HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1977315 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1977 I CALL TO ORi]ER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. The purpose ' of this meeting is to consider repair of the Peabody Substation and to discuss implementation of the 1977 Drought Relief Program. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. J. Honnold, R. Orton, D. Flodstrom, C. Caso. Guests Present: P. Jackson, V. Cameron, H. Lydiard, C. Martin, J. Mayo, R. Parrish. III - V SUSPENDED VI LEGISLATION 1. EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO PEABODY SUBSTATION Mayor Olson read a status report from the Light Department summarizing the Peabody Substation failure. Following a lengthy discussion with Light De- partment Superintendent Honnold regarding the estimated time and cost to repair the damaged unit, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council declare an emergency and authorize the Light Department, through consultation with the City Manager and City Attorney, to take the necessary steps to get the transformer back into service, either repaired or replaced. Councilman Ross seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 2., 1977 DROUGHT RELIEF PROGRAM Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Manager Whorton summarizing all of the major elements in the Drought Relief Program as follows: 1) Emergency features - a brief update on the emergency procedures taken by the State in reaction to the drought; 2) Right-of-way - The City has secured and documented the neces- sary rights-of-way from five property owners. This was a prime requirement made of the City before submitting an application to EDA. The Council also reviewed the route to be taken by the pipeline with Director of Public Works Flodstrom. H. Lydiard brought to the Council's attention an alternate route for the water transmission pipeline and this route was discussed with Mr. Lydiard, Manager whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom, and C. Martin of CH2M/Hill. During the discussion the Council directed Manager whorton to pursue securing the rights-of-way for this route; 3) Ranney Well - 1 well with 2 pumps capable of producing nine million gallons per day when at normal capacity or 11.7 million gallons per day when developed to full capacity; 4) Transmission line - The transmission line will consist of ' approximately 27,700 lineal feet of 24" ductile iron pipe. it will cost approximately $48.00 per lineal foot or $1,329,600. Public works Director. Flodstrom pointed out that to follow Highway 112 all the way into the City would be the shortest route, but would increase the cost by approximately $10.00 per lineal foot to cover the cost of pavement restoration, traffic control, etc.; 5) Residential water meters - $100.00 per meter times 5500 residential connections or $550,000 total (this includes installation); 6) Industrial intertie - The City will tap into ITT Rayonier's water line between the filter plant and the manufactoring plant to give the City up to 1.5 million gallons per day of good quality water. The estimated cost ~~~ VI CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1977 LEGISLATION 2. Cont. of the project is $50,000; 7) Financing - In a proposal presented to EDA, a grant in the amount of $659,000 or 20~ was requested along with a loan request of $2,636,000 or 80$ of the total project amount. If a 40~ con- struction grant is received from DSHS it will reduce the loan amount by $1,191,480 to $1,444,520. If DSHS does not give us a 40~ grant it will require approximately $154,000 per year to service the $2,636,000 loan or a rate increase around 35$. If the 40$ grantis given, then we would be financing $1,444,520 at an annual cost of approximately $84,000 with a rate increase around 20~. These increases are only for debt service and does.not cover our needs for maintenance and operation. An explanation and recommendation for financing the maintenance and operation costs was also contained in Mr. Whorton's memorandum. A lengthy discussion followed between the Council and Manager Whorton con- cerning the financing of the project and the status of the City's application for a 1.1 million dollar grant from DSHS under Referendum 27. Manager Whorton reported that according to DSHS the City should receive an official decision regarding the state grant by the end of July 1977. The Council felt that there should be a firm commitment from DSHS before proceeding any further and directed Manager Whorton to try and obtain a written in- dication from DSHS by the July 13, 1977 meeting. Val Cameron, from EDA, informed the Council that the City should be receiving an answer from EDA early next week on the federal grant and loan so a Council decision regarding proceeding with the project could be delayed to the July 13, 1977 meeting without jeopordizing the federal grant and loan. Councilman Ross also re- quested Attorney Walrath to check into a recent Supreme Court decision re- garding governmental agencies withholding funds from other governmental agencies. r At this time C. Martin from CH2M/Hill introduced J. Mayo as project manager for the proposed project. Mr Mayo gave a presentation on the "fast tracking" procedure as it relates to the project, and reviewed a tentative construction schedule showing the various procedures taken during fast tracking in order to meet an early construction finalization deadline. Following Mr. Mayo's presentation, Manager Whorton requested authorization from the Council to negotiate a possible trade of property with Mr. E. Delgardno. Mr. Whorton suggested that the City trade a portion of its surplus property near Mr. Delgardno's property for approximately 960 feet of the former Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul and Pacific Railway Co. right-of- way owned by Mr. Delgardno. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to negotiate for this property. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried. ~ Manager Whorton informed the Council that Commissioner Dougherty has re- quested information from the City concerning a heating system. The County's mechanical engineers are looking into the possibility of using the heating system to heat the Roosevelt gym, the Pool and possibly a new City Ha11. The anaylis will be done free of charge with no obligation of the City's part. VII Manager Whorton briefly reviewed the proposed design modifications and , changes to the $854,000 Civic Field project grant application to be sub- mitted to EDA on July 8, 1977 under Phase II of the Local Public Works Act. Some of these changes will be a new grandstand section and portable bleachers section, a location change for the baseball field, and a shifting to the south of the entire football field. Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize the staff to prepare Certificates of Appreciation for the property owners which cooperated with the City in obtaining the right-of-way for the proposed drought relief project. Council- man Buck seconded the motion and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The special meeting was adjourned at 9.20 P.M. i~~1~-~v G~~ City Clerk Mayor L~~~