HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/05/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 5 19~
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The Ci~y Cound..llOOt in regular session at 7:3u J:'.l'I.' and was caLLed to orderoy ~or Neer, ll.OIr caLL
of o~fl.cers showed the following present: CQuncillnen Smlth, Sandison, Matthieu, \iolfe, McFadden and
~laxfl.eld, Mamger Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk_ La~. , . " '
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that minutes of the - jre. vious meetina be d S nded b
COWlCilman Hatthieu and carried, '" approve. eco y
Under the head of unfinished business, bids were received for installation of substation and transmission
line as follows:
VECA ELECTRIC, $42,750.00, Tax, $1,425.00
FISQHBACH. &.MOORE, INC., $35,032.00~ Tax, $1,167.73
SERVICE ELECTRIC CO., INC., ~45,534~00,. Tax, ~1,502.62
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC CO., ,$44,$33.00, Tax, $1,494.~3 . .. .
Manager. Vergeer recommended the offer. by Fischbach and Moore as the lo;rest ;md. best bidt It was moved
py Councilman Sandison that bid be accepted as recommended. Seconded by Councilman ~Iolfe and carried.
Bids for oonstruction of storm sewersc;and blacktop paving in L.I.D. No. 172 were received from the follow-
ing contractors: - , . '
As both bids were in 8J!'cess of Engineer's estinate of $1.$,930.00, .it. was moved by Councilman HcFadden that
bids be rejected. Seconded Qy Councilman Sandison and,carried.
Pursuant to notice of J~ 21st, the publi~ hearing on assessment roll for sidewalk construction in front
of Lot 5, Blqck 34, Townsite was opened. No objections having been made or filed, it was moved by Council-
man. Wolfe that hearing be closed. Seconde<i by Councilman Smith and carried.
As previou.s~ requested by abutting - property ",mers, ,heari;:.g for vacation of Liberty Street from Fifth
Street to .La~idsen Boulevard was opened. No objections being made or .filed,. it was moved by Councilman
Matthieu that hearing be closed. Seconied by Councilman l1cFadden and carried.
Pay estimate to Donald Close Compal'\Y for street light installation was filed for approval in amount of
1114,099.24. Hr. ,Vergeer recommended thilt claim be approved and it was moved by COilllcilman ~Iolfe that esti-
mate be P?id. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ..
Tbe Planning Commission having filed recommendation concerning requested variance from Zoning Ordinance,
the same I;as read for Council consideration. Recommendation approved location of Doctor: 1 s Clinic on
Lots 1 and 2, Block 334, Elventh and Linooln Street~. Eugene Dansereau appeared to protest, displ~ing
sketch which sh""ed property owners opposed or: favoring,construction. It was the opinion of Hr. Dansereau
that clinic >lo)lld, decrease property value anQ. file<;i protest to the construction. It'ron Scott, Palmer
Swenson ani others appeared to protest the construction ani questioned as to whether maj!?rity oj: property
owners favored the construction. Also cited the purpose of Zoning Ordinance as protection for.
residential areas. Councilman Maxridd questioned Hr. DansereaU as 10 .what percent age the Clinic would
depreciate value of surrounding property. No definite .amount >las available. Dr. Stevens ani Ben Phillips
spoke in favor of the clinic, considering the same not at all detrimental and bett,!r than looking ilt vac-
ant lots. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Sandison that the request be tabled until
the next meeting when the Council will have had opportunity to cl)eck petitions filed and f~ consider
the matter. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried.
Council discussed ]:arallel ]:arking in c~rtain sections as previous~ considered. Manager Vergeer showed
sketch of survey effecting Front and First Streets from Cherry to Peabody Streets, there being no elimina-
tion of IXJ.rking meters. Frank Thompson, owner of Port Angeles Auto Supp~, opposed parallel parking
while John Phillips definite~ favored the same, having.paid insurance adjustments which in his opinion
>Iere due to. angle parking. Also discussed was whether or not a truck ro.ute should be included in a
proposed Ordinance governing,parking and traffic regulation. It >las moved by Councilman 11axfield that the
Ordinance include provisions designating :bruck route excepting logging trucks delivering to Carlsberg.
Seconded by Councilman ~!cFadden and carried.
Unier th e head of nel; business, one application for renewal of beverage license was received from
Haguewood's Restaurant. It "as moved by Councilman Sandison that i"Pplication be approved. Seconded by
Councilman Matthieu and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the month~ reports, of, the Police and Fire DelXJ.rtments be accepted
ani placed on fi le. Seconded by Councilman 11atth;i.eu ani carried..
Mayor Neer e;''Pressed for Council, thanks ani appreciation to Committees and all concerned, in making the
Independence Day celebration a complete success.
Under the head of introduction ani reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Liberty ,Street ~ing between Fifth Street ani Lauridsen Boulevard in
tfje 6r;1;ginal Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, I-Iashington.
It was moved by Counci~ l~cFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Haxf'ield and carried.
AN ORDINAN:;E of the Council dJ: the City of .Port~geles, ~Iashington apjroving and oonfirming the assess-
ment roll for the construction of a sidewalj<: in front of I,ots 3 ani 5 in Block 34,of the Townsite of
Port Angeles, and levying and assessing the amoljl1ts thereof against the r.espective lots, tracts, parcels
of land ani other property as shown on said assessment roll.
It lias moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Ordinanee be approved and adopted. Seconied by
Councilman ~lolfe and carried. .
There being no further business, the meeting was decl,ared adjournsd.
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U Cl.ty Clerk
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