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Port Angeles, Washington
July 6, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:05 p.m.
OATH OF OFFICE Deputy Clerk Hagar mtministered the oath of office to James Hulett, who was then
ADMINISTERED immediately seated with City Council.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilwoman Sargent, Councilmen
Braun, Hulett, Ostrowski, Schueler, and Wight.
Members Absem: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, B. Collins, L.
Glenn, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, C. Hagar,
K. Ridout, T. Smith, G. Kenworthy.
Public Present: D. Christensen, E. Tschimperle, D. Milligan, S. Biggar,
M. Hulett, K. Hulett, K. Hulett.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rick Preston of Boy Scout Troop i192,
ALLEGIANCE: sponsored by the Church of Jesns Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is working on his
Citizenship in the Commtmity merit badge.
APPROVAL OF Councilwoman Sargent moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: June 15, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried by a majority with Councilman Hulett
Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of June
29, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sargent. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried by a majority with Councilman Hulett
CEREMONIAL Yard of the Month Award for July 1993
PROCLAMATIONS: The individual Yard of the Month Awards were presented to: Gerald and Marilyn
Kelly, 1332 West llth Street, Carolee and Dwayne Massey 1313 Georgiana Street,
Del and Barbara Gustafson, 511 East Ahlvers Road, Bill and Cate Rinehart, 536 East
4th Street, Pete and Becky Hanna, 307 East 13th Street, and Chuck and Mary Lou
Paulson, 1845 East Lam'idsen Boulevard. The Neighborhood of the Month Award
was presented to the 100 block of West Fourteenth Street, including: Diane
Heckathorn, Leroy Stevens, Don and Betty Sleeper, Jean and Robert Johnston,
Eleanor and Andrew Tsehimperle, Martha and Bo Stoor, Caroline Syre, David and
Sally Biggar, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Daehs, Mrs. Ernest Hanowell, and John Hayden.
CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent attended the AWC Convention. AWC approved a
COMMITTEE constitutional amendment creating a new district, which directly affects Port Angeles.
REPORTS: The aim of the restructuring was to group together cities with similar interests. Port
Angeles is now in District 12 and no longer included with the I-5 comdor. The
Association also passed a resolution regarding Initiatives 601 and 602, because cities
and towns receive almost 1/10th of their operating budget revenues from State
collected locally shared revenues. It is important for taxpayers to be aware which
programs will be directly affected.
City Manager Pomenmz informed Council that Staff is in the process of studying this
and attempting to get an idea of what the effects will be. Hopefully, a report will
be ready for Council by the next meeting.
Councilwoman Sargent was re-elected to the AWC Board, and she was successful
in promoting Councilman Ostrowski's name and election to the new Multi-Modal
Transportation Committee. Councilwoman Sargent felt Councilman Ostrowski was
well qualified to serve on this Board, as he served on the local Transit Board and the
July 6, 1993
CITY COUNCIL RTPO. Councilwoman Sargent was also elected by the Association's Board to serve
COMMITTEE on the Municipal Research Council. An electronic bulletin board is now on-line with
REPORTS Municipal Research. 5he recommended the City pay the start up fee of $15.00 to
(Cont'd) get the basic package, which includes immediate access to the electronic library, up-
to-date news and bulletins and connection with colleagues throughout the State.
Councilwoman Sargent also attended a meeting on the new fire hall. The architects
were given some alternates to bid in order to keep within budget.
Councilwoman Sargent attended the Project Care meeting, which is involved with
'paint the Town'. Thanks were given to Council for permanent loan of a computer.
Councilman Braun attended Capital Facilities Committee meetings on June 16, 23,
28 and 30th. The Committee is continuing to rate City projects. It is rating Public
Works at this time. On June 23, he and his wife attended a p~rty hosted by Dick
and Ruth Wight for outgoing Councilmember Larry Nicholson and his wife Carolyn
Councilman Braun also attended the funeral of past-Council member Sam
Haguewood. Councilman Braun attended the UAC meeting on June 28, where
Committee members met with a representative of BPA to discuss rate changes. He
also attended the meeting on the new fire hall.
Councilman Ostrowski attended the AWC Convention along with three other Council
members and the City Manager. He told Council how proud he was of
Councilwoman Sargent and all her accomplishments.
Councilman Wight requested to give a report on the Marine Safety Oversight
CommiCu~e. This was added to the Agenda as Item 14 under Other Considerations.
He also attended the AWC Convention and found it invigorating and interesting.
Several other municipalities expressed interest in the City's combined dispatch
center, and Councilman Wight felt the City should make information on this available
to others. His computer is now on-line at home, and he finds it to be a very useful
Councilman Schueler_~n$ormed Council that the next Downtown Association meeting
will be held on July"~, 1993, at 7:30 a.m. Council members are encouraged to
attend as the Association wishes to discuss the problems it is having with the young
people in the downtown area.
Councilwoman Sargent informed Council that there is a cassette tape on this subject
available through AWC and asked Police Chief Ilk if he would be interested in it.
Chief Ilk replied that this tape was put together by Mountlake Terrace, and the Law
Enforcement Advisory Board was meeting with representatives from Mountlake
Terrace on July 7, 1993, at the VBMCC. Interested parties are invited to attend.
FINANCE I. Bid award for the &h Street/Peabody Creek culvert repair
Bid Award for 8th Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public
Street/Peabody Creek Works.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the bid from Boone's Excavating, Inc.
and to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract to repair the 8th Street culverts
in the amount of $105,558.90. Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
A brief discussion followed. Public Works Director Pittis informed Council that
there was $30,000 left from the 8th Street bridge repairs, which will be used on th/s
project. He went on to explain that the 8th Street bridge will not be closed, as the
repairs will be done in the culvert itself. A vote was taken on the motion which
camed unanimously.
Bid Award for 2. Bid award for Marine Drive construction
Marine Drive
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public
Councilman Braun moved to accept the bid from Lakeside Industries, Inc. in the
amount of $815,484.75. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
A discussion followed with Councilman Braun inquiring why there was only one
bidder for this project. Director Pittis explained that because Lakeside is the only
asphalt supplier in the area and the project is relatively small, it would not be cost
effective for out-of-town businesses to bid. The City will work with Lakeside to
reduce project cost but not quality or unit prices. Director Pittis requested that the
motion be amended to include a trail up Hill Street, which Lakeside will put down
at a cost of approximately $18,000 to come out of the Street Division's asphalt
July 6, 1993
FINANCE (Cont'd) budget.
Bid Award for Councilman Ostrowski inquired as to whether or not there will be a Public Works
Marine Drive Trust Fund in the future if Initiative 602 passes. Director Pittis informed Council
that the legislature attempted to take $40 million away this year. The Francis Street
stormwater project was included in the list of about ten projects that was redone and
put hack into the program. The City reserved that loan, but it may be the last one.
In the Six-year Transportation Plan, some of the payment schedules have been
figured as part of the Trust Fund, but the debt payment is COming out of those
schedules also, so there is less money available.
Councilman Braun amended his motion to accept the bid from Lakeside
Industries, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $760,000 plus $18,000 for the Hill
Street trail and to authorize the Public Works Deparha,ent to revise the scope
of work to stay within the total project cost. Further discussion followed with
Director Pittis informing Council that the work would not be underway during the
Derby Days festivities. It was agreed upon by Council that this project is very
necessary to the safety and welfare of the City. Councilman Ostrowski agreed
with the amendment to the motion, which carried unanimously.
8th Street Bridge 3. Eighth Street Bridge Repairs - Final payment and acceptance of project
Repairs - Final
Payment and Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Coundlwoman Sargent moved to accept the project, authorize final payment of
$14,010.10 to General Construction Company, and authorize release of the
retainage of $947.15 upon receipt of clearance from the Depariments of Revenue
and Labor and Industries. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler
and carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wight moved to aecept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Call for
bids request on Yard Waste and Biosolids Compost facility; 2) Approval of out-of-
state travel for Public Works Director; 3) Approval of out-of-state travel for Police
Department personnel to conduct background investigation in Nevada; 4) Approval
of out-of-state travel for Fire Chief to attend Western Chiefs Conference; 5)
Authorize City Light Director to sign Energy Savings Plan agreement with
Daishowa; 6) Correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board; 7)
Payroll of June 20, 1993 of $350,621.34; and 8) Voucher list of July 2, 1993, of
$1,629,974.42. Coaneilman Braun seconded the motion. Discussion followed.
Councilman Braun questioned the wisdom of requesting bids for a compost facility
when there has been no response from DOE. Director Pittis explained that the DOE
and County representatives are both on vacation. They will be back on July 12.
Too many delays will result in a hacklog of sludge with no place to put it so that the
City would have to haul it away again. It is believed that approvals will be
Director Pittis went on to inform Council that there was a concern about the Design
Grant. However, there may be a potential change in FAA policy which may help
the City. This change would enable the City to build a permanent facility rather than
having to call this an interim facility. The City would then be able to keep the
design money.
Councilwoman Sargent questioned who would be providing the roundtrip airfare to
Hawaii for the Fire Chief Conference. Fire Chief Glen responded that he would be
paying his own airfare simply because this conference will be in Hawaii. He
believes this is a very important project, but he does not wish to burden the City
with this travel expense. Council felt that the City should indeed provide airfare for
this trip. Councilwoman Sargent moved to amend the consent agenda to include
airfare for Chief Glen to attend the Western Fire Chiefs Conference in Hawaii.
Councilmen Wight and Braun accepted the amendment.
Councilman Ostrowski referred hack to the Compost Facility, expressing concern
over whether or not the City would get a positive response from the DOE. At the
last Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority Board meeting, a commercial company
from Lacy appeared before the Board and was having trouble with a compost facility.
Director Pittis pointed out that it depended on what you were composting. There are
several ways to compost; this is the simplest. Councilman Schueler added that he
had opportunity to be near the City's compost pile, and the odor was minimal. If
Council has concerns, they can be addressed later. A vote was taken on the
amended motion which carried unanimously.
July 6, 1993
ITEMS FROM THE City Light Director Titus requested Council to consider changing the date of the next
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ UAC meeting from July 12, 1993 to July 19, 1993. Council agreed with this
STAFF TO BE request.
PLACED ON A Councilman Braun wished to address fireworks under Other Considerations. This
FUTURE AGENDA: was added as Item 12, Other Considerations.
Mayor Hallett requested information on the City's policy direction regarding the tax
enabling legislation law enforcement. City Manager Pomeranz will place this item
on a future agenda.
Councilwoman Sargent requested to add Japanese Friendship Day and an EDC matter
to the agenda. These were added as Items 13 and 15 under Other Considerations.
Councilman Wight requested to speak to the Marine Safety Oversight Board. This
was added as Item 14, Other Considerations.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
ANGF~LFS, City-wide: Establishing minimum street standards for unopened
Municipal Code plats within the City (continued from June 1, 1995)
Amendment - Street
Standards for Public Works Director Pittis reported that the ordinance cannot be enacted at
Unopened Plats tonight's meeting, as there is a map to go with it that needs to be completed showing
all the gravel roads in the City.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Mayor Hallett opened the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. No one appeared to spegk' to
the proposed ordinance, and the public hearing was closed at 8:16 p.m.
Public Works Director Pittis explained the street standards to Council. A brief
discussion followed. No action was taken, and the complete ordinance will be
brought back to Council at the next regular meeting.
B. Ordinances not requiring public hearings
Public Nuisance C. Resolutions requiring public comment
Resolution No. 23-93
1. Consideration of Public Nuisance
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
A revised Exhibit "A" was distributed to Council. Council members were disturbed
by the number of public nuisances coming before them, as well as how many are
repeat offenders. It was agreed by all that work needs to be done on the current
public nuisance resolution making for stiffer penalties and hopefully reducing the
number of offenses.
Councilwoman Sarge~nt moved to have Staff come back to Council with a revised
public nuisance resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and
carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
declaring the existence of a public
nuisance and requiring the elimination
of such nuisance.
Councilman Sargent moved the Resolution be passed as read by tifle.
Mayor Hallett inquired as to whether there was any public comment pertinent to the
John Fortman, 1331 West 16th Street. Mr. Fortman's name was not on the current
list of public nuisances but is apparently scheduled to be on the list for the next
Council meeting. However, he still wished to address Council regarding the public
nuisance on his property. Mr. Fortman and his son are involved in the restoration
of antique automobiles. The major complaint has been when the vehicles on his
~ (~(~ M~
July 6, 1993
LEGISLATION: property are being parted out. He showed Council photographs of his property. Mr.
(Cont'd) Fortman is merely requesting time to finish parting out four pick-up trucks that are
currently on his land. Councilman Braun inquired as to the time frame Mr Fortman
Public Nuisance is looking at. Mr. Fortman is not sure how long it will take, but was fairly confident
(Cont'd) he could have things looking presentable within 30 days. Mayor Hallett informed
Mr. Fortman that he was confident things could be worked out and he should discuss
this with Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Six-Year Transportation D. Resolutions not requiring public hearings
Resolution No. 24-93 1. Resolution setting public hearing for 6-year Transportation Plan
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by rifle, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a public hearing date for review
of its Six Year Transportation Improvement
Councilman Ostrowski moved the Resolution be passed as read by title.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion.
A brief discussion followed with Director Pittis giving a brief explanation of future
plans for the TIP. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission E. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
1. Planning Commission Minutes of June 23, 1993
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of
June 23, 1993. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
Donation of Two F. Other Considerations
City Lots
1. Accept donation of two city lots to the City.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept Gloria Fuster's donation of two city lots,
authorize the City's Property Manager to prepare the deed of transfer for the
property, pay the 1993 taxes due, and write a letter of thanks to Mrs. Foster.
Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight inquired if there was any public benefit in owning this property
and Councilman Braun asked about liability as it is in a ravine. Deputy Director
Ridout explained that the public benefit would be preservation of the ravine. Also,
the City has preserved a right-of-way in this area to make a future walking trail
down the ravine.
Councilman Braun again expressed concern over liability due to possible sloughing
of the ravine above. Attorney Knutson pointed out that the City, as would any
landowner, would have a duty of adjacent support of the neighboring property.
Deputy Director Ridout related that there has not been a sloughage problem in the
past. Councilman Braun informed Council he would vote no on this issue. Further
discussion followed on the possible future trail. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried 6-1 with Councilman Braun voting in opposition.
Break Mayor Hallett recessed the meeting for a break at 8:55 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 9:10 p.m.
Mayor to Sign Grant 2. Request for Mayor to sign grant agreement with Department of Ecology to
Agreement With DOE accept $I47,500 in grant funds and to perform a Storrnwater Management
to Accept Grant Funds and Plan.
Perform Stormwater
Management Plan Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
July 6, 1993
LEGISLATION: Councilman Wight moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement
(Cont'd) with the Deparlment of Ecology in'the amount of $147,.~4}0 for the preparation
of a Stormwater Management Plan. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the
Grant Agreement With motion.
DOE to Accept Grant
Funds (Cont'd) Councilwoman Sargent asked for an explanation of "funding element" as found on
page 8 of the Grant Agreement. Public Works Director Pittis explained that it
related to developing methods of financing necessary activities. Public Works has
already identified a number of issues; however, as other necessary stormwater
improvements are identified, financing methods will need to be developed. The
Department of Public Works is hopeful that through this program the City can
develop stormwater and surfacewater strategies in conjunction with the County,
Fisheries, Wildlife and Ecology as well as our local community.
Planning Director Collins added that a lot of the problems the City has now in
development permitting relate to uncertainties with surface water management. By
developing a standard local program, the City would be able to establish a set of
roles to give developers. After further discussion a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Authorize Public Works 3. Authorize Public Works Director to sign contract with R. J. Services for
Director to Sign Contract replacement of Eunice Stree~ sewer.
With R. J. Services for
Replacement of Eunice Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Street Sewer
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the proposal from R. J. Services, Inc.
in the amount of $36,247.21 and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract to
provide reconstruction of the Eunice Street sanitary sewer. Councilman Braun
seconded the motion.
Public Works Director Pittis informed Council that the Eunice Street sanitary sewer
failed this past weekend. R.J. Services had to start digging on an emergency basis
to relieve the blockage. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Authorize Public Works 4. Authorize Public Works Director to sign contract with F~cel Utility
Director to Sign Contract Construction for upgrading the Mill Creek water booster pump station.
With Excel Utility
C o n s t r u c t i o n f o r Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Upgrading the Mill
Creek Water Booster Councilman Wight moved to accept the proposal from Excel Utilities
Pump Station Construction to provide the booster pmnp station for $29,368.56, and to
authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the
Councilwoman Sargent questioned the amount Mr. Schouten will be paying for the
pump station. Public Works Director Pittis replied that it was approximately $7,500.
He went on to explain that the reason the City is paying for the work on the booster
system is that it would have been a necessity sooner or later. The pump station will
be included in the City's assets when calculating the new system development
charge, which will enable the City to recoup its expenses. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Grant Contract With 5. Grant contract with Department of Community Development for low-
Department of Community moderate income housing rehabilitation program.
Development for Low
Moderate Income Housing Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Rehabilitation Program
Councilwoman Sargent moved to enter into the contract with the Department of
Community Development accepting $500,000 in Block Grant funds for 'the
implementation of a Housing Rehabilitation project for low-moderate income city
residents and to authorize the City Manager to sign the Contract, pending
review and approval by the City Attorney. Councilman Schueler seconded the
Councilman Schueler questioned why the grant process took so long, as this was a
Council item at least one and one-half years ago. City Manager Pometanz explained
that the original discussion started a year and a half ago with the City applying for
a $24,000 grant to do the planning for the implementation of the program. After the
City was successful in getting the planning grant, the City designed the program and
then got another grant application for the actual implementation of the rehabilitation
program. Manager Pomeranz also explained that there are three elements to the
program: 1) emergency, 2) owner-occupied, and 3) renters.
July 6, 1993
LEGISLATION: Councilman Wight requested further information on program income, which was
(Cont'd) provided by Manager Pomeranz. Council was also advised that if the City is
successful with this program, another $500,000 grant can be applied for in the near
Grant Contract With future. A Committee will be set up to prioritize the administration of the money.
Department of Commumty A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Policy to Provide Water 6. Policy to provide water service to urban areas outside City in conjunction
Service to Urban Areas with Water Comprehensive Plan.
Outside City in Conjunc-
tion with Water Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Comprehensive Plan
Councilman Wight moved to concur with the general policy guidance provided
by the Utility Advisory Committee. Councilman Braun seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight wanted Council to know that UAC had put a lot of thought and
discussion into this matter. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Spiess Conditional Z SPIESS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- CUP 93(04)03 HO - 204 West 5th
Use Permit - Update Street: Update.
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department.
City Attorney Knutson explained what action, if any, needed to be taken tonight on
this issue. If the Council takes no action, it would be a statement that the Council
is satisfied with the decision made at the previous meeting, and Staff would be. in a
position of taking action to make sure the Council's decision is implemented. City
Engineer Kenworthy explained the concerns of his department regarding Mr. Spiess'
solution to his parking dilemma. Mr. Spiess did not create a parking space; he
simply eliminated an on-street parking space and created one off-street parking space.
The intent of the City was for him to create an additional parking space, not trade
one space for another.
Councilman Schueler wanted to go on record as being opposed to the City's
enforcing the parking ordinance on Mr. Spiess. He felt that Mr. Spiess should be
allowed to carry on his business from his home. If parking regulations could be
changed in the downtown, they should be able to be changed in a residential area.
Councilman Wight pointed out that the citizens are informing the City that they
believe in the sanctity of the residential zones. It is Council's responsibility to
maintain a certain level of community standards that have been agreed upon by
ordinance and planning factors. Mr. Spiess was aware that he was in a residential
zone. If he wants to run a business, he should run it in a business zone or find a
way to meet the ordinance requirements.
Planning Director Collins reported that a neighbor had called the Planning
Department and complained because Mr. Spiess was running the business out of his
home even though he had not met the requirements of the CUP.
Councilman Wight moved to concur with Staff recommendation. Councilwoman
Sargent seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote with Councilman
Schueler voting in opposition.
Appointment of Council 8. Appointment of Council members (3) to Clallam County Use Classification
Members to Clallam Committee.
County Use Classification
Committee Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to appoint the three members of the Real Estate
Committee, Gary Braun, Prosper Ostrowski and Dick Wight, to the Use
Classification Committee. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion which
carried by a majority vote with Councilman Wight voting in opposition.
Appointment of Council 9. Appointment of Council member to Clallam Transit System Authority Board
Member to Clallam for remainder of 1993.
Transit System Authority
Board for Remainder of Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided the Clallam Transit System.
Councilman Braun asked to speak to the issue. He expressed an interest in this
July 6, 1993
LEGISLATION: Committee and would volunteer to fill the vacancy; however, it would entail his
(Cont'd) leaving the Museum Board. Councilman Hulett volunteered to fill the vacancy that
would be created on the Museum Board. Mayor Hallett made these appointments.
Meeting Continued Councilwoman Sargent moved to continue the meeting beyond 10 p.m. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously.
Enforcement to I0. Enforcement of sign code.
Sign Code
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Deputy Director Ridout distributed a list containing the names of 29 businesses in the
City with non-complying signs. Most of these signs are sandwich board signs, which
are placed on the sidewalk. Sandwich board signs must meet a certain criteria for -
weight and balance, as they blow over easily and could possibly injure someone.
Councilman Braun feels that the City's sign ordinance should be looked at again for
possible amendments regarding this type of sign. Mayor Hailer would like to see
a city-wide sign ordinance.
The consensus of the Council was that Staff should enforce the sign ordinance.
Councilman Wight suggested that'Staff send out letters to the Chamber of
Commerce, Uptown Business Association and Downtown Business Association,
inform them what the City plans to do regarding sign code enforcement, and see if
this will help alleviate the problem before individual letters are sent to the business
people with non-conforming signs. It was agreed by all that this matter needs to be
handled with caution and diplomacy.
City of Port 11. City of Port Angeles Resident Survey
Angeles Resident
Survey Mayor Hailer reviewed the reformation provided by the City Manager.
City Manager Pomeranz explained to Council that, in order to save money, the
survey would be mailed to residents with'their utility bills. Residents will be asked
to return the survey with their payment.
Mayor Hallett pointed out that the type was quite small and difficult to read and
looked intimidating because of all the numbers. He suggested that the survey be
broken down into two parts. Manager Pomeranz informed Council that this same
survey has been used in a number of other communities with good results; however,
if Council wants to make changes, he is willing to along with that. Council members
were requested to send written comments on survey additions and deletions to
Manager Pomeranz within the next two weeks.
Fireworks 12. Fireworks
Councilman Braun received a phone call from a citizen on July 5, 1993. The
gentleman called to complain of the bottle rocket debris that littered his yard and
roof. He would like to ask the citizenry to refrain from indiscriminately shooting
them off. The City has already lost a church on 8th Street due to bottle rockets and
people have still not learned how dangerous they are.
Councilwoman Sargent reminded Council that this issue was addressed m the
newspaper and on Channel Three. There is a $500.00 penalty if you are caught with
illegal fireworks. If citizens would report the illegal fireworks when they are being
shot off, something could be done about it at that time. Mayor Hallett suggested that
an ordinance be passed declaring all fireworks illegal.
Chief Glen doesn't feel it is possible to completely eliminate the problem. However,
he declared that by limiting fireworks to only one day, problems with them have
greatly decreased. There were only two incidents reported this year.
Councilman Schueler would also like to see all firework displays banned, including
the one on the waterfront.
Japanese Friendship Day 13. Japanese Friendship Day
Councilwoman Sargent advised Council of Mr. Tomioka's impending visit. Mr.
Tomioka of Mutsu City, our sister-city in Japan, is president of Mutsu International
Relations Association. There will be 18 people in Mr. Tomioka's group and they
will be amving on August 3, 1993. The VBMCC has been reserved for August 8
' 8 -
July 6, 1993
LEGISLATION: to host a reception for our foreign visitors; however, public relations and hospitality
(Cont'd) issues need to be addressed.
Japanese Friendship Day Councilman Schueler suggested people be appointed to keep our visitors busy.
(Cont'd) Mayor Hallett felt that the City should allocate funds for this purpose, as this is our
A committee was set up consisting of Councilwoman Sargent, Councilmen Schueler
and Wight and City Manager Pomeranz. Anyone interested in lending ahand is
invited to do so.
Marine Safety 14. Marine Safety Oversight Board
Oversight Board
Councilman Wight contacted the Coast Guard Office in Seattle and discussed the
Marine Safety Oversight Board with a Captain who is on the Advisory Committee
to the State's Marine Oversight Board. The strategy that has been jointly adopted
by the State and Coast Guard is to leverage their capabilities and accomplish things
jointly that they could not do separately. This should work out to everyone's
The Marine Safety oversight Board is coming to Port Angeles later this month to
conduct a "normal public meeting". The agenda is not known at this time.
Councilman Wight has been invited to attend the meeting and make a presentation
. if he desires. The State is considering establishing a state-funded Marine Safety
Office somewhere in the Puget Sound area, and Port Angeles has been mentioned as
a possible location. Councilman Wight suggested that he would advise the Marine
Safety oversight Board that the City would be most cooperative in the Board's
endeavor to establish an office locally. Mayor Hallett stated that the Council would
support this approach.
EDC 15. Economic Development Council
The Council considered a letter that City Manager Pomeranz drafted to EDC at
Councilwonum Sargent's request. She felt that the agreement between the City and
the EDC was violated recently with regard to hiring practices. Councilwoman
Sargent also felt a paragraph needed to added to the letter stating that it was probable
that there will be reduced funding from the City in the future. Councilwoman
Sargent reminded Council that the City had increased its EDC funding this year in
anticipation of a number of things happening. Councilwoman Sargent also felt there
should be an audit of expenses this year. There have been a number of unusual
expenses that have gone over budget. The salaries line is in error and there are
some major discrepancies. Councilman Braun moved that the draft letter be sent
to the EDC with paragraphs added regarding possible reduced funding and an
audit of expenses. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schueler.
Gail Frick, vice president of EDC, advised Council she felt sending the letter would
be enough to get the Board moving on this. She felt that as Executive Board
members they have not given clear direction to the EDC, but they are making up for
that now. She further stated support from the public sector, where 80 % of their
funding is derived, would help matters. She strongly urged Council to send the letter
with the added paragraphs. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourn~i at 10:45 p.m.
Cler- N
Clerk's Note: In checking the minutes, it was discovered that Items
3 & 4, Page 6 of the July 6, 1993 City Council minutes have motions
which were inadvertently written incorrectly. This fact was not
noticed by the Council at the time of approval. Motions re. R. J.
Services and Excel Utility were intended to authorize the Public
Works Director to sign the contracts. However, they were written to
authorize the Mayor to sign. The actual contracts were, in fact,
signed by the Public Works Director.
Becky J. Upton
City Clerk -9-