HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1976 I I I ~~l CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck and Ross; Councilman Haguewood made his appearance at 7:45 P.M. Members Absent: Councilman Hordyk and Wray. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Acting Clerk Klinge. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, D. Frizzell, T. Honnold, P. Carr, Harry Kochanek. Guests Present: Linda Switzer, Charles Cantrell, James Willis, Roger Stimbert, Ron Richards, Greg Higgerson, Scott School, Dale Cushman, Ken Garbrick, Alberta Garbrick, A. B. Hammond, Jack Estes, Harvey Kailin, Sheridan Fahnestock, Marilyn Williams, Norma Turner, and M. Mattila. III MINUTES Councilman Ross moved the minutes of the June 14 and June 22, 1976 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. a. Councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize the Director of Public Works to call for bids -for construction of a building at the landfill site to be used for employee shelter and washing facilities estimated at $8,500. The motiun was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. The Mayor commended Mr. Flodstrom on his report concerning the landfill. b. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the call for bids for installation of water mains and fire hydrants on Valley Street between Second and Eighth Streets estimated at $37,50Q lnanswer to a question, Public Works Director Flodstrom informed the Council that it is the responsibility of the City to replace substandard line that does not provide adequate fire protection. The motion was seconded by Council- man Anderson and carried. 2. Sale of Surplus Transformers. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize the Light Department to sell 34 used electrical transformers to the Ketchikan (Alaska) Public Utility. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 3. Bid Award. a. Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for one load of approxi- mately 40 - 40 ft. Class 3 Butt-treated Western Red Cedar poles to low bidder, J. H. Baxter and Company of Renton, Washington, at a bid price of $4,002 plus sales tax and a delivery schedule of 20 days. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. b. Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for approximately 10,000 feet of underground cable to the low bidder, Westinghouse Electric Supply Company of Tacoma, Washington, at a bid price of $7,000 plus sales tax and a delivery schedule of 10-14 days. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried. Bids were also received from North Coast Electric Co., Seattle $6,990; Amfac Electric Supply, Aberdeen, $7,589.80; Utility Supply Co., Tacoma, $7,690; CED, Bremerton, $8,476; General Electric Supply Co., Tacoma, $8,940; Maydwell & Hartzell, Inc., Seattle, $9,160; Graybar Electric Co., Tacoma, 9,180 and Anixter- Pruzan Company, Seattle, $9,180. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. 142 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 ----; IV FINANCE 4. Boulevard and ilL" Improvement. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the second and final estimate payment of $12,080 to James Bruch and accept the Boulevard and "L" Improve- ment project.as completed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On call for discussion, Councilman Ross indicated truckers would like more protection along the highway nearing the curve and suggested more dirt be hauled in to widen the shoulders. Director of Public Works thought it would be possible to do so within four to six weeks. On call for the question, the motion carried. I 5. Peabody Heights LID #198. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the progress payment of $21,500 to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., for work done and material furnished on the Peabody Heights LID #198. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. A discussion followed with Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom regarding the cost figures. Public Works Director Flodstrom stated that at this time, it appears the LID assess- ments will be at the estimated figures of slightly over. On called vote, the motion was passed by the Council. 6. Lincoln Park Irrigation System Project. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the release of the $700 perfor- mance guarantee for Lincoln Park irrigation system to Peninsula Land- scaping. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On call for the question, the motion carried. 7. Marine Drive and Truck Road Signalization. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the payment of the re- I' tained percentage in the amount of $2,679.30 be made to Signal Electric, Inc. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion carried. 8. Payroll. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the payroll of $100,727.82. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Everett Lincoln Hassell requested the Mayor and City Council send a letter to the President of the U. S. S. Missouri Association, Inc., inviting the members of the Association to hold their reunion here in Port Angeles. The Battleship U. S. S. Missouri could be moored here. Mayor Olson assured Mr. Hassell that the matter would be taken care of. Bruce Babbitt, Master Councilor of the DeMolay Chapter, requested the Council to set aside July 15 as Student Government Day in Port Angeles. Members of the chapter would spend that day as counterparts of City Officials. Mayor Olson granted their request. VI LEGISLATION 1. Mayor Olson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Mary Howard I, " Harper for her efforts in recording the history of Port Angeles in conjunction with the Daughters of the American Revolution; for her genelogical studies of early Clallam County settlers; and for the sig- nificant contribution she made in compiling the County's history book, "JIMMY COME LATELY." Mayor Olson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Patricia Campbell for her deep involvement in writing a series of historical novels about the North Olympic Peninsula; and for the series of articles in the Sunday paper that has truly made our past come alive once again. Manager Whorton stated that these articles will be published in a book. Mayor Olson presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Bert Kellogg in recog- nition of his painstaking work in reproducing and preserving old photographs II . , .' , il~ II ~ 143 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 ' VI LEGISLATION 1. cont. of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and the Olympic Peninsula; and for his detailed cataloging of people and events:that made a contribution to our history and thereby have become a part of our heritage. The Mayor thanked the recipients on behalf of the citizens of Port Angeles. 2. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Port Angeles Board of Adjustment June 22, 1976 meeting. Councilman Ross moved the minutes be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. 3. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission June 14, 1976 meeting with the following action being taken by theCouncil: In regard to Darrel Vincent's request for a rezone of Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 24, PSCC 2nd Addition from RS-7 to RMF, Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and deny the request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. A discussion with City Planner Carr followed regarding the Planning Commission's reasons for their opposition to this request. On call for the question, the motion carried. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation ,and approve the request of Ray Nason of 3238 West 18th for a M-l Permit for a storage building in Suburban Lot 132 at 3238 West 18th Street. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request of Ray Nason of 3238 West 18th for a M-l Permit for a single-family residence in the M-l zone in Sublot 130, approximately at the southwestern corner of McDonald Street and 18th Street. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. On call for discussion, Council- man Ross stated that a mobile home can be a transitory use and could be good interim use for industrial propert~ until that property is needed for some- thing permanent. The question was raised if residential use could be introduce in an industrial area. On call for question, Council Hague~lOod"and Council- man Buck voted "yes" and Councilman Ross and Councilman Anderson voted "No" with Mayor casting the deciding vote of "Yes" to deny the request of Ray Nason. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept John Raymond's final plat of Westend Subdivision in Sublot 104. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carri ed. 4. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing at 8:10 P.M. on the proposed annexa- tion of Blocks 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 in Green's Belle View Addition to Port Angeles together with adjacent streets and alleys and called for all persons desiring to comment on the annexation to present their statements at this time. City Manager Whorton informed the Mayor and Council that a petition had been brought in to his office shortly after noon on July 6, 1976, signed by V. Burton, LaVerne Keys, Frank L. Oberg and Bernice Swegle. It read ,~ as follows: "We, the undersigned residents of Green's Belleview Addition area, which areal1s' proposed to be annexed to the City of Port Angeles, do hereby petition that the property remain in the County and not taken into the City of Port Angeles." " !" Upon response from several property owners in the area, Manager Whorton and City Attorney Taylor answered questions about sewers and LID's and explained that the ordinance shall be subject to referendum for forty~five days after its passage if the citizens so desired and the effective date for the ordinance shall be August 25, 1976. The Mayor requested further comments from the audience on the proposed annexation and as there was no further audience participation, Mayor Olson declared the hearing closed at 8:19 P.M. Mayor Olson next introduced and rea~ 9Y title Ordinance NO. 1883 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1883 AN ORDINANCE annexing Vacated Blocks 3 and 4 and Blocks 5 and 6 in Green's Belle View Addition to Port Angeles together with adjacent streets and alleys as platted. 144 CITY COUNCIL MEETJNG July 6, 1976 . , -:O~t:':~8ulfl'O-I:U~~ "" ~ :f o~~..c:241'iEc - ~~:l 'Co~~.. 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Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the foregoi ng Ordi nance as read by title subject to the correction of the 3rd Whereas to indicate there was some objections to the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and it carried. 5. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing at 8:21 P.M. on the proposed I annexation of Block 9 of Green's Belle View Addition to Port Angeles ,~~~ together with adjacent streets and alleys as platted excepting a 72'x20' strip in the northwest corner thereof and called for all persons de- siring to object to the annexation to present their objections at this time. There was no response from the audience on the Mayor's call. It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the City Clerk prior to or at the public hearing. The Mayor again requested comments from the audience on the proposed annexa- tion. As there was no audience participation, Mayor Olson declared the hearing closed at 8:25 P.M. Mayor Olson next introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1884 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1884 AN ORDINANCE annexing Block 9 of Green's Belle View Addition to Port Angeles together with adjacent streets and alleys as platted ex- cepting a 72'x20' strip in the northwest corner thereof. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the foregoing Ordinance as 1.11" read by title. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously passed by the Council. 6. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission June 28, 1976 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council: In regard to the request of Clallam County Hostelries for two Conditional Use Permits, CUP-76(5)1 and CUP-76(5)2 to construct duplexes on Lots 11, 12, and 13, Evans Subdivision of Sublot 36, located on 7th Street between "M" and Evans, Counci 1 man Anderson moved the Counci 1 concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation, the approval of one Conditional Use Permit for a duplex and denial of the other. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion carried. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to process the annexation of Block 1, Green's Belle View Addition, located on Front Street just east of Penn Street. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On call for discussion, the motion carried. With regard to the Valley Propertie's request for a.rezone of. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11-16, Block 427, Townsite, the area just east of "A" Street between 15th and 16th Streets from RSF (RS-7) to RMF to con- struct a low income multi-family project, Manager Whorton stated this is DelGuzzi 's project and Mr. DelGuzzi has more information concerning it and wishes it be tabled to the July 20, 1976 meeting. Councilman 1.,.,.-., Haguewood moved the Council table it to the July 20, 1976 Council meeting Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried with Councilman Ross and Councilman Anderson abstaining. Councilman Haguewood moved the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 28, 1976 be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. On call for discussion, the motion carried. 7. Consideration of petition for an LID on Park Avenue was tabled due to the fact no petition had been received. . -I 145 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 8. Mayor Olson read in full Ordinance No. 1885 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1885 AN ORDINANCE adopting an updated Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Ordinance. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. On call for discussion, Councilman Ross stated she was still in doubt as to what this plan means to her as a realtor and also on behalf of property Owners in defining what they can do until they try to do something. Manager Whorton stated no regulation can be written that will stipulate what you can do in all cases. The regulation of the plan will be subject to the interpretation of the staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council and can be updated as the need warrants it. Planner Carr assured the Council that the Zoning Ordinance, which he hoped would be completed by the end of the year, will define what can be done with each individual piece of property in the City, whether it is for commercial, industrial, residentia1,or some other use. Attorney Ron Richards, (opponent of a proposed Port Angeles oil port), suggested the Council amend the Comprehensive Plan by adding language that would require industrial pOllution be discouraged rather than minimized. He felt that it ;s within the powers of the City to ask potential industries to do more than minimize adverse impacts. Mayor Olson stated no Comprehensive Plan prior to this has stated to either of the mills located in town what they can do with their emission control. That has been under the control of the Department of Ecology and we have no say in it, and we can apply the same thing if an oil port was located here. Regardless of what was stipulated in the Comprehensive Plan, we probably would be overruled by the Department of Ecology. Manager Whorton stated it would be better to work with new industry and widen the economic basis of the community than to put so~ething in the plan that would discourage new industry from coming in to Port Angeles. He felt that if the Feds and State want an oil port here, we will have an oil port. If it is going to be here, he would rather try to persuade them to do something rather than greet them with lawsuits. He further stated that we can't set forth a whole plan of general policies and then go to one section and be specific in that one area. Councilman Anderson moved the Council to amend Item 5 of the Industrial Development Policies of the Comprehensive Plan to read "Industrial uses involving nuisance and hazardous attributes such as noise, particulate matter, water, visual and odiferous pollution, should be discouraged." Councilman 'Buck seconded the motio'n:" On call for comment, Councilman Ross was still dubious about the Plan and Everett Lincoln Hassell stated he was against an oil port in Port Angeles. Further comments from Norma Turner and Marilyn Williams opposing the proposed oil port in Port Angeles. On call for the question, Councilman Anderson and Councilman Buck voted Yes, with Councilman Haguewood and Councilman Ross voting No. Mayor Olson cast the deciding vote opposing the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. On call for any further discussion, the motion to pass the Comprehensive Plan as stated passed unanimously. I Councilman Ross asked if it would be difficult to make any changes in this plan. Attorney Taylor advised the Council it would require the amending of the ordinance. 9. Application by Port of Port Angeles for a Substantial Development Permit was read by Mayor Olson. The Mayor then read City Engineer Warder's memorandum indicating the application is to enlarge the existing paved parking lot on the south side of Marine Drive opposite the Boat Haven, that the application has been posted and advertised, that there have been no protests or complaints, and recommending that a permit be granted. Mr. Everett Hassel requested that the Mayor read Mr. Hassell's letter stating that the Port's permit should not overlap Mr. Hasse11'~ permit (Application 5 - Number 102772A - (ZVDNC - 314228 VIP). 146 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 9. cont. 10. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the shoreline permit to enlarge the parking lot subject to it not conflicting with the interests of Everett Lincoln Hassell. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. Attorney Taylor then explained to the Council that this condition may cause. some problems as the Port might not be able to meet Mr. Hassell's re- ~.- . quirements as he is claiming a permit for the entire Townsite of Port Angeles. Councilman Haguewood withdrew hls motion and Councilman Ross J withdrew her second to the motion. Councilman Buck then moved the Council grant the Port of Port Angeles a Shoreline Permit to enlarge the existing paved parking lot on the south side of Marine Drive opposite the Boat Haven. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it passed by the Council. Mayor Olson read the letter from ITT Rayonier, Inc. requesting a letter of exemption from the Shoreline Management Act for replacing about 4,000 tons of rip-rap protection along the industrial water line west of Ediz Hook. Councilman Buck moved the Council direct the City to send a letter of exemption on behalf of ITT Rayonier, Inc. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On call for discussion the motion passed with Councilman Anderson abstaining. 11. Mayor Olson read the City Engineer's letter certifying that no protests had been received on Glenbrook LID No. 199. Manager Whorton advised the Council that J. D. Shotwell and Company was not interested in the project and that the two quotations received were approximately $5,000 above the engineer's esti- mate. He suggested that no action be taken for 2 weeks until the City had an opportunity to discuss it further with the property owners as to whether the project should proceed or be terminated. Mayor Olson advised the Council to leave on the table the proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1835 adopting UBC to establish Thermal. Insulation I. Standards due to the fact that some Councilmen were absent. I . Agenda Item No. 12, the amending of Cemetery Ordinance No. 1864, was left on the table. 12. 13. 14. Mayor Olson asked Manager Whorton if he had any comments on his memo re local SEPA Program and (1) Ordinance adopting the SEPA Program and (2) Resolution designating responsibilities. Manager Whorton stated that several Councilmen, City Planner Carr and himself have attended several workshops on the SEPA Program. It places controls on people who want to develop almost anything. He thought it will create a lot of delays in building and will create a lot of staff work but it is something that has been mandated by the State and therefore he recommended the Council adopt the Ordinance as it will give the City some control and allow it to pass on to the persons applying for applications the increased expenses caused by the Act. He stated that in 1974, the State Legislature set up a Council on Environmental Policy and this Council set up guidelines which will become effective July 14. If a community has not adopted its own ordinance, then it must administer the SEPA guidelines. Councilman Haguewood inquired as to the City's cost to implement the SEPA Program. Manager Whorton stated he thought it would be less than $100,000, depending upon the type of buildings constructed. Mayor Olson read by title Ordinance NO. 1886 ORDINANCE NO. 1886 I AN ORDINANCE adopting the policies of the State Environmental Policy Act, the Guidelines in relation thereto adopted by the State of Washington Council on Environmental Policy and adopting other provisions relative to said Act. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion. Attorney Taylor advised the Council that this Ordinance was taken from a model ordinance prepared with the assistance of the Association of Washington Cities. ~:. '- 146 A CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 14. The question was raised if the average individual would be able to prepare their Environmental Impact Statement. Manager Whorton thought the average citizen would not be capable unless he was a professional engineer or had some type of expertise in this area. Councilman Ross made the motion that Section 4 and Section 11 be deleted from the Ordinance as they consist of optional things that will be very difficult to live with and were not required. Manager Whorton recommended Section 11 not be eliminated from the Ordinance as it gives the Council the authority to mitigate or prevent adverse environmental impact. It would be better to administer from this Ordinance than from the SEPA guidelines. There is no precedent as to whether any Council has to act to mitigate adverse environmental impacts. Attorney Taylor advised the Council that there seems to be a general feeling that the cities do have this authority, but the problem is if they have it and don't exercise it, they could be possibly be sued. Councilman Ross withdrew her motion that Section 4 and Section 11 be deleted from the Ordinance. On call for any further discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton stated that as responsible official he will try to administer the policies of the SEPA program very objectively to protect the City. On call for the question, the motion carried to adopt the SEPA Ordinance with Councilman Ross voting "NO. " Mayor Olson then read by title Resolution No. 11-76 entitled, RESOLUTION No. 11-76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles placing the primary responsibility of implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) upon the Planning Division of the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the Resolution. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion. On call for discussion, the motion carried with Counci 1man Ross voting "NO." 15. Manager Whorton informed the Council that the purpose of Ordinance No. 1887 was to place all planning activities into one division and to relieve the workload of the Building Inspection Division and that the Planning Division will be needing additional staff to take care of the extra workload. Mayor Olson read by title Ordinance No. 1887 entitled, AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1796 creating a Board of Adjustment. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. 16. Resolution of the City of Port Angeles supporting Public Pension Reform in the State of Washington was left on the table. ..' " .' Lalla} Publ/;t,;;-~'- Legal Publication .f 61376A , Share 01 Ihe electric energy. NOTICE OF ACTION 8Y capabilily 0' Ihe Syslem's , CITY OF PORT ANGELES ownership interesl in ils : Pursuant to the provisions of Nuclear Projects Nos. 4 and 5 ' Chapter 43.21C RCW, notice is for the purpose 01 providing, hereby given that: electric energy to the City. The City of Port Angeles (the The System's Nuclear "City") didon July 6.1976. take Project NO.4 is a nuclear lueled action which mayor may not be electric generating unIt held or deemed to be "a major currently scheduled to begin action Significantly affectir>g commercial Operation in March the quality of the 1982, The Project location is environment." approximately 15 miles north 01 Any action to set aside, Richaldn In 8enton County, ~ enjoin, review, or otherwise WashIngton on a portIon of the chalienge such action on the Unil~d States . Energy I grounds 01 noncompliance with Resources and Development \ the provisions of Chapter 43.21C Adm in Istralion 's Hanlord ' RCW (State Environmental Reservation. POlicy Act) Shall be The System's Nuclear I commenced within 90 days Or Project No.5 is a nuclear fueled ,be barred. generating unit currently The action taken by the City, scheduled to begin commercial I notice 01 which is hereby given, operation in March 1983. The 'was as loliows: Project is 10clOted , (1) Adoption 01 Resolution approximately three miles /! No. 12.76 entitled: south 01 Ihe community 01 I A Resolution Authorizing Satsop In Grays Harbor County, The Execulion and Washington. Delivery of Participants' (3) Said action pertains to' A g r e em e n I With property wilhln the Clly's, WaShington Public Power service area. . I Supply System Relallng, (4) The City's action' Among Other Things, To authorized by Resolution No. WaShington Public Power 12-76 referred to above is, I ~~gi~~S t"o~lef'an~ usclear ~~~I~ee~~~~ti! :10 II..n~Cfl~~1 (2) The Parllclpants' aUthorizedbyifsResolullon No,' Agreement authorized by said 12.75acfopted April 15, 1975, and ReSOlution No. 12.76 provides the Cily reserves all rights for purchase by the Cily from under Ih.. notices 01 said the WaShington Public Power Resolullon No. 12.75 publish!d U\!!IPlY.System ("System") of a and filed as authorized by RCW ~ Seclion 43.21C.080. l (5) Pertinent documents ~. may be examined during( l a~regular business hours at the, loffices of the City as listed below: Light Departmenl City of PorI Angeles' 240 West Front Street , Port Angeles, WaShington or City Planning Deparlment City Hall 140 West Front Street PorI Angeles, Washington .. 61876C NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOT I CE is hereby given Ihat sealed bids will be- received by the City Clerk, City of PorI Angeles, 140 W. Front Slreet, P ,0. Box 711, Port Angeles, Washinglon, 98362, until 2:00 p,m., Thurs., Juiy 1, 1976. Md the City will reject all bids received after the scheduled clos.ing- time and datel and will be opened publicly al that lime for furnishing the following equipment and.or meterial: One load of approximately 40. 14o.fool poles, class 3, bult. treated Western Red Cedar I -~onform jng to lalest ASA ~,spec ificatjons~ I Bid specifications may be obtained from the Light Department Office, 2.40 West I Front Street, PorI Angeles, j W~'certifi&l check. or bid bond _ - for 5 per cent of the amount of ~ ,the bid shall accompany each _ tbid, All bids are to include I 'delivery F.O.B. Port Angeles, I .. Washington. I 8ids wil I be opened and , tabulated for the City Counc.H for consideration by said Councif in session Tues.. July 6. 1976, The Council reserves the right to consider deltvery time and to accept or to reject any or all b ids or any part thereof, " The unit price shall prevail and the City reserves t~e right to correct any ex.tenslons or improper sales taxes. Pub.: June 18. 15, 1976 I. ~ Dated this 9th day of July, 1976. , I FILED BY, Ke(M').eth S. Whorlon, Cily Managl!r 1 City of Port Angeles L P.O.Sox 111 I Port Angeles, WaShington 198362 .. ' ~ pUb.;, July' 13@97i",..~ :--,.~ J -:1 147 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 17. Manager Whorton requested permission to read a statement in his capacity as responsible official prior to Council's action on Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of Participants' Agreement with Washington Public Power Supply System. It read as follows: Statement by Responsible Official (Mr. Whorton) "You have all received copies of the City's Environmental Impact Statement Supplement for furtherance of Washington Public Power Supply System Projects Numbers 4 and 5, for which the Supply System was Lead Agency. This document has considered the impact of the following alternatives: / NON-GENERATION ALTERNATIVES, SUCH AS: 1. Heat Pumps and Solar Heating as Energy Supplements. 2. Improved Efficiencies through Insulation, Appliances, Building Design and Industrial Production Efficiencies. 3. Reduced Usage. 4. Load Management. 5. No Action. GENERATION ALTERNATIVES, SUCH AS: .:1 1. Purchase Agreements. 2. Coal-fired-Steam Units. 3. Gas Turbines. The impacts considered included but were not restricted to the following: 1. Approximate Cost. 2: Technical Feasibility in Area. 3. Adverse Economic Impacts. 4. Limit Consumer Choices. 5. AdverseAir and Water Impacts. 6: Effects on Community Services. It is my opinion, as Responsible Official, that reasonable con- sideration has been given, in this Supplement, to the Environmental Impacts of the various alternatives and I would recommend your approving the Participants' Agteement for signature." Light Superintendent Honnold discussed his July 2, 1976 memo to the Council and explained the City's share of these projects is .504 percent. The City has an opportunity at this time to reduce that option share or to ./' request an increase. Based on current load projections, the City will V be deficit in 1983, the first year of allocation, and he has recommended ~n increase of the share t6 one percent, based on th~ average deficit for the period 1984 through 1988. In response to Councilman Anderson's question. whether the City's parti- cipation would have any effect on the individual customer's rates, Light ~ Superintendent Honnold stated .it definitely would have depending upon th~ growth of the City. 148 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 17. cont. Mayor Olson then read by title Resolution No. 12-76 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 12-76 j A RESOLUTION authorizing the execution and delivery of Participants' Agreement with Washington Public Power Supply System relating, among other things, to Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Proj ects Nos. 4 and 5. I Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve the foregoing Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On called vote, the motion was passed by the Council. 18. Manager Whorton advised the Council that Mr. Helsell, the City's Attorney for the lawsuit over water, has requested authorization to employ Roy Morris as an expert witness for the water lawsuit at the rate of $300 per day. On call for the motion, Councilman Ross moved the Council approve the hiring of Roy Morris as an expert witness at the rate of $300 per day. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On call for disc~:sion, the motion carried. 19. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that a three- day suspension of liquor license privileges has been ordered for You Lay, Inc. for the premises known as "New Hong Kong Restaurant & Hotel, Port Angeles, from June 25 until June 28, 1976 for failing to submit the required semi-annual report in a timely manner was noted for the record. 20. Mayor Olson read letter from Charles E. Haycraft requesting that the Eunice Street right-of-way between Rose Street and Rhodes Road be formally vacated so that 40-foot strip of land can be included on the deed. Manager I Whorton recommended it be referred to Attorney Taylor for his oPinion.as it involves the 1890 Subdivision law. Councilman Haguewood moved the Counci 1 thi s request be referred to Attorney Taylor. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. 21. Councilman Haguewood moved the City back Lots 21 and 23, Block 17 in Section "I" at Ocean View Cemetery for the sum of $330.00. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. VII STAFF REPORTS Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the Light Department Work Report for the month of May and the Public Works Department Activity Report for. May, 1976. Counci lman Haguewood seconded the mati on and i t carried. Councilman Ross: Read excerpts from a Canadian publication re a study entitled, "The Land Development Process as it Affects the Supply of new Housing within the Greater Vancouver Regional District." She commented the City of Port Angeles may be caught in a morass by conflicting laws, confusing poli-. cies and regulations which will decrease the supply of housing and increase the cost of 1 ivi ng. Asked whether it would be possible to move the III sign post alongside the locomotive for better vision. The question was also asked whether the locomotive could be moved west to create better visibility for cars coming from the west. Director of Public Works Flodstrom advised the Council the sign post would be moved and re- garding the moving of the locomotive, the State Highway Department is now in the process of re- viewing the intersection for some possible changes. Mayor Olson: Councilman Haguewood: Commended the staff for their efficiency in erected the bell tower. Suggested that Parks Director Frizzell, consider some type of lighting to prevent vandallsm~ . .I- . i4B CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1976 VII STAFF REPORTS Councilman Anderson: Will report at the next Council meeting on the A.W.C. conference he attended in Spokane. Manager Whorton Requested an executive session to discuss the IBEW labor negotiations and the Jim Willis lawsuit. Attorney Taylor: Observed quite a number of spectators at the Bell Tower. Marlys Mattila introduced to the Council her successor, Sheridan Fahnestock, originally from Washington, D. C., where he worked for ~ years for the Evening Star, and three years in Bend, Oregon. Mayor Olson welcomed him to the City of Port Angeles. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to an Executive Session to discuss the IBEW labor negotiations and the Jim Willis lawsuit. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. I ~ ~'~ ~ (IA "-.U . II. . ~ ~ ~ ~ty~ :#_~ ~ t "'-Mayo rTP,... JJ. 61376A NOTICE OF ACTION BY I CITY OF PORT ANGELES pursuant to the provisions of ; I Chapter 43.21C RCW. notice is , hereby given that; \ I The City of Port Angeles (tI1e "City") did on July 6. 1976. take action which mayor may not be held or deemed to be "" major acllon significantly affecting the quality of the environment." Any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwls,e challenge sUCh action on the grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of Chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental pOlicy Actl shall be commenced within 90 days or be barred. The aclion taken by the City. notke of whlcti is hereby given, was as follows: 11) Adoption of Resolution No. 12.76 entitled: A Resolution Authorizing 'The Execution and Delivery of Participants' Agreement With Washington Public Power SUpply System Relating, Among other Things, To washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear pro;ects Nos. 4 and 5 , {21 The P"rllcipants' Agreement authorized by said Resolution No. 12-76 provides for purchase by the City from the Washington. Public power I Supply System ("System") of a , share of the electr.c energy i capability of the System's I ,ownership interest in Its Nuclear Proiects Nos. 4 and 5 for the purpose of. providing ..electric energy to the City. The System'. Nuclear I Project No.4 is a nuclear fueled electric generating unit 'currently scheduled 10 begin i commercial operation In March '1982. The Project location 1s f approximately IS miles north of Richaldn in Benton county,' Washington, on a portion of Ihe I United States Energy Resources and Development Administration's Hanford Reserv.ation. The System's Nuclear Project No.5 Is a nuclear fueled generating unit currently' scheduled to begin commercial I operation In March 1983. The I I Proje-ct .i50 - -to-c,,-te-d- , approximately three miles , south of the community of c:..::atcnn in r-...;w~ Harbor County. I Satsop in Grays Harbor County, 1 Washington. . (3) Said action pertains to property with in the City's service area. (4) The City's actIon authorized by Resolution No. 12-76 referred to above is subSequent to and in furtherance of Its action authorized by its Resolution No. 12-75 adopted.April 15,. 1975, and the City reserves aU rights under the noti ces of said Resotution No. 12-75 published and filed as authorized by RCW Sect ion 43.21 C .080. (5) Pertinent documents may be examined dUring regular bus~ness hours at the offices of the City as listed below: Light Department City of Port Angeles 240 West Front Street Port Angeles, Washington or City Planning Oepartment City Hall 140 West Front Street Port Angeles... Washington Dated this 9th day of JuIV, 1976. FtLED BY: Kenneth S. Whorton, City Manager City of Port Angeles P.o. Box 111 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Pub. :e~920. 1976.