HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1961 .... 82 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JULY 6, 19~ ..... L."I'IlINTI"'C~tl. P_U23.~ !,The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. 'Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Coun;ilmen Smith, Richardson, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and IClerk Law. ~It was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file. ~seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. ' : Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction in L.I.D. No. 180 were received as follows:. Ii Morris Construction Company Storm Sewers $64,522.15 Ii North Kitsap Gravel & Asphalt Storm Sewers 65,189.83 Street Paving, Curbs and Gutters Tucci and Sons Storm Sewers 68,237.33 $411,281.83 Louis Elterich Storm Sewers 76,829.53 Del Guzzi Const,tu ction Co. Storm Sewers 72,965.78 Acme Construction Storm Sewers 73,163.09 Olympia Oil and Wood Products J. D. Shotwell Randall KUmer Construction , Alley Paving $49,951 .00 Acme Construction Alley Paving 51,806.00 All-bids having been checked and tabulated, the City Engineer recommended that contracts be awarded to I Morris Construction, Inc.. for Storm Sewers at $64,522.15. Olympia Oil and Wood Products Company, Street paving, curbs and gutters, $397,876.85. Randall Kilmer Construction eompany, Alley Paving, $4'9, 951 lIt was moved by Councilman Thorne that the three, low bids by Contractors bea.varded as recommended. ,I "Seconded by Councilman Randall and unanimously carried. ' I , I Bids for the official City printing for the year geginning July 1 st were received from: Peninsula Herald, 6~ pe~ 6 point line single column. Tabulated matter, same rate except one-time publication when the rate will be 12~ per lihe single column. The Olympic Tribune, 5~ per line for each publication, except tabulated matter whiC~ is 8~ per line for first publication only. Port Angeles Evening News, 16~ per line, except tabulatM matter' 'I' , :which is ZO~ p',er line. Repeat publications, all matter ll~ per line. It was moved by Cou~cilman Caldwell that the City's legal printing be awarded to the peninsula Herald. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carrie . ! Consideration of agreement between the City and Clallam County concerning the leasing of a part of Lincoln il Park was postponed without action until the lease is revised. il , ,,' I The Council r,econsidered a petition for i, ns, tallatlon of a sanitary, sewer'ln Block 357. Councilman Randall t' :' informed of a meeting with property owners aM the City Manager.' About three months being required to iestablish an L.I.D.. the property owners suggested that they pay cash to have the sewer installed in this 'lbIOCk' and to assure no loss to the City, they agreed to deposit $100.00 per lot. It was moved by .councilma Rand, a,ll that the Attorney prepare a Resolution to embody this thinking. Seconded by Councilman Richardson Ii ~ and carried. " I \:1 Pursuant to publication, one bid was received from Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCorkle for the purchase of Lot 14,~ Ii Block 315, Townsite, in amount of $501. 00. Appraisal having been set at $400.00, it was moved by councili' ! man Thorne that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Councilman R!lIidall and carried. ' ~ : I , Under the head of new business, the Manager read a communication from the Library Board concerning remode in9 the Library by construction of am' addition. the Mayor adVi,sed that there could be no action by the council~, ' at this time. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission I for study and recommendations. Seconded by Councilman Randall. Councilman Caldwell reminded of a recen meeting regarding Library expansion and emphasized need for the same. It was his opinion that consideratiodl should be given as soon as possible. On request for the question, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. I, I Ii !The Manager also read a communication from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that arrangements be included in thene'xt budget forSpubllcity fund. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Council acknowledge I ',acceptance of the resolution and notify the Chamber of Commerce that the Council wlll consider when pre- \', paring the 1962 Budget. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. . , ' Ii I' By request of the Mayor, Councilman Randall read minutes of the Planning Commission for JU ne20,1961. It I" was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by COUnCil.l~' man Smith and carried. ' I I' Requests for renew,al and transfer of beverage licenses were as follows: West Dependable Super Market, 'I' Mount Pleasant Grocery, Handi-Spot Grocery, Gateway Tavern, OlympiC Recreation, Estes Grocery, Don \ Feeley, Inc. Harrington's, Rose's Tavern, Port Angeles Distributing Company, Salad Bowl, Naval Lodge 353, Babe's Tavern, Harbor Tavern, West Side Grocery, Cherry-Eighth Grocery, Marine Drive Cafe, Wagon Wheel Ii Tavern. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that requests be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith an~ I cartied . 1\ The Council considered request for permission to publish call for bids to furnish one trencher for the Water " Department. c'ounciirimn Caldwell questioned as to whether or not the specifications as submitted would :" ! eliminate competitive bidding. Councilman Randall cited this as being another piece of equipment with speci~1 i flcations not included in the former bid and requested explanation. The Manager replied that the original call for bids for the trencher now being used was in accord with equipment as wanted by the Water Department at :1 that time. Now, with larger and deeper trenches, the equipment called for includeS a loader bucket for back-ji fill, and will do the entire Job. The specifications as drawn is for one name ,brand tractor and is permiSSible, 'I" but would not rule out any bidder. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted to I publish call for bids for the trencher. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried. Department reports were approved as follow s: Water: Work, Operating Statement and Billing. Light: Work, I Operating Statement and Billing. Reservoirs final report. Connecting lines final report. It was moved by CouncUlIE.n Smith that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ' I Claims payable were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $18,546.85. Water Fund, $2,297.96. po:pelln,: I Fund, $1,211.28. Light Fund, $S6, 280.42. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all claims be I approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Mr. Randall reminded that the claim for : $11,250.00 to McGuire and Muri, Architects, is being paid from the Park Fund and will be replaced when the I, Swimming Pool Bonds are sold. i j 444,501.03 434,000.23 397,876.85 418,919.03 I i)Y'lli:J I 1- I I I I """"'IIIl Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 83 (Continued) JULY 6, 19~ l. a H PRII'HIIHiI 0;0. ...un.. ~ Ilone claim to Harbert e:onstruction Company for water line installation was approved in amount of $201,280. 6~:. lilt was moved by Councilman Richardson that the progress payment be approved as read. Seconded by COUnCil~[ :' man Caldwell and carried. I I It was mov'ed by Councilman Caldwell that payrolls for June In total amount $60,078.33, be approved as paid l" Seco!lded by Councilman Smith and carried. I I"A petition signed by seven (7) owners of abutting property requested for vacation of the Alley in Block 36, Fogarty and Dolan's Addition. It was moved By Councilman Smith that the petition be referred to the Planning ,Commission. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ,j , The Council noted several letters from individuals and organizations commending the City for improvements I recently completed on Ediz Hook. ' Mayor Maxfield re,!,inded of a meeting with the Planning Commistion scheduled for Monday, July 10th. I Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the fo1l11lwing were introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO. 8 - 61 A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the sale of bonds and warrants of Local Improvement District No. 180. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Resolution be passed. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell I and unanimously carried. RESOI,UTION NO. 9-61 A RESOLUTION establishing certain funds for the handling of monies presently available and payable in the future for the payment of obligations of Uti~~\reM;>Riil Improvement Districts of Sewer District No.1 of Clallam County, which district was aA\!ie~ed by the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Resolution be passed. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1474 . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles creating a special fund for the construction, improve- ment and repair of arteri-al highways. ' It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read. man Caldwell and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adJeurned . 1, Seconded by Counc, 1- 'l ! ~ I: ~ 'I O,c.~ rJ CITY CLERK i NonCE OF CALL FOR BJDS ~ No'rIqro: IS l-LElmBY GIVK"" lhaL 1 ,1;;:aleu l)jd:; will ue n~_cejverl b)/ the I i~~? O(}~j~~I~:\ ~~geel~1'tyW:{~~~::~,Il, l~~ \\ ost Front ~tl'~et, until 7;30 .o'clock 1". 11.1., August Srd, 1961. for fUl'nhoh- in!; (L ditChing mucllinc:: in a.ccord,U1CC W]t!l the folluwillg fijlElflcinaLiom;: lXf)1':~1'RTAL, THACTOR 1. F:nglrlE' ~ 52 H_P. minimum 12. \Vet sleeve motor ::. ~ransmts~i()n. sh1.lttle t~rpe Wltll 4. ~~~~~;~rh~toll~crT~~d ~ l~cli~id~~fl~:~ : 5. ~lr::;;~r~~'~I:l\y;)~OX16; Rear 16.~lx \ G. Power Su~er'lng (H~'(lraullc as!<ist only), 7, j"l'ont axlo ~ InduOltrlal type ~olid Forge. S. Hour meter. . 9. ''''heel tread widths Front 54" - fie-d.r liS", j;10. Rx:hHll!;t rHl<t~h~rge throllgh hood ,11. \\:Jth ~cad, Tail Hlld Stop Liglll>l. 12.011 Fllt('l'. 1 n. 'l'rador weight minimum GOO(l 101" 14. J~~I~ {YIlt flill frame around trac,' i 1. % I~~t~~~~~iA~t~A'~~~l G5" ~. llreakawa;.' capadty 52{10 Ib!;" 3. Di~ b(;'low ground len'l with hucket flat - G.'. ~. };~f~l~i~1:u~te~;~71~~ : ~i4q,~ lbs. '~ I, 1\{\~~llm~~~k~~ell;~~llcl: :~\!,~.ll Iwigl]l I. Single lever control. S. Pump 24 G.P.:\.l Gent' type to l fl. J~~~e\b~'il~' b~' "I~lr lev(;lJng lYT'e 10. Box t~'pe cnn8truc.tilHl, INDUSTH.Ji\L TYPE B.\CK1-101~ l ~: N~~~~l~7 :~~~~~gl~-.?~Jlt~~~6~lear axle 20'S", I 3 LOilding clearance with bucket clnsed 11' 4. Swjn~ S]HI.IL 1:1e- 205" or .arc. ~, Filter !i;hall be full f]o.w mlcronli' 6 ;;~I~~~lJI \'l\ I \'() - two I(] \'(]T stf",CI( I 7. Digging force 7200 Ills ~: ~1;,~~~~rfrl;eS~~r~h~I'~Oio~~~. maxi. . mum. Ill). ""eig-ht of lJacklloc minimum ~~: ~~t~;~~~~~I:~~~~IJ;llall be 3 j}ositioll Hi: ~\~;I~l~~'~~~IJ;ln- ~~..st~17)~lL~.:.'I" I T~Hl tractor w1t11 ))8.e]tllo.Q and lo;u]. f'r att~l('tied shall Weigh 110t less tllan lO,:{OO ]bf'. I The Contrru:~tol' shall furnish a. one year guaran.tee of defect:;; o.f the Jnacl1in~. The Con:rad('r I'!hall talto in o.n the mad',iut' erne InlC-1'1l11tionrll 240 Utility lnu'tnr with a ~o. 6[; Inlernational ["'agJII-'r 1J:l,~'khUC WhiCh, may ,be seen in POl't AngC'l~~ at lilt, :;en-lce gar- agC'. 'fhe Clt~. r()sen;es the rJg:ln to ac- cept 01" reJEct :lilY or 2.11 hl(l~ . M. 'iV. SLAi\lKARD, ellV MRT1llgt:'r Publ.i.~~.:.~ ~" :1;.9!-1.._ .. (11~ L ~-+~yJ ,MAYOR - ...