis~n that minutes of the previous meeting b~ ap~roved as received. I Seconied by Councilman Brown and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on assessment roll for ~.I.~. Sidewalk Construction . in. 1 was opened. No objections or portests -being 'II1Sde or filed, it was moved:by Councilman Wolfe that the hearing be closed and assessment roll approved as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Powell. fAll voted ~e. Motion carried. . Enginee~ Ahlvers filed recommenda~ion for payment of 15% retained on work done and material furnished in I ~.I.D. r:o. 162 as follows: , I . "The thirty (30) day period since the completion and acceptance of the work done on jLoCal Improvement District No. 16;e, Chambers Street and Columbia Street Sanitary Sewer, by I~ilone \. ll,lld Tucci, Inc., Contractors, has -elapsed and,no incomplete or defective,work has, been discovered for whicl:i the City of Port Angeles' makes claim, . I th~refore ~eco~end that the 15% retained, (238.2B) of the cost of the work be paid the contractor, Milone and Tucci, Inc." I - ~ I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the recommendation be approved and warrant issued in payment of the I""""" """",. ,~"'''",. ,.- .-. All '"'''' "". "'''" -... Also fil~d by the Engineer's Depa~ent was third pay-esti;;"'t~ oil the 1953 arterial street construction and L.I.D. No. 163 as follows: . I I I ". . . , , . I "Gentlemen: i ' I he~eby submit the third estimate (June) of work done and material furnished by Pieler ronstruction Compal\j', ContradD1!s, on the construction of _ DC" Street et al drainage and paving (L.I.D. No. 163). the contract dated February 26th, 1953 as follO'{/s: _ . . .ITEM . QUANTITY !!!!II' DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ~ 1 100% L. S.' Clearing and Grubbing 1,3. $ 1;200.00 2 40,000 Cu. Yds. Excavation - UnclassLded ',64' .25,600.00 3 1491 Cu. Yds. Excavation - Structure .B5 1,267.35 4 352 Cu. Yds. Channel Change '.B7' 306.24 6 40,000 Cu. Yds. :E<nbankment in place .14 5,600.00 , ~ 2 Days Mechanical Tamper - 30.00 ' 60.00 6795 Cu. Yds. Bankrun Gravel for Streets 1.15 7,B14.25 lif 2B5 Cu. Yds. Cr. ,Stone Surfacing ,... 5/8" lUaus 3.60, 1,026.00 2413 Lin. Ft.. 6" Pipe Side Drains 1.07 2,5Bl.91 '12 1045 Cu. Yds. Bankrun Gravel for 'Drains 3.05 . 3,187.25 [13 236 M. GaJ:s. Water in Place 2.00 472.00 14 64 Lin. Ft. Concrete Pavement Header 2.00 . 128.00 15 - 16, 45255 Sq. Yds. Concrete pavement 3.77 170,611.35 17 790 1 Bbl. Extra for. Hi-ear~ -Gement :1:.00 . 790.00 18 1045 Cu. Yds. Wasting Unsuitable Jlfdlterial , .65 679.25 I~ 29 Sqi. Yds. Std. 5 Sk. }ii.x-Pavement Patches 7.10 ' 147.90 800 Lin. .Ft.. Integral Cone. Curb - TYPe ~ - :5" 'Face. .'. - '.60 . 480.00 I 122 50 Lill. Ft. Integral Cone. Curb &< Gut tel' 1.65 82.50 I~ 2370 Lillo Ft. Int'egral Conc. Curb' - 6" Face ..60 . 1,422.00 10 Sq. Yds. Concrete Walk to Constr. 1.95 19.50 ,26 45 Sq. Yds. Remove and. Dispose Cone. Pavement -.50, 22.50 , 27 1457 Lin. Ft. Remove and Dispose Cone. Cur!, 364.25 l . &< Gutter ..25 . 2S 153 Sq. Yds. Remove and Dispose COIlC. Sidewalk .25 38.25 29 106 Sq. Yds. Remove and Dispose Conc. Drivew~ .35 37.10 31 3174 Lin. Ft. Remove and Dispose old water main .40 1,269.60 32 21 Each Adjust Manhole Tops - 1" or less 30.00 630.00 33 2 Each Rebuild Eld.sting JllSllhole tops - over l' 50.00 100.00 134 17 Each Elctend_6" Sanitary Sewer Laterals 35.00. 595.00 35 5 Each Replace damaged sewer laterals 25.00 125.00 36 5 Each Connect Catch Basins to storm S. 35.00 175.00 37 1 Each Standard Lamp Hole Cover 60.00 60.00 i 38 6 Each Standard Monument case in place 30.00 lBO.OO 39 66 Each Standard Manhole - 4' or less 185.00 12,210.00 40 150 Lin. Ft. Additional Dept. H.H. Per Un. ft.22.50 3,375.00 41 1 Each Drop Manhole 550.00 550.00 42 126 Each Special Catch Basins 60.00 7,560.00 43 1 Each Standard Cone. Spillway Box 250.00 250.00 44 1 Each Break into & Connect 8" Pipe to Cul. 100.00 100.00 45 1 Each Break into & Connect l;;!" Pipe to Cul. 100.00 100.00 I 46 1 Each Break into & Connect 18" Pipe to Cul. 100.00 100.00 47 1 Each Break into & Connect 24" Pipe to Cul. 100.00 100.00 4B 1 Each Break into & Connect 24" Pipe to Manhole 100.00 100.00 49 4750 Lin. Ft. 6" Storm sewer pipe in place 1.00 4,750.00 50 15000 Lin. Ft. 8~ Storm Sewer pipe in place 1.15 17,250.00 51 1380 Lin. Ft. 10" Storm Sewer pipe in place 1.50 2.070.00 52 3130 Lin. Ft. 12~ Storm Sewer Pipe in place l.80 5,634.00 53 361 Lin. Ft. 12'! Reinforced Sewer Pipe in place 5.50 1,985.50 54' 1475 Lin. Ft. 15" Plain Storm Sewer Pipe 3,761.25 - in.place 2.55 ~ 338 :rTEM "15 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6B 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7B 79 80 81 82 B3 B4 85 86 B7 IBB !B9 90 91 ;92 193 J 94 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,.<., ...... n'on...."._.. "'''".",.. ~ QUANTITY UNIT. , '1900 Lin. .Ft. 6B Lin.Ft. 60 Lin. Ft. 1690 Lin. Ft. 544 Lin. 'Ft. 3 Each 11 Each 3 Each 2 Each 1 Each 2 Each 1 Each 17 Each B4 Each 3 Each 17 Each 4 Each 7 Each 2 Each 2 Each 1 Each 5900 Lin. Ft. 4300 Lin. Ft. 2900 Lin. Ft. 7900 Lin. Ft. 6900 Lin. Ft. 2500 Lin. Ft. 400 Un; ~. 700 Lin. F~. 500 Lin. F~. 50 Lin. ~. 50 Lin. F~. 100 Lin. ~. 25 !in. F~. 50 !in. Ft:. 140 Lin. Ft,. 25 Lin. Ft~ 50 Lin. Ft:. 25 Lin. Ft.. .T,,1 Y ?tI, 1 9;'3 ~QntJ.ll11ed 19_ DESCRIPTION 18" PlainStol1ll.Sewer Pipe in,place '. 3.40 18" Reinforced Sewer Pipe in place7.15 24'! Reinforced SlOWer Pipe in,place 24" Plain StOl1ll Sewer Pipe in, place 72" E>c. Str. Reing. Cone. Pipe in ,place 6" Pipe Stopper in place 8'! Pipe Stopper in place 10" Pipe Stopper in place 12~ Pipe Stopper in place 15'! Pipe Stopper in place 18'! ripe Stopper in place 24'!Pipe Stopper in place 6" _x 6" Wye in place B!! X 6'! Wye in place 10" X 6" Wye in place 12~ X 6" l'lye in place 15 ~ X 6~ Wye in place 18~ X 6~ liye in place 24'! X 6', Wye in place 12'! Spec. Bedi- 45 Degree 24" Spec: Bend - 32.Degree 3' _Unclass. Trench - .E>cc. & B.,ckfill 4" Unclas s. Trench .. Exc. & Backfill 5" Unclass. Trench - E>ccav. & Backfill 6' Unclass. Trench - E>ccav. & Backfill 7' Unclass. Trench - :EOCcav. & Backfill B' Unclass. Trench- E>ccav. & Backfill 9' Unclass. Trench - EKcav. & Backfill 10' Unclass. Trench - Ex:cav. & Backfill 11' Unclass. Trench- EKcav. & Backfill 12' Unclass. Trench- Excav. .& Backf ill 13' Unclass. Trench- Excav. & Backfill 14' Unclass. Trench - ~cav. & Backfill :5.70 15' Unclass. Trench .. E>ccav. & Backfill 16' Unclass. Trench -: EKcav. & Backfill ~O. 5<( 17' Unclass. Trench - Excav. & Backfill 1;1.65, 18' Unclass. TrenCh.. Excav. & Backfill ~6.00' 19' Unclass. Trench - Excav. & Backfill IJ .00. 20' Unciass. Trench - Excav. & Backfi:q. UNIT PRICE .!\!iQ!1!IT. 6,460.00 486.20 555.00 8,196.50 23,936.00 .75 3.30 1.2Q .l.lQ .75 2.70 1.95 29.75 205.80 10.20 76.50 24.00 59.50 28.00 20.50 35.00 J,549.90. 9.25 4.B5 44.00 .25, .30 .40 .55 .75 1.35 1.95 1.75 2.45 3.40 4.50 6.00 B.5o 14.00 10.25 35.00 .60 .70 3,010.00 .80 2,320.00 .90 7,1l0.OO 1.10 7,590.00 3,375.00 1.~5 2.00 800.00 1,645.00 1,325.00 222.50 252.50 570.00 159.50 525.00 1,631.00 400.00 950.00 750.00 363, 27B.15 54.491.72 308,786.43 2.35 2. 65 :4.4~ 5.05 6.38 3p.00 LEsS:' 15% Retaine<l LESS: Previous Est. 174.421.J.S 134,364.95 Aloount Due Contractor Plus Portion of Fixed Estimate . 15.000.00 149,364.95 ANOU11T DUE Very t.ruly yours, Herman Ahlvers, City Eilgineer It was moved by Councilman Bro",;" that the estimate be approved as submitted and warrants issued in payment of same. Motion seconded by Councilman ~Tolfe. On rollcall, all members voted Aye. The l{a,yor declared the moti'on carried.' . . Pursuant: to notices published, ~he hearing on intention to lease Laurel Street, North of R. R. Avenue to the Puge.t So)l1ld Navigation Comp;ll\j', "'as opened. There having been no objec'tions made or filed, it ,.,as ! moved by. Coupcilman Brown that ;the hearine: be closed and lease be grant~d. : Motion seconded by Councilman I Sandison and unanimously carriep.. J. 11. Davis requested that the Council reconsider minimum price as forn(erly: set on Lot 3, Block 34, Tmffioo 1 ~ I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 2d, 1953 continued 19_ ,~, . ."M'. ..m, ""'~'''. "'"'''' <Om .... ~ite, amount being $3,330.31. This being the amount against the lot, it was moved by Councilman Neer that the minimum pricc not. be reduced and request be denied. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden. ill voted kJe. Motion carried. [ Pnder the head of 0011 business, transfer of beverage license was requested as follows: Palace Tavern, from Gordon & Helmi l'!cConnick to Miles C. Gilberts. It .was moved by Councilman Brown. that request for transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Powell.. All voted ~e. 110tion carried. , Councilman Wolfe moved that claims paid June 10, 11, 19, 24 ani JUly 1, tdaling $1l,621.1W be approved. lfution seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimous~ carried. I , Claims against the 1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund fixed estimates were submitted as follws: I I Paorroll - June 16 - 30 Chas. R. Hatt & Co., pressur meter Port Tie & Lbr. Co., hubs and stakes Port Tie & Lbr. Co., hubs Port Tie & Lbr. Co., hubs and stakes Fred L. Crosby, use of auto for crew car Dept., of Labor & Industries - Ind. ins. and medical aid $ 3,047.08 151.93 20.86 8.Z4 10.30 10.00 ~ I 'roTAL $ 3,434.35 -It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims be approved and warrants issued in payment of same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All members voted ~e. Motio~ unaliJnOUS~ carried. I . -' , ,The Humane Society submitted preliminary budget of expenditures and. receipts for the year 1954. Manager ,Vergeer advised that the budget ae filed is not in bUance and suggested that the same be tabled until time for budget consideration. This was approved by Council. I ' The Council discussed Local Improvement Districts and petitions requesting establishment of the SBII\El. Also 'considered was rEWJ1llllendations by the Planning Commission as follows: I "First order of business was the report of the committee on petitions for street improvements in the rtcinity of 4th and "A" Streets and also 14th and "A" Streets. The committee recommended that the petition at 4th and "A" Streets ~hould also include the impJ:'ovemont of "A" Street from 4th to 5th, but they questioned the fessability of creating such a small district and,recommended that a program be set up 'calling for immediate or cash payment for this job if possible. They reoommended the approval of the petition at 14th and "A" Streets, but reconmended enlargening the. district if possible to include the area frOOl 8th Street to 14th_Street and "C" Street to "A" Street. Both of these recommendations were approved by the Commission by unan:iJnous vote. _ I A general discussion then followed on the preparation of petitions for improvements of the Cherry Hill area. It was finally agreed and unan:iJnousl:y. passed by the Comm1ssion that petitions be prepared 'calling for the creatill!! of two districts. One to include the area. from 2d Street to Lauridsen Blvd. 'and from Peabody Street to the Valley Stl,'eet Gulch north of 8th :;>treet and frOOl Lincrin.Street to. the Valley Street Gulch south of 8th Street. The .other petition to include.the area from Bth Street to Laurids~ )llvd. and from Lincoln Street east to the PeaboQy Gulch. Both of these petitions to inclnde type I-I asphalt pavement and concrete curbs where they are not present~ installed as well as stonn water drainage for the entire area." , The Attorney was questioned as to whether or not the Fourth ani A project could be done . other than by ~.I.D. It was hiS opinion that if proPllrty valuation .wss not sufficient for L.I.D., the owners could pa.y ,cash.and.the City act; as agent, negotiating with the contractor. The manager. was .instructed to contact owners willing to pay cash in advame, also .ascertain estimate of cost for project. If cost is advanced, the City ~lculd attempt negotiations with contractor. I . ~so discussed was the Cherry Hill improvement and if it would interfere with theTunn-rater logging route project. Being assured of no interference, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by CoW).C:\,lman Me Fadden, that the Manager be instructed to prepare prelimillll17 plans. for project nos. 1 and 2, showing estimate of cost. All members voted qe. Motion carried. I . Manager Vergeer informed that the rental by p. A. Western Railroad .Co. for tract no. 6 on Ediz Hook is 2 Years delinquent and he hae informed A. R. Truax, Trustee, that the Council ma.v take formal action at their July 16 meeting. 1. ~r. Vergeer also reported request from the Coast Guard Air Station that taxi fares t~ that station be ~owered. As all fares are set according to_schedule, all i~estigation will be '1'Sde and if Coast Guard personnel are being overcharged, proper steps will be taken. i Request for renewal of amusement game distributor's license was filed by Forsythe and Lund, operators. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the application for renewal be approved and license issued. 2d by Councilman Powell and unanimously carried. Mayor Smith received an invitation from citizens of Ila; enheim, Bavaria, for a group of Port AI1!e1es citizens to make a return visitation, time to be arranged later. By suggestion of Coun!lilman Powell, the matter will be referred to the steering committee of the Community Study Group. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances th~ following was read in full and placed on 1st and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1309 AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessment, and assessment roll for the cost of constructing sidewalks, curbs and gutters on the Easterly side of Eunice Street from.the Northerly margin of 1st Street to the Southerly margin of the alley running thro~ Block TwentrTwo (22), NoI'lD1jll R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles as provided bY Resolution adoptedJ~u'll7 16, 1953, and. in accordance with Resolution adopted on the 2Jd dq of April, 1953, creating Sidewalk Construction Fund No. 1 to pay the cost ani expense of said improvement. ., .., 339 ...oIIIIl ,..- 340 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 2d, ] 953 19_ U" . """". ...". ..."'",,. ..,..... ..... ..... It was moved by Cil>uncilman HeFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved as .re~ and adopted. Seconded by . Councilman Brown. All vpted ~e. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced for consideration'by the Councib RESOLUTION NO. _ ~ -. . . A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance of bonds of Local Improve- ment District No. 161 in.the, principal sum .of $33,488.36. WHEREAs, the improvements provided for"by Ordina~ce No. 1288 in Local Improvement District No. 161 have been completed; ani WHEREAS, the assessment roll in said.district has been prepared and conf11ined by. Ordinance No. 1302 in the I manner required by law; ani WHEREAS, the total cost of said improvements to be paid by assessments:and:the amount of the assessment roll as confirmed was fixed in the sum of.$46,633.82j and '. liKEREAS, after the confirmation of said assessment.roll,the City Treasurer duly and regularly published his notice that the assessments !lould be,paid without penalty or interest for thiI\r days after the 27th day of April 1953, as required by law; and ::~ ~t:J: I I::: ::~3~~9Bi~, ~i I ::U~..~~~ te 99 :pne 0:7 nBS8Rr;E-- !=I N<lFl TAFI al; md. RFIllnT~". !I WHEREAS. i13,J:4$.46.of:said assesSments was paid during said thirty (30) day periOd, leaving a balance of unpaid assessments in the sum of $33,48B.36; and WHEREllS, in order to pay the cost of said improvements it is necessary that bonds of said Local Improvement I District in the prinCiPal. sum of $33,488.36 be no\< issued ani sold to provide the funds to. redeem the . warrants issued in payment of the. construction and installation of such improvements; ani WHEREAS, ~t was provided in Ordinance No. 1302 that those assessments which were not paid within said thirty (30) day period should bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum; and WHEREAS, said bonis should bear interest at the rate of ~% per annum .and should be payable on or before twelve (12) years from date of issue; and it I WHEREAS,/is now necessary that the date, fonn and terms of eal.d bonds be fixed; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port .es as follows: ! Section 1. In order to provide funds to redeem .outstanding warrants issued for the pa.yment of the cost of improvements in Local Improvement District No. 161, .the City of Port Angeles shall issue bonds of such Loeal Improvement District in the total principal sum of $33,4S8.36. Said bonds shall be dated June 20, 1!J53, shall be in denominations of $500.00 each, except bond No.1, which should be in the denomination of $488.36, shall be numbered from 1 to, 67 inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 4:11% per annum pay- able annually ani shall mature on the 20th day of JURe, 1965. Said bonds shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the Cit;r of Port Angeles in Port Angeles,..Washington, in lawful money of the United I States of. America. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in substantially the following form: No. $500.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF WASHlliGTON. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 161 ' N.B. Neither the holder nor the owner of arry bond or warrant issued under the pro- visions of this act shall have any cla.iJn. therefor against the city or town by which the same is issued, except for payment from the special assessments made for the improvement for which said bonds or warrant was issued, and except as against the local improvement guaranty fund of such .city or town, and the city or town shall not be liable to arry holder or owner of such. bond or warrant for arry loss to the guaranty fund occurring in the lawful operation thereof by the city or town. The remedy of the holder or owner of a bond or warrant in case of non-p"11llent,. shall be confined to the eni'a::ement of t he assessment and to the guaranty fund. The City of Port Angeles, vlashington, a municipal corporation of the State of j'[ashington, hereby promises .to pay to bearer the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of 4:11% per annum, payable annually, upon presentation and surrender to bhe City Treasurer of this bond and the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. This bond, both principal and interest, is payable only out of Local Improvement Fund, District No. 161, created by Ordinance No. 1288 of the City and f rom the I,ocal Improvement Guarallty Fund of the City created b;y Chapter .209, SessioncLaws of 19.27. of This bond is one/ a series of bonds aggregating in all the principal sum of $33,488.36, and is payable on or before the 20th da;y- of June, 1965. and is subject to call by the Treasurer of said City whenever there shall be sufficient money in said Local Improvement Fund, D:iBtrict No. 161, to pay the same and all unpaid bonds of the series of which this is one which are prior in numerical order to this bond, ovell and above an amount sufficient for the payment of the interest next accruing on the unpaid bonds of this series. In ase this bow is called for P'Wlllent before its final maturity, Ilr.. I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '~2<1 1953- -- . "'-". _...~ .",,=... .".,... ...... .... each and every interest coupon not accrued at the time of said PBO'lRent shall be void. Call for PBO'lRent of this bond shall be made by the City Treasurer by one publication of such call in the official city newspaper at least thirty da,ys prior to said call date, and .men such call is made, this bond shall be paid on the day the neA~ interest coupon thereon shall become due after such call. DJ HITIWS loJHEllEA)F, the City of Port Angeles, Hashington, has, caused this bond to besigned by its l"",yor and attested by its Clerk unier the corporate seal of, said City, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed with the facsimile signatures of said officials this 20th day of June, 1953. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, l1ASHIliGTON BY ,T. Ivor Smith Mayor ATTEST: J. E. Law Ci ty Clerk The interest coupons to be attached to said bonds shall be in substantiaJ.l;r the following form: No. $25.00 On the 20th da,y of dune, _, the City of Port Angeles, Nashington, will pay to bearer at the office of the City Treasurer, the sum of Twenty-five and no/lOO Dollars, s aid sum being the interest due that date on Bond numbered of Local Improvement Die trict No. 161 of said City, out of Local Improvement Fund, D:Etrict No. 161; provided, that this coupon is subject to.all the terms and condi tions contained in the bond to "ilich it is attached. CITY OF PBRT ANGEIES, l1ASHI\lGTON By Nayor ATTEST: J. E. Law City Clerk It was mO"led by Councilman Neer that the foregoing resolution be appro"led and adopted. Seconded by Councilman HcFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION authorizing the pruchase of a used pickup equipped with radio from the Light Department. lmEREAS, the Fire Department I s budget appropriated the SWJl of $1,000.00 for the pll1'chase of a new motor and booster t~.and, WHEREAS, it is the finding of the Fire Chief and the City V~ager that the Booster Tank'is not needed to as great an extent as a pickup vehicle and, I I 1101, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that instead of the authorization contained in the budget covering the purchase of a Booster Tank, this item be eliminated and that there be substituted therefore a used pickup truck .lith radio and, 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total appropriated for the capital items herein indicated as appearing . on the budget. adopted by the City for this current year shall in no way be altered. ! It was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoing resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by , Councilman \'[olfe and unanimously carried. , I I l'/HEREAS, the Light Department has available a surplus pickup truck no longer needed by that. department, RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION transferring funds from the item of Prisoner' s ~leals to item of Insurance and from item of Department Supplies and Equipment to item of Light, Heating and \vater. , \'iHEREAS, at the time of the preparation and the adoption of the annual budget of the City of Port I' Angeles there "Ias appropriated a surplus for Prisoners' ~.jealS an:! Department Supplies and Equipment in the budget for the Department of Police and an adequate amount for Insurance and for Light, Heating I and ;'!ater; and that it .is necessary that there be transferred from the item of Prisoners' Heals to . Insurance the sum of Eigj:lt Hundred Eigj:lty-TwO Dollars ($8112.00) and from the itlm of Department Supplies and Equipment to the item of Ligj:lt, Heating and :'Iater the sum of One Thousand Dollars .($1,000.00). NO'>\' TIlEREFffiE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELlIS, as follows: . .' ... - 1. That there be transferred from the item of Prisoners' Meals in said annual budget of the Police 341~ ~ ". 342 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 2d continaed 19...52.. ~.' . _."". ,,"nL ...,,~,.. ,.."........ .... I Department to the item of Insurance the sum of Eight Hundred Ea.' ghty Two Dollars ($882.00); ani that there be transferred from the item of Department Supplies and Ec;uipment in said annual budget lof the Police Department to the item of Li~t, Heating and l'later the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).. ' 2. That. the City V1SlIager and City Treasurer be authorized and directed to make the proper transfers on the books of the City of Port Angeles in accordance with this Resolution. It was moved by Councilman lIeer that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted A;re. Motion carried. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION providing that the assessment for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters on the Easterly side of Eunice Street from the Northerly boundary of First Street to the Southerly boundary of the alley in Block Twenty-Two (22), Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite I of Port Angeles, may be paid in installments and. prescribing the amount and time of such payments ani. providing interest and rate thereof on such installments, WHEREAS, there has been presented to and passed by the Council of the City of PortAngeles on the 2d day of July, 1953, an ordinance confirming the assessment roll for the cost and,expense Ii: the construction of the Sidewalks, curbs and gutters on the Easterly side of Eunice Street from the Northerly boundary of First Street to the Southerly boundary of the alley in Block Twenty-Two (22) in Norman R. Smith I s Subdivision, and . . WHER;;AS, the owner of the abutting property consisting of Lot Ten (10) in Block Twenty-Two (22) has requested that said assessment be paid in five (5) annual instalments. NOVl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: ~ . . ~ . , . 1. That the assessment charged against Lot Ten (10), Block Twenty-Two (22) of Norman R. Smith's Subdifision in accordance with rdinance No. 1309 passed by the Council of the City of Port Angeles on the 2d day of July 1953, in the sum of Seven Hundred Ninety Three Dollars and Twenty-"ive /cents ($793.25) may be paid without interest, at,aw time ,,,ithin thirty. (30) days from thecBteof the notice .of the Gity Treasurer to pay the same and if not so paid the same.may be paid in five (5) equal annual instalments of One Hundred Fifty Ei~t Dollars and. Thirty-Two Cents ($158.32) each, >bieb such unpaid instalments shalllbear interest at the rate of five. (5) per cent per.annum, . I _ , I 2. That all assessments paid shall be placed in the special sidewalk construction fund lmown as Sidewalk Construction Fund No.1 created by Resolution of the City Council adopted on the 23d dday of April, 1953, and shall be used for the redemption warrants .issueg against said sidewalk I construction fun:!. It was moved by Councilman YLCFadden that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All members voted ~e. Hotion carried. No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adj ourned' y. ~. ;L~lerk It:~~~ ..... ~ 1 I ,I, 1-