HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1937 .. 502 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 7, 1937 193_ rOil;_ . ~"...", ll'flU. "AT_.J. .u.".... "'"' 'I 'The ~ommission met in regular session at 10 A.M. Roll call showed t~e fo110~ing officers present: ,Masters, ~ttorney vonniffand Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. and was called to order by I.!es or Davis. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Police Judge pro tem, Ralph Smythe, reported GG cases tried and ~2~1.00 in fines collected for the month of June, 1937. Report ordered filed. Under the head of "'pplications for Licenses the follovJing wer!' grunted: jThe Den Sandwich Shop, Fountain Lunch 5.00 Top Notch Cafe, Restaurant 15.00 Marine Drive Lunch, Restaurant 15.00 Lincoln Cafe, Restaurant 15.00 Harry Andrews, " 15.00 L. :>. Larrick, 15.00 L. 5. Larrick, Scft Drink 5.00 l"rank Isaacson II 11 5.00 'Fred Payne, Soft prink 5.00 E & M Grocery" " 5.00 Club Billiard, 5 Pool and Billiard ~ab1es 50.00 " " ;;: Card l'ables 10.00 Soft Drink 5.00 ~ity ~1ectric, Master ~lectrician 10.00 ,Sound Electric, 11 " 10.00 Frank Vannausdle, Junk Dealer 7.~.00 " " Second Hand uealer 15.00 C. ~. Kilmer, 2 ~ard Tables 10.00 ,;,," " Soft Drink 0 5.00 IJames ;'1. -~aven, Mast"r Plumber p)S'/ 25.00 The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered war ants dra~n for Isame; ,CURRENT EXPEJ<S3 FUND ICi tv Treasurer R. 1. Jones ,Glenn's oervice StatiJn Thos. H. Guntill jGehrke & Johnson Automotive parts Service Paris Motor Co. Fire lJepertment Associated Oil ~o. City Trea3urer Cash ldvanced 5peci8.l Police Oil, etc. Lettering "iens Gas Lamps Renairs Pay rioll Gas Stamps 2.~5 n.oo iO.,~O 1.00 81.00 11.e5 3.70 102.00 qf 33.25 )1,'" 2.00 ,1<' .25 217. <:8 .25 ;, .liO 7.eU le.6G )oJ 77.<:5 3fs' l.:.('(: 11.81 6.56 11.12 6.32 ,.J.. 6.7:3 bl. 35.58 2.01 46.00 ;n.05 1~1. 75 3.00 16.91 3; 36.2:, 22.0:3 ;1.'13 2.39 24.06 ".SO 7 .88 " 2.05 ~o - 22.62 119.49 t.. liCIT'" STREST FUND lAutomotive Parts dervice ']Gehrke & JOhnson Lysall Welding & Forge norks IThOS. H. Guptill ~ssociated Oil ~o. ,Port "ngeles Iron '!Iorks Iport rtngeles 00ncrete Products CO. IC. L. Sarff IWillson Hardware Co. ~E:t FUND Ci ty Light Deptt [Olympic ~rintery Reliable Furniture Co. !port Angele s Concret~ Products Co. Ipalmer Supply Co. I fLIGHT FUfND. ICity ',later Dept. S. V. Lowry ,Olympic Printery Gene~al ~lectric Co. IJ. Lloyd Aldwell Inc. ll'lestinghouse Electl'ic & Mfg. Co. ,'1lestinghouse Electric Supply Co. IGraybar Electric Co. \puget Sound Navigation Go. I 'LIBRARY Fmm 'ITreasure Nook (Dorothea Gagnon ICi ty Treasurer Bessie Knoph !puget jound News CO. IL.LD. GU,\1ANrY "UIID 1 Ci ty Treasurer I I I I Taxes Parts Gas Rivets Making "i"ns Keroeene Renairs SevJe r Pipe Filing Saws Hardware Lights at Reservoir Printinb' Tools - Servic e Boxes Pipe ~'i ttings '.'/a teT' at .Jubsta 1: ion Cutting ~I()od prin tin!'; MeteY's . Insurance on r'mges Testing Jack Pole Top Fixtures '.Ia ter Heater Freight Ghar'3es Books l'~mergency He Ip Lii!ht & ':Ia tel' Jupplies Books I I I I I I I I I I July 7. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ T~':~ .. "~R"". .El.TnE, ~UTlg.HVI" .MITlN_. aovU Varrants Purchased meet Friday, July 9, 1937, '?777l;J~~ Oity "lerk 3,529.43 ~ /\ -<O~ Mayor "" 503