HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/05/1944 r-- 18 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J~~ 1944 19_ The Commission met in regulsr session at lOa .m. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed tlie following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and Clerk Hawkins. The min"tes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenaes the fol101ling were granted. Harold Ill"own, Remodel Housej Lot 4, Block 3, Lewis & Mastick Subdiviaion. . Shamrock Tavern, 1 Music Machine " '" Re sta urant If Beft Drink Rose's Place Restaurant 111" Soft Drink If.' 1 MUllic Machine Ed Vannausde Second Hand Dealer Roses PIa ce 2 Amusement Machines The Little Brick Tavern 1 Music Machine n .. n Soft Drink n n n 2 Amusement Machines Marine Drive Lunch 1 Amusement Machine Ruby Amueement Co. Distributor's License ( 60 Machines) $ 200.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 15.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 24.00 2500.00 I I Police Judge W. F. Phillips reported 64 cases tried and 1669.50 collected in fines for the month of June, 1944. Report ordsred filed. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it appears that the East one half of Lot Twelve (12), Block Three Hundred Fifty-two (552), Town- J' si te of Port htgeles, Washington, had been erroneously included in that certain deed for the foreclosure ofl Delinquent Local Improvement Assusmente among other property, dated March lIO, 1956 and recollded in I Vol\llll8 128 of Deeds on Page 128, record of the County Auditor's Office of Clallam County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the above described property is owned by RaouiG. Lamoureux and at ,the tiJilil'said proparty wal,., &eeded'to'the City'of Port Angllles;there ris no unpaiddsl1n(,juont local Improvement assessment against lIaid property_ .. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLITED, that in order to correct the error of deeding the said property to the City of Port Ange18ll, that the City Attorney prepare a quit claim deed conveying ssid propnty to the said Raoul G. Lamoureux and that the City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles be, and the said City " Treasurer is hereby authoriBed to execute the said deed in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. It was moved b~ Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On Roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the ftJotionr;carried. I Under the Head of New Business = )( PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTW Port Angeles, Waahington July 1, 1944 Board of Commissioners , Ci ty of Port Angeles, Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: PuIllic Utility District No.1 of Clallam County, Washington plans to construct a water system in the territory irr.mediately east of Port Angeles, to serve the people living in that area with water for domestic; purposes. This syetem will be knOlfn as the East Unit, and ultimately will be a part of a larger rural system which will include a considerable area south of theCitYj such system to be supplied with water by means of a dam on Ennis Creek, and a 2,000,000 gillon storage reservoir at the approximate elevation , of 600 feet (U.S.G.S.), or about 180 feet highsr than your present City ressrvoir. It will be possible at several points to cOMect the trunk mains ext.nding from the proposed reservoir with the supply mains of the City. I We wxlerstand that a t present only about one'-half of the water delivered by your Morse Creek supply line is used, and that the surplus water is wasted in Peabody Creek. Preliminary surveys have shown that for the East Unit alone, the most practical method of obtaining a water supply would be to conr.ect with your MOrlle Creek supply line at the point at which it crossea the Golf Club road, or some other convenient point east of the City. The East Unit will use only a small part of your surplus water, possibly 100,000 gallons per day, as an average. ""'." I .'-;1." : We lIOuld like to arrange with you for such a cOlUlection, and for the purchase of surplus water, with the wxlersta nding that the District will bear ttle full cost of the proposed connection; will provide storage adequate for the East Unit; and will iMtall the necessary purification apparatus. We believe thst the City should give the District a very low rate during the fOI'IIGti ve period, because (1) the proposed Ennis Creek dam and storsge reservoir would be a valuable standby for the City Water Departllllnt; (2) the surplus water we would like to purchase at present haa no other sale value to the City; (5) the City should be vitally inter(~sted in the upbuilding of the outlying territory. The East UnUe must operate upon a close margin until it is built up; but the following initial rates would not be burdensome. .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 5 19~ 19--' """".""'''U,I...~n.a,..-.1tOHPO.........tl'''.1&77l!l~ I I I I I: Rate IJOr 100.000 l?allons delivered to District Yearly bill based upon delivery of 100 ,000 gallons per day ..Iw: Per 100,000 gallons delivsrlld 1 2 5 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 $ 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 565.00 565.00 750.00 750.00 912.60 912.50 1,095.00 1,095.00 1,095.00 1,095.00 $ We request that you eell us surplus water at the rates named above. If you are willing to do so, it is our intention to proceed immediately with the construction of the East Unit system, provided that money ,and materials can be had. Please consider this letter as a proposal from the District to purchase water for the East Unit at the rates named abovs, service to begin when the East Unit system is ready to take delivery. Yours very truly, Slby R. A. LAWRENCE l'or Public Utility District No.1, Clallam County, Washington ACCEP1f,D this~day of July , 1944 s/by MAYOR VERNON J. ROBINSON F'or the City of Port Angslell It was. moved by Mayor Robinson that the foregoing proposal and request be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On Roll call all members voted ays. The Mayor declared the Motion carried. The following request for the con,~ruction of a Radio Station was presented to the Commission: .x July 5th, 1944 k The City Commillsion of The City of Port Angeles. Gentlemen: In connection with projected construction of a radio broadcasting station on Evening News property at the northwest corMr of First and Chsrry streets, your permission is requested to extend ground wires (to be buried in the beach sand) across North Cherry street and across the Alley between First and Front streets, and across any city owned property within 160 feet of the northeast corner of said Evening News property, namely Lots 19 & 20, Block 15. The groond wires will extend in a radius frtm the base of the antenna mast to be located in Lot 20, either 50 feet or 140 feet north of First street, and their maximum length will be 170 feet. The wires will not croSS First street. Permission is also requested to extend overhead gJY wires across North Cherry street from the above mentioned antenna mast, maximum hUght of which will be 175 feet. Three or possibly four sets of guy wires will be used to guy the mast, two sets being sntirely on Evening News property, and one or possibly two sets crossing North Cherry street high enough so that it will not interfere with present auto and pedestrian access to the skating rink. Aforeaaid ground and guy wires to be removed on request of city if and where they interfere with future construction. It is planned to commence construction as soon as the ccnstruction plans are approved by WPB and FCC, and city building permit obtained. Ilespect!'ully yours, EVENING NEWS PRESS INC. s/by C. N. WEBSTER Trsasurer CNW i It wae moved by Conmissioner Masters that the foregoin,g request of the Evenin,g News Preee Inc~ be granted. - :f Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I The Conmiesion examined and allowed the following clsires and ordered warrants drawn for same: " CURRENT EXPENSE FUND I Fire Department I City Light Dept. I City Fuel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pay Roll Sa 11 IUlnt ~uel Oil Service 361-W 162.00 50.00 148.B~ 4.75 I I ~ 20 July 5 Proceedings of the.City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19..&4. CITY STREET FUND D. A. Masters, Sr. Unio n 011 Co. Car Expense Gasoline WATER FUND City Light Dspt. Union Oil Co. Marckmann & Williams ffl " n Rent & Light Service Cutting Oil Copper tubing Fittings LIGHT FUlID City Water Dept. Home Block , A. W. Ward Olympic Printery Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Union Oil Co. Westinghouse Elsc. SUpply Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Col Wa ter SerVice Garage Rent Car 'Expense Printing & Office Supplies Tel Servi oe Gasoline Meters Lock Repair VICTORY TAX FUND City Treasurer Victory Tax Withheld for June, 1944 LIBRARY F1lND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. J ennilu Norris Service #467 Expense Account PARK Fg:@ A. A. Young Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Tree Spray Service l550-J STATE AID FUND C. A. Wolverton Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Car Expense Service Service WAR LIQUOR TAX FUND R. O. Ide Union Oil Co. Larrick's Cafe . I Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Hoare & Headrick Olympic Print ery L.LD. REVOLVING F1lND Car Expense Gasoline Meals for PrisOners Service Service Office Supplies City Teeasurer !:axes Lot 14, Blk.34, Townsite L. Ln. GUARANTY FUND Ci ty Treasurer Taxes Lot 15, Blk. 262, Townsite n n 17, " 110 Baker's Subd. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. Yi /n1~ , ' Cl. ty Clerk ~ 24.55 ll8.40 .j1,.ff5 I I 25.75 4.27 25.59 731,J I 7B.70 1.90 5.00 \ 15.10 '11./ 55.84 1~1 40.55 52.00 ll.99 22.85 1760.81 o-Y 4.25 0.1-'" ./ 44.77 15.00 2.f18 ,.,~ 25.35 ~l 5.75 14.68 24.50 78.66 if' 65.15 15.71 ,,/ 66.55 y'1 2C.18 260 . 95 I I I 103.55 ~ J dT~ Mayor I I