HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1932 r- llo.... 48 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ______193~ ,Ro;"" M"~."."<"'Ul,4'A"""'." ......HO.. n... _ July Ii,_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by },rayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present. 1~yor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Polioe Judge Thos.Geisness reported 8 oases tried and ~35.00 colleoted in fines for the },;onth of June. Report ordered filed. Under the head of applioations for lioenses the following were granted,- : Hotel Annex 'Lee Cafe Vim. VTright 24 rooms Resturant 1 Barber chair ~~ 24.00 15.00 1.00 Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was read by title and plaoed on its fhird reading,- An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinanoe No.928 entitled,"An Ordinance providing a minimum wage rate for all persons employed by the City of Port Angeles or on looal or other improvement work done under oontract with said oity; providing for oertain preferenoes in the employment on all suoh work; presoribing the duties of the Commissione of streets and Public Improvements with referenoe thereto; defining offenoes and providin penalties therefor; and declaring an emergenoy. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinance be plaoed on its final passage and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion, On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. Under the head of Introduo~ion of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was Introduoed and plaoed on its First and Seoond readings,- An Ordinanae authorizing the issuanoe and sale of loaal improvement bonds for Looal Improvement Distriot No.l45 to pay the oost and expense of the improvements in said distriot as ordered and provided for in Ordinanoe NO.868,approved February 3,l932, entitled "An Ordinanae ordering and providing for the oonstruction of a lateral. sewer within the City of Port Angeles desoribed as follows; to wit; A lateral sewer commenoing at the trunk sewer at the intersection of "H" street with the alley between Fifth and Sixth streets running easterly along said alley to "D" Street suffioient to drain and sewer all of Blooks 120 and all of,Bloak 12l,the North Half of Block 113 and the North Half of Block 114,all in the City of Port Angeles,VTashington, together with all appurtenances and eQuipment neceBsary to complete the same and to do suoh other work as may be neoessary in oonnection therewith; oreating Looal Improvement Distriot No. 145 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the payment of the oost and expense thereof by special assessments upon the property within the said distriat aooording to law by the mode of payment by bonds in aooordanoe with Improvement Resolution No.145 of the City of.Port Angeles and the plans and speoifications prepared by the City Engineer and approved and adopted by the City Commission. I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Ilook's Au to Eleo tr 1c Gehrke & Johnson George's Service Station J.Y.Sneddon J. City Treasurer Zellerbaah Paper Company Zellerbach Paper Company Burroughs Adding Maohine Co. Byron ,1inter Vim. Phillips Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. S.T.Eddy J.Lloyd Aldwell Ino. Washington state Bank Clifford Cowling Willson Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electrio & Mfg.Co. Graybar Electrio Co. ,Pacific Lamp & Supply Co. Graybar Electrio Co, Line Material Co. Graybar Electrim Co. Fobes Supply Co. Fobes Supply Co. Fobes Supply Co., Fobes Supply Co. O.L. Guy General Eleotric Supply Co. I aoific Lamp & Supply Co. almer Electric Co., IGordon Prentice Inc. 'Ci ty Treasurer 'fsJeneral Electrio Supply Co. loyd Barnett ,Seattle Hardware Co., !u:.YSall Welding to Forge Works ,~ ,C ,Brei tlauch Light Fund Tes t Genera tor Gas 1 Tube Repairing ohair Water Supplies Supplies Maintenanoe se~vioe Lamps Wood Servioe Serviae Rent Rent Rent Car hire Hardware Transformers Error in discount Hire \'lire Dead Ends ServiCle knobs 1 Corox unit Coils,etc. BaClk splasher stove units Refund on stove Repairs Heaters e to. House panel 1 Timer Express i7asher parts Wiring for water heater Range parts Repairs to stove Installing heater .50 44,00 1. 76 2.50 2.05 8.89 5.40 7.75 180. ?l 3.32 8.90 8.25 3.00 50.00 50.00 35.00 2.23 267.93 1. 70 240.19 4.23 68.?Z 8.57 6.69 21.31 3.58 11.73 10.00 7.01 42.92 10.87 8,06 .45 .60 6.00 8.79 .75 5.44 1 I I I I 49 " Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 6 193~ 1 I I I 'I Northwestern Plumbing & Heating Co. Taylor & Caven Byron l'lin ter Walker & Pratt Mfg.Co, , Modern Plumbing & Heating Co., Benjamin Franklin Thrift Stores Quiak Print A,Zipse & Ed.Horton Ida J.Morse Standard Oil Co., Willson Hardware Co., Mooks Auto Eleotrio Port Angeles Conorete Produots Co. Central Maohine ~orks Barney Hren Angeles Gravel & Supply Co., Hartzler & Weldon Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Lysall Velding & Forge Works Seattle Plumbing Supply Co Taooma Plumbing Supply Co Rennsselaer Valve Co Grinnell Co City Treasurer City Fuel Co Esther Osterhout Paoific Tel & Tel Co Gaylord Bros puget Sound News Go Packer-Scott Co Gaylord Bros Lenox Book Co H W Vlilson Co City Treasurer Sahlager Bros Fred ilesoott C.LeRoy Sarff Nattinger Bros Andy Sampson Fred Johnson Johnson & Bork Angeles Gravel & Supply Co M,W,Caskey Lysall Welding & Forge Works Todd Cyole Shop Evening Ne~s Inc 7/,P. 0' Day Laura Burns H, T, Caven James Hardware Co Mook's Auto Eeleotrio Servioe penns Garage Western Traotor & Equip't Co Stahdard Oil Co Angeles Gravel & Supply Co Vim. Sohrader Willson Hardware Co H,T.Sa~mson Motor Co Lysall ~7elding & Forge \7orks City Transfer Co Lamoureaux Service I Fred ".Anderson Alex Laine Gehrke & Johnson City Treasurer jAutomotive Parts Co Bingham & Searle Light Fund,- Cont'd Wiring Heater $ 3.70 Install Heater 5.65 Yliring,eto., 50.90 1 Cooking Top 2.97 Plumbing for heater 21.80 Supplies .15 Suppl~ A ~L '" [' ~ ,'J" 4.10 Wood t1~f)~~~-r-'" ,LJ~/S'D"t_ 30.00 Water Fund l~bqp1 Rent Oil Bushings,Pipe eto., Repai,rs to Genera tor Servioe boxes eto. Repairing Water Meter Sacks - Lumber Lumber Pipe Repairs--tools Threqd-oil & Haok Saw Blades \7a ter Meter Hydrants Pipe-fittings eto 10,00 1.25 21,03 13.90 6.20 2.50 1.20 2.20 1.50 97.41 17.96 8.43 8.67 llO.OO 32.l8 ~11,'~- J.J1f ........ ll.20 68.20 8.00 4.25 5.70 2.84 5.40 l4.00 3.06 37.95 II.~-' \'00 Lib brary Fund Light & Water Deisel-oil ClerJi:cal-Vlork Phone service Supplies Books Supplies Supplies Books Subscriptions & Supplies Park Fund Light & Water Flowers Repairs & shappen lawn mowers Sharpen LaVin Mowers Tennis net, eto Potatoes- seed Salary - Caretaker Webster Park Blaok Asphaltum Lumber Salary - Caretaker Linooln Park 13.95 33.15 14.00 2.25 40.86 9.00 75,00 .95 2.75 100.Q.Q 1\\ )A\ - 2.90 2.50 ~ Cemetery Fund Sharpening Pioks Shappening L Mowers L.I,D. General Fund Publioations La bar 28.l0 8.9 . QO / cjjo 10.00 3.25 8.70 5.10 24.32 13.18 14.58 1.92 .50 .99 7.75 25.50 6.75 17.75 22.50 7,00 272.99 5.00 1. 75 38.50 Current Expense Fund Rent Repairs Hardware Repairs Renairs Traator Parts Oil Cement Sharpen Saw Hardware Repairs Repairs Fuel Oil Repairs Labor La bar Gas & Oil Cash Advanoed on tires Truok Parts Fire-extinguishers - oontinued next page - ...lII r" 50 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 6th 193...z.. lIio...- City Treasurer James Hardware Co P~oifio Tel & Tel Co C;A.Wolverton Angeles Gravel & Supply Co Port Angeles Iron ~orks Taylor & Caven Ulmer Printing Co Pacific Tel & Tel Co Evening News Ino Washington state Bank A.L.Loakhart Paoific Tel & Tel Co Banoroft ;/hitney Co J.Y.Sneddon Paoific Tel & Tel Co Lee Cafe City Treasurer ~alkling Motor Co James Hardvlare Mook's Auto Eleotric Serviae City Treasurer Gehrke & JohIlson tl.R,Alleman J.A.Hoare Street Dept Thos Estes Thos J Scott Current Expense Fund- continued- ':'later-Fire Dept Hardware Phone Setviae Car hire FireQbriok Repairs Repairs Supplies })hone Service Publications Rent Refund ojc Sewer Permit Phone Servioe' Law-books Repairing Chair Phone Servioe -Poleā‚¬e 'Dept lIeals for prisoners P.O. Box Rent Advanoed Repairs Supplies Repairs \'1ater & Lights Gas & Oil Lumber Plvwing at Fair Grounds Pay-roll ITood for fire hall Disposing of Dogs 3.85 2.30 6.95 15,00 1.08 10.00 12.80 15,00 2.75 5,25 50.00 .50 4.25 10.00 2.50 8.70 9.10 .75 lO.lO 2.55 1. 75 973.05 57.00 93.33 15.00 51\.00 24.00 3;;,00 '/9/<'';; There being no further business, the Gommission then adjourned, /1?J1,'1~~ Ci ty Clerk ~, !ay~ (/ ,;:Fc.t- d ' de 10 .!-1) 1 I I I 1