HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/03/1952 ,. 268 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 5:, 1922_ ",," . ""~.". ...fTC!, '''''Qat.., ..'~"'I. ~~p~" ~ The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., am was called to order by Mayor Smith. Rcll call of Officers showed the following present: !.!ayeI' Smith, Councilwoman Powell, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Vlolfe, and McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, and Clerk Law. Copies of minutes of the June 2nd and 19th sessions having been previously submitted to each member of the Council, it was moved by Councilman ilrovm that minutes of the previous sessions be approved. Seconded by Councilwoman Povrel1 and carried. !.!anager Vergeer informed that on account of the passing of the Attorney's Mother, he would not be in attendance; 1 I Under the head of unfinished business, bids for official City printing for the year beginning July 1, 1952, 1 were submitted as follows: Port Ange.les Evening News, first publication, twelve cents per line, except I tabulated matter, sixteen cents per line. Repeat publications, all matter, 9~ per line. Peninsula Herald: I 4~ per nonpareil line. Single column measure. Tabulated matter also 4~ per line, single column measure for each insertion, unless published oily one time, in which case the rate will be 8~ per line, single column measure. The Olympic Tribune; singlecolumn nonpareil lines S~ per line for each publication, except tabulated matter, 6~ per line for first publication only. John Schweitzer, advertising manager for the Evening News and Olympic Tribune, was questioned regarding circulation. The Council took into consideration, circulation by the publishers and volume of subscribers benefitted by the sane. It was jilie opinion of Manager Vergeer that it is within the jurisdiction of the Council to award the bid to the publisher that will best serve the public according to circulation as it is , the intent of publication that the people be informed. Therefore the Council might determine the lowest bid taking circulation into consideration. It was then moved by Councilman Brown that the bid be awarded to the I IPort Angeles Evening News. Seconded by Councilwoman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion unanimously carried. City Manager Vergeer reported regarding the proposed Seve~th, Eighth, 1<ran~is, and Race Streets L. 1. D. Improvement by Improvement Resolution No. 160, covering installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. jEstimates of valuation and costs as submitted py the Engil:Jeer's Department were read as follows: for side- 'walks, curbs and gutters, valuation, $2,402.50, actual valuation, $4,805.00. Estimated cost of improvement, I $5,874.79. For sidewalks and curbs without gutters, valuations as quoted. Cost of improvement, $4,854.05. 1 The Manager informed that cost of the project jJeing more than the valuation, the improvement cannot be under~ taken unless the cost in exceSs of the assessable value is paid in cash by property owners. The improvement of Lincoln Heights District by installation of sewers as requested by petitions previous~ .I filed, was then discussed and estimates of valuation and cost read as follows: Assessed valuation $11,691.00. !Actual valuation, $2s,382.00. Estimated cost of improvement, $47,842.99. Total Lots to be served, 279. I Estimated cost per Lot, $171.48: Manager Vergeer reported that he has referred the above project to Dr. , Risser of the Clallam County Health District for a ruling as to "hether or not this area constitutes a health hazard to the City, report to be filed with the Council and steps taken as provided by Statutes. ... The Council again considered bid as previously submitted by Arnold Levy in amount of $555.00 for Lots 12 to I 20 inclueive, in Block 249, Townsite. Certain Council members having looked at the property and varified lappraisal, it was moved by Councilman Brown that, the bid be accepted. Seconded 1>)' Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council also considered sale of the following described property and fixed m:un.mums as requested: Lots 19 and 20, Block 144, Townsite, Assessments, $205.49. Minimum price fixed, $225.00 Lots 15, 16, 17, Block 303, Townsite, Assessments l)298.97. Taxes, $8.64. Minimum fixed, $350.00 ILots 6, 7, 8, 9, Block S95~ Townsite, Assessments, $225.95. Minimum fixed, ~OO.OO. ILots 17, 18, Block S96, Townsite, Assessments and costs, $85.20. Minimum fixed, $150.00 :Lots 3, 4, Block 316, Townsite. These lots being located adjacent to Lincoln Heights Reservoir, Manager IVergeer recommended that the property be retained by the City for future use if needed. Recommendation accepted. I 'Lots 4, 5, Block One, Tidelands West, Townsite,. As these Lots are being used for public parking, sale of ithe same was questioned as to whether or not the City should retain for future imprcvements. It was moved Iby Councilman McFadden that the matter be taken under advisement until the next session. Motion seconded by I Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. . I ICitY Mapager Vergeer spoke regarding request by John Goneis for rem~val of obstructions on Second Street I ,East of T.incoln. It Was the opiniop of Mr. Vergeer that it is not necessary for the City to force vacation i 'Iof the street when not used by the City, and ~~til such'tima as Mr. Gorreis can ascertain the position that , he is ready to make improvements and needs access to the same, the City should not exercise Legal right until luse of the street is required by the City. Also that urgency of the request is not apparent.. It was moved I Iby Councilman Brown that the request be tabled until such time as the City has use for the street. Seconded /by Coune ilman NeeI'. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I W.anager Vergeer reported that he had received petitiilms and letters regarding operation of the Traneit System 'and filed same with the Council. Also that a Chamber of Commerce Conrnitt,ee has expressed desire for meetiog ;regarding the same, and he may be in a position to report at the next meeting. I . I l(Jnder the head of new busllless, the first certificate of payn',ent to Del Guzzi Brothers for construction of j IPolice Station in amount of $9,980.70, also claim of G. C. Field in amount of $696.81 for Architects fees, Iwere presented to the Council for approval. The City W.anager apprcved the cleims and recommended payn',ent of I ~the same. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the recommendation be accepted and claims paid. Seconded I lbY Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I ,Attorney Stanley A. Taylor filed with the Council, claim for damages on behalf of Joline Marie Williams, I' Daughter of Samuel J. Williams, Jr.. According to claim filed, it appears that Joline was injured when sbe Ifell through D decayed board in the sidewalk North of Front Street on the East side of Laurel Street. The claim was in amount of $500.00 and was refcrred to the Manager. It was the opinion of Manager Vergeer that I Isidewalk maintenance and repair is responsibility of property OI'mer, although this was not in answer to the iClaim filed for damages. ! The C01mcil discussed charge for use of Lincoln Park Club House, the same having been reconunended by the Park IEoard as of June 22, 1951. Although the reconlluendation was ofdered filed without action by the former I 'Commission, fees have been collected from that date. George Johns, Chairman of the Park Iloard, informed that Ifees charged were for reservation control rather than revenue, as certain Unions, Organizations, and Clubs ' IrMerve the Club House and monopolize the same by prolonged card playing. After further discussion, it was rOVed by Councilman Wolfe that the charge be discontinued and the Club House used on reservation baeis. ,I I I I I. I " I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 26~ July 5 , Continued ) 19~ '0" . ","M ....... .."".... ..om. ..... .... Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Due to service on the City Council and in other departments, the following resignations were submitted to the Council: Paul M. NeeI' and William C. Adams from the Civil Service Commission, and Ivor Smith frcm the Planning Commission. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the resignations be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Appointments for vacancies to be considered by the Council with possible announcements at the next session. The Ruby Amusement Company requested in writing that their Master Distributor's City license qy reduced from $1,000.00 to $500.00 per year. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the request fer reduction be denied and the fee 'as set by Ordinance remain at $1,000.00. Motion seconded 'by Councilman Vlolfe. All vcted Aye. Motion carried. Arthur Thompson of 539 West Third Street requested that the City sell him .the concrete block building west of Ocean View Cemetery which was constructed for use as dog pound. Mr: Thompson submitted 'offer of $200.00. Manager Vergeer recommended that the offer be declined as the City might have future use for the building. It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the recommendation be approved and offer declined. 'Seconded qy C.euncilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. City Manager Vergeer'infoI1ued that the Humane Society has filed request that the City provide $2,000.00 in the 1955 Budget for their operation. Also that the Civil Defense Co-ordinator has requested $2,875.00 for his department during the year 1955. The requests were filed for future reference. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full for a pproval by the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 1285 AN ORDINANCE of.the City of Port Angeles amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1281 of the City of Port Angeles, providing for. tax levies for the payment of interest and the retirement of principal of general obligation bonds, pledging certain funds of the City of Port Angeles, creating a special fund and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council"' man NeeI'. All voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (). . rr.. ;L CUI/. fj:- City Clerk. ~~<f~~ Mayor I LEGAl. PUBLICATION ( I' )\'o(h',' ~~"I;~:;~t~h~~,1"g~;~~;t: thr,1 Ihi' City of J'lll't .\llg(>lH; will .'wll tlll~ j'., fuJiQWllIg' d"l<l!I'jb('d pl'opl!I'ly, tn-\\' It~ Lilli; III and ;,:[;, 1:I'Kk 144. ;\.linl- I :~~~J:t.~:~(;),::f~~~\:~~~i 17 Tll'~i'lt ~n::, ~lini_ I I."tf' .li, 7, ,Ij fiml ~l, HI(w\t 3,ll;" .\fllll- ~ m\I~~:l~](: t:l;I;::.(~I(I'IS, 1-~lll('l{ .1!lf. Mlnl~ I mum ])ill ~l:,lt.il{l. i ~\ll in tIll' T()\vn~ll~ ,..,r PorI I ~'.:l~~le~~hl~'I~I:~lti ]~~T~;; Ilj .~~.~t~III~'l~ ~~,;. !l~(~~ I,eai'lll and thnt sl'nl(>11 11id.!l lU'I~Oll]ll~ ! ~}l i ~~e WIIJ\:~ t~\~: Illl':;~f'1:11~,;I(:I)I/I~~ all~~rl~;~I~ I "trll',' uf thl' City ('Irrl;: of lhl' ell.. I vt I'u]'l r\ llt;';f"I'~ 'un'1<I :11111 nul la 1.l~'I' 1111111 ;, :U() 1.', ~1. J nl~' 170.. 1 !l~~. t II ~r~~~ ~:~: I ;~;ll;~,]:l :I/~I:I ~~ilr~~,~~~:\ ~~: (~l:' ;~;~ I ()~J], t~::.I] ,~~I~~.', 1!j ~'}.1l01 ;~'I~ Y. 1 ~j:;:!. I CiL~' IIr [',,>rt Angt"\l:i'I, \\"n",lllnp:loll I I'uh. July ll, 1:;. llt~~. , I ........