HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/05/1962
ProceeDings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Counc~l-
~en Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Cl~rk
il1cNeece, I
:It was moved by Councilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on I
'file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
'Bids for legal printing for the City for the next year commencing July 1, 1962, were received as fo -
Ilows: The Peninsula Herald, 6 cents per 6 pt. line single column, tabulated matter at same rate, e*-
icePt one-time publication will be 12 cents per line single column, Port Angeles Evening News, 16 'I
,cents per 7 point line single column, tabulated matter 20 cents per line single column - repeat publl
lications, all matter, 11 cents per line, It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the low bid of
The Peninsula Herald be accepted, Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried,
Councilman Thorne reported for the committee which met with the Pool Manager and Park Board to dis-
cuss swim pass fees, The following fees were recommended:
One year passes (based on date of purchases)
a. Family $30.00 b. Individual adult $20.00
c. Youth (12-17 years) $15.00 d. Children (11 and under) $12,50
Isystem of checking, index file with following information: name, address. age, purchase and expira,
,tion date, and signature of each member on season pass. (Signature will be compared to one on fileil
for validity,) I
iIndividual script passes - a. Adult $5.00 for 12 swims b, Youth $5,00 for 24 swims c. Children I
$2.50 for 20 swims, script books or punch tickets will have name, address, age and receipt number, :
lIt was moved by Councilman Thorne that the report concerning the one year passes and script pass be!
approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried.
[Councilman Haguewood reported for the committee which met with the School Board pertaining to the
joint use of property adjacent to the Swimming Pool. The School Board felt that there should be
asphalt paving on the lots, and a fence built along the property line leaving room for a sidewalk
'outside of the fence. They want to put in volley ball and basket ball courts to be used not only
for P,E, program, but also for children going to and from the swimming pool. No cars to be allowed,
to park in that area. Their total estimated cost of blacktopping and fencing $3,500.00 to be bornej;
on a 50/50 basis by the City and School District. The School District proposed that they go ahead ,',
with the project and the City could pay its share to the District next year, after allowance for 'I
Isame has been made in the budget for 1963. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe to II
,jProceed with the School District's proposal of blacktopping and fencing on a 50/50 basis of estimated
cost $3,500.00, the City's share to be paid next year. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unani- I'
,ffiously carried, ~
lunder the head of new business, a request was read from Clallam County Celebrations, Inc., for
waiver of license fees for West Boast Carnival which will show in Port Angeles June 11th through 141fh
lIt was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the waiver of license fees for West Boast Carnival, showihg
in Port Angeles June 11th through 14th, be granted with the proviso that the City have first consid~
leration on any surplus over indebtedness, of Clallam County Celebrations, Inc Seconded by counCillil1
;man Haguewood, After further discussion, on call vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried
~It was moved by Councilman Smith that the request of Clallam County Celebrations, Inc for use of ;
Civic Field for a Cricket match Saturday, July 21, 1962, be granted, Seconded by Councilman Cornell
and carried. II
It was moved by Councilman Wblfe that the actaon taken to grant a waiver for circus license for
'showing on July 3rd and 4th, requested by Clallam County Celebrations, Inc,. be confirmed and
~approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried,
The following Ordinance was ,then introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles making salary adjust-
ments in the Light Department.
,It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman II
Haguewood. During ~he discussio~ which followed, Mr. Conover, a ~nion representative, 7equested
that:a Counc~l COlTuruttee be appo~nted to meet w~th the Un~on to d~scuss wages, retroact~ve pay, and.',
the including of meter tester and inspector in the salary adjustment. This being an administrative~
matter, Mr, Conover was informed that the request for a committee should come through the City Mana I'
'ger. On called vote, all voted "AYE". Motion carried, I
!The following applications for renewal of liquor license were received for approval: Estes GroceryJ
Gateway Tavern, Harbor Tavern, Thunderbird Boathouse, Inc., Don Feeley, Inc" and Port Angeles Dis-
'tributing Co. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the liquor license applications be approved
,as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
II'It was moved by Councilman Smith that the request from Lloyd Lindberg for variance on Lot 17, Block
117. be referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
lIt was moved by Councilman Thorne that the second progress payment to K, T. Henderson, Inc., in
total amount of $12,004.72 for work done and materials furnished inoonstruction of the new city II
Library Building be approved and paid, Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. I
bt was moved by Councilman Willson that the ninth (final) progress payment to K, T, Henderson, Inc.
'in total amount of $1,425,84 for work and materials in completion of the new Swimming Fool be II
approved. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. ~
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the first (June) estimate of work done and materials furnisheA
'by Randall Kilmer Construction Co. on alley paving in Lower Peabody L.I,D. No. 180 in total amount '
of $9,000.00 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried.
lA communication from Leonard Olson, Portland, Oregon, was received offering to sell to the City of
I!port Angeles Lots 2, 3, and 7, Block 83. Section H in Ocean View Cemetery for $10,00 per lot - a
l!totalOf $30,00, It was moved by Councilman Smith that these lots be purchased for $30,00. seconded,
, '
Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Iby Councilman HaguewoOcr arur carrleo.
The following reports were presented f9r approval: Monthly Budget Report of Receipts, Light and
Ipower Work and Billing Reports, and Water Dept. Work and Billing Reports, It was moved by Council-
man Smith that the reports, as enumerated, be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman
Willson and carried,
Claims payable were presented in amounts of: General Funds, $21,132.81; Water Fund, $3,074.07;
Pipeline Fund $229,43; and Light Fund, $9.387.36. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the
claims as enumerated in total amount of $33,823.67, be paid, Seconded by Councilman Thorne and
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the payroll for June In total amount of $69,527.86 be approved,
Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. l
It was moved by Councllman Thorne that the City Manager be given permission to call for bids for th
installation of curb and sidewalk in front of the new City Library Building, Seconded by Councilmah
Wolfe and carried, I
Two claims were received for damages to property when contractor installed the water line prior to
last March. One signed by Merrill Adams - $3,455.00, and one signed by James S. Hughes - $1,274,00"
It was moved by Councilman Smith that these claims be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by
Councilman Thorne and carried.
McGuire and Muri, Architects, having signed and recommended formal approval of the completion on
construction of the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool by K, T, Henderson, Inc., and an recom-
mendation by the City Manager, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood to accept the Swimming Pool as
having been completed. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried, The Mayor pointed I'
out that this allows thirty (30) days for payment of the 15% retainer fee.
,It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the letter from Attorney Nathan G~, Richardson on behalf of
I Washington State License Beverage Assn., requesting that a study be made on the control of liquor
abuses, be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried.
A communication from Mrs. H. H. Hankins of the Soroptomist Club of Port Angeles was read, requestiti
that the young people of Wenatchee who are performing in the Youth Circus at Civic Field on July 16[",h'
be offered free use of the Swimming Pool on Sunday afternoon, July 15th. After considerable dis-
cussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that as a courtesy of the City of Port Angeles the
youth group from Wenatchee be given the privilege of swimming without charge, Sunday afternoon,
July 15th. Seconded by Councilman Willson, On called vote, all voted "Aye" except Councilman
Cornell; ,feeling that this would be setting a precedent for numerous future requests, voted "Oppose<i",
Motion carried. II
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the City Manager have two or three signs prepared and in- II
stalled to properly identify the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool and to point out the locatio~
to people passing through the area, Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. II
Dick Omli, 511 W 6th Street, made complaint about the stop sign at 6th & Pine Streets, and requested
that sign be removed. The Mayor informed that this is in the proposed Local Improvement District il
jNO. 184 and could be discussed at the public hearing to follow.
'There being no further business, the meeting was recessed to reconvene for the public hearing on
!L.I,D, No. 184 at Roosevelt Junior High School,
8:40 p.m.
The public hearing on L.I.D. No. 184 was called to order by the Mayor.
City Engineer Warder explained in d~t~il, the proposed impr?vements and the area to be included in I'
the improvements; the method of arrlvlng at the charges agalnst each property owner, as set forth ,
by State Law; and pointed out that the cost notices which were sent out are estimates, but should
Ibe within 5% of the final cost amount, Also that by Pine Street from Sixth to the Boulevard, and
Sixth Street from Pine to Cedar being eligible for the State Gas Tax Arterial Fund participation,
IwhiCh actually amounts to about 18% of the total job, each resident receives the benefit of re-
Iduced job cost.
Fred Strange, Planning Commission Chairman, spoke in favor of the improvements and pointed out the
benefit and assistance of the Gas Tax allowance for the designated arterial,
The City Manager commended the residents for their foresight in seeking the improvement of this I
area, and explained that the arterial "Stop" signs had to be erected on Sixth Street so the Gas
Tax monies can legally be used in this Improvement District.
,", "",',' "" <h" open", fo, ,"""'"" ''""'''' ,,' """,joo ,,"" '"' .""", ,f 'PP'",im"~"
seventy property owners. Most of the questions and discussion were on details of the proposed im-
provement, There was no voiced protest against the actual improvements and the written protest was
in amount of $886,32 or 1/3 of 1%.
The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 9:45 p.m.
The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a
certain area within the city by the construction and installation of trunk and lateral
storm sewers therein, the improvement of certain streets by the grading, ballasting and
paving thereof and the construction of curbs and gutters where necessary, and the con-
struction of sidewalks and driveways where requested by the owner, the improvement of
certain alleys by the grading, ballasting and paving thereof and by doing all other work
necessary in connection with such improvements, all pursuant to Improvement Resolution
No. 184 of the city passed and approved June 7, 1962; creating a local improvement dis-
trict therefor, providing for the payment for said improvements by special assessments
upon the property in said district, providing for the creation of certain funds and for
Proceedings of the' City Commission of the 'City of Port Angeles, Washington
:1 the lssuance ana sa.Le or .Loca.L JJJlprovemen L u~s Lr~c C "UBU. ",,,,,
~t was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
rOUnCilman Haguewood and unanimously carried.
ft was moved by Councilman Thorne that the Manager be authorized to call for bids for Local ImproveJ
~ent District No, 184 in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the I
~ity Engineer, Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried.
Bid I
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the Manager be authorized to call for Improvement Bonds/es-
t1ffiated not to exceed $160,000,00 for payment for construction in L.I.D. No, 184, Seconded by
Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried.
ITh'1 ~'being", '""'"" ,,"';"M', co, -,,""'~, "j,,"~~/,_(\ A .. '-
g A me,! 'n.UA'L/ --~ 7
l. .. '" 'O'"I\1T'NU eo. ';'.2~n.. _. ~-__. _
-- - ----- .--"
""otlel:! Is nQrcuy given tha.t ,!leale('l
bids wlll be received at th~ office
I' ~rD t~?c;tlt~r~~~r~tr~~t.tlj,~r~l~~;~rcl~:
Wf\shhlgton untIl 1 o'clock P. M.,
\YcdnCl"dny, July 2fi, 1952. and not
later. amI will he o1)el1('.... )JubIJcly
lit tl'1!lt time 1n the C1t)' Councl!
CllambCl'';, for the followlJlg !lpprox-
lmate qualltities of work an(l mnter-
25,000 Cu. Yds. L'l1c)uBsified gxcavn-
t>,7QO Cu. Yds. Crushed Surfncing T.op
J,60() Ton Bituminous Plant Mix
for Streets
2,200 TOIl BilumJnous Plant Mix.
for Alleys
32.(lOO TAn. }o~t. Cl:'mt'llt Concrete Curb
and Gutter
11.<JI)U I~ln. Ft. Storm Sewer!'; i\nd All.
Detailed llHlnfl and spcclfleations
.may be obtained from the office ~f
the City Ens-incc!" upon It depOSit
1,0[ t.wl'nty~fl"l'e dollars ($25.00). Said
(lelJO~li wIll be refunded to nIl prOl'I-
1J('ctivc blllders UllOn Teturn of the
lllans and Sflf'~lrlr-aliutl8_
~ll~~pa:17Je $;t~;ct c,~~~~~Il~lll\Y h~~s Sll~ll~f'
r.~lt:~d~Jl~~l r;~~I IJlIOt~h~O;17~POb~~1. must)
Qualification of bldden\ Is I'efluir-'
cd and the Cit~. "oscn'cs tl1e right..
to !"f'fu:<e to qualify an~. bidder. I
The CILy reserve/'; the rlg-]lt to rc~!
jC(~ ~l~~~ (~~r~~'nf7~l%)11~f total bidl
(j"poslt check or bIll Imnd of f'QuaII
amount mU!,lt :M"CfJmpany enc!1 llrn~
~~nf{~,~~~~~i::~~f:a~:fi: i~Y~C8g~~~I~,'
Chambersut 4:45 J\ M. July 2&, 19G2,
Pllbli~hed: July U: .and 19, nG2,
~ _ 11U- <>-'-f &-,,-Q"1
seal('ll bll]s wl1 bB 'received 1JV tlllJ
elly or Port Angeles, 'Ya~hington
IImll 7:30 1-', :.\1, AII"u~t 2, 19li2, for
! tl.le remo",,1 and replacil1g of a now
I f'ldcwnJl. in Front of the ;\[unicillfll
Libral'Y nulldin~ on SOLlth Lincoln
All bids shall be !'!ubmltted to the
City ).lauager at the City Hall-
140 j'i'csl Front Slreet 011 01' up.fOl'e
r the datI) 111111 time, nlflml auo\'l!_ All
Illfu; will be opened by the City
COUne!I at 7:30'() cloek P,M. In tllO,
Counell CIHlmber~ on August 2, 1962
~~~~[n~o~::I;e~ot a~~erCOI~;~~re~~ blcl i
IntCI't)stcd blddcrs nUl)' commit,
;iiW ~'~~afj~~~ M:heag~~o/kt ~:~~ c;~~ l
materlalf' to be used. The City re~
SET'fes the right to acce,)t an)"'
portloll of toe Wflrk nnd is not bound',
to accept the low hId 1 r 1n the I
~~t~~in~~It~~lnt~nth: ~~~.~lel' bid is t
Tile work inyol"ed shall con~ist
of the following'
Approximately l,tiS5 sl]unre feet
of Sidewalk & Curb. The City will
remoYc the existing curl> and .'lide-
The C[mtnu~tor shall lll'ellare the
forks, base .and pOllr fI. sidewalk [n
one pl('>C0-four and one-Ilalf (4Y.l)
lnclles thick-cl;}..<;s "A" COllcl'ete.
COllcrete shall he l'eady.mlx prepar_.
cd and (1f'li"el'ed hy mix truck, TJle
contrll.n{nr nftcr IJre)Jaring ll.a~e, lay
a (j" x G" - 10 gUflg'e as pcr ASTM
'Specificatlons A - 185 or equal.
J;'inish ~hal1 be flnislled by brusrtlllg
In a straight manner Jwith a f'oft
broom from the bulJa.ing to the curb,
JAnes slmll he l'qutLI SQ.ll~u'e8 not to
exceed four (4) feet either way
.and Hl1all be square with th(,> bull(l~
lng, BXIJ:l.nsion joints Shflll be IH_
IllaHeel, using on~half (*) inch
ma-tcrln) and sl1ull be pln('ed at
twenty-four un foot E;llflCCS in a.
ncat manner.
Ea.ch Ilid shall be accompanied IJY
a certified check, a bank cashier'l;
check or- a bid bond In an amount
not Iesl< than rive q;:) Ilel'['fllll of
tlle amount bid
l\L cii;. ~i~:-;~;:;~nn I
Published: Jut).. ]9 and !!li, 1lI62, I
.. I
.... i