HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1955 452 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington J~ 7. 1955 19_ ,,<< . ".....,.."'. ",..,..", ..,.,". ,.... ..... The City CoUricil"met in regular session at 7:30 P;M; and was called to order by Ma.YorSmi.th~ Roll call of officers reveared "the folloWing present: "J~or Smith, C'otincillnen BrmiIl, Matthieu, Sandison; Wolfe and MC- Fadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It -was moved by Councilman Sandiso nthat minutes of June Ib and special meeting of June 23 be' approved. Seconded by 'Counci.l.mlin Wolfe and Carried. Under the head of unfinisned business, 'theCity"Engineer filed for Council approval, the following pay estiniates for work done"and materia]'fuz'bished'"iil L;I.D. No.'lb7:' ,. . . ' PIELER CONSTRUCTION' CO., Unit '8. Marine Drive and Unit C., Lagoon bridge, final amount or 15% retained, $27,278.80 - ' '. OSBERG'CONSTRUCTION CO., Sixth estimate, JUne, TumNater Access'Road, 'Unit A., $13,758.98 YJlNSON-OSBERG COHPANY, 'Fourth ];ijtimate, June,Unit'C;;' filling, $5;093.50 F. H. 'JARNIGAN, Unit'C., clearing, drainage, surfaciilg, etc. $3,919.67 . It. was moved bYCouncillian McFadden that . the estimates be approved and warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Constructiori' FUnd iri' payliletIt' of the same, and the City Clerk authorized to' issue warrants numbered 278 to and'iricluding'J27 for $1;000.00 each, and warrant no, 328 in'amount of $50.95, in aggregate amoun~ of . $50,050.95; on-L.I.D~'N'ci; '167 Funi, nearing interest at the fate' of3 3/1/1. per annum, and dated J~ 11; . 1955, to supplithe"necessary fume to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund. Motion second-I ed by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. It was moved 'by CouncibMn McFadden' that' the following payrolls and i:l8.im vouchers be approved, covering fixed"est:i.mate 'expense on L.I.D. No. Ib7, and warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund in pa.ylIlent of same:' . ' Payroll; Julie 1-15' $1,ll4~84 Pa;yroll, June 16 - 3lil 987;36 Dept. Labor and Industries, ' Ind. Ins.-M.A. 99;08 RobertCIawson, Car mileage;Jline 15.05 Motion seconded by' Councilman Sandison and unanimousq carried. It was then moved bY Councilman.McFadden that the following pa;y estimates, ain claim be approved and warrants issued' on respecti veAml~h~l!irent of same: L.I.D. No. 168jFUhCl. Albino CMiUo, 2d estimte,' Julie, L.I.D. No. '168, curbs and gutters and sidewalks, Georgiana St., $8,562.23 L.I.D. No. 168 Construction 'Fund:, Fixed estimate: Port lAngeles Evening News, publication, 3.60 Street Fum.: Killner Construction Co., blacktop paving, 16th Street,' $14,332.36 Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimOUsly carried. Pursuant'to notices 'published, the following bids were received: lilnergeiicy Pumphou.s-e' at .Jones arid lvater' Sts., Del Guzzi Construction Co., construction and equipment installation; $15,032.85. "'This berng approximateq $2,500;00 above Engineer's estimate, Mr. Vergeer , reconimended that 'the bid be rejected. .It'was niOved'by Couneilirianrlolfe that bid be rejected as .recommended.' SecOlxied by Councilman Mcfadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i I I Bids to furnish Gate Valves for Water Department: PACIFIC lvATER WORKS' SUPPLY CO. 4 - 10" valves @ e137~06, 2 -6"valves @ 57.53 1 - 4" valve 2 8" x 10"check valve, @ 170.50 RENSSELAER VALVE co., 'by E. N. HALLGREN: 4 - 10" valVElSS@ $l:39~ 70 558;80 2 - 6" valves @ 56.80 113;60 , 1 - ~" valve ' 37;80 I 2 8" X 10" check valves @ $225.65 511.30 I It was moved by Councilman McFadden that bid by Pacific Water Works Suppq Co. be accepted with proviso that gate valves meet ne,cessary requirements. Motion seconded by Council1nan Sandison and carried. I Bids to furnish cars for Light Department: SCHREINER CHEVllDLET'ill. SAMUELSON MOTOR CO: 1955 Sedan"Delivery, b cylinder, $1;573~50 Ford Fordor'Sedan, 6 cylinder, $1570;00 1955 4 door sedan, Model 1503 1,543~80 Sales Tax 52;33 Sales Tax 103;91 Less trade-in, 1947 Chev. sedan 201;00 Total 3,221;?l Net l.421;33 Trade-in allowance '900;00 Heater and VI! Motor, add, 161.00' Net 2,321;21 Optional Equipment'installed 103;37 For V8 Hotors, add, 83.00 i548~24 115;06 37;03 341.00 Ford 6 cylinder iT courier, Sales Tax' Less tradEl-in,JL948 Chev. panel Net Optional Equipment installed, and V8 Motor 141.85 It '"as moved bYCouricilman wone that offer by Schreiner Chevrolet Co. for 6 cylinder cars be accepted. Seconied by Councilman J'icFadden. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. Terry Thompson, Dond Broker; appeared before theCouricil'with Proposal for purchase of wam'ants and bonds pay cost. of constructing' ti-un!( and lateral sewers in L.I.D. No. 169. -Jh'. 'Vergeer read proposal' as follows: , . $100.00 per each'ilOO.OO principal amount for alJ, of legallj' iss1l.ed 41#- warrants, and $100.00 per each $J..OO;OO principal amount,' plus accrued, interest to date of deli very, for' all of the legallj' issued 41#- bonds of Port Angeles L. I.D.' No.' 169; Approving legill opinion' of Preston, Thorgrilllson and Horowitz re- quired. Offer.to 'include bonds ready for signatures. Jir. Vergeer recommended accpptance of offer, the same being advantageolis to the City When 'bids are published for the construction. The City Attorney also concurred; as the offer will be to City's benefit financia1q. It'was moved by CounCil1nan Brown that offer be accllPted. Seconded 'by COWlcilmanWolf"e.' All members voted Aye, except Councilman 11cFadden voting opposed. The Mayor declared motion carried. 1595;00 53;17 263.00 1385.17 The following Ordinance was introduced and read in full', creating L.I.D. No. 169: OIIDHIANCE NO. 1352 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port ~eles, Washington proving for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in the city by the construchon and. laying therein of certain trunk and lateral sanitary sewers and I. j IJ :;1 " '. I I I' I I I Proceedings of the City Commission o,f the City of Port Angeles, Washington 453 Juq 7 1955- ".. . .."... e.m. .m"..'. ,.",,"' '..... ..., by doing all work 'necessary in connection therewith, al;L pursuant to Resolution No. 1 9, passed and approved',!,JSoT 19, :1955, creating a local improveiuentdistrict therefor and proving that the pa.ylIlent for said improirementsbe made by' special assessments on the property in said district specialq benefited thereby payable by the mode of "payment.by bonds;" ill in accordance with maps, p-l.ans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and herein adopted. It was moved by CoUncilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Se'conded by Councilman McFadden and unanimousq carried. " , , Under tile head of 'new 'business , ciaims"paid June 14, 15, 24, 27, Juq 7, were approved in total amount of $58,061.98. "It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconied by Councilman Wolfe, that claims be approved as paid. Motion carried. Coiuicil considered reapplication bY Aggie's Hotel and Broiler for Class !l beverage license. It was moved"bY 'Councilman Bro.m that request he approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted A:ye. Motion earried. ' , . , Filireboard Products;"Inc. ,filed applicatiort for franchise on portion of West Third Street to' be used for'railfoad spur instaJ.Iation. Mr. Vergeer'recommended that the A~torney be inStructed to prePare necessary 'docilments"for franchise'S,. requested. It >ras )nOved by Councilman Brown that recommendation be approved and Franchise Ordinance p~pared. Seconied py Councilman Sandison and unani.lnD.usly carried. . . - - . Standard Oil Co. of California franchise permitting use of aportion of Tumwater Street, bearing expiratial' date of August 14, 1955, the following Ordinance was introduced, read in full, and placed on first reading I , .. ORDINMGE 00.1353 ',' , "', . AN ORDINANCE' authorizing the Standard Oil Compal\Y of California to lay, 'C01l3truct, maintain, operate, use Bild repair 'pipelines for' the t'fansportation of petroleum and its by-products along, across and under the surface of certain portions of certain. streets and alleys in the City of Port Angel,es. ' It was moved by CounCillnari Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be pl.ssed first readiOg'. . Seconded by Councilman tvolfe. All voted A:ye. Motion c,arried. " :: , Council discussed appointment of members to. serve on Park Board, two terms having expired. It was moved by Councilman SiindSon .that all member.sbe reappointed for three' year term from expiration date. Sec.onded by Counc~ Brown. AD. members ,voted Aye. Motion carried. vrCouncil discussed request by Paul Loyle of the,Engineering Department for two' weeks leave 'of abs'ence dUrilig which time 'he will be on actiVe training duty' in the Coast Guard Re.s:erve. Also wage compensation during trairiiilgas provided'by Statutes. It.wasmoved'by Councillnan J1cFadden that Mr. Loyle be allowed' the difference 'inwmpensation allow-ed' while in training and what would have ,been received fro!" the City. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Also co'nside'red was agreement between. the City and '''sather' Bureau for us e of storm warning tower at 3d and Pitifj'Streets. 'It was moved'byCouneilman Wolfe that agreement be approved. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu. All 'Voted Aye. Motion carried. i Tom Kincaidof'the Active"C1ub appeared before the Council and exhibited miniature model of proposed arch to be erected at 'entrances .to' th'6'City. conStruction would be of pqwood with scenes depicting iildustry 'and recreation,' at cost of about $300~'00. It was . su,ggested by the Club that if the City could furnish material the Cluli would be responsible. for construction. Attorney Severyns advised that tie City 'isnot permitted to disburse funds for material for advertising. Mr. Kincaid \d.ll hold for consider- ation and report later. Council received petition signed by property owners requesting installation of curbs and gutters on West 9th bet>reen Pine and Cedar. It was moved b,y'Council1nan McFadden that petitionbe referred to the.Engineer- ing Department for estimate of' cost to property involved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Ma.Iiager Vergee!' read claim for damages to' eJ.evator filei by the Masonic Temple' Assn. Claim implies that damage to 'iri.ringwas' caused bY recent light cutover, amount of claim being $83.21. It appears that the insurance companY has' investigated' and found no physical damage or responsibility of the City. It was 'moved byCounei1inail McFadden that the Attorney be' instructed to' contact insurance eompSl\V' and explain circUJitstances, also convey opinion of the Council. Seconded by Council1nan Brown and carried. - - . -- . I Mr. Vergeer read' offer from Gerald C; Field, Architect, to prepare preliminary plans and specifications for alterations of the City Building, inCluding serVices, etc., consideration to be 7% computed upon l contract cost, '$500.00 to be paid on account upon compleiien of \-IOrking drawings and specs and their approv- al; It waS moved by Councilman Brown that Council approve engaging Architect Field for'the modernization. Sedonded 'by Mrs. 'Matthieu. Oil roll can Cowicilnien Wolfe, Matthieu and Brawn voted Aye. Counci1man Mc- Fadden and Sandison voted Na;y. The J.layor declared motion carried. - ' The monthly budget' reports' of"' receipts and eXpenditures for City Departments during the month of Ma,y were presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that reports he approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Don. Morrison thanked'the 'Council,"J.lailager and Engineering Dept. for time and labor spent in preparation of necessary details for establishing L.I.D: No. 169. Terry Thompson also expressed appreciation for accept- ance of his proposal for purchase of Warrants and Bonds. No further busine~s appearing the meeting was declared adjourned. q. - f'., LtVlr' 7T City Clerk '1f~~ Hayor