HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1948 ,..- 460 ., ) Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 7. 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call shov/ed the following Officers present: W~yor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson & Clerk La~. I : Minutes of the pr;::?-ous session were read and approved. for building permits and licenses, the following "ere granted:. q. Under the head of applications fuUding permits: 7500 ~ Pilterson & Craver / H. H. Seely:e- Byron Campbell .0 Licenses: S / 0 (" - 1 Ha;ell s Ca~e 1 'It II Ip: A. Beauty Salon Dorothy D. Olsen Vannausdle Annex Barber Shop P. A. Poster Advertising Co. ! High-Way Inn n II 11 Construct five room dwelling, Lot 11 & W 16' 12, Blk 261, Tnst. Add. bath room & wash house, Lot 9, Elk. 57 N. R. SlI'ith, Add.rcom to present dwelling, Lot 9, Blk. 580 Townsite 6000.00 500 .00 1000.00 Restaurant 12.00 Music Machine 12.00 Soft Drink Service 5.00 13 beauty chairs, 2 years 6.00 1 beauty chair 1.00 Second hand dealer 15.00 I 1 chair 1.00 ' Bill Board Poster 25.00 Restaurant 12.00 Music Machine 12.00 Soft Drink Service 5.00 Olympic Amusement Co. AnniIsement Game Distributor 2500. cia I Ruby Amusmment Co. Amusement Game Distriwtor 2500.00 :1 Under the head of new business, Cor.missioner Steele announCed the appointment of Elsie M. Stahl to the position of City Treasurer, replacing Madge H. Nailor, retired as of August 1. Mr. Steele also informed that W. J. Beutler, Light Foreman will retire August 1. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the said appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All JIloted Aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by twenty-eight residents requesting that Chase st., be designated an arterial, and signs I be posted on alleys, was read before the Commission. Chief Ide did not recommend the arterial, but informed that individuals may install certain types of signs in parking strips where needed. Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follovring was introduced: RESOLUTION Upon motion of Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Steele, the following resolution was I unanimouslJ' adopted: . I WHEREAS, C1e~ County Pomona Grange No. 51 heretofore and during the year 1956 erected upon Suburban I Lot 109 of the Townsite of Port Angeles in Clallam County, Washington, a structure for the purpose of housing the activities of the said Grange, and I ' '~~REAS, legal title to the said Suburban Lot 109 is, and at all times since the erection of the said Pomona Grange hall has been, vested in the City of Port Angeles bjIt at the time of the erection of the said I building the said Lot le9 was by mutual mistake thought to be under lease to the County of Clallam and-or I the County Fair Board of the said County and all of the parties interested believe the fact to be thet the said Grange hall was erected on the said Suburban Lot 109 under sublease or other license from the said County I and-or County Fair Board, and : WHEREAS, all of the material, labor and other items incidsntal thereto which were incorporated in the said structure were contributed and paid for by the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51 and no part thereof was contributed by the City of Port Angeles, and WIlEREAS, during the late war troops stationed at the Fa:i:r grounds and on the said Lot 109 damaged the said structure erected by the Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51 together with the contents therein contained :: and so materially damaged the said building that the removal thereof may be deemed expedient by Clallam I 1.1 County Pomona Grange No. 51, and . i: . WHEREAS, a claim was submitted by the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No. .51 to the United States on . account of damage sustained to the said structure by reason of use and occupancy thereof by the United States I Government, which said claim has been denied by reason of the fact that the structure is a fixture and title I to the said premises is not vested in the claimant Grange, and I I WIlEREAS, heretofore on several occasions the duly authorized and qualified officers of the said Clallall\ , County Pomona Grange No. 51 have made the facts herein set forth to appear to the satisfaction of the Mayor :1 and the Commissioners of the City of Port Angeles and have requested the cooperation of the City of Port Angeles; NO'll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Port Angeles having in no wise contributed to or being at. any expense on account of the erection 0 f the said Grange hall by Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51 and : having suffered the same to be erected and used by the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51 since the 1 year 1956, therefore disclaims any interest, right or title of any Itind whatsoever in or to the said structure I. erected by C1allam County Pomona Grange No. 51 and admits that insofar as the City of Port Angeles is concerned l is the sole property of the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51. I ; . I3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Port Angeles, acting through its Mayor and Commissioners, waives any 1 claim, right, title or interest in or to any claim which the said Clellam County Pomona Grange No. 51 may I have or may assert against the United States or any of its instrumentalities on account of the damage sustained : to the said structure by the use and occupancy thereof by the United States Government and foregoes any I interest in or right to participate in any award or payment that may be made by the United States Government to the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No 51 on account of such damage> and I I3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Port Angeles, acting through its Mayor and Commissioners, consents that if the said Clallam County Pomona Grange No. 51 elects to do so it may remove the said structure, , either as a building or may disassemble and remove the same, provided, however, t~t all debris and rubbish, I; resulting from such removal shall be disposed of by the said Grange. I It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by ! COl'llnissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i 1 150.00 i Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following was introduced: J. Nestor Into Lot Seventeen (17), Block One Hundred Twenty-one (121) Townsite, It was moved by Corrunissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion Carried. ...... I I I I I I I ;1 ~I J Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington . The. Commission examined and approved 12.- ~~~: iffif- I City street Dept. , Department of Labor & Ind. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. General Electric SupplJ' Corp. I Eighth st., Repair ShOp II Tower Supar Service Art furnsiEle Co. Kalberer Hotel Supply Co. Olympic Stationers Montgomery Ward Co. Hoare & Headrick Fitchard's Ser. Sta. Hazel's Cafe 1 I 7~ 1 ~ Street Fund: tf3tf' I Vannausdle Se cond Hand Stinre , Port of Port Angeles I Crown Zellerbach Corp. I P. A. Concrete Products City Treasurer Tower Super Service D. B. Battery & Elec Sta. Dept. of Labihr & Ind. Angeles Machine & Welding Works Pacific Hoist & Ilerrick Co. ~ r Downs Auto Ele ctric /f . Water Fund: ''10- I Dept. OTLabor & Ind. , City Street Dept , Janish Motor Co. , Down1s Auto Elec. I llooker Electro-chemical . Co. P. A. Concrete Prod. Co. Stanley Foster !.1arckmann & y,illiaros Willson Hdwe. Co. , Automotive Parts Ser. : Peninsula Harald I' Union Drug CO. ,I Light Fund: 17, 9.:{ 'I ,s~ Evening News Press I. City Treasurer ; Glallam Adj. Corp. : Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. I Dept. of Labor & Ind. , City Street Dept. B. W. Lean '1 Clal1am County P.U .D. #1 " Willeon'Jlldwe. CIlD. , General Ele ctric SupplJ' Corp. ~ 7~ I Sanitation Fund: ~.:to_ Dept. of ~abor & Industries LeRoy Jagger I Tower Super Service 'I D & B Battery & Electric Station City Strset Dept. 77 Library Fun:!: / 10 "- Chamber of Commerce United Janitor SupplJ' Co. United Janitor Supply Co. 'I Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. " The Quarrie Corp. I Charles Scribner's Sons 1 Doubleday & Co., Inc. I A. C. McClurg & Co. I Park FUnd: If-~ ~' , Dovms Auto Electric One Piston Dept. of Labor and Industries Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid City Street Dept. Gas and Oil Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Service 1051, 1530M JP Parking Meter & Traffic Control FUnd: 10 J' 7 - Johnson & Bork Paint, etc. Olympic Stationers 3 :!{acto Sets D & B Battery & Electric Station Auto Repair City Street Dept. Gas and Oil Dept. of Labor and Industries Ind. Ins. and !.led. Aid :1' M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Co.'s Share of June Collections /3 L.I.D. General Fund: :J,- : Olympic Stationers Ii City Treasurer ""...-..-.---.-...''''. ..."..", Firemen's Pension Fund: J3- Clallam Co. Medical Service Corp. July 7 . 194JL I the follovring claims, and ordered warrants issued i!1 payment of tre same: I Gasoline Ind. IDns. & Med. Aid Service Transformer Grinding Lawn Mower Ol<Yge n, Demurrage Saps Pla tes, etc Ca bine t, books Tires Repairs Auto repair Meals for PrJhsoners 6.90 87.00 48.52 1.70 1.55 7.50 7.05 27.85 141.55 26.68 29.S7 8,19 90.58 Bolts Unloading Plant Mix Lime Sewer Pipe License Ol<Ygen,~bing Dem. Battery Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Repair Parts & Equipment.~ Parts 32.96 168.46 59.80 8.24 1.75 15.58 20.15 56.80 6.95 85.24 5.05 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gas & Oil Parts Parts Chlorine S. Pipe fulldo z ing Fittings Tools Supplie s Adv. First-Aid kits 129.55 66.09 2.57 l.41 55.90 15~.59 41.20 186.14 15.57 7.72 9.45 9.59 Adv. Postage Collection Service Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Service Expense Power for June Supplies Lugs & Fixts. 21.11 4.00 6.90 79.82 90.47 9.25 69.89 J!7,625.50 6.71 11.13 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Car Mileage for June Parts Parts Gas and Oil 56.01 35.98 22.06 11.94 ll4.75 Letters Mimeographed Dust Mop hefill Polish and Cleaner Service 467 Annual SupplelOOnt 1 Vol. Encyclopedia Books Bo oks 2.75 5.04 5.09 7.21 1.05 19.50 7.10 67.07 2.65 2.07 31.71 10.57 96.20 2.06 4.38 12.44 5.70 916.60 Envelopes, Blue Print, Mimeo Paper Postage Stamps 16.15 20.00 Medical Service Fees for July 33.00 461 ~ I ~ ""-462 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 7, continued, 19~ 'I Library Memorial FUnd: A. C. McClurg & Co. Puget Sound News Co. I S' , Books Books ,There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. ..... {i G. 'L. (} City Clerk ;J'Ul \ ~~~ B'.16 47.9l Mayor 1 'I I, I. I~