HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1949 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 6. 19~ 561'" I I I I I ,The Conunission convened in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trum!:ull and Clerk Law. \ lJinutes of the previous session were read and approved. I~nder the head of applications for !:uilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: I ",,-- "Building Permits: 11M ipetersen & Craver Installing nxtures for Cocktail Lounge; Lot 5, dlk. 52, Townsite pick Kovach Construct Garage; E2 Lot 11-12, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. Add. iE. H. Creelman Construct Addition to Existing Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 127, Townsite Clifford Smith Construct 5-Room Dwelling; lot 14, Blk. 57, C. C. Leighton Add. Lena E. Tripp Construct 5-Room Dv,elling; Lot 13, Blk. 178, Townsite Harry W. Delo Garage, Temporary Residence; Lot 20, Blk. 149, Townsite I ~o ,Licenses: 3/1_ :Windsor Hotel Seal Bros. Animal Circus -Hazel's cafe Hallel's Cafe !iSPudnu t Shop 'Spudnut Shop Spudnut Shop ivannausdle Second Hand store Claude !.lcFarlam IBrown 's See om Hand 'Brown 1 S Second Hand l.Jrown I s Second Hand ,Cozy Home Cafe Cozy Home ~afe ,iL. .L. FaI'lllann IWinnie's Dress Shop I . IUnder the [lead of unfinished business, Larry l1int_ers and others appeared, opposing self service gas stations, 'citing facts and findings from other cities banning self-service, and requesting thet the Commission adopt 'an Ordinance prohibiting the same. Mr. Nebert and others favored self-service stations, and infoI'llled that 'many are now operating without increased fire hazard. fllurray Randall, Preeident of Local #155 I.B.P.5. and 'p.M.W. presented a letter from that organization favoring the establishment of self-service stations, citing ibenefitS derived from the same. The letter was filed for future consideration. Commissioner Taylor was I opposed to any Ordinances prohibiting establishment of business or eliminating !:usines" competition. ;commissioner Robinson infoI'llled that the Commission had indicated their opinion as to safety regulations and moved that the Attorney be requested to draw an Ordinance including safety restrictions and that all ',interested parties meet with the Commission Thursday at 8:00 P.M. to discuss proposed Ordinance and any other i:inforrnation available. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,Ted Brown spoke regarding a petition previously suhnitted requesting a Local Improvement District for sewer on South Pine Street. It vias his opinion that estimate of $200.00 per lot was too high, and thet the district, if established, should extend to Sexteenth Street. Commissioner Taylor recommended that adoption of Local Improvement District Ordinance be postponed until after a thorough investigation with all property :'owners concerned. ...,..-,....-...--.....'" ~ Store Store Store Hotel-12 Rooms Trained Animal Circus Restaurant Soft Drink Hestaurant Music Machine Amusement Machine Second Hand Dealer Journeyman Plumber-Renewal Second Hand Dealer Junk Deale r Pawn-Broker llestaurant Soft Drink Barber Shop Second lfund Clothing Dealer " Officers I 2,000.00,1 400.00 260.00, 2,000.00, 5,000.00 300.00 12.00 60.00 12.00 5.00 12.001 12.00, 24.00 15.00 .50 15.00 25.001 100.001 12.00' 5.00 I 1.00', 7.00, lThe El'\gineer sutmitted the first estimate of J. M. Bruch CompallO' for trenching and backfilling on li'rancis I and Imce Streets for the month of June, in the amount of $5,044.02. The estimate was approved and ordered I 'paid. : IEarl Davidson reported on request of Mr. and Mrs. Mead for deed to Lots 7 and 8 in Block 145 for equity paid II',' ion Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8. Mr. Davidson recommended that the Meads be permitted to pay interest on contract : :until such tin.e as payments as per contract could be resumed. Hecommendation approved and accepted. " , ,Under the head of new business, Mr. Bul"e requested information regarding meat inspection and Ordinance governing. Mayor Feeley informed that arrangements for meat inspection will be completed this week. j . Murray Handall reported that reflect10ns 'to traffic. Chis f Ide informed tha t the fixture. I, on traffic signal at 8th & Lincoln Streats create a definite hazard State now nas plans under way to install a center three light ,The Commission examined and approved 11cUHRENT EXPENSE HJND: <~73 ':? 'Quick Print :City Street Dept. :City Treasurer IPaCifiC Telepnone & 1'elegraph Co. Olympic Laundry 'Uazel's Ca fe 'Richfield Oil Corp. Headrick Repa ir Service 'Peninsula Fllel Co. IAngeles 8uilding Center !Port Angeles Auto Supply 'D & B Battery & Electric Stn. 'Port Angeles Sign tihop the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Letterheads, License Books Gasoline Fire Hyd., St.1ites, St. & Se"., L.rr.G., Box Rent, Post. Services 4408, 5206, 5202, 3540 ltepait to Sgt. Geib's Uniform Meals for Prisorers liasoline, Oil Car Repair Fuel Oil Supplies Parts Exide Flourescent Material 3f C 1'1'1 STREET FUND: ?--f; '1 - jRichfield Oil Corp. IIPort Angeles Concrete Products Port Tie & Lumber Co. IPacific Hoist & Derrick Co. I &1 ,WATER FUND: 3(,,10_ fHeadrick J.Le pair 'service I Quick Print Puget Sound Navigation Co.- j I Co. Gasoline, Oil, Kerosene, Sewer Pipe, etc. Lumber Parta etc. Truck Repairs Supplies Frt. 28.55, 4.90 908.77" 55.59 2'06'1 110.4 7~, 182 .45 112 .08 116.171 5.55;- 19.79' 44.991 2.52' 559.97 50.11 45.95, 5.55 78.51 29.56 2.02 ~ ,., - 56? Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 6, continued, 19~ IWATER FUND. continued: Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. John Bruch Co. IAngeles Gravel &. Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Olympic Stationers Sconlan's Music & Radio Shop Port Angeles Evening News ,Richfield Oil Corp. ,Arthur Glas .:<.1 LIGH!' FUND: ~/ 7/9 iClallam County P;U .D. No.1 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Home Electric Co. Boyd's Wood Specialty Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Paoific Electric Mfg. Corp. Harris & Schuller 3f' ISANITATION FUND: /;( 7 ,City Treasurer City Street Dept. ;' .:<.7' 'PARK FUND: /C,3- Port Angeles COllCrete Products Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Street Dept. City 'freasurer Economy Irrigation Co., Inc. PARKING METER & TRAFl<"IC CONTROL FUND: Minnesota Mining &. Mfg. (;0. City Street Dept. 1. 1. D. REVOLVING FUND: Ci ty Treasurer (" r I.!: I'CITY OF P. A. FIRE & POLICE STN.. 'The Olympic Electric Co. Pipe Ditching Concrete Sewer Pipe Blue-prints Batteries Adv. Gas and Oil Materials / June Power Service Parts Gasoline Frt. Hardv,are Cros s Arms Meters Socket Extn. Svri tches Solder Water Gas and Oil Drain Tile, Cartage Service 5851 Gas and Oil 'Light, Water, Garbage Parts r~ ::'1 Scotchlite, .etc. Gasoline Taxes Paid Lots 5, 6, 7, Block STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND: (" 7 ~ 2- Wiring Mat'l for New Fire Hall 555, Tovmsite ,iThere being no _further !:usiness, the session was declared adjourned. 65.251 5,044.02 37.10 I 55.62 ' 2.16 4.95 7.56 55.79 250.55 ' 19,195.40. 1.29 . 4.12[ 92.68 9.67 44.44 ll8.45 ' 268.57 I .97 1,975.00 10.82 1.60 !, 125.78 ' I I I 17.92 ' 5.09, 25.41 99.49 19.38 ; , 80.34 I 14.70 I I 69.10 67.12 ' V' g- ~, {/ City Clerk tf4f'~ d -1-'-/1' --- / Mayor I I L I I I I . I