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Port Angeles, Washington
July 3, 1990
Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
to order at 7:02 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Carol Bornson from Hamilton
Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Lemon,
Nicholson, Ostrowski, Wight [arrived at 8:35 P.M.].
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Interim Manager/City Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, R.
Dyker, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, B. Coons, B. Upton, K. Maike, G. Kenworthy, G.
Beck, K. Ridout, H. Hutchison.
Public Present: J. Michalczik, O. Campbell, F. Burch, D. & M. Hansen,
J. VanOss, J. Jamesen, D. Wolfe, L. Beil, C. Whidden.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the Special/Regular
meeting of June 19, 1990. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
1. Request for Progress Payment #1 of $297,522.86 to DelHur for Landfill
Councilman Nicholson moved to authorize Progress Payment #1 to DelHur for
the Landfill construction in the amount of $289,419.13, less 5% retainage
of $14,470.96, plus applicable taxes of $22,574.69, bringing the total
amount due to $297,522.86. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent
Agenda, including (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control
Board; (2) Vouchers of $1,339,867.39; and (3) Payroll of 6-29-90 of
$297,882.12. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried
Interim Manager Knutson requested the Council add Item 16, Consideration
of Appointment to Joint Committee for the City and School District
Regarding Tennis Courts.
1. Yard of the Month Awards - July, 1990
Mayor Sargent presented Yard of the Month Awards to the following people:
Robert and Ruth Worley, 338 East Whidby; Wallace and Gail Hinderer, 3744
Crabapple Place; Ira Slate, 135 West llth Street; Pearl Wahlberg, 225 West
13th Street; and Joseph Jameson, 1821 West Fourth Street.
July 3, 1990
A. Consideration of Adoption of .0025% Real Estate Excise Tax
Director of Public Works Pittis provided the Council with a brief explana-
tion of the proposed tax, stating this is an optional tax to access the
Public Works Trust Fund loans. In order for the City to take part in the
Public Works Trust Fund, there must be passage of the tax and adoption of
the Capital Improvement Program. He stated that the money which would be
brought in from the tax must be spent on capital improvement projects.
He explained that the Public Works Trust Fund is a State program which
offers low interest loans to help local governments finance needed public
works projects. The general construction loans of 2% to 3% have terms of
up to 20 years. The City would be eligible for $2.5 million in total loans
during any one funding cycle, but may only apply for one project in each
category. Types of projects for which the loans could be used are the
improvements to the Sewage Treatment Plant, arterial street improvements,
storm drain improvements, replacement of Eighth Street bridges, and also
replacement and upgrade of sidewalks.
Pete Butkus, representing the State of Washington Department of Community
Development, Manager of the Public Works Trust Fund, answered a few of the
Council's questions; one, regarding the loan application deadline for 1991
being July 21, 1990; and that the Public Works Trust Fund approves approxi-
mately two-thirds of the loan applications in every cycle. He again empha-
sized to the Council that the local option real estate tax must be exer-
cised before applying for the Public Works Trust Fund loans.
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:28 P.M.
Frances Burch, 429 West 12th Street, representing the Realtors' Associa-
tion, stated that the realtors are not opposed to the tax, but to a real
estate tax. She noted that the Growth Management Bill recently passed may
allow another 1% to be taxed on the buyer. She again stated that the
realtors are not opposed to the tax, but requested that the Council use
a different source of funding which would tax a more diverse group of
people and not just purchasers.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, asked whether the County is also available
to implement the real estate excise tax. Mr. Butkus replied that any
county, city, or special district is eligible, if they meet the require-
ments. He explained this is not an additive tax. If a city and a county
implement the tax it would not total 1/2%, but would remain at 1/4%.
Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 7:32 P.M.
Councilman Ostrowski requested a clarification as to who pays the real
estate tax. Interim Manager Knutson stated that Section 6 of the proposed
Ordinance provides that the tax imposed is the obligation of the seller
and may be enforced through an action of debt against the seller in the
manner prescribed.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, imposing an excise tax on the
sale of real estate, providing for the
collection thereof, limiting the use of
of the proceeds therefrom, and creating a
new Chapter, 3.62, of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to
authorize publication in s,mmary form. Councilman Nicholson seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Consideration of Raising Solid Waste Rates
Director of Public Works Pittis provided the Council with an explanation
of the Solid Waste rate increase and gave an overview of the Solid Waste
residential rate history.
July 3, 1990
Councilman Hallett asked whether the rate increase could be paid from City
reserves. Director Pittis stated that would not be possible, as the City
does not have the reserves available. The higher rate increase is caused
by the City not being allowed to burn at the Landfill, the requirement
that the City must now cover and compact materials on a daily basis, and
many other more costly requirements which have been implemented over the
past ten years.
Councilman Hallett asked whether the City would anticipate another $3 per
year increase in the Solid Waste rates. Director Pittis explained that
the City will see increases; however, it will depend upon how the citizens
react to recycling programs, and how well citizens take care of yard waste,
which is one of the biggest and most dramatic elements in the Landfill.
At this time of year, it comprises approximately 40% of the waste.
Director Pittis explained to the Council the Solid Waste rate options and
revenue projections with and without recycling as an option. He noted that
the UAC recommendation is reflected in the proposed Ordinance.
Council and staff discussed issues regarding the cost of disposing of
tires and appliances, as well as the revenues which the City collects on
the scrap metal for appliances.
Councilman Lemon stated that the Utility Advisory Committee met for
approximately three to four hours in discussing the issue, and they are
reluctant to pass on an increase; however, the projected cost of the new
Landfill trench was the deciding factor, in that the cost of the trench
would have resulted in an 85% increase. The Utility Advisory Committee
has decided to postpone the recycling programs; that the City must look
at educating citizens on how to control output, as well as input of
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:05 P.M.
Richard Moon, 1411 South Pine Street, stated he was not opposed to the
increase, as he thought it was justified, but he wanted to be sure that
the money the citizens are paying is put where it should be. He made
reference to tires and appliances which are being buried in the pit and
tires being placed in the ravine by the Cemetery. He presented pictures
to the Council of the tires in that ravine.
Staff and Council discussed this issue briefly.
Marie C~, 315 West 15th Street, stated she did not believe recycling
is working. She stated the large containers for garbage in the alleys in
residential areas are not the answer, since people who have access to those
containers do not recycle. She felt that individual containers for each
residence would be a better answer to the problem.
Councilman Lemon stated the Utility Advisory Committee is checking into
the cost for individual containers and that is an issue which is being
considered at this time.
Ms. Greibel stated that the cost may be high at first, but it will be
worth-while in the long run.
Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 8:15 P.M. She then read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, revising Solid Waste rates
and amending Ordinances 2317 and 2540,
and Chapters 13.54 and 13.56 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Councilman Ostrowski stated he appreciated the decision made by the Utility
Advisory Committee on the recycling issue. He felt the Council should take
a long, hard look at recycling programs and any incentives they might be
3uly 3, 1990
able to implement to make this program worthwhile.
Councilman Hallett stated, as Chairman of the Utility Advisory Committee,
the Committee is looking at recycling alternatives and will be making
recommendations to the Council as to the way the recycling program will
be handled. He stated the City may have to subsidize recycling to a point,
as it will not be a profitable venture until the private sector finds it
profitable to be involved. Based upon the information the Committee has,
and with the proposed recycling bids, the rates may have to be increased
again. The UAC anticipates having the recommendation on the recycling
program to the Council by the end of 1990 or the first part of 1991.
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
"K" Street: Request to Allow a Duplex in the RS-?, Residential
Single-Family District
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:24 P.M. There being no public
comment, she then closed the public hearing.
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendations of the Planning
Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, citing the following
findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) Duplex units are allowed as a
Conditional Use in the RS-? Zoning District, provided they meet certain
performance standards and are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood;
(2) The proposal is to expand an existing single-family dwelling to provide
a second dwelling unit on a 14,000 square-foot parcel of land; (3) The
proposal will not increase the overall density in the neighborhood, as it
will provide two dwelling units on two Townsite lots; (4) It is expected
that the aesthetic characteristics of the duplex will be similar in nature
to a large single-family dwelling unit; Conclusions: (A) The proposal is
compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; (B) The proposal is in the
public interest. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried
PORT ANGELES, Tumwater, Cedar & Pine Streets: Request to
Amend the Conditions of Approval of a Street Vacation
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 8:25 P.M. There being no public
comment, she then closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by
title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2395
relating to the conditions attached to
the vacation of certain streets and an
Mayor Sargent noted that the reason for the change is public safety. The
Waterfront Trail is being moved so people will not have to walk through
a highly industrial area, where there may be concern for their safety.
Councilman Nicholson moved to concur with the recommendations of the
Planning Commission to approve the amendments to the street vacation, as
follows: Conditions: (B) A maintenance easement of 10 feet, as measured
from the banks of Tumwater Creek, shall be provided on both sides of
Tumwater Creek from Marine Drive to Port Angeles Harbor; (D) The Port will
reconstruct the intersection of the Truck Route and Marine Drive at such
time as the Port constructs the new access roadway into the Port Marine
Terminal facility at the Tumwater Truck Route/Marine Drive extension;
citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) The proposed
amendments to conditions of Street Vacation No. STV-85(12)9 approval
provide for a maintenance access along Tumwater Creek and requires the Port
to improve the Truck Route and Marine Drive; (2) The amendments do not
adversely impact the Waterfront Trail and are consistent with other adopted
City policies; Conclusions: (A) The amendment to conditions of Street
Vacation No. STV-85(12)9 are in the public use and interest; (B) The
July 3, 1990
amendments to conditions of Street Vacation No. STV-85(12)9 provide public
benefit to the general populace of Port Angeles, and to adopt the Ordinance
as read by title and to publish in s,,mmaryform. Councilman Lemon seconded
the motion.
Council and staff discussed the reconstruction of the intersection in the
area by the Port of Port Angeles.
Councilman Wight arrived at 8:35 P.M.
Following a discussion on the reconstruction of the intersection and the
relocation of the Waterfront Trail, the question was called and the motion
carried unanimously.
C. REZONE REQUEST REZ-90(06)02 - ALWINE, Highway 101 West of
Oak Street: The Applicant has Withdrawn this Rezone Request
Councilman Lemon moved to accept the applicant's withdrawal of the
application. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion, which carried
4. Decision on SCHNEIDER REZONE REQUEST - REZ-90(02)I - Tumwater Truck
Route Area (Continued from 6-19-90)
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property east of the Tumwater
Truck Route from RS-9, Single-Family
Residential, to LI, Light Industrial,
and PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and
to authorize publication in summary form. Councilman Gabriel seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
5. Amended Ordinance for Schneider Rezone Request, REZ-90(02)i, Rezoning
Property Designated RS-9, Residential Single-Family, to LI, Light
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Section 1 of Ordinance No.
2590, to correct the legal description
of rezoned property.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and
to authorize publication in s,,mmaryform. Councilman Gabriel seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
6. Planning Commission Minutes of June 27, 1990
Councilman Nicholson moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of June 27, 1990. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
DAISHOWA - Port Angeles Harbor, Marine Drive and "K" Street: Request
to Revise Shoreline Permit to Enlarge Blower Equipment Structure
Mayor Sargent stated the issue before the Council was to determine whether
the City Council should approve the revision to Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit SMA-89(07)100, permitting the enlargement of the blower
equipment structure, previously given Shoreline Master Program approval
in connection with the Daishowa America chip export terminal. She noted
that the Council needed to determine whether the issue was within the scope
and the intent of the original application to extend the entire blower
equipment seaward, as stated in the original SEPA application. This is
July 3, 1990
a matter of an additional 18 inches, totaling a 50-square foot area. Mayor
Sargent noted this had been recommended and approved by the Planning
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the revised Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit, SMA-89(07)100, per WAC 173-14-064(2)(b); that the
Council has determined that it is within the scope and intent of the
original application to extend the entire blower equipment building
seaward, as stated in the application SEPA checklist. The revision will
become effective immediately, but is subject to the appeal of the Shoreline
Hearings Board. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion.
Councilman Ostrowski requested clarification on how the Council can
determine the scope. Planning Director Collins stated the scope is
outlined in WAC 173-14-064(2), stating there had been confusion from the
original Shoreline Permit regarding the wording versus the pictures which
had been provided. It was the Planning staffVs opinion that the Council
would be in a much better position since they approved the original permit
to determine what is appropriately within the scope and intent. Director
Collins explained that the enlargement of the blower equipment room, as
originally submitted with the building permit plan, is greater than
proposed under the original approved permit.
Councilman Wight expressed his concern that the Council not stretch the
10% rule outlined in the WAC.
Interim Manager Knutson suggested that the Council review subsection (g),
which discusses whether or not there are any substantial adverse environ-
mental impacts which could be caused by what can be construed as a
revision. He stated that the Department of Ecology would be more concerned
with whether the environment would be harmed by the revision, than whether
there would be a technical deviation from the 10% requirement.
Councilman Hallett stated he did not feel an additional 18 inches would
prompt any adverse impacts and he believed it would be well within the
means of the Council and WAC 173-14-064(2) that the Council could determine
the revision is acceptable.
Mayor Sargent voiced her agreement, as did Councilman Wight.
Councilman Lemon stated this is an enlargement of the structure and
questioned whether any new equipment would be placed inside the project.
Joe Michalczik, project manager, Daishowa America, stated the request for
the additional 18 inches is to enable the building to be large enough to
work around the same equipment as originally requested.
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
8. Consideration of Stormwater Management Plan - Input/Comments Accepted
Mayor Sargent opened the public meeting for comment at 8:55 P.M. There
was no public comment on this issue.
Councilman Lemon moved to continue the matter to the July 17, 1990, City
Council meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting at 9:00 P.M. for a break. The meeting
reconvened at 9:15 P.M.
Interim Manager Knutson noted for the Council that on Legislative Item #2B,
Consideration of Raising Solid Waste Rates, that the Council amend the
motion so the OrdinanceVs effective date would be August 1, 1990, as
opposed to five days after publication.
Councilman Lemon moved to amend the Solid Waste Rate Ordinance to have an
effective date of August 1, 1990. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously, with Councilman Wight abstaining, as he was not
present during that portion of the meeting.
July 3, 1990
9. Consideration of Ordinance and Purchase Contract for Solid Waste
Utility Revenue Bonds
Mayor Sargent posed a question regarding the "spotted owl premium", which
was noted in the memo to the Council.
Duane Wolfe, 2106 West Fourth Street, spoke to the issue, stating at the
time the memo was written, staff was unsure of the outcome regarding the
spotted owl premium, and in working with Piper, Jaffrey and Hopwood, and
the bond counsel, Preston, Thorgrimson, to resolve the matter, the question
to be faced was whether or not to insure the bond issue. At the time of
the owl decision, there was cause for resistance to the buying of bonds.
This resistance was the result of the Port Angeles Landfill being the sole
landfill for Clallam County, tied in with the possibility of a faltering
economy because of the spotted owl decision. However, as of this time,
there has been enough commitment made on the purchasing of the bonds that
this is no longer an issue. He noted that the highest rate of interest
quoted on the bonds is 7.3%.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting and specifying a
plan for making additions and betterments
to the Solid Waste Utility System of the
City; authorizing the issuance and sale
of Solid Waste Utility Revenue Bonds in
the principal amount not to exceed
$5,250,000 for the purpose of providing
part of the funds required for acquiring,
constructing and installing certain
additions and improvements to the Solid
Waste Utility System of the City and for
the purpose of providing funds for refunding
the City's outstanding Solid Waste Utility
Revenue Bonds, 1984; authorizing the execution
of an escrow agreement related to such
refunding; providing for the payment and
sale of said bonds; and providing the
covenants, terms and conditions under which
such bonds and future parity bonds shall be
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to
publish in s-mmary form. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the purchase agreement with Piper,
Jaffray, and Hopwood for the sale of the bonds. Councilman Lemon seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
10. Request Council to Set a Public Hearing for July 17, 1990, to
Consider Appeal of Denial of a Business License Renewal - Ted
Connely, dba Great Northwest Trading Co.
Councilman Lemon moved to set a public hearing for the July 17, 1990, City
Council meeting, to consider appeal of the denial of the business license
renewal for Ted Connely, dba Great Northwest Trading Co. Councilman
Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
11. Request Council Set Public Hearing for July 17, 1990~ to Consider
Appeal of Denial of a Business License Renewal Heiko Thanheiser,
dba TH Fire Protection
Councilman Lemon moved to set a public hearing for the July 17, 1990, City
Council meeting, to consider appeal of denial of the business license
renewal for Heiko Thanheiser, dba TH Fire Protection. Councilman Gabriel
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
July 3, 1990
12. Request for City Sewer Service Outside the City Limits Paul
Director of Public Works Pittis noted that Mr. Cronauer, who had placed
this item on the Council's agenda, is out of town and requested this item
be continued.
Councilman Lemon moved to continue the issue to the July 17, 1990, City
Council meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
13. Consideration of Minor Ordinance Amendments:
A. Ordinance No. 2580 Revised Sign Ordinance (1989 should be 1990)
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, correcting an inadvertent
error in Ordinance No. 2580 and PAMC
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Ordinance No. 2595 (Subsection References Incorrect) Zoning
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending Section 5 of
Ordinance No. 2595, relating to
Adult Entertainment businesses.
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to
publish in st,mmary form. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
14. Consideration of Resolution Establishing the Comprehensive Plan
Advisory Committee
Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles establishing the Comprehensive
Plan Advisory Committee.
Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Following a discussion on the appointment process for the Committee
members, it was the decision of the Council to advertise the position, to
take applications for a two-week period, to screen the applications based
upon a questionnaire, and to set interviews at subsequent meetings.
15. Letter From Port of Port Angeles Regarding Public Boat Launching
Interim Manager Knutson stated that he would contact the Port for more
information on this item and that he would meet with the Port or designate
someone to attend.
16. Consideration of Appointment to Joint Committee, City/School
District, re: Tennis Courts
Councilman Nicholson volunteered to sit on this Committee; however, he may
July 3, 1990
not be able to attend the first meeting and requested that someone from
the staff take his place. Interim Manager Knutson stated either he or a
designee would attend.
Councilman Lemon requested that Councilman Nicholson keep the Council
informed of the process.
City Light Director Titus requested the Council consider setting a UAC
meeting some time in late July.
Clerk Maike requested that Committee members set several different dates,
or give a week they would be available, so the other Committee members
could be contacted to make sure they could also be in attendance.
The Committee suggested the week of July 23rd, Monday through Thursday,
any of those days at 4:30 P.M.
Mayor Sargent stated she had received a letter from Transmountain Oil
Pipeline Co.; that it is available for review.
Interim Manager Knutson stated for the Council's information that Jeff
Pomeranz will be in town July 12th through the 16th. His main purpose will
be to interview applicants for the Director of Administrative Services
position on July 14th. Some of the finalists have requested that the City
pay for transportation costs totaling about $1,500 to $1,800 and Mr.
Pomeranz has stated that is acceptable to him.
The meeting adjourned to executive session at 10:10 P.M. for discussion
of one item of litigation. Approximate length, 15 to 30 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:34 P.M.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 P.M.