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Port Angeles, Washington
July 5, 1983
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Haguewood, Polhamus, Quast,
Members Absent:
Councilmen Gerberding and Hordyk.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Lannoye, P. Carr, L. Cosens, L. Glenn, R. Orton,
V. Clay, K. Ridout, R. Morgan, L. Danks, S. Hardy,
K. Maike.
Public Present:
D. McWilliams, Ken Schermer, S. Fahnestock, T. Haley, L.
& K. Dempsey, J. Key, C. Whalley, D. Price, D. Bettger.
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council .accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the June 21, 1983 regular meeting and Councilman Quast
seconded. Mayor Duncan noted an amendment to register page 462, incidating
she had been unable to attend the AWC convention. The motion to pass the
amended minutes carried.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the items listed under the Con-
sent Agenda including (l) permission to call for bids for re-roofing Vern
Burton Memorial Community Center; (2) payment to Riddell, Williams for
legal representation; (3) payment to CH2M Hill for professional assistance;
(4) Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondence; (5) vouchers of
$981,584.87; and (6) payroll of $195,403.74. Councilman Whidden seconded
and Council further instructed Manager Flodstrom in the re-roOfing of the
Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. Council noted their planned atten-
dance at the Coast Guard change of command ceremony to be held July 13,
1983. On call for the question the motion carried.
l. Fire Department Radio Changes
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Police Lieutenant Myers regarding
the bid opening for Fire Department radio changes and councilman Whidden
moved the Council accept and award the bid of Richmond Radio for $6,807.63,
subject to possible modifications to the specifications as mentioned in the
memorandum. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Finance Director Orton introduced vincent Clay, the City t S new Risk
Manager, to the Council.
Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 14-83, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor, City Council and
City Staff to recognize CRAIG L. MILLER
as a past member of the Port Angeles
City Staff who served admirably.
July 5, 1983
She presented the resolution to Mr. Miller and Councilman Quast then
presented a token of the Council's appreciation to Mr. Miller; a T-shirt
reading "60 - 40 or 40 - 60; That was the question".
Councilman Quast also congratulated Sheridan Fahnestock, Daily News, for
covering the Council meetings the past seven years.
Public Hearings
A. Consideration of electrical rate reduction resulting from
recent WPPSS related court action.
At the June 21, 1983 meeting, Council discussed the Supreme Court decision
filed June 15, 1983 that the City of Port Angeles, as a municipality, did
not have the authority to sign the WPPSS 4 and 5 contracts; thereby render-
ing the contracts null and void. Council at that time tabled consideration
of reducing the electric rates by the amount attributable to WPPSS 4 and 5
and referred the matter to the Utility Advisory Committee for their consid-
eration and recommendation. Councilman Quast, reporting for the Utility
Advisory Committee, noted the majority of the Committee recommended to
"roll-back" the electrical rates by .018<:: per KWh effective August 1, 1983,
reserving $400,000 for future WPPSS litigation. (The roll-back represents
the amount the rates had been increased in May, 1982 to meet WPPSS 4 and 5
obligations.) Councilman Quast~ representing the minority opinion of the
UAC, recommended crediting the anticipated BPA rate increase on November l,
1983 by .018<:: per KWh and reserving $800,000 for future WPPSS litigation;
because of the cost involved in implementing a rate change August 1, 1983
which will also need to be duplicated for the November 1, 1983 rate in-
crease. Mayor Duncan then opened the public hearing and requested comments
or questions from the audience. The following individuals urged the Coun-
cil to delay a rate reduction at this time due to the uncertainty of the
obligations the City may yet incur as a result of WPPSS 4 and 5 litigation:
Bernard Caine, 417 East Front, Port Angeles, Clayton Rennie, 40l Vista
View, Port Angeles; James Cammack, 3752 Hill Circle, Port Angeles, and
Darol McWilliams, 818 Seamount Drive, Port Angeles. There being no further
comments Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Councilman Haguewood
moved the matter be removed from the table. Councilman Whidden seconded
and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan then read an ordinance by title to
the Council, implementing the .018<:: roll-back effective August l, 1983,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
altering the rates for the sale of
electricity and amending Sections 3, 4
and 6 of Ordinance 2054, Sections 3, 4
and 6 of Ordinance 2137, Sections 1 and
2 of Ordinance 2173, Sections 1 of
Ordinance 2198, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
Ordinance 2210, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
Ordinance 2232, and Sections 13.12.030,
13.12.040, 13.12.060, l3.l2.07l of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read
by title and Councilman Haguewood seconded. Councilman Quast spoke against
the motion. Councilmen Polhamus and Haguewood noted the Council had, at
the time they approved the rate increase attributable to WPPSS 4 and 5,
indicated they would reduce the rate as soon as it was no longer necessary.
After further Council discussion Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus voted in
favor of the motion and Councilmen Quast and Whidden voted "No". Mayor
Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in opposition to the motion; noting
the timing is inappropriate for an August 1, 1983 rate adjustment.
\ ~,,( Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize staff to proceed with a '
~o course of action to credit the anticipated BPA rate increase on November 1,
t \; ",]v 1983 by .018<:: per KWh and reserve $800,000 for future WPPSS litigation.
t '" Councilman Whidden seconded. On call for the question, Councilmen Quast
fl }"'. and Whidden voted "Aye" and Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus voted "No".
l t' \l~ Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in favor of the motion.
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July 5, 1983
Councilman Haguewood noted the absence of Councilmen Hordyk and Gerberding
who had, at the UAC meeting, supported approval of an ordinance implement-
ing an August 1, 1983 roll-back.
B. Hartman/Lindberg Rezone Request
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Lindberg/Hartman rezone
request to rezone a 42,000 square-foot parcel from CAD to RMF located on
the south side of Front Street, west of Peabody, and requested comments or
questions from the public. There being no comments, Mayor Duncan closed
the public hearing. Mayor Duncan then read an ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
reclassifying property on the south
side of Front Street, west of Peabody
Street, from CAD to RMF.
, Councilman Quast, for the sake of discussion, moved the Council concur with
the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the Hartman/Lindberg
rezone request and adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Polhamus seconded. Councilman Quast expressed concern for rezoning
such a comparatively small area and Mr. Lindberg addressed the Council
regarding the rezone request. On call for the question Councilman Polhamus
voted "Aye", Councilmen Quast and Whidden voted "No", and Councilman
Haguewood abstained. Mayor Duncan, voting due to lack of a quorum, voted
"Aye" which resulted in a 2 - 2 tie vote, with no majority. Councilman
Quast then moved the matter be tabled for consideration at the July 19,
1983 meeting. Councilman Whidden seconqed and the motion carried.
2. Planning Commission Minutes of June 22, 1983
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of June 22, 1983 with
the following action being taken by the Council:
a. Short Plat Appeal - Allen
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning commission recommendation to approve the
Allen appeal of a short plat requirement that a sidewalk be installed
adjacent to Peabody Street at the southwest corner of Peabody Street and
Whidby Avenue. Councilman Quast moved the Council not concur with the
Planning Commission recommendation and deny the Allen Short Plat Appeal.
Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Quast noted the need for a sidewalk
adjacent to Peabody Street and on call for the question the motion carried
with Councilman Haguewood voting "No".
Councilman Whidden then moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the Planning Commission minutes of June 22, 1983. Councilman
Quast seconded and the motion carried.
3. Planning Commission Minutes of June 28, 1983
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of the June 28, 1983
special meeting and Councilman Whidden moved the Council accept and place
on file as received the Planning Commission minutes of June 28, 1983.
Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. (See LATE ITEMS for
additional action.)
4. Contract Authorization re: DelHur Annexation and EIS Preparation
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from the Planning Department and Council-
man Whidden moved the Council authorize staff to contract with Nautilus
Associates, Ltd., to prepare the DelHur East Side Annexation Environmental
Impact Statement. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
5. Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce - Status Report
Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce President Bob Morgan presented a status
report regarding the Chamber's tourism activities for 1983. Council then
discussed at length with Mr. Morgan, Executive Director Gaye Shannon, and
Chairman of the Brochure Committee, Carol Wagner, the progress on develop-
ment of a new tourism brochure for Port Angeles, and distribution of the
July 5, 1983
current brochures for this tourist season. During the discussion Council-
man Quast moved the council appropriate funds to the Chamber to allow them
to complete the new brochure in time for Derby Days 1983. Manager
Flodstrom indicated the funds had been allocated in the 1983 budget and the
motion died for lack of a second. Darol McWilliams, 818 Seamount Drive,
and Paul Saxton, 4616 Old Mill Road, addressed the Council regarding the
matter. Council then discussed alternatives for production of a brochure
for the 1983 tourist season and concurred to have a representative of the
Council, Councilman Whidden, meet with the Chamber's Tourist Brochure
Committee to further plan the production of a brochure for the 1983 tourist 1-
season and the development of a new brochure for 1984.
6. Development Association - Public Building Improvements - City
Larry Dempsey, Development Association, Port Angeles, addressed the Council
regarding their proposal for a public building improvement program for City
Hall. After discussion of the merits of the proposal Councilman Quast
moved the Council authorize staff to provide the Development Association
with the information they require to put together a viable proposal to
present to the Council. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion
7. Sidewalk Sale Obstruction - Port Angeles Downtown Association
Councilman Quast moved the Council grant the request of the Port Angeles
Downtown Association to hold sidewalk sales in conjunction with Arts-In-
Action and Derby Days. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
8. City Lease of Clallam County Fairgrounds to Clallam County
Councilman Polhamus moved the Council authorize the Mayor to eKecute the
renewal of the lease agreement for the lease from the City to Clallam
County for the Clallam County Fairgounds. Councilman Quast seconded and
the motion carried.
9. Resolution - Lease/Purchase Agreement for Police Vehicles
At the April 5, 1983 Council meeting, the Council approved a leasing
arrangement with First Union Commercial Corporation for l7 new Police cars.
As a formality, First Union Commercial Corp. requested a resolution be
adopted authorizing the execution of the lease. Mayor Duncan then read by
title Resolution No. l5-83, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the City Manager to execute
an agreement between the City of Port
Angeles and First Union Commercial
Corporation for the lease/purchase of
automobiles for the Port Angeles Police
Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read
by title. Councilman Whidden seconded and following discussion of the
motion, Councilmen Quast and Whidden voted "Aye" and Councilmen Haguewood
and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in
favor of the motion.
10. Morse Creek Hydro Study
Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the Light Department recom-
mendation to authorize the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Engineering
Services Contract with Schuchart and Associates to complete the additional
studies required to obtain a project license from the Federal Energy Regu-
latory Commission, and to increase the budget from $49,300 to $88,800.
Councilman Whidden seconded and Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Council-
man Hordyk indicating his support of the recommendation. On call for the
question Councilmen Quast and Whidden voted "Aye" and Councilmen Haguewood
and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in
favor of the motion.
July 5, 1983
11. Selection of Consultant for Technical Assistance for Energy
Analysis of William Shore Memorial Pool
Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the Light Department recom-
mendation to authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement for professional
services with Brown and Caldwell, consulting engineers, for the purpose of
performing the IBP Technical Assistance Study of the william Shore Memorial
Pool in accordance with the Technical Assistance Study Agreement previously
executed with WSEO. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
12. Medic I - Consideration of Placing Before Voters
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Fire Chief Glenn regarding the
proposed Firefighter/Paramedic Medic I program and Councilman Quast moved
Council instruct staff to prepare the Advisory Ballot wording for the
program for review at the July 19, 1983 meeting. Councilman Whidden
seconded and the motion carried.
13. Derby Days Symbol on City roadways
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from the Public Works Department regard-
ing approval for an insignia for the Derby Days Committee to apply to City
streets to signify Derby Days activities. Councilman Quast moved the
Council approve use of the insignia as proposed. Councilman Polhamus
seconded and following discussion the motion carried.
14. Designs for Canvas Windbreaker at Civic Pier
Manager Flodstrom presented to the Council an artist's rendition of pos-
sible designs for the canvas windbreaker at the Civic Pier. Councilman
Quast moved the Council refer the designs to the Parks, Recreation and
Beautification Conunission for their final recommendation. Councilman
Whidden seconded and suggested the new Port Angeles logo be used. On call
for the question the motion carried.
l5. 1984 Budget - Planning and Meeting Dates
Councilman Whidden moved the Council approve the 1984 Budget and Planning
Schedule as proposed by Manager Flodstrom. Councilman Quast seconded and
issued a public invitation to all those interested to participate in the
budget process. On call for the question the motion carried.
16. Radio License Agreement - KIRO-TV and KSEA-FM
Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize the Mayor to execute agree-
ments with KIRO-TV and KSEA-FM for installation of radio equipment in the
police building on Ediz Hook. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion
17. Derby Days Proclamation
Mayor Duncan proclaimed the period of August 26 through September 5, 1983
as "Derby Days" in Port Angeles and encouraged everyone to participate in
the many activities that will be taking place.
1. Planning Commission Minutes - June 22, 1983
Councilman Whidden moved the Council schedule a public hearing for July 19,
1983 for consideration of a proposed change regarding home occupations in
the zoning ordinance. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Dr. Donald Bettger, 114 East First, Port Angeles, spoke in favor of the
City's current police pursuit policies.
Mayor Duncan reported the Coast Guard Cutter CONFIDENCE would be in Port
Angeles August 20, 1983 and noted the 1987 Grange Convention will be held
in Port Angeles. She also noted several citizen comments regarding the
July 5, 1983
current fireworks legislation and requests for a City fireworks display on
Ediz Hook.
Mayor Duncan appointed Councilman Quast to attend the Chamber of Commerce
meeting July 29, 1983.
Councilman Quast complimented Senior .Center Director Jean Hordyk for
obtaining a grant from the Olympic Area Agency on Aging for the PNB phone
collection service, and thanked Dale Warner, past City Street Superintend-
ent, for his service to the City.
Allen Short Plat Appeal - Planning Commission Minutes of June 22, 1983
Councilman Quast moved the Council instruct staff to assist Mr. Allen in
the installation of the required sidewalk along Peabody Street. Councilman
Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 10:10 PM.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 10:30
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City Clerk