HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/02/1959 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 637 ~-, July 19~ 2, I I I I '"<< . """""" .",no, '"<lM''' ","n', "'.. .... The city Cou!\oil met in regular session at 7 :30 P. M., Officers present were: Mayor Richardson councilJnenl Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett am Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by councilman Maxfield and carried. I Under the head of unfinished business, a memorandwn of agreement between the City am Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Rayonier Inc., and Fiberboard Paper Products Corp. was read, providing that by mutual agreement between all parties the appointment of arbitrators to exercise option to furnish industrial water from the Elwha River Water Project for thirty years extension shall be suspended. It was moved by Councilman Randall that proposal suspending appointment of arbitrators be approved. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Under the head of new business, renewals of Beverage Licenses were approved as follawe: Cherry-Eight GroceJ, Marlatt's Food Store, FTatermal Order of Eagles, Handi-spot Grocery, Sunrise Grocery, West Side Grocery, I Wagon Wheel Tavern, M & C Tavern, Haguewood's Restaurant, Olympic Recreation, Enos Distributing, King Farouk, Harrington & Giles, Colonial Inn Tavern, Salad Bowl, Bailey's Grocery, Gateway Tavern, Walter Akeley Post No. 29, and MacDonald'S Boathouse. It was moved by counc1:!man Caldwell that applications be approved subject, to recorrmendation of the Police Chief. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The application of Estes Grocery was not approved. Claims payable were approved in total amounts of: General :FUnds, $3,18B.06. Light. FUm $437.89. Water Fund, $2,168.52. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all clsims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. 1 ' . ,It was moved by councUman Thorne that Payrolls for June, in amount of $51,485.02 be approved. Seconded by ICouncilman Randall and carried. 11 There being no other regular business, the me eting was adjourned to the Roosevelt Junior High School AUditorium where the Council reconvened at 8:15 and hearing on L. I. D. No. 179 was opened. I The City Manager gave resume and explanation of proposed District. Stated that the Council am Manager are ! not biased am are proceeding according to State Statutes. Cited comparison of this District and the Cherry IHill Pr00ect. Advised that sufficient protest to discontinue project must be 60% of total assessments. I Fred Strange, Chairman of the Planning Commission explained the process of establish1iJg.Dnprovement Districts and how the topography governs area and boundaries to be considered. Stated that property is assessed according to benefit derived and zone system. IEngineer Warder also described process of eetablishing a District and how costs are estimated. He pointed out boundaries and why the District was enlarged. Cited cost of work done ae appro:x:imate~..$20,OOO.OO which, jhaS been paid out of normal budget. Compared estimated cost with Cherry Hill project which appears will be (bout 10% higher. Alao estimated time of completion. I Protests and amounts are as follows: 'Charles W. Hunter, Lot 14, Block 178, Townsite, 537.44 1w. E. Bradsha\1, So t of Lots 10 & 11, Blk. 282, Townsite 1,155.29 stanley McComas, Lot 10, Blk. 177. Townsite 1,143.83 Peter H. Schui't, No. t Lots 8 & 9, Block 192, Townsite 1,144 .69 Robsrt E. Lae, Lot 17, Blk. 225, IDts 4 & 5, Blk. 276, Towns ite 1,862 .91 Milan Popp, Lots 13 & 14, Blk. 177, Townsite 1.093.71 Joseph Oaydesld., IDt 10, Blk. 0, T. W. Carter's, 1.083.78 Paul w. Blatter, Tax Lot 506, 2,140.92 Alice B. Jewett, Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 191 Townsite 813.62 taverne Watennan, Lot 1, Blk. 102, T. W. Carter's 1,143.83 John R. Butler, Lots 23 & 24, Blk 4, Cain's 1,154.05 Agil.es Smith, Lot 3, Blk. 181, Townsite 418.95 Josephine Douthit, Lot 5, East t Lot 6, Blk. 3, Lutz 17, 796.96 J. E. F:Orltum, Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 3, Cain'S 18 764.51 ,Rachel Penny, E. t Lot 12, Lots 13, 14, 15, Blk. 283, Townsite, 1,729.78 Total Protests, $16,984 .27 . During questions and cliscussion from plUperty owners present., several oral protests Were expressed, but without property description or amount of est:l.nated assessment. No other objections having been made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Under the head of introduction of Ordinarx:es, the following was inliroduced and read in full: ORDlNANCE NO. 1436 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within the city by the constl'llction and installation of tl'llnk and lateral storm sswers therein, the improvement of certain streets by the grading, ballasting am paving thereof and the constl'llction of curbs and gutters therefor where necessary, the iJIlprovement en: dertain alleys by the grading, ballasting and paving thereof, and by doing all other work necessary in connection with such improvements, all pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 179 of the City, passed and approved June 4, 1959, creating a local improvemnt district therefor, providing for the payment for said improvements by special assessments upon the property in said district, providing for the creation of certain' funds and for the issuance and sale of local improvement district bonds and warrants. councilman Randall asked i.f protests can still be filed for thirty days, also i.f Alder Street project having sufficient protest could be deleted. The Attorney assured that if sufficient protests are filed, the project would automatically stop. Also that the Council can delete from, but not add to the project. It was mo"ed by C ouzx:ilman Randall that the improvement of Alder Street as provicied in the Dis trict be excluded and Ordinance amended according~. Seconded by CounciJ.Jnan Thorne and carried. 638 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 2, Continue d 19_59_ ,,<< . "'"", ...", "'",...., ..'"""..... .... It was then moved by Councilman,Caldwell that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as amended. Seconded by Councilman Thorne am unanimously carried. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO. 7 - 59 A RESOLUTION of the council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the sale of bonds and warrants of Local Improvement District No. 179. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by councilman Caldwell and carried. RESOLUTION JlO. 8 - 59 A RESOLUTION of the city of Port Angeles, Washington, employing counsel for certain eervicea in connection with Local Improvement District No. 179 of the City and the issuance of bonds and warrants therefor. It was moved by CounciJman ; smith. ,. that the foragoing Resolution be approved' and' adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell ani carried. It was moved by councilman Sandison tha t the council authorize publication of call for bids for the construction of improvElll6nts in L. I. D. No. 179. Seconded by COuncilman Randall am carried. NO further rosiness appearing, the meeting was adjourned. ae~ tI CITY CIERK ~~13-4 -- CALL FOR BIDS . NOTIOD TO COJiTBACTOBS 11~l)l~?iil J~~lCl:~~~;v~~\'G:~t 1~1~~ ~)('f~~~~ ~. NuUce ~A~~el~~::I\~~~lll.t :;ealea 1 "r,f the Clt~, Clerk, at tll<: CIty Bnll 'IJJds will be r.-.cehed at tile ortie(:' l ~~~~~~~~ol~~'Q~ ~t~fret'O,~r;:k A p~C]~i~: ,t~o t~~ eSif~r~~i'~~b.::t. t~~)r?i Yn~~~: ~~rl~ul~~ ;.g~n~~:>!Jpu~i~lyno:n l~l~;~' d~~~ ~':~g~~~glt8.n'19~r.t~nlll~~CI~~~r. l)l;ll~a I!)' the Clt~.. l\'lnnflgc-r {_oj' the fulJow" "wlll be oj)€nt>d publicV Oil tllHL dll,tr> 1nQ' n.pproxlmnte flunntit1cs ot'- work IllY the CIty Manager for the fl)lIow- lUll1 1\1atOI'lnl$\: . 'Ing uVllroxlmn..le cuallthle:. of wOI'I{ ~~~~n~OT~c~i~o~totli'l Plant Mix ran~10,~lo~t~~I~];;dS, HlIc1nl<slflell EXC[l_ ~a~~ata~::~l~tl:~e 1~)~~\~~I~ll~~~;i' i t3.r,obiOCu. Yas. Ba~~run nn<<'el, ~~dd~,.m~hafl6 ;~r~?~hP~S~~I~lJ~;IY 'l'J~): ~ a.loOt ~~re~~38. iC.;]I~ll;;;1 SUI-fnclng. ;dr::l~itu[~!~' i~l~x~~~eH~ltl~I~L ~~, c~~!~40j~~ ~~~~.~t~n I~~:~~l Concrete 't.lle bil.ldel. shall fUl"IIIl<h power ftnd I Curb ,1Ild Gutter, ill place. ~~~l~~re~<;~redta~~~g 5~1~~c{e~~idC2 r~~~l1 1\~Or{) s1:::f't~ft~;l":~~~~~~ Plant llflx. r;,a)~a~;~yF~t~~e~:.r{'~~m~r~~~]i~~~~~; [' ::,Of~Jf1r ;j{~y~ltl~m~~a~~~ Plant 1<'fI.{, hann leveling wlll'he "cqulrea . 1l,dl'OAn. Ft. Storm Sewers .and rll~~I~h ~~\y a~ire;i;;; ~;~gg~~~'e~Vli~. De1ER~~t~:rn.~~eSand SP(lclfi~atlOnH :;~~XI~~f:Jf!gn~o l)i~~~Z:;' :'e]~I[d f~l~~l '~~e .~l~y ~liyOh~~~~~(l ,;;~,~ ~hede~f~~f~ ~ City gl'a.Vf'] ptt at MOI"Se Creek. The' twenty_fJ,,:o dollal'H ($25.QO), which, C,It)' wlll l1aul the plant mix to, th.ll'Il)Jlos~t Will be r~.turncd to all Pl'O!'1- PH~:11~gcj<;~;c're8er\'<.S the right to ac. gi~~I;lin~I:~ne~s 8J~~C\~'I~~?o::.tllrn .Of ('I~llt or rej(let an)' 01' all bids. A fiyo S(lpRrate 01' combmed h~dfl .on ernl))- ~~~~~ntor (t'fdJ b~~d t~~~t b;~co~~~~j~ ~~~~~~~:fj:~O:tr:;t t:dO;k m~Y :~ ~~:t~:~gih~~t~ (J~j ~~)~~ ~:o~nJri:t~~ !qmred ....nd. the City ~es~~~ess {he !lid aw~'e. ?lgl1t to retuse to qualify nny bld-~. '~O~[i~~~tI1ol~c(.'I~~ta~;~:, c7i.j;ct::lJ~nJiI : dei;he City rc;(>r~'es the ~j~ht to llC- ~~j~~ ~~ 7~i~d~J.:~., ~~g~~~nl~!,ll~~~~l- '(>('If_~f\,~ct~.~:;t ?l%IlJI ~~ liotal bid '111. W. &~~\~l~llR~, I ~~rs~s~;. ~~~~I b~~~m6)fa~~u~:1 n~~O!~t PUblt!'lhed: .hily 23 .alld ZO, lO~O I' Wl~ff~~j:IC~~~~~tance,. !'('jection or ~ontinun.tlrlll hy the City Council wHl be mode hl the 'Citj-' Council Cham. bC'l's at 7:::0 P. :M., Augul'lt 10. 19,,~. ~I. 1\.... SLr\NKARD. City MenageI'. Published: .Tuly 23 and 30, 19;;0. ~ I I I I