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Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 7:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Boy Scout Troop 1458, Mike
Wilson, Assistant Scout Master, members, Travis Wilson, Jack Hoyle, and
Jason Huff.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
July 5, 1989
Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Haguewood, Hallett,
Hordyk, Lemon, Sargent.
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, 0.
Miller, B. Myers, B. Titus, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, J.
Pittis, D. Wolfe, C. Headrick, G. Kenworthy, K. Ridout,
B. Coons.
H. Fulkerson,
Beil, J. A.
Colompos, H.
Consideration of Lease /Purchase Agreement for Medic I Ambulance
E. Brown, J.
Webster, R.
B. Govedich,
J. VanOss,
R. Forster,
Uranga, K. C
D. P. Brewer,
S. Everett, L.
L. Ross,
J. Lyon,
OF JUNE 26. 1989
Councilman Sargent moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
regular meeting of June 20, 1989, and the special meeting of June 26, 1989,
of the Port Angeles City Council. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion
carried unanimously, with Councilman Lemon abstaining from the vote on the
June 26th minutes as he was not present at that meeting.
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the lease agreement and authorize the
Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Sargent seconded. The agreement
was with Chicago Corporation for the full purchase price of the Medic I
ambulance for a 7 -year term at 8.75Z interest.
Councilman Haguewood stated he was violently opposed to the leasing of the
vehicle, as this method of financing only puts the City further in debt,
stating he was opposed to the motion.
Councilman Hallett requested that staff expand upon the reasoning for the
lease option agreement. Director of Administrative Services Wolfe explained
that since the original budgeting of this item, it had been the intention to
lease the vehicle.
Councilman Lemon asked why there was not a reserve fund built in anticipa-
tion of this issue. Director Wolfe explained this vehicle replaces the
original vehicle of the program and a reserve fund was not anticipated at
the time.
The Council and staff discussed at length different options which may be
available for the purchase of the vehicle; the establishment of a policy
which would allow reserve funds to be allocated; the Equipment Rental Fund
as it pertains to the issue; and the request to discuss this issue during
the budget hearing process in order to deal with future purchases.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Mayor McPhee, Councilmen
Haguewood and Lemon voting "No
Councilman Hordyk moved to accept the items as listed on the Consent Agenda,
including: (1) Request from Thurston County to enter into an Intergovern-
mental Purchase Agreement; (2) Request to invoke contract extension
provisions of City's janitorial contract with Larry's Janitorial Service;
(3) Vouchers of $1,265,152.73; and (4) Payroll of 6 -30 -89 of $249,302.90.
Councilman Sargent seconded.
Following a short discussion of the items as presented, the question was
called and the motion carried unanimously.
Dave Brewer, 111 East 13th Street, requested the Council allow him to speak
on Item 6 regarding the Sign Ordinance. Attorney Knutson pointed out this
issue had already been discussed during the public hearing and no comments
could be taken.
Jack Martin, 3903 Nygren Place, requested to speak on Item 5 regarding
McDougal Street improvements.
Kirk Williams, 3606 McDougal, requested to speak on Item 5.
Jack Lyon, 216 West 13th Street, wished to speak on Item 3, Solganic
Services. Attorney Knutson pointed out the Planning Commission had held a
public hearing on this issue and the Council would not be taking comments.
Tony Hennings, 3415 McDougal, wished to speak on Item 5.
Harold Govedich, 3909 Nygren Place, wished to speak on Item 5.
July 5, 1989
Mark Fisher, 1221 East Second Street, asked if the Council would be
discussing the Ediz Hook Park project. Councilman Hordyk stated this item
was on the Council's Information Agenda and they would not be speaking to
the issue.
Councilman Haguewood requested Item 14 be added to the Agenda, a discussion
of the timber industry welfare regarding the spotted owl issue.
1. Yard of the Month
Yard of the Month awards for July, 1989, were presented by Mayor McPhee to
the following: Jeff and Mavis Rosbach, 1638 West 14th Street; Miles and
Eleanor Troyer, 2035 West Seventh Street; John and Rosemary Forster, 533
East Park; Richard Hanson and Sara Standley, 221 North Albert Street; Evert
and Alma Nyman, 1133 East Second Street. Neighborhood of the Month: 1200
block of East Second Street: Lee and Jane Darling, 1203; Charles and
Claire Turner, 1207; Alfred and Constance Pavlak,-. 1209; Robert and Alexis
Sorensen, 1217; Mark and Jan Fischer, 1221; Vernon and Fay Basom, 1233; and
Jack and Thelma King, 1229.
2. Public Hearines
A. ZoninE Code Amendment ZCA- 89(06)6 Social Clubs and Fraternal
OrEanizations in the CSD -C1 and C2 Districts
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 7:45 P.M. There being no public
comment, he then closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
adding certain conditional uses to the
CSD -Cl and CSD -C2 Districts, and amending
Section 7 of Ordinance 1709.
July 5, 1989
Councilman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Gabriel seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
B. Declare as Surplus Property. Lot 14. Block 51. TPA (Near
intersection of Third and Valley)
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 7:47 P.M. There being no public
comment, he then closed the public hearing.
Councilman Lemon moved to declare surplus, Lot 14, Block 51, Townsite of
Port Angeles, and set a minimum bid amount of $1,500. Councilman Sargent
Councilman Hordyk stated this was unanimously approved by the Utility
Advisory Committee.
Mayor McPhee spoke in opposition, as he felt this site could be advantageous
to the City in the future, as it has a potential use as a view site.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Mayor McPhee voting "No
3. Plannine Commission Minutes of June 28. 1989
A. Solaanic Services Conditional Use Permit CUP 89(04)7 Septaee
Waste Treatment Site
Mayor McPhee read a statement announcing the employee /employer relationship
between himself and Councilman Lemon, requesting that anyone who was opposed
to either one of them hearing this issue, so speak. There were no comments
Councilman Sargent stated she had received a letter from the Clallam County
Commissioners requesting the Council table this issue until such time as the
Council could work with the Commissioners to review the available technology
regarding septic and sludge management and environmental health risks and
available regulatory controls. Councilman Sargent personally felt the
Council needed more information.
Councilman Sargent moved to table the issue and to set a meeting with the
County Commissioners in which this would be the sole topic. Councilman
Haguewood seconded.
Mayor McPhee asked Attorney Knutson to brief the Council on the types of
information that the Council can consider on this issue. Attorney Knutson
stated on quasi judicial items, such as this, the appearance of fairness
doctrine requires that the Council and the Planning Commission consider only
material that is properly submitted during a public hearing process, or on
staff reports. As quasi judicial decision makers, the Councilmembers, when
presented with information that is not admitted into evidence, and must
disregard this information and base their decision on the information
provided during the proper proceedings.
Following further discussion, Councilman Hordyk raised a point of order,
stating the motion was non debatable.
Councilman Sargent stated in view of the Attorney's comments she withdrew
the motion. Councilman Haguewood withdrew his second.
Councilman Lemon moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation
to deny the Conditional Use Permit request, citing the following finding:
(A) The proposed septage facility does not comply with the purpose of the
Light Industrial Zone because the proposed use is not seen to be devoid of
exterior nuisance factors upon surrounding lands. Councilman Gabriel
Following a discussion of how this issue could pertain to the secondary
treatment plant, Manager Flodstrom reminded the Council that the application
must stand on its own merits and not on how it may affect issues in the
future. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
B. Acceptance of Minutes
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate a portion of West Third
July 5, 1989
Councilman Gabriel moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of June 28, 1989. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion
carried unanimously.
4. Street Vacation Reauest STV- 89(07)6 SNYDAL (portion of West Third
Mayor McPhee read the Resolution by title, entitled
Councilman Hallett moved to set a public hearing for August 1, 1989, and
that this request be referred to the Planning Commission for a hearing at
the Planning Commission meeting of July 12, 1989, and to pass the Resolution
as read by title. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried
5. Report on Neighborhood Meeting About McDougal Street Improvements
(Tabled 6- 20 -89)
Councilman Hordyk stated that he had been approached by Bud Myren in regard
to the right -of -way easement; however, due to time constraints, he was not
able to get together with Mr. Myren to speak further on the issue.
Councilman Gabriel stated he had spoken to Mr. Myren and it was his opinion
that Mr. Myren was favorable with regard to the right -of -way if the LID was
to go through as approved by the residents.
Jack Martin, 3903 Nygren Place, reviewed the history of McDougal Street up
to the 1985 removal of the bituminous surface, and as a result of the
removal of that surface, it was the neighborhood's feeling this made it an
unsafe street. He requested the Council take some action for improvement of
the road conditions.
Harold Govedich, 3909 Nygren Place, felt the road problem was initiated when
the Planning Commission allowed the development on an unsafe road. He
stated the City should make some financial commitment. He discussed with
the Council some of the citizens' major concerns regarding the surface of
the road, the water problem, and his feeling of disgruntlement about the
maintenance of the road.
Mayor McPhee expressed his concern regarding the memorandum presented by
staff outlining the cost of the maintenance of the road and several options
available to the Council regarding the condition of the road. He requested
the Council recess to executive session to discuss a potential litigation
Councilman Hallett objected. Council did not adjourn to executive session.
Kirk Williams, 3606 McDougal Street, offered the Council and the City 235
feet of land for right -of -way easement in exchange for the cost of the LID
assessment. His main concern was for the safety of the children in the
The Council and staff discussed at length the issue of the water problem and
the staff's ability to repair the problem, as well as whether a full or
partial LID should be assessed.
Manager Flodstrom suggested the staff and Council work toward some accept-
able improvements with the neighborhood residents to put forth a more
positive, cooperative approach.
Councilman Hallett concurred, and suggested a committee be formed between
two Councilmembers, staff, and representatives from the neighborhood.
Councilmen Hallett and Hordyk were appointed to the committee.
July 5, 1989
Mr. Williams requested the staff notify the neighbors of the issue.
Tony Hennings, McDougal Street, stated he was opposed to the McDougal Street
LID, as he was concerned that there was only one entrance /exit to the road.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, spoke on the possibility of the City upgrading
McDougal Street to an arterial and to try to receive other funding sources
for the maintenance and upgrade of the road.
Mayor McPhee directed Manager Flodstrom to contact Jack Martin regarding two
neighborhood representatives, requesting that there be one person who
supported the LID process and one who was opposed.
No formal action was taken on this matter.
Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a break at 8:45 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 9:00 P.M.
6. Discussion of Sign Ordinance Issues and Options
Councilman Hordyk stated that he and Councilman Sargent had met with some
representatives of the Downtown Association and there had been some
consensus reached regarding this issue. He then moved that the revised Sign
Ordinance be altered only to the extent that non conforming signs be
grandfathered until the use or the business is altered, and the require-
ments be stated in the Building Code. Additionally, that banners be
allowed for thirty (30) days only. Councilman Lemon seconded.
Councilman Lemon spoke in support of the thirty -day limitation on banners.
Councilman Hallett asked the reason for the grandfather clause when all but
six businesses have complied with the present Ordinance.
Councilman Hordyk stated because he felt this
courts in the present pending lawsuit.
Councilman Hallett preferred to concur with
and support of those people who have complied
eight or nine years.
issue would be resolved by the
the majority, out of courtesy
with the Ordinance in the past
Councilman Hordyk amended the motion that the Attorney write the Ordinance
to be reviewed by the City Council at the July 18th City Council meeting.
Councilman Lemon concurred.
Attorney Knutson pointed out that when the Council makes modifications to a
Zoning Code amendment which has been recommended by the Planning Commission,
the i,,ssue needs to return to the Planning Commission for its review and
report. However, the statute does not specify whether another public
hearing needs to be held at the Planning Commission level.
Councilman Sargent said she has been working toward compromise in regard to
this issue and although she would have preferred the approval of the revised
Downtown Sign Code, as amended by the Planning Commission, she recognized
that no solution would please everyone, and was in support of the motion.
Mayor McPhee also stated he would be in support of the motion, in the
interest of compromise, although he did not believe the Ordinance addressed
all the issues.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett voting
"No" and Councilman Haguewood abstaining on an appearance of fairness.
7. Response to Roaer Reidel's Work Proeram /Employment Assistance Proeram
Councilman Sargent moved to agree with the recommendation of staff to table
the item until the July 18th City Council meeting, at which time staff can
report back to the City Council concerning the results of the July llth
meeting with the representatives of the State. Councilman Hallett seconded
and the motion carried unanimously.
8. Reouest from Arts In Action to Use Space in Old City Hall for Their
Juried Art Show
Councilman Sargent moved to allow the use of the front area of the old City
Hall Building for the Arts In Action Juried Art Show from July 1st to the
week following the Angeles Arts In Action. Councilman Lemon seconded.
Attorney Knutson commented that in order for the City to avoid the consti-
tutional prohibition against giving away City property and to be consistent
in the use of the old City Hall facilities, the Council should authorize the
Mayor or the City Manager to sign an agreement which would contain pro-
visions which set forth the improvements to be done in consideration of the
City allowing the use of the premises and to ensure that those improvements
are acceptable to the City Manager; and also that the Council consider the
requirement of insurance or the execution of a hold harmless provision in
the same agreement.
Councilman Sargent incorporated into her motion the requirements as stated
by the Attorney to be set forth by the Attorney and the City Manager.
Councilman Lemon concurred.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
9. Reouest for Letter of Support for the Establishment of a D.W.I.
Victims' Panel
Mayor McPhee reported that local attorney Michael Hastings had contacted him
several months ago in regard to a resolution to support a D.W.I. Victims'
Panel in the sentencing of D.W.I. and alcohol offenders convicted in Clallam
County. He believed this to be a worthy goal.
Councilman Lemon moved that the Council prepare a Resolution in support of
this activity and a letter of support be prepared by staff for the Mayor's
signature. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
10. Consideration of Utility Advisory Committee's Recommendation on
Recently Imposed State Solid Waste Collection Tax
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
decreasing the Landfill Disposal Rate
and amending Section 1 of Ordinance
2436, Section 1 of Ordinance 2378,
Section 1 of Ordinance 2354, Section
1 of Ordinance 2317, and Chapter
13.54 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Councilman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Lemon seconded.
Councilman Sargent commented that this, in effect, will allow the City to
pay the tax without increasing the Solid Waste rate. The motion carried
11. Consideration of Utility Advisory Committee's Recommendation on
Reducine Impacts of Increased Sewer Rates
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing rates for water service
in the summer for residential use,
amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2340,
Chapter 6, Section 2, Ordinance 2323,
and amending Chapter 13.44 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
July 5, 1989
July 5, 1989
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to
instruct staff to begin promoting the alternate day watering program.
Councilman Sargent seconded.
Councilman Lemon stated this program was two -fold: The first component was
to provide a layer of water consumption from 1,500 to 2,000 cubic feet per
month free of charge, for the months of July and August, providing this
layer would offset the negative impact of the recently enacted sewer rate
increase on lawn watering. The other component was an effort on the part of
the City to initiate an every- other -day watering program where residents
with even numbered addresses would water on even numbered days, and odd
numbered addresses on odd numbered days.
Councilman Haguewood stated this is in addition to the lower summer watering
rate and in order to maintain the level of water in the reservoirs, it would
behoove the people to water on alternate days.
Councilman Sargent pointed out that the alternate day watering also results
in a significant reduction of cost in the Utility for pumping.
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to publish the respective Ordinances by summary.
Councilman Lemon seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
12. Consideration of Reauest from Parks Department for Funds to Repair
Vandalized Restrooms at Erickson Playfield
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendation that repairs to
the vandalized restrooms at Erickson Playfield be undertaken as expedi-
tiously as possible and the budget be amended by allocating $5,500 to the
Parks Department budget specifically for those repairs. Councilman Sargent
Councilman Haguewood suggested the Police Department wire the restroom with
beepers to apprehend any culprits that vandalize restrooms.
Assistant Police Chief Myers stated the Department has been discussing this
issue and will continue exploration.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
13. Consideration of Establishing a City "Centennial Committee" for Next
Year's Centennial
Councilman Hordyk was the Councilmember who had initiated this issue.
However, he stated he wished to be relieved from the Committee, citing that
several people had contacted him in regard to working on the Committee,
namely Joyce Gonzales and Councilman Sargent. He suggested they work toward
the formation of a Committee.
Councilman Sargent stated she would research the issue further and bring
more information to the Council at a later date. '4
14. Discussion of Timber Industry Welfare
Councilman Haguewood suggested the City of Port Angeles should pass a
resolution which urged the representatives of the House and the Senate to
find some sort of middle ground regarding the issue of the timber industry
and the spotted owl, as the City of Port Angeles is highly involved in the
timber industry, and therefore should take a stand, as he could foresee a
real problem with the issue.
Mayor McPhee suggested a strongly worded letter be sent, as opposed to a
Councilman Haguewood concurred.
Mayor McPhee directed staff to prepare a letter to bring back to the Council
for his signature at the July 18th City Council meeting.
Manager Flodstrom stated the request from the Boy Scouts of America to use
the house located on Peabody Street has been withdrawn, as there is no
longer a need for the site. He also stated on July 14th there would be
overnight camping occurring on Hollywood Beach as a result and part of the
Indian Canoe Festival.
There was no need for an executive session.
Councilman Lemon moved for adjournment at 9:37 P.M. Councilman Gabriel
seconded and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 P.M.
AdV/eA (`Y
July 5, 1989