HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/05/1945 I I I I I, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 121 ", .July 5, 19~ u_. "~",_'~m~ .,.qq, ,,,,, ~ 'I'The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll ca~ll I showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson Commissioners lleam alIi Masters, and City Clerk Hawkins. , . The Minutes of the previous sessiou were read an~ approved. for licenses, the following were granted: Distributor, Amusement MaChines, 1 Loca tion amusement machine 5 n 2 v Restaurant - Fermi t n ';; Master Plumber v Master Electrician v Restaurant - Permit /I 25 ,/ Soft Drink y Second Hand Dealer Under the head 0 f applications Ruby amusement Co. I Shamrock Tslrern Street Shop Liddane Ca-fe' I Marine Drive illnch I The LaCantina I James L. Zahrobsky Haney Electric Co. I Lid~ane 's Ca;e I Ed V~nnausdle 'Under the head of new business: Edwili A. Halberg and K. O. Erickson appsared before the Commission and asked fpr pemission to grade and ,illprove the alley between First and Second Streets end Lincoln and Laurel Sts. commencing on Lincoln, I running West ISO feet to the West line of Lot 5, Block 51, Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port 'Angeles. The said Elbrin A. Halberg and K. O. Erickson to pay all cost of making said improvelOOnt and enter into an agreement with the City to hold the City blameless on account I>;f! making said imprOvement and pay all costs caused by any future changes in street grades that may be made in this district. The City Commission granted the request, and instructed the City Attorney to prepare the agreement referred to above. 2500 .00 48.00 72.00 48.00 12.00 12.00 , 25.00 10.00 12.00 5.00 ;, 7 S9." 15.00 ,The Commis s ion examined the I current Expense F\lnd: . Marshall Boggs - Ip. A. Evening News I P. A. Evening News ,i Olympic Stationers '<< It Crorm Zellerbach Corp. United States Treasurer City tight Dept. ~ Street Fund: Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. General Motors Corp. P. A. Evening News Automotive Parts Ser. 'Tower Service Sta. following claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same: Ser. Amimal Custodian, Last! June, Publications Publications Office Supplies n II Alum - Soda Ash Rent of Ediz Hook, Contract # Tcg-51479 Hall Rent - June 12.50 15.45 174.96 4.12 1.73 4.81 100.00 3 [p f4, S"1 50.00 sl~.7t, 54.ll 4.94 ; 3.56 91.53 362.82 Sand Insula tors Call for Bids, Publication Repair parts Supplies Water l'\1nd: Automotive Parts Ser. 'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. City Light Dept. I' Lip:ht F\lnd: ,City Water Dept. 'H. W. Black : Home Electric Co. \ General Electric Supply COl'p. 'I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Sanitary ~: Tower Super Ser. Truck & Shop Supplies Ma terials Rent & tight for June 13.52 14.52 {p6,;H 52.44 Water at Sub. Garage Rent, June Hacksaw Air fixtures & Lamps Ser. 1.90 3.00 2.40 225.32 :z,[pI-/.o7 31~45 Garbage Loader 2,844.95 Library ~, Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ser. 4.25 Park FUnd: Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.- Thos. H. Guptill Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. " n n II >> Ser. Signs Wire Rope Concrete, Sand, Cement, Box. Tax on Truck Hire )'f~'" 2.88 57.42 18.03 69.13 .54 C~ L. McCarty !I Income Tax~: City Treasurer ~ LiQUor Tax fund, Mexican ChUi Bowl Income Tax withheld in June, 1945 1,939.40 Meals for <"Prisoners 25.95 ti~ht Investment :!'lind, City Trea surer Investment in U.S. Bonds, Series F. 18,500.00 iL.I.D. RevolviIll: ~ ,City Treasurer Taxes, for 1940, on lot W~ 7, Blk, 49, Townsite Ii Under the head of introductioh of ordinances, the following ordinance was introduced, first and second reading: 8.55 and placed on its An Ordinance relating to the Municipal Light & Power Plant and system, ,prescribing the rates, terms and condition for the use and sale of electric energy; detining offenses and prescribing penalties and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 1075, and amending Sections 17 and 20 of Ordinance No. 890; Provid1ilg!';for and declaring an emergency; Placing this Ordinance in fUll force and effect after its lawful publication. There being no fUrther businass, the meeting was adjourned. ~lYorOf~ 17 rr7/r/~ . , City Clerk ......t