HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/05/1934
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 5,1934
The Commission met in Speoial Session at 1;30 p.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll oall ~howed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz
and Me,sters ,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
Under the Head of New Business,-
It appearing to the satisfaotion of the City Commission that Thos.Geisness, Polioe
Judge, is 111 and unable to aot,the Mayor, with the oonsent and approval of the
members of the City Commission, appointed J.W.Lindsay as Polioe Judge pro tempore who,
after taking and subsoribing the oath as required by law,shall have all the powers of
Polioe judge during the absenoe of the Said Thos.Geisness or his inability to aot. .
Se,id appointment of Polioe Judge is made in acoordanoe with the statute, and
partic~larly Seotion 9082.
It was moved. by Commissioner Mas ters that the foregoing appointment of J. VI.Lindsay
as Polioe Judge Pro tempore be oonfirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall .
all members voted aye. The Maior deolared the motion oarried. . .
I Under the head of applioations for lioenses the following were granted,-
, .
Club Cafe Restaurant $ is.oo
Pete Masi Soft drink :5.00
Ernest; Douoette 1 barber ohair 1.00
Elks Barber Shop 3 II 'n 3.00
Pinto's Barber shop 3 ,; n 3.00
H.B.Iler 1 1.00
T.H.Ad,er 1 1.00
Mrs.lrene Nailor 1 beauty parlor chair 1.00
Dorthy W.Chamberlane 1 II II II 1.00
There being no further business the oommission then adJourned. '
City Clerk