HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1982 I I I 299 '. SEcrION 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI .,sealedbids will be received by the City' of Port Ang~les, Port Ang~Jes Woshmgton, until 2:00' p,m. Tuesday, June 29, 1982, All bids sholl be opened and tabulat(?d for the City Council at tllis. time Bids will" cover loboI' to" Reconductor overhead street" lighting circuits on First and Front Streets from Lincoln to Alder inclusive (cpproximcte_ Iy 25,000 I;neal feet), 'emove and replace 106 St.-eet lighting fixtures, assemble ond connEilct 2 SOlJrce trensformers, oir switch and pnotoceJJ installations with metering and circuit breoker panels, set poles and anchor'S 0$ required, and remove {!-x- isting consfont curren' tronsformer assemblies (3), All necessary material sholl be furn;shed by lhe Owner, The work ,sholl be storted no 'oter then Mo"Jr!doy, Avgust 2, 1982 and sholl be c:::om- plated no rater tl'mn Monday, Sep.ember 20, 1982. Bi,ds moy be moiled or G. Snell B. and F. Lorentzen J. Key C. Net delivered '0 CITY OF PORT " . ' , ,ANGELES, OFFICE OF THE CI, Dralll, P. Reed, J. Fink, J. Cornell, T. Mas~ TY ClERK, PORT ANGElES Stoner D. Gould S. Ward H. Barnett H.' WASHINGTON, to arrive n~ , , , '. loter than 2:00 p.m" June 28 Adamson, K. SWeeney, Mr. & Mrs. B. Erlwelll, 1982, All bids sholl be plainly Neal M. Tozier B. Oliver S. Crisp S. An ":larked Firsl/Franl Stceet , I - , , Light Conversion. Specifications and/or plans may be exomined 0" the of- fke of ,he eHy Manage..-, Port Angeles, Woshington. Specifications may be pur. chased at $5.00 per set. No refund will be mode 'or :return of specificotions. Bids must be accompanied by a cenHied cl,eck for the sum of not less tnon five (5%) of the proposal Or' bid bond of" e-qual amount. payable fo .he City 01 Port Angele,. All b;ds Or'e to ind\.lde delivery F.O.B, Washington and Substation CA Port Angell:>'S, Wasl1ington. ' City 0 Any exceptions '0 the Ugn specifications, controct or NOTICE general conditions shall be that sea noted by the bidder, received r"e City Council reser.....es ., ty of Port I th . L Mayor Duncan rev~ewed the Llght De,..,,,.-t-mo~t t S recarmendl Front SIre e "g", '0 waive any info(, . ~ .......H"..-.L.L ...J: maBty in bids o./ld fo reject for 27,000 feet of overhead wire to convert First and Ij' ~~~2 AnE ally/a!! bids. high-pressure sodium fixtures. Councilman Quast rroved: day J~n~n . Official acceplonce, rejec- , lion or continuation by the 0- the reconmendation to waive the irregularity of Bid No.- lhe Cit~ ' 'y Council w;ll be made in the and award the bid to the low bidder, Western States Ele;l~~:~: ti' ;,ili9i2~uncil Chambers, July Councilman Whidden seconded and Attorney Miller confini bid~ will David Flodstcam . th b'dd ind' ed th b d h r off o' fI.... Cify Monoge J.nasmuch as e l er lcat e on was pure ase( lallow!ng Pub., June 18, 25, 19B2 r date. On call for the question the notion carried. ImaterJOI; Triple-xed S.,rvic:e Drop Wire. code nome Periwinkle, (City Bid Award for Labor for First/Front Streets Light' light Specification No. 21), _ : Delivery to be on or before · July 30, 1982. Mayor Duncan reviewed the Light Der=.-t-mont I S recarmendC' 81~ specifications may, be of bid ~~...... obtamed from the light for installation of wire and new fixtures to convert Fi Dep.artment office at 240 rts t lighting to high-pressure sodium fixtures Councilman rWeSl Front ,Slreet, Po,t JIlCil . . lAngeles, Washmgtan, 98362'1 accept the low bld fran Henkels & McCoy, Inc., of Port1 A ce,tilied check 0' bid $19,656.00, plus 6.2% sales, tax, for a total of $20,874~~adun~0~/th~e'i,c;'dn:h~:ll~c~idden seconded and Councilman Quast indicated he was pleased Icampany each bid, All bids f the high-pressure sodium'lighting downtown On call for tb '''e to include deliv~,y F,O,B, -ion . . _. ,Port Angeles. Washington. carrled. I Bid. will be opened and I II lobulated lor the City Council I 'or consideration by said t Makers "Extra Work" Agreement Fee on Downtown PhaSCauncil in session TueSday'i iJUrh~' ~:~~iI rese,ves the Mayor Duncan reviewed a nernorandum from Public WOrks Dir,ighl to consider deli~ery rding a billing fran Makers in the arrount of $24 407 for extra Illme qnd 10 a:cept or to ,el"Cl hmnle- . . . ' any or. 011 bids or any part :-"".~ . tlon Of the Downtown Improvement ProJect Phase II. Pub thereof. . P~tt~s and Manager Flodstran surnnarized what the extra work irl The "nil J;dce .hall p,evail ~st of I and the City reserves the I Councilman Haguewood who questioned the billing and Chao ri.ght to co~rect any eKlen-. . Councilman Hordyk also requested information on the sid:~~:~, ot Improper oales work lPub,' June 11,18,1982 l _ __ _ _._ ~ _.._. _ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the rreetiri.g to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Hagu Polhamus ,Quast and Whidden. Staff Present: Manager Flodstran, Attorney Miller, Deputy C] Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L.: P. Alexander, D. VanHemert, D. McGinley. I Public Present: III MINUTES councilman Polhamus rroved the Council accept and place on fil minutes of the June 15, 1982 rreeting and June 29, 1982 specia Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Gerberding requested added to Register Page 293, first paragraph, last sentence ( Revenue Sharing Allocation): "Councilman Gerberding urged th sider allocating any remaining revenue sharing funds to the h agencies." IV FINANCE 1. Bid Award for Wire for First/Front Streets 2. 3. I I I '. .rddllq llur:>n i\l1S :jSnC . -" t"H '1l111noa , , OtttlllAlt. UOp r 'naqam~ PIllS' " aAl!q . . " saqo.rp l Ot aAIn{ t. uop no A" 1 '} Sd~ieooqq ,~a~aocIo~ J<llql!n ;' . n~SlJlOH 'd II [a;J] .ram Sll S;JOp tllrn a;JS U1la I P!P a all tllqAl A101Ilj .ram , q tl!q41. 4I.alllf ,fa ats.rs J<llndtuoa II In lLf;" Illf SPfJ! Shllp pro am ~r PlP lUll] .I!;Jm PIlFItSJ;Jp " ~U~..!M On .A"nFUv... un QUa or.... ....... ...____ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Merrbers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Staff Present: Manager Fladstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. COsens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, P. Alexander, D. VanHerrert, D. McGinley. Public Present: G. Snell, B. and F. Lorentzen, J. Key, C. Nenow, T. Holm, J. Drain, P. Reed, J. Fink, J. Cornell, T. Masi, J. Danser, P. stoner, D. Gould, s. Ward, H. Barnett, H. Berglund, S. Adamson, K. Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. B. Erlwein, S. Falmestock, D. Neal, M. Tozier, B. oliver, s. Crisp, S. Anderton. III MINlJI'ES Councilman Polhamus rroved the council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the June 15, 1982 meeting and June 29, 1982 special meeting, and councilman Quast seconded. COuncilman Gerberding requested the following be added to Register Page 293, first paragraph, last sentence (Public Hearings; Revenue Sharing Allocation): "Councilman Gerberding urged the Council to con- sider allocating any remaining revenue sharing funds to the hunan services agencies." .061~~ NOTICE OF CAU FOR BIDS I IV FINANCE City 01 Part Angeles, liS"" Oeportme-n1 ( l. Bid Award for Wire for First/Front Streets th~OT~;:le~s ~;".{seb~Jtb~ I received by the City Clerk. Ci. l .' ty 01 Pa,t Angeles, 140 West . , Mayor Duncan rev~ewed the Li.ght Departrrent 's recc:JlllUel'ldE F,ont Street, P,O. Bo. 115C 'of b~d for 27,000 feet of overhead wire to convert First and E Po,t Ang~les: WOShington~' ng to , ad" ' lman ed ' 98362, unt.1 2.00 P.M. Tues- , hlgh-pressure s lum flXtures. COunCl Quast nov ,doy June 22. 19B2, and that, lth the recorrrrendation to waive the irregularity of Bid No. the City will reject all bids \ bond .' ~ received cfter the :scheduled ' and a~ard the bld to the low bldder, weste:n States ~le. c1,osing. time and dote. The j2. COunCllman Whldden seconded and Attorney Miller conf:un: bIds wI1,1 be opened publIcly '>roper . .. . _' . ~ at tl'mt ttme for fllirnls.h,ng the ~ . l.nasmuch as the bldder rndlcated the lJond' was purchasec lollowing equipment ond/or ~n~ng date. On call for the question the nntion carried. Im?teriol:27,OOOleetol600V. Tflplexed ServIce Drop Wlr-e, I code name Periwinkle. (City 2 . Bid Award for Labar for First/Front Streets Light Lig~1 Specilication Na, 21). .. _ ~ Delivery to be on or before 1 I July 30, 1982, Mayor Duncan reviewed the Light Departrrent 1 S recomrendd Bi~ specilications may, be LOf bid . . . .. . obtained from tile light for rnstallatlon of WlIe and new fixtures to convert Fl Deparfinent office ot 240 _ts I lighting to high-pressure sodium fixtures. COuncilman !West Front .Slreet, Port Jncil . ' I'Angeles, Washington, 98362. . accept the low bld from Henkels & McCoy, Inc., of PortI A certified check 0' bid, $19,656.00, plus 6.2% sales, tax, for a total of $20,B74~~:un~a~/'h~ebidn~h~:1 ~c:idden seconded and Councilman Quast indicai,:ed he was pleased Icompony eoch bid. All bids E the high-pressure sod, ium'lighting downtown on call for th '"e 10 include dellv<;ry F.O,B. i.on . .. . . Port Angeles., Wosnlngton. carried. ' Bids will be opened and, 'tabulated lor the City Council hor consideration by said 3. Makers "Extra Work" Agreerrent ,Fee on Downtown Phas Council in session Tuesdoy. ~Julyl, 1982. The Council reserves the Mayor Duncan reviewed a rrerrorandum from Public Works Di r!ght to consider delivery tding a billing fran Makers in the anount of $24 407 for extra it.me and 10 accept 0' to ,ewct '"mnle- , .ony or, all bids or any part -~r tion of the DcMntown Irnproverrent Project Phase II. Pub'thereat. Pittis and Manager Fladstran sunroarized what the extra work irI The ..nit ,,'ice shall prevail t~st of . " . ~(Jnd the City reserves tne l COunCllman Haguewood who questloned the blllrng and CMi 'i,ght 10 correct any e.ten. . Councilman Hordyk also requested. information on the sid:~~~:, 0' Improper soles work [Pub.: June 11, 18, 19B2 ....--..- - - -. -~ ..- I I I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1982 Addeq 2ur Ires lSrIC . aq lOEl 'SlunOJ . ' OJ JIll1Ai 1,uop I" lIaq;)J!W Pres . , aAeq oJ a' . " saqo.lp , ; Aeq J,uop nOA I ~ Slim "l!ooQJalfJod .l~~~ : ,SJl.Ieq ll1 11o;)s Qlog " d e lail] AilQl se SilOp il 11l1n il;JS Ul1;) I Pin q Jeq.!! MOlD! Aa'M ,t' aq JeqM Aia A ... laJSAS JilJndwo' lD! al[J." u e loq 'PIP lOf SPP/ Ml1p PIa aQl!lI . QlI1] .lIal/l p~ " , ~ _HlIR iMnrr ~r apun U&~ J fJ'rrD:r_..nr"._~..........,-- I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.. II roLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilrren Gerberding, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, iUtHIll1Ul.{;) ye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Friz::r',,;) ;Pittis, P. Alexander, D. VanHemert, D. McG~l1~ I G. Snell, B. and F. Lorentzen, J. Ke d ~ 1m, J. Drain, P. Reed, J. Fink, J. cornell,; f' P. Stoner, D. Gould, S. Ward, H. Barnet . i. 0 f;, Adamson, K. SWeeney, Mr. & Mrs. B. E BP l- >ck, D. Neal, M. Tozier, B. .Oliver, S. CrisPOPPUBSS;}l~UO~ IJd~"M lnoA q}lA'\ ~ ;}SB~ld 'lnO)[e;}d Councilman Polhamus rroved the Council accept and place\\~SnU;);}q ;};)UBAd the minutes of the June 15, 1982 meeting and June 29, 1982: nd Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Gerberding requi;}AnUlS1~;}lPUq q be added to Reg~ster Page ~93, fi~st IJal?agraph, last.sen~qllSl0U~lYI 'S~s; ~enue Sharu:g Allocaho~) : COunCllman ~berdlng ill P.....PUOI S1 BT: con- Slder allocating any remalIllng revenue SharlIlg funds tJllJ.M. '3 ,l"; agencies." /3;}1 ;}l.{L -AAU;}q Sl \ IV FINANCE P.JOPBOPIlOM..~q DBq E Sl 8919 '"M'l l3;)EU~ p~ Sld, Staff Present: Public Present: III MINtJl'ES 1. Bid Award for Wire for First/Front Streets Mayor Duncan reviewed tile Light Depari::rrent' s recc:mrendation for tile award of bid for 27,000 feet of overhead wire to convert First and Front Streets I lighting to high-pressure sodium fixtures. Councilman Quast rroved the Council concur with tile recarnnendation to waive tile irregularity of Bid No.1, accept the late bond, and award the bid to tile low bidder, Western States Electric, for $4,994.72. Councilman Whidden seconded and Attorney Miller confinred the motion was proper inasmuch as tile bidder indicated tile bond' was purchased before the bid opening date. On call for the question the rrotion carried. 2. Bid Award for Labor for First/Front Streets Light Conversion Mayor Duncan reviewed the Light Departrrent 's reconmendation for the award of bid for installation of wire and new fixtures to convert First and Front Streets I lighting to high-pressure sodium fixtures. Councilman Quast rroved the Council accept tile 1O\V bid from Henkels & McCoy, Inc., of Portland, Oregon, for $19,656.00, plus 6.2% sales, tax, for a'total of $20,874.67; Councilman Whidden seconded and Councilman Quast indicated he was pleased with tile effects of tile high-pressure sodium lighting d<Mrrtq.vn. On call for the question the rrotion carried. " 3. Makers "Extra Work" Agreement Fee on Downt.c:lwn Phase II Mayor Duncan reviewed a rnem:>randum fran Public Works Director Pittis regarding a billing fran Makers in the arrount of $24,407 for extra work involved in catple- tion of the Downtc:Mn Inprovernent Project Phase II. Public Works Director Pittis and Manager Flodstrom surnnarized what tile extra work involved at tile request of Councilman Haguewood who questioned tile billing and changes in tile project. Councilman Hordyk also requested information on the sidewalk and fountain work 300 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 6, 1982 currently being done and requested a listing of those property owners contribut- ing to or paying in full for the sidewalk work. Councilman Haguewood nnved the Council hold the payrrent of $24,407 to Makers until COl'pletion of the project. Councilman Hordyk seconded and Council and staff discussed the motion at length. On call for the question the motion was denied with Councilrren Gerberding, Whidden, Quast and Polhamus voting "No". Councilman Gerberding then nnved the Council authorize payrrent of $24,407 to Makers for the extra work on the Dcwnt.cMn Improvement Phase II Project and to hold a retainage of $7,474 until I COl'pletion of the project. Councilman Quast seconded and after further discus- sion the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". V CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the i terns listed under the Consent Agenda including 1) Payment of $103,613.50 to united Western Construction; 1) payrrent of $52,533 to Makers; 3) Liquor Control Board correspondence; 4) Vouchers of $270,511.33; and 5) 6-13-82 payroll of $198,299.19 and 6-27-82 payroll of $198,177.89. Councilman Whidden seconded and Councilman Quast expressed concern for the City approval of granting liquor licenses to gas re- tail sales outlets. On call for the question the motion carried. VI ITEMS FFJ:M THE AUDIENCE NCfI' ON THE AGENDA W. D. "Jack" LaRue[ 130 viewcrest[ Port Angeles, addressed the Council regarding the formation of a Horticultural Teclmica1 Review Advisory Carrnittee to the City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation DeparbTent. He then made a $100 personal contribution to the City Parks and Recreation Department stipulating that the llOney was to be used by the Park and Recreation Board for equiprent or materials. Manager Flodstrom and Mayor Duncan both thanked Mr. LaRue not only for his donation but for his assistance and expertise in reviewing the current Parks situation and providing technical advice. ITENS FFJ:M THE CITY COUNCIL NOr ON THE AGENDA I . Councilman Quast requested a report on the "M" Street noise problem, an update on the Convention Center project, and requestd Council send a letter to the Governor and Transportation Carrnission protesting the surrmertilre ferry surcharge and also send a delegation to Olynpia on August 18th to protest the proposed $2.50 charges on the Hcx::x:l Canal' Bridge. 0625A --~ NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN VII T'!:V'IST7"TION that the Po,t Angele. City] .L-"'A> ........ Co~neil will hold 0 p~bl Ie: hearing on July 6, 1982, at; 1 Publ' H . 7:00 PM, or as soon . ~c earmgs: I therealte, as possible, in Ihe: Co~neil Chambers, 13<l West! Front Str"t, to consider 0 A. Key P .R.D. p,apo.ed 107-~nlt Planned Residential Development Ma ed th publ' h' th I P'ellmlnory Plat. lIed yor Duncan open e ~c earmg on e Key! location: South of camp.' a P ann Residential DevelC>fl!eI1t on approximately 25 acre~' bell Aven~e: eosl 01 Mount :rnpbell A t f An 1 Road bo d . Whi Angeles Rood: bordering) d venue; eas 0 Mount ge es ; r ermg WhiteC,...kon theeost, r' an re- quested comrents or questions from the audience Legal OlBeripllon: Thot'l Key, P. O. Box 2151, prorxment of the Key PBI) requested Coun . ~:~~~~r ~ :~: ;:'~7~;::: lwn from consideration of this matter based on the appearanl Q~orter of Seclion 14, !rine and . , I Township 30 North, Range 61 stated reasons for so askmg. Counc~lman Quast co W,W.M" according '0 tke.ller and stated that though he felt he had no personal biaS Governmenl Platthereol, In~RO that he . , . J the City of Port Angeles,l would rerrove hll11Self fran the Counc~l Chambers fa co~nty of Clollam, Stote of record. He then excused hinlself from the Council Chambers. .~IT~~~~t~n, _describ~d oSI I Beginning at th. nor'l1west; Bryce Lorentzen 1419 Eckard Place Port Angeles carner 01 said Northeast tr. Key I s , , [,' Q~arter: THENCE along the i request of CounCllman Quast to rerrove h:unself. In: northerly line 01 sold Nor.! comrented on traffic and storm water run-off problans he as~ theast Q~a'ter, So~1h ffllite Creek . .1 degre-es 27 mlnut-es 12 Park PRO. Jolmie Key, P. O. Box 2151, responded U seconds East a distance ot'emarks. J 1378.10 feet to lhe Norlhea.l . , corner the,,,ol: THENCE along l , John Dram, 1008 Mt. Angeles Road, requested Mr. ,the ea.lerly line 01 .old:omply w~th the original conditions of the annexation agreemeri Northeast Quarter So~lh 4!.er plan for I . t degrees 30 mln...tes 12 the area) and that the Counc~l further defllle the , second. We.t 0 distance al~lector and arterial streets in Ordinance 2038. He also submi! ~~~~:ldf:~~~~~h:.h~':.:~'~~n~:h 139 signatures requesting a Master Plan for the entirt Plot 01 Fredericks Addition tOln and then corrrrented on several aspects of the White Creek pa' the City of, Po,t Angeles, and; I recorded In volume 1. Page! 62 01 Pia,", record. 01 soid I Cia 110m Co~nly; THENCE along said center line North 186 degrees 55 m In u Ie. 22 ;~~~~d~4J:7S;H~N~:t~~r~h o~1 ~ degrees. 0.4 minutes. 38: , ~;J~;::e;~SiH~N~ief~~~::, ::, \ degrees 55 minutes 22 f I seconds West Q distance of 1_ I see-onds West a distance of! 772.28 feet; THENCE north 3 degrees 04 m i nu tes 38 seconds East a distance of 54.53 feet; TH ENCE North 87 degrees 02 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 97. '2 feet: THENCE North 43 degrees 25 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 192.91 feet to the most easterly southeast corner of that certain parcel conveyed to John C. Drain end Dorothy M. Drain by deed recorded on March 31 r 1966. under Auditor.s file No. 363699t records of said Cia 110m County: THENCE along 1he. easterly line of said parcel North 3 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds Eost a d i.s tance of 99.84 feet to the Northeast corner thereof: THENCE along the northerlv line of soid pa reel North 87 degree, 27 minutes 12 seconds West 0 distance of 128.5 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, soid corner also being 0 point in the westerly line of said Northeast Quarter; THENCE olong said westerly line North 3 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds East a d is tonce of 509.00 feet to the Point of Begi nn ing. Applicant: Johnie S. Key Property owner; Johnie S. Key All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this proposal. Date; June 25 ~ 1982 Morion c. Parrish City Clerk Pub.: June 25, 1982 300 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 6, 1982 currently being done and requested a listing of those property owners contribut- ing to or paying in full for the sidewalk work. Councilman Haguewood noved the Council hold the paynent of $24,407 to Makers Wltil canpletion of the project. CounciJ.m:m Hordyk seconded and Council and staff discussed the rootion at length. on call for the question the rootion was denied with Councilmen Gerberding, Whidden, Quast and Polhann.1s voting "No". Councilmm Gerberding then noved the Council authorize paynent of $24,407 to Makers for the extra work on the Dc::"Mntown Irrg:lrovement Phase II Project and to hold a retainage of $7,474 Wltil I canpletion of the project. CounciJ.m:m Quast seconded and after further discus- sion the rrotion carried with CounciJ.m:m Hordyk voting "No". V CONSENT AGENDA .~ ..., -.",.... ~ Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the i terns ;U31{M "rrnq JO ~ol Agenda including 1) Payrrent of $103,613.50 to United~e~':m~O:~1.M 1) payrrent of $52,533 to Makers; 3) Liquor Control BlIr :~OJaiJ3J o~ 3uIn 4) Vouchers of $270,511.33; and 5) 6-13-82 payroll o~8! lfJllWaJ3IlIJ! payroll of $198,177.89. Councilman Whidden seconded!t1.!~S's3u3AJ1.l3sse expressed concern for the City approval of granting tail sales outlets. on call for the question the VI ITEMS FR(M THE AUDIENCE NCYr ON THE AGENDA w. D. "Jack" LaRue, 130 Viewcrest, Port Angeles, ad the fornation of a Horticultural Technical Review of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Departrrent. H contribution to the City Parks and Recreation De rroney was to be used by the Park and Recreation rraterials. Manager Flodstrom and Mayor Duncan bo for his donation but for his assistance and expert" Parks situation and providing technical advice. ITEMS FRCM THE CITY COUNCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA "Councilmm Quast requested a report on the "M" Str on the Convention Center project, and requestd Co Governor and Transportation Ccmnission protesting and also send a delegation to Olympia on August 18 $2.50 charges on the Hood Canal Bridge. VII LEGISIATION "'''''aJ t'go on sent o~ JOI!S!on; 31l11SUJ:. [10 PUll .. , 'sllurqa;-27-82 pooPlartst e .!O~ n gas re- 'l!:S'! 3\{ J{aeq'1c1r llllJ.lTlp lnq 'sa/} .!aH'llu Aq Ala.!; regarding 3all~ Jal:J the City Jal{ pue oersonal pauqel.hat the alJUlS ala- ~O suolle Jt only uado 011, paleall'l! ;urrent id -~e 'S.Ia~: Aq asnCe. i 3t(J, "a~ 01 ! gn All~ ofl "S313~ update Sl 'saaJ s. the 3P!SPm: iurcharge S,J3!all"l'~~ Xlsed OIUO ll~his I 1. Public Hearings: .ishl Jld~uJ saIi~: A. Key P.R.D. Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Key request to consider a Planned Residential Developrent on approxirrately 25 acres located south of Campbell Avenue; east of Mount Angeles Road; bordering White Creek. on the east, and re- quested ccmnents or questions from the audience andlor staff. Johnie Key, P.O. Box 2151, proponent of the Key PRO requested CounciJ.m:m Quast step down frem consideration of this matter based on the appearance of fairness doctrine and stated reasons for so asking. CounciJ.m:m Quast consulted Attorney Miller and stated that though he felt he had no personal bias in reviewing the PRO that he would rerrove himself fran the Council Chambers for the safety of the record. He then excused himself from the Council Chambers. Bryce wrentzen, 1419 Eckard Place, Port Angeles, tcok exception to Mr. Key's I request of Councilmm Quast to rerrove himself. In later testirrony he comrented on traffic and storm water run-off problems he associated with the White Creek Park PRO. Johnie Key, P. o. Box 2151, responded to Mr. wrentzen's remarks. Jolm Drain, 1008 Mt. Angeles Road, requested Mr. Key be required to canply with the original conditions of the annexation agreement (including a master plan for the area) and that the Council further define the term "improved" collector and arterial streets in Ordinance 2038. He also submitted a petition with 139 signatures requesting a Master Plan for the entire 55 acre annexation and then ccmnented on several aspects of the White Creek Park PRO. I I I 301 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 6, 1982 Gayle Snell, 1452 Eckard, objected to the proposed density of the White Creek Park PRO and suggested potential problems for the surrounding neighborhocxi; Le., devaluation of property, water run-off and street problems. He also objected to Mr. Key's request of Councilman Quast to step da..m. Paula Stoner, 1155 Craig Avenue, requested the developer be made responsible for road paving and irrprovemants to campbell Avenue in lieu of the surrounding property a..mers. John Fink, 1302 carrpbell Avenue, also ccmnented on the drainage problems and poor road condition of campbell Avenue. 'Ibdd Holm, 1203 Craig Avenue, requested Mr. Key be required to submit a m3.ster plan for the entire 55 acre annexation; irrprove campbell and Porter as requested in the annexation agreement; and requested conditions on irrprovemants to streets and traffic, sewers, drainage, and parks be specifically defined prior to approval of this project. Bruce Erlwein, 1137 Grant Avenue, sul::mitted a photograph to the Council depicting water run-off problems in the Porter-Grant area. In later testinony he comnented on the high arrount of traffic using Porter Street. Russ Dalton, 1037 Grant Avenue, crnrnented on the poor condition of the streets in the vicinity and noted this area is not now highly populated. Johnie Key, proponent of the White Creek Park PRO, noted that many of the problems in the area have existed prior to his develq:ment in the area and that this one subdivision could not attempt to address them all. He then touched on several of the issues raised during the public hearing and indicated that though he agreed to the requirements within the subdivision he did not agree with providing support to Mt. Angeles Road; and that excessive requirements would make the project econcrnically unfeasible. After no further crnrnents were received Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Council discussed the White Creek Park PRO issues at length, requesting clarification from staff on several points, including the original conditions of the annexation agreement, the proposed sewer line to 8th and Francis, stonn water run-off 1 and the density calculation of the White Creek Park PRD. Coll1cilman Hordyk then IIDVed the Council require Mr. Key to comply with the conditions of the present annexation agreement, those being: I} The Owners recognize that the City shall incur no liability to them should the Area not be annexed. They nevertheless covenant that certain circumstances will prevail should the Area be annexed. 2) The Owners shall comply with the annexation policy of March 7, 1972, and Annexation Resolution 18-78. 3) The ONners agree to sul::mit a m3.ster plan for the Area and to co-operatively develop in accordance with that plan. 4) Any new development shall include buffering on the western side of the Area and along White Creek Ravine to minimize the inpact on adjacent areas and the ravine. 5) Public access in and to the White Creek Ravine shall be part of any develapnent that includes, contains or abuts said ravine. Said buffering shall be of sufficient width to provide a visual screen on the western edge and of sufficient width to prevent erosion and other degradation of the edge and wall of the ravine as detennined by the Planning Deparbrent. Develop- ment in the Area shall follow a planned lll1it developnent approach with consid- eration given to lCMer density lots of about one-third acre along White Creek Ravine and the Area I s western boundary to buffer impacts of develq:ment on the county residents and terrain. 6) No road originating in the Area shall connect to Mt. Angeles Road where Mt. Angeles Road abuts the Area. No road originating in the Area shall connect to Mt. Angeles Road until the COlll1ty area west of the Area and east of Mt. Angeles Road is annexed to the City. 7) Residential de- velq:rnent in the Area shall include as a minimum, grading, graveling and seal- coating of Porter Street frt:m Carrpbell Street to Park Street, and Carrpbell Street from Mt. Angeles Road to the entry road to the Area, and the improvemant of the ~ll Street - Mt. Angeles Road intersection to standard width and surfaced to rreet the needs of the increased traffic; all to the specifications of the Public Works Director. 8) Sanitary sewer shall be of sufficient size as dete:rmined by the Public Works Director to service at least the entire Area if it were fully developed and shall be constructed to 8th Street.and Francis Street. 9) Stonn sewer installation must be considered with respect to Federal water pollution standards based upon the total run-off to White Creek that would occur if the Area were fully developed. No direct dumping 'of stonn water run- off into White Creek shall be permitted. As a minimum, a stonn water retention basin for settling out pollutants shall be required before durnping into White Creek. 10) Otmers shall develop property in a manner consistent with the goals stated in the Annexation Agreemant. 11) The improvements required under the 302 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 6, 1982 terms of this Agreerrent shall be constructed at the time of developrent and no occupancy of any new houses shall be permitted until the irrprovenents have been approved by the City. Nothing in this requirenent shall prevent the Owners fran developing the Area in sections and constructing the required inprovenents in portions; provided, however, that all sections of develDplreI1t and all p::>rtions of required irrprovenents are approved by the City. Councilman Polhamus seconded and after further discussion the Council requested Planner Carr and Attorney Miller further define the elenents to be included in a master plan. On call for I the question the mtion to require Mr. Key to canply with the original condit- ions of the annexation agreerrent carried. Councilman Haguewood then rroved the Council table further consideration of the Key application for a prop:>sed Planned Residential Development on approx:irnately 25 acres located south of Carrpbell Avenue, east of Mt. Angeles Road, bordering White Creek on the east, until the conditions of the annexation agreement have been satisfied. Councibnan Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. A five-minute recess was taken and Councilman Quast returned to the Council Chambers. Mayor Duncan noted the time was now beyond 10: 00 P.M.; the Council concurred to conclude Item VII LEGISIATION - Public Hearings and to consider canpleting the remainder of the agenda at that time. B. Adamson Rezone - 9th and Lincoln Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Adamson application to rezone approx:irnately 7/8th acre fram RS-7 to Csn-C2 located at the southeast, south- west, northeast and northwest corners of Ninth and Lincoln Streets and requested ccmnents or questions fram the audience or staff. Sharon Adamson, 302 South Cherry, one of the applicants for the rezone, requested the Council favorably consider the rezone as the service station at 9th and Lincoln could not feasibly be used for a residential use and had plenty of roam for off-street parking. Toni Masi, 206 East 9th, favored the prop:>sed rezone. Horace Danser, 915 South Lincoln Street, opposed the rezone due to traffic congestion problems. Gerrard Johnson and Enga Bal.lITWell, property owners of lots in the rezone area, spoke in I favor of the rezone and both parties indicated they had no innediate plans for their property. After no further corrments were received Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Councilman Whidden questioned what the rezone to CSD-C2 in- cluded and Councilman Polhamus indicated he could not foresee a residential use of the land. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council grant the Adamson request to rezone approx:irnately 7/8th acre fran RS-7 to CSD-C2 at the southeast, south- west, northeast and northwest corners of 9th and Lincoln Streets and Councibnan Polhamus seconded. Councilman Quast credited the Planning Crnrnission' s recat1l1eIldation to deny the rezone request due to the reasons outlined in the departrrent rep:>rt and asked the Council to deny the rezone but provide Mrs. Adamson with a Conditional Use Pennit. On call for the question the mtion to grant the rezone carried with Councilmen Quast and Whidden voting "No". C. Port Shoreline Pennit - Marine Drive Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the Port of Port Angeles application for a Shoreline Managenent SUbstantial DevelDplreI1t permit for the construction of a 40' x 100' building located on the south side of Marine Drive, irrmediately west of "c" Street and requested corrments or questions fran the audience or staff. Ken Sweeney, representing the Port of Port Angeles, indicated the Z~'~D~m-;;~ ~- _,. m- _ _ ,. ~ ,j--O-~ings, Inc., and that this was an appropriate use ~iJ:E .~"'~ o~.e~ :! ;:."~;; "E~~ ~~ I.ndlcated that present drainage problems would - ='Nu'tC:>L..C .,,0 -- a.. 10_ .... Cl ;: Q.~ .-... ~ ~ 0= ~ .;; "6 0 ~ !Ii ;, w '" Co <; U ')WIler of Bearings, Inc., explained the marine and -.... C1(")-- ctI ""'0-"'_ EolDc: a.~ i ffi ~" -; ~ --: ~ ~ ~ ~ -; E .~ ~ ~ 1, 0 Jl to.~ 5 " u iJ :.ness and rationale for locating on the waterfront. I ",~."", ~~u m oE - "'~- ,,~.- ~~. , ed led ubl. h . :l...o(o.?~ ~; 0 "0..,, ~.-1ii.~: 0( <; ~ Q..<:.E -.51 ~ re recel\' Mayor Duncan c os the p lC earmg. t'4X_",C;::.OD...JJ_....... ~kQ;lt;O..o-D... 1 Q. ... 0'0. ". g!!! f'" ~ 1:5 _-.e i: ;:B ~ ~." f ~ ....E.~ ~ ~ ::; 1 Planner Carr regarding parking requ:rrements and ... .H~.~6$5E.51 iiouo~pc ,.~-1! ~ <;: 'Ved the Council concur with the Planning Corrmission U~ a...';!! i=._Q......0 - - tile -c:o- _.., . . . j:: '" ~ g' '0 '5 '" 0 .!>i! g>~ ~ =0 "0 2 on 0= ~ ~ ~.E ~ :: g '" 5 ~ Port of Port Angeles appl1catwn for a Shorel1l1e o ':'C Cl C .....!:! Q,l"" ,- u e 0)_ '" 0.- 0 '0 d:I 0 _ .., -. . zDi:~g;i:5C.~~;g-'lH~;~~~~o':~hoQ.~ .;; fPnent Pernut for the constructlon of a 40' x 100' . u ....c ... Q, 0 ~ < -:. 0 C C" Q.)( , - .<:... -VI&. 00 u.<> '" ~ >,....... 0( " ~_~.j side of Marine Drive, illlredi.a'l:ely west of "c" Street, subject to the following conditions: 1) Stom water drainage facilities shall be installed and hillside protective measures shall be taken. 2) An off-street parking area be designed and installed, including drainage facili- ties, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1588. 3) Since Marine Drive is an I I I 303 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUly 6, 1982 arterial, a sidewalk shall be constructed on the south side adjacent to the subject property. He cited the following findings of fact: A) The proposal is in ccrrpliance with the Shoreline Master Program, in particular, Activities Policies 1 (a) and 8 (a), and General Regulation C.I related to water-dependent uses; and B) The proposed structure will not irrpair the public's access to the shoreline. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the ootion carried. D. Proposed Short Plat Ordinance As no one was in the audience to testify, Councilman Polhamus moved to table this item to the July 20, 1982, regular rreeting; Councilroan Quast seconded and the ootion carried. Manager Flcrlstran indicated people were in attendance for consideration of Legislative Items 4 and 6 and requested the Council also take up items 2, 10, 11 and 13. The Council concurred to continue with those tiems. 2. Planning Carmission Minutes - June 23, 1982 Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Carmission Minutes of June 23, 1982, and Councilroan Haguewood llOVed the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Carrnission minutes of June 23, 1982; Councilroan Hordyk seconded and the ootion carried. 3. Presentation of certification to Doyle McGinley as Waste Water Collection Specialist I Continued to July 15, 1982, special rreeting. 4. Petition fran Ministerial Association - Derrand Meter Program Charles D. Nenow, Pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church and representing the Port Angeles Ministerial Association, addressed the Council regarding billing churches for peak demand on Sundays, and requested that demand IlEters either be rerroved fran churches or sane way devised of determining the demand usage during the time the City is charged a demand usage (7 am - 10 pi, Monday through Saturday). Reverend Kenneth Dooley, First United Methodist Church, also requested the Council revise the demand meter billing of churches. Council discussed the natter at length with Light Director Cosens and Manager Flodstrom and instructed Light Director Cosens to arrange day-to-day metering of the churches to detennine if the peak demand occurs on sundays or during other times of the week; preferably during the fall oonths during periods of higher energy usage; and to bring the results back before the Council this November or Decerober for further consideration. 5. Review CCmnittee to Analyze City Parks & Recreation Depa.rtrrent Continued to July 15, 1982, special rreeting. 6. Letter from E. A. Warren - Re: Litter on 18th Street Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter received fran E. A. Warren, 2731 West 18th Street, regarding litter created by residents hauling their garbage to the durrp. After discussion of the matter the Council instructed staff to prepare an ordinance encouraging the hauling of covered loads to the dump by charging for uncovered loads and tb bring this before the Council for their consideration. 7. R. D. Chamberlain - Request to re-construct stairs on sidewalk Continued to July 15, 1982, special meeting. 8. Six Year Transportation Improverrent Program Mayor Duncan read by title Resolution No. 22-82, entitled 304- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 6, 1982 RESOLUrION NO. 22-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for review of its Six Year Transportation ln1?roverent Program. Councilman Hordyk Il'OVed the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by I titlej Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. ~ . WPPSS Termination Oversight Ccmni. ttee Continued to July 15, 1982, special meeting. 10. Invitation to join utility Defense Group Attorney Miller reviewed his rre:rrorandum regarding existing litigation in regard to the termination of WPPSS Projects Nos. 4 and 5, the required representation of the City, and the options available to the Council for the City's effective representation in these lawsuits. Councilman Haguewood Il'OVed that at this ti.ne the City do nothing and Councilman Whidden seconded. The Council discussed the rrotion with Attorney Miller and on call for the question the rrotion carried, with Councilman Quast voting "No". Attorney Miller requested direction fran Council regarding his reply to interrogatories due in six days. Councilman Quast, objecting to the rrotion, IlOVed the Council reconsider this item at a July 15, 1982, special meetingj Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. 11. Special Meeting to Review 1982 Budget Revenues and Expenditures A special rreeting was scheduled for July 15, 1982, at 7:00 P.M. for consideration of this matter. 12. Consideration of Amending Business License Application Period Continued to special rneeting of July 15, 1982. I 13 . Request fran Sheriff's Office to use street for fund raiser for Muscular Dystrophy Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter received fran the Clallam County Sheriff's Office requesting pennission to set up a one-lane "road block" on Front Street in front of the City Light maintenance building for a fund raising event for Muscular Dystrophy. Councilman Haguewood expressed serne concerns for the use of a road block for a fund raising event and moved the council deny permission for the road blockj Councilman Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. VIII lATE ITEMS None. IX ITEMS FRCM THE AUDIENCE lIND/OR CITY COUNCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA None. X AroOURN 'IO EXOCUTIVE SESSION Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 11:30 P.M. I XI RETURN 'IO OPEN SESSION lIND ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at 11:40 P.M. 'ht.v~;'-j @.~ Clerk dl4J~~