HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/02/1957 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 553 ., July 2, 19~ ..... ~ .m....., 'UTn". n."M...., ..'~T.... 2DDo.O ~ _ The City Council ,met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Offlcers'present were: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Sandison, Wolfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. Councilman Sandison requestid that minutes of the previous meeting be amended from Masonic Lodge to Masonic Building Board. It was then moved by Councilman ~olfe that the minutes be approved as amended. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the City Engineer filed notice that the thirty day I period has expired since cOl)lpletion and acceptance of contracts in L.l.D. No. 171 and no in,omplete or defective work having been discovered, recommended that the 15% retained be pald. The Harr~son Bros. Co., 15% retained Milone and Tucci Inc., 15% retained $ 39,'233.57 14,570.60 It was moved ~y Councilman McFadden that paymen~ of amounts retained be approved and warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 171 Constructlon Fund in payment of the same, and the~City Clerk authorized to issue warrants No. 113 to 1171 $5.000.00, lIB to 1221 $3~000.00, 123 to 12,6, $2,000.00, 127 to 1 30, $1,000.00, 131, $ ,804.17 on L.LD. No. 71 rund, bearing 'interest at the rate of 4 and 5/8% per annum, dated July 9, 1957, ~roceeds to be deposited in the L.LD. No. 171 Construction Fund. !.lotion seconded by Councllman ".laxfield and carried. I J~~nr~~~gei~rft:j~D:o~o:p~~~~al the first estimate (June) for work done and material Matt 1,lalaspina & Co. Inc., First Estimate (June), L.LD. No. 173 $13,000.00 It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 173 Const. Fund in payment of the same and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants No.1 and 2 for $3,000.00, 3 and 4 for $2,000.00, 5, 6 and 7 for $1,000.00, on L.I.D. No. 173 Fund bearing interest at the rate of 4 and 5/8% per annum, dated July 9, 1957, proceeds to be deposited in the L.LD. No. 173 CoAlstruction Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Fixed Estimate Claims were approved as follows: L.LD. No. 171, Dept. Labor & Ind., Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Robert W. Clawson, Mileage,~June, $ 63.04 15.05 8.00 3.60 335.02 11.20 5.40 L.I.D. No. 173, Dept. Labor & Ind. , Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid, L.I.D. No. 174, Dept. Labor & Ind. , Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid, L. LD. No. 176, P.A. Concrete Prod. Co. , Sewer Pipe, t. I.D. General Fund, Rcimb., Pub. Cost, Olympic Tribune, Pub. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that fixed estimate claims be approved and warrants issued in payment of the same. Sea> nded by Councilman Maxfield-and carried. The Committee appoihted to investigate joint use of the City Garbage Dump by both County and City recommended as follows: County Area to be served, Range Line 9 West and Center Line of Township 30 N., Range 4, W.W.M. Formal contract five years. Renewal subject to sharing equally, cost of expansion if necessary. Supervision and control remain with City. City retain right to prohibit d~mping detrimental material. County to imp,ove letfi Street from pres~nt pavement to Clty DUmp. After discusslon concerning posslble increase of material damped and responsibility of maintenance, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that no action be taken and recommendations tabled for further study. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and c~rried. Under the head of new business, claims paid June 21, 24, and July 1, were approved in ~otal amount of $28,386.95. It waS moved by Councilman McFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Requests for beverage license renewals were received as follows: Marlott's Food Store, Conrad's Cafe, Babe's Tavern, Gateway Tavern, West Dependable Super Market, Handi-Spot Grocery, Market Basket, Linkletter's Fine Foods. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that applications-be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. [Council received recommendation from the Safety Committee recommending that Fifth Street be designated as arterial from Lincoln to Cherry Streets, also traffic signal at 8th and Peabody Streets. No favorable action waS taken for 5th Street arterial and a traffic ,Count will be taken to determine requirements at 8th and Peabody Streets. Also received was letter from Disabled American Veterans expressing appreciation for courtesy during their benefit sale of Forget-Me-Nots. ' Melvin Davidson filed claim for damages to his car by collision at First and Lincoln Streets in amount of $200.00. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claim be referred to I the attorney. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. ! Budget reports for May, showing receipts and expenditures of City Departments, were filed for Council approval. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council discussed the possibility of designating an area where the discharge of fire- crackers could be permitted, namely a portion of Ediz Hook if proper supervision can be arranged. Captain Reed assured that if a portion of the Hook is designated, the Same will be adequately patrolled. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that permission be approved for shooting firecrackers July 4th only, on the portion of Ediz Hook from the I ~~~n~;~r~~~: ea~ to the Salmon Club Boathouse. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison I The following resolution"nas introduced and read RESOLUTION NO. I A RESOLlIT'ION of the City Council of the City of i I for Council approval: 20-57 Port Angeles fixing the time and place ~ 554 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Julv 2 continued 19-'R- ,"", ...,,'...."'. '''''''.'. ...."... ..... .... for a hear,ing upon the. ~ssessment rolol for'Local Improvement District No. 174. , It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Under the h~ad of introduction and reading of Ordinances, ,the following waS introduced and read in full: ORDINA1<CE NO. 1393 AN ORDINANCE of ~he .City of Port Angeles, Washin$ton approving and confirming the assess- I ments and assessment roll of Local Improvement Dlstrict No. 176 for the installation of lateral and sanitary sewers, including Wyes to Serve each lot, and by doing all work I necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto, for the construction of sewer in Block 67 of Leighton's Subdivision of the Townsite of~ort Angeles, and levying and assessing the amounts t~ereof against the several lots, t~acts and parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll, providing for the payment of such assessi ments into Local Improvement District 1<0. 176 Fund created by Ordinance No. 1389 of the , City. It was moved by Ccfunci'lnlarJ McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. No other business appearing, the meeting was O"'''~1~9~ Jayor Ot f ;;C -~ City Clerk LEGAL PUBLIC..\TIOX CI~.g~g~TH:~~g.JS ~ BI~A~n K~~~~~~~ 'at the of. I 'NO~[~I~:;i:~~T~:8' B;IDS, I CALL FOR BIDS FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. I flee of the Clty Clerk, I:1P tQ 5:00 NO'I'lIClil is hereby given th Il t Bids' wlll be receIved at the of. NOTICE: is hereby gitren "that "the' o'.clack p.m., August ,"1,. 1957, at I. sealed bids will .be rt:ceived by r of \..he City Clerk up to 5'00 City Oounqll 'Of the City-of 'PQ,1t 140 West Front Street. Port Ang,e- , the City Clerk of the CIty of Porl ! ol,<;;iock ,p.m:~ Al~~<;t 1, ~95', 'ja~" ~~g~~at2~s~~:ntb~1~~s~~, ~~eei'a:~h~r~'M~~t~~ea~~Y ~~~"l~~fielgf"S~d~~~~ota~a:~i ~~ 140 we~~ Fl;>nt ,Sh~eL -:Oll,.}\llg~- pared ,by t.he CiW~Eng1neqr" 1,11 Lo- Kettle of th, ~'101~bWlng approx!- 5:QO o'clock .m:, August 1, 1957, les, W., ushJ.d""tOll. "ol! 0."'., O:l~Y t\>o., :. cal Improyemefit Districf lio. 1'74 mate descriPnort~. ... f91 the Of1iC.f~ ,prmtlng, of the City wheel gSI;haJt Ma1n;~Il;Ill:e ,Ta,1 l(lf the City of Port Angeles, known I Capacity 200 :.:-225',gallons of Port Angeles. during the year Kettle ~r~he, f~UQV'1.u", :lPPiOX1" ,as "seventl). Street Sanita.ry sew-l Thl<:kness o(:"'..ke'tt.le 3-16" Or commencing July 1, 1957, ,The lnl'tte, i!~SC:tiVt.01'L, , 'er "K" street to "M" ,g treet "over . I'" prlnting 1s to be 1n nonpareil Of c;a~a<;U:>:"ZOQ '" 2(2~, _~lll.,lon~, ,ITr'unk and LaterRls.~' S. aid",,hearing Insulation 1~~" ,or,over \ I six point type, and pub1t6hed In 'UllC1t~...... . or l.121tJe ::I-Hi 01 1 to .be held, on ihUrsdI\Y', AUgU::jt Two 4" burners , . regular issues of the .newspaper 11 P\Tat"'n II " 115, 1957, at the .hour or lof130 0'. A positive materIal pump of %" awal'ded slch contract,Blds to ~~~'.f:ObllJ'n~r,~~l' over 3'" ' tlg6~ Pari2~t N~~~~~g~il'~1i~~~~ c~;ac~tri~n gaiions permlnule '~e~ur~~:,e~gl~h~c~af~sho! ~~~~Fr~ ~.6~~~~~'tJ:?~~,<;J:fl] ~~Ul1l1> (J~ ,oj I pOit ~cg~lIf~jV~~:I~g;~'andr~t, E%h~~r2Y2 to 3 HP Air Cooled rge ~~t1~t~~~~ciin~~/o~saIlrbj'~s Ca:p~eI1)' t~:1 g~llol1S"peF l11111ute! .suc~ other times: as~'sl.ich hea-r-. Equipped with fifteen foot a1r J. E. Law. City Clerk. .. EI~~~~:~i,?'11~ '~o 3..~P .All' CQO!~d ~~ ~f;' m~~ci~~~ift?l~~~n9;~e~ ':oaf~a~1 c~~~ettc:.vi~~a~Oo~ f3Cf~~; ply Pub: Jtll~'Q6, 30, 195'1N EdUljjped With flrt~en fool an' II Equalization; wtu' consider objec- t ljres. Roller wheel bearings.. host! .and' dl,a~ ~lt C':ICK ! t10ns to said Fina.L...Assessment, 1 Equlpped with strainers and comj)~.€t,e v;'.lth lIDO).: IG foul' ply jRoll. and will "C{;ll;l'ect, revise, attachments ready for use. , Ul'. e.o,. ~b. ~let:. 'ytlllerl ..b /~ilr lng S'lraise, lower.. Ch..ng~ .0.. r, modlly ..' Asphalt grade Intended to. ,boe ~quIPl~,'W}th ~tl:9.11wr:;; a IJ d auch toU. or any pal',tl'th~reof, or, tused 200.300.' Hose ,must be of u1tachJ:pen~'it.~a.d.;V lor use. .'let aside such Roll, ot.'9r.(l~r that :1 circulating type., " ... mleJided t.o be .such assessment to he m.~de de ~ ,Price quoted"sh~ll be I,o.'b, Port !b's~ 1l1U1:lt be of I" novo. as to such 'body. shall ap- I Angeles and shall separately ind!- rc~ . all bJ. I,o.b ~ort! r:~ b~sotc:~3;~~i1~~~~~n;a~~1J'~I: Ikt~~ Washlngkm State Tax pay- ~~~~el~1;~~g'~~ 1 tr~~r~:~ ~~~~_ \ bYAI?rg~~:~~: who may, desIre fu 'ce;tiYor r;~j~ a~ O~.g~l' ~dS~C- ab~rty rets:lOS' lJ]b light ttl nc I fl}~{rtoto~~~~ r~~~l'eo~ff;t~Kn~o~~ I gt: M~~~~~E~ .:" . ccpt or reject any 01 all bids Ilwrltln~ and to file the ;<:;BlQe with Pub- July' 19 26 1957N G S VERGEER the Clty Clel'k at (lr prior to the . , , Pub: ~~\; ~~112~~e~95'7N' Jdate ~~e~ fE~,x,ucb hearing. . Cllv Clerk .... Pub: Juiy 26, August 2, ]957,N- NOTICE OF CALL FOR- BID.S aids will be received up .to-5:00 O'clock_p.m.. August 5tb, ~957, at toe... oUlCe of the: Cit.y Clerk, 140 Wel!t .oFront !Street, Port. Angeles, Wasbingt.on, for the furnishing to the City of Port An~eles of Cighty six to one hundred '(86 to 100) penetration asphaltic pla.nt m j x, B1dder shall fur!lish '. plant. fUlly operated for mixmg approximate. ly one thousand tons of Type "F" asphalt. Bickler to furnish paver and labor for laYing approximate- ly ..76 mile of roadway, one and one half (lh") Inch compressed mat -of twenty-two ('22') foot' width and _"approximat.ely 1,670 sQuar Ji's.rds,or parking lot two (2") inch compressed mat; The' Cit.y,of Port Angeles will furnish all aggregate and d,eliver to mixing. plant bun ~:' 1~~~~a~~UI(1~g~~~) )~~\~1rorn th~ City gravel pit at M 0 r s e CI;'eck., ,The 01(Y will alae haul thl hot, plant mix to tire pJ\ving Bite CITY OF PORT.;.ANGEL G. S. Vergcezl -r..... City Managen ...,1 Pub; July 26, AU". ~^1957T NOTICEOFCALL''v~'.i BmS BIds will be received up to 5: o'clock p.m.. AUg~t 5th At the of fice of the city clerk, 1:40 West Front 'Street. P.oJj 'Angeles, Wash. ington, for One- Thousand Two liull{jred Rnd Twncty 0,220') 1m. 'ld feet of . ) inch 1.elnIorcE'd pipe Washington w a. y Dspart~ Biddel'''".;SJ I ' shing- ^ nd It e r bJd pro- ~ft~' ~'~~c;:~oo::~e 'rlg:ht.: 'ltl accept . ~f ~ r,ejec1' 'any" or all "'Hlds. ~,~~ ~gjt S.M~~~?R, .N' JUfy 26 and. .'lug" . ['57T I I I I