HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/03/1950 I I -I 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 21 " July 31 19~ ,." . ""~". ,,'m. """.~. ,.."".. ..... .... IThe Corrmission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order qy MQyor Feeley. Officers present were: !;ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ~hnutes of the previous session Vlere read and corrected as follows: Mr. Breitenbach represented 'concerning protection of the Elwha ,'fater Intake instead of Mr. Laudenbach. I 'Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted. I "" IBuilding Pennits: 83" d - A. E. Uvila Build Garage; Lot 8, Blk. 258, Townsite Uemetrio Cudanes Add One Room to Home; Lot 7, :Jlk. 256, Townsite ;UelGuzzi Bros. Build Dwelling; Lot 9, iJlk. In, Townsite , 5" 17R - Loop Auto "recking Co. Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Charley Archer's Barber Shop Chinook 'l'avern 'chinook Tavern 'Chinook Tavern Frank Katcher Little Brick 'avern Little Drick Tavern Little Brick '''avern ~fagner 's ~'ood Shop Vfagner 1 s Food Shop Lharles c;illiland A. Pinto's Barber Shop I Under the head of unfinished business, Ed l1ills again appeared regarding L.LD. 110. 153 contending that Purchase and operation of a mixing plant would be to the advantage of the City and that Fred Strange had admitted feasibilit,' of the same. Mr. 1,Iills felt that the project on CherI',' Hill is not sufficient. That a program to pave all streets and alleys including curbs should be considered, and if a mixing plant vrere ,operated and the regular City Street creVl used to lay pevement, cost wwId be less than by contract. l Commissioner Robinson e:>q)ressed doubt if the City could operate at less cost tban a contractor and Mayor fFeeley reminded that a proposal is noYr pending in a particular district and it is up to the property owners ~rhether or not they want the improvement. Commissioner Taylor informed that an Ordinance creating the Improvecr.ent District has passed the first and second reading and if opposition does not appear, the project should continue. Also that only one City operates a mixing plant and t,heJ' still contract certain projects. I the Industrie s 300.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 ticenses: Second Hand Dealer JUJik Dealer Barber Amusement Mechine !iusic 1:achine Soft Drink Peddle r Amusement Machines Music lea chine Soft Drink Restaurant Soft Drink Journeyman Plumber Barber 15.00 25.00 1.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 10.00 48.00 1~.00 5.00 12.00 5,00 2.50 2.00 I Attorney Trumbull informed that large scale paving program qy the City is questionable, as that imDrovements be done qy contract except where the City finds that construction by the cost th~n by Contract bids submitted. It was the httorney's opinion that undertaking such creating Local Improvement Districts would be of doubtfUl legality. i Statutes provide City is at less program without aids to install concrete pipe for drainage at Ocean View Cemetery were opened as follows: J. H. Bruch Co., ,\$2, SIB. 75. It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the bid be referred to the Engineers Department to be ~ccepted or rejected at the next meeting. Seconded qy Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ;. resolution concerning cost of Origin and Destination survey in the City, to be conducted by the State, Vias referred to the "ttorney to be considered at the next session. , , l'he. Engineer and Police Chief reported on survey of route for logging trucks recommending that "C" Street, hfth Street, and TurnViater Trestle be designated as route to be used on the West side and Peabody and First Streets on the East side. It Yras moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the Chief and Engineer be instructed to proceed rith the re-routing of log trucks as recommended. Seconded qy Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , I Ond~r the head of new business, a petition signed by property owners requesting vacation of the alley between Liberty and Jones sts. in ulock 190 Vias ordered returned to the petitioners to be presented in proper form. It Vias also moved and seconded that reco~mendation of the ~lanning Commission be requested on all vacations. ! ~os~ Audett requested in writing that no advertising signs be placed in front of her property. It was moved by l:ayor Feeley that the protest be filed and Advertising Company notified. Seconded by CO~JRissioner ~obinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Edw. P. J<'ountain, Secretary of Electrical Workers, Local No. 997, submitted a proposal that an a d,justment of five cents per hour be rede in the electricians >rages, retroactive to January 1st, to conform with former verbal agreement. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that a representative or business agent be requested to appear on their behalf ,-Ii thin the next two weeks. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. A1otion carried. I . Fire Chief Vfolverton informed that the Clallam County Fire District Contract is due for re-consideration. The Chief was instructed to arrange a meeting of the Commission and Fire District officials for July 12th. I . Commissioner Taylor reported regarding easements for property from Art Glas and F'red Rice for re-locati on of the.Morso Creek water line. The Commissioner of Streets and Engineer were authorized to proceed Vlith negotiations and repo:t at the next meeting. . I . :Cornmissioner Taylor requested info'rmation as to procedure for expenditures from the water fund for improve- ments to the water system after refUnding of the water bonds.. Mr. Taylor was instructed to consult the [,ttbrney regarding the matter. MI'. Taylor also informed that Contractors, llealtors, Insurance Agents, and othsrs interested in the drafting of a new 1:uilding code, rill meet l'hursday, July 6th. I . Attorney Trumbull recaived from the Attorney General a written stipulation for settlement of the diesel :.gen!3r~tor purcha se. Commissioner Robinson inquired. as to 1vh~t~er other ?~large~ for parts and installation I were 1.Ilcluded. The Attorney advised they Vlere not 1n prOpos1ti on, and w:u.l st111. be payable. '~)'or Feeley flsked the Attorney if the building at Second and Valley can be used qy the City; will the payment of ""lance i ,for: construction b? ~ermissible if by proper procedure. It was the opinion of Mr. Trunibull that it is very I probable some spec~f~c program may be wcrked out, as the balance due is a moral obligation. Commissioner Taylor informed that DelGuzzi Bros. contemplate a suit against the City to recover balance due them and en I emergency urdinance should provide for payment. Mr. Trumbull advised that the procedure is with Fairbanks !IDrse Co., and others not considered at this time. Co~~issioner Kobinson was of the opinion that the only thing to do is to negotiate rith Fairbanks '~orse Co. and requested that th~ Attorney be authorized to contact the Division of j,!unicipal Corporations regarding other obligations. i ? ~ ,. 22 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 3rd, continued, 19~ "'" . -""'. "..'" "'''~"'. ,,,.,,". .."" .... Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follovling was introduced: RESOlUTIOIl BE IT KNOWN that whereas, there is now pending in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam County a certain cause No. 10715 entitled State of Washington, Plaintiff, vs. Fred vi. "pperson, E. C. Steele, William S. Johnson, J. E. Law, Elsie M. Stahl, Fairbanks-110rse &. Company, Standard Accident Insurance Company, United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company and New Amsterdam Casualty Company, Defendants, in which the Attorney General of the State of Washington seeks to recover for and on behalf of the City of Port Angeles from said defendants certain sums of money unlawfully expended by the City of Port Angeles and paid to the defendant Fairbanks-Morse &. Company; and WHEREAS, the said Attorney General has reached a compromise of said action vrith said defendants; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the compromise and settlement of said action be approved.qy the City of Port Angeles before the same becomes final; and WHEREAS, said settlement will be reduced to a writ ten s tipulaticn to be filed in "aid cause; now, therefore, BE .IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that there be, and hereqy is, delegated to and vested in John T. Trumbull, the regularly appointed and duly qualified and acting City Attcrney of the City of Port Angeles, full power and authority to approve and ratify the settlement of the above described action, cause and suit and to en90rse his approval thereon for and on behalf of the City of Port Angeles if in .the judgment of said City Attorney said settlement shall be just and proper and in the intoreut of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson th9t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded qy Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Urrler the head of reading and .pasqage of Ordinances the following were placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1250 AN ORIJIlilANCE of the City of Port Angeles, lIashington, providing for the improvement of certain streets in the area generally known as "Cherry Hill" by the construction and installation of storm sewers, and by the surfacing thereof, and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, all in accordance with a resolution of the Commission of the City of Port Aneeles passed and approved liay 8, 1950; creating a local improvement district therefor; and providing that the payment for said improvements be made qy special assessments on property in said district payable by the mode of "payment by funds" excepting the certain portion thereof to be paid from other funds available therefor. ORDINANCE NO. 1251 AN ORDIIIAlICE relating to traffic and regulatir.g the use of public streets and highvlays in the City of Port Angeles; providing for the installation, regulation And control of the use of parking meters; defining parking meter zones; and amending Ordinance No. 1169 of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing two Ordinances be passed the third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by CornmisBioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the follrnving claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ~9/" :f.-5 .... CURRENT EXF'r;NSE FUND: C~ty Treasurer Aiken Motors 'If. S. Darley & Co. Olympic Printery ~DS s tita tioners Khl ~t~r~n~~bd~nc. Eastman :Kodak Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Natural c;as Corp. of Wash. Recreation Rev. Fd., School Dist. I.CITY STREET :FUND: /2 t.1 r,!.. C~ty Treasurer I Aiken Uotors fiestern Tractor & Esuipment Co. Wash. Saw "iling & Grinding Works ,',ATERFUND: u01 \l'acif~c Tel. & Tel. Co. Ifh - flOlyrnpic Electric Co. H. E. Dodge jNailor Lumber Co. j~~r~~i~t~rh~~:er ,Taylor HeRting & Plbg. Co. Olympic Foundry Co. 'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. 'James W. Caven 7 y 'LIBRARY FUND: f~:> - Lee noason1 Librarian 'Peninsula ~l1el Co. Citr Treasurer !l'ac~fic Tel. & Tel. Co. Olympic Stationers ,Technical SroCialties Co. M~~~dJ~~eor Supply Co. '8th ~t. Hepair Shop ~t~~;d~.& ~g~~ilrcr~:ishers 'Doubleday g Go., Inc. 'Jean Karr & Co. A. C. McClurg & Co The Personal. Book Shop, Inc. ,Puget Sound NeVIS Co. 'i1:~:n"jrl;~~eE~~r f,gency, Inc. ~IBRARY MEMORIAL FliND: ~ 'f! I"''' '00", ,~, ,". Hooks ~;ft~ rOr.;~g~' Box itent, Fire Handcuffs, Cuff Case, Gun Sta tion~ ry Office SupPlies lIirnograph. ;.Iche. lteplacements Janitor Supplies Film and Pape r Phone "ervices Fuel "ummer Hecreation Program Hyct., L.W.G. 285.92 11.85 52.23 5.71 1.44 4.36 1.96 6.91 40.77 3.30 2,500.00 1117 Light, IVater, dolt, 2 Axles Seal, Bearing Filing Saws Sts. & Sewers 75.39 43.46 7.14 5.61 Phone i;)ervice Parts Car F..xoense Lumber' Iron Charts Pie Fiftings Pipe Fittings 97,76 23"08 21. 84 16.45 .42 1.84 102.95 81. 43 70.92 1.40 ~~la5~i Post Cards Light, rjater, Garbage Service '/244 r~~;~ D~k:~h~~:tel Colors, !Just 1'op [{efills Pruning & Trimming Grinding ~awer, etc. Books Books Books Books ;jgg~~ Books Weekly Dook Heview Subscription !{eneVlals etc. 10.00 85.95 10.65 9.86 7.65 1.25 3.24 25.50 2.58 S5.09 7.51 5.25 29.99 5~:~ ' 32.27 2.00 I 75.40, 5.40 I I I I 1- I, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 23 ., July Brd. continued, 19~ "'" . ""''''. ...,,~ """"~, ,,,"... ..... ..... rARK FUlID: 1/ ~ ! s Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Service 3851 5.50 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Extension Cr Hinds 1.20 I ~ OlJ'Tllpic Ele c tric Co. Vlire & Supplies 82.51 liarris & Schuller Roof Fla tes 5.09 Eklund Lumber Co. Lbr., Hinges 25.05 Thare being no further business, the meeting Vias then adjourned. (J,2- X~. -p-L1l ~tt I (/ City Clerk Mayor I , I I i ! I I j j , ,I ,I I , , I j i I i i I ~