HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1960
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
L. I!II 11 FRINTlNiI co. P_~U'. .,...
\The City Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P.M. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen
ISmith, Richardson, Thorne"Randall, Caldwell and Hagmwood, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk
lIt was moved by Councilman Thome that the minutes of the previOUS meeting be approved and placed on file.
,Seconded by councilman Randall and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, report of the Planning Commdssion minutes of June 21st was considered.
Mr. C. N. Webster requested that the City exchange Lot 5, Block 279, Townsite for the Easterly ten feet of II
ithe West one-half of vacated Liberty Street from the South margin of Seventh Street to the S6uth margin of Lot L
Block 279. The Planning Commission having recommended the exchange, it was moved by Councilman I
Richardson that recommendation be approved and exchange made. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson to accept the Planning Commission report regarding another highway;,
approach to the City from the EaSt, the report recommending the matter be tabled for further study. Motion I'
seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
Chief Kochanek reported on investigation of heavy traffic on "I" Street Hill. It was his opinion that load limit
should hot be reinstated, but recommended that signs be instaUed against heavy log hauling on the "I" Street!l'
Hill. Also recommended Installation of a sand trap for protection of Marine Drive. It was moved by Councilm n
'Randall that recommendation be accepted and sand trap installed, also signs. Seconded by Councilman Smith I
and carried. '
Bids to furnish new Radio Equipment for the City were received from, General Electric and Motorola. The bids I',
being unit price only, it was moved by Councilman Richardson that they be referred to the Manager for tabu-
IlatiOn and report at next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. ' I
Bids for City Printing for the year commenclng July 1st were receli"i/led as follows: Olympic Tribun'e, 5';: per ,
,line except tabulated matter which is 10.;: per line first publication only. Repeat'S, 5';: per line. Port Angeles 1.
'I Evening News, first publication, 16';: per line. Tabulated matter 20';: per line. Repeat, all matter, 11';: per !I
line. Peninsula Herald, 6';: per line single column. Tabulated matter, same rate, except one-time publicatio~
twhich rate will be 12';: per line single column. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the offer by the
IpeninSUla Herald ,be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
The Council accepted and approved the following progress payment on Water Reconstruction: Del Guzzi Con-
,struction Company, labor and material on water reservoirs, $86,702.87. It was moved by Councilman Smith
that claim be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Engineer Warder submitted the sixth (June] and final estimate for work done and material furnished by J. D.
'Shotwell Company in L.LD. No. 179: J. D. SHOTWELL COMPANY, 6th (JUne) and final, $52,000.00. It
was, moved by Councilman Thorne that final estimate be approved and paid, the proJect accepted as completed~
Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried., ' Ii
IJ. D. SHOTWELL COMPANY, 6th (June) final fixed estimate, $14,164.70. It was moved by Councilm~n Thorne l
that the final fixed estimate be approved and proJect accepted as completed. Seconded by Councilman :
Icaldwell and carried. ' ,
KILMER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, first (June) and final estimate, Alley Paving, L.I.D. No. 179. $21, ooo.~ .
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the estimate be approved and paid and project accepted as completed I'
las recommended by the Engineer. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. , " I
KILMER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, first (June) and final fixed estimate, $3.166.20. It was moved by Counci,-
I man Caldwell that the fixed estimate be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorme and carried. '[
:KILMER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, first (JUne) and final estimate, $626.91. It was moved by Councilman I
Richardson for approval of payment against L.I.D. No. 179. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I
iWilliam Crawford complained about the gra<;le in his alley with which the Contractor worked in laying blacktop!:
It was his opinion that the grade would not provide proper drainage and requested that the condition be invesu-I'
ligated and corrected. ,!
Iunder the head of new business, a communication was read, requesting that Chambers Street be deSignatedil
as an arterial. CouncIlman Caldwell suggested that any objections should be made known before action is 1,1,'
taken. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Council signify intent of making Chambers Street
Arterial and obJections accepted until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Councilman
Smith moved that motion be amended to include a portion of East Fifth Street as Arterial. Seconded by Council,r
!man G:'aldwel'hn Councilman Richardson objected to amendment until survey of Fifth Street is made. The motio/\
ifor amendment not carried. The original motion was then voted and carried. Ii
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the Police Department make survey of Fifth Street with possibility of 'I'
making Arterial in certain area s. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I
',Requests for beverage license renewals rece, ived counc, il, approval: Harringtons, Haguewo od's Restaurant, t"
IIIMarlatt's Grocery, Chinook Tavern, Enos Distribution. Olympic Distributing, Port Angeles Distributing,
IRose's Place, Don Feeley, Inc., Gateway Tavern, Mark,et Basket, Corner Cupboard, Salad Bowl, West
,:Dependable Market, Handi-Spot, Olympic Recreation, Log Cabin Tavern, Baileys Grocery. It was moved by
:;Councilman Caldwell that renewals be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sm ith and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that call for bids be published for resurfacing of a portion of Front Stree,
and other small Jobs. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried" ii
IThe following reports were submitted for Council approval: Police Judge, Water and Light Operating. Water I
land Light Billing. It wa s moved by Councilman Richard son that reports b3 accepted and filed. Seconded by ,
Councilman Thorne and carried. ' ,
Claims for payment were approved as follows: General Funds: $7.905.21, Pipeline Fund, $I,888.i3, Water.,
Fund, $937.49. Ught Fund, $52,600.83. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be approved
and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
,:It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that Payrolls foi June in total amount of $53,737.13 be approved.
,'seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
Proceedings of the Ci~ Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
TULY 7. (Continued)
L. III H I'Rnnll'lQ 0;;0. F'~..U4 .....
Mayor Maxfield commended the Independence Day Committee for successful celebtation. also fireworks dis-
play and thanked all who participated. The Mayor also accepted a Plague from the American WaterWorks
Association presented to the Water Department and commending for safety efforts.
I Councilman Richardson told the Council he had attended the Forks Fourth of July celebration and an Old
Rayon1er Incorporated locomotive on display attracts considerable attention. He is advised that Ol1lY, one
more such locomotive is available, being located on the Hoko Spur. and that the City should make special
effort to obtain the same as a monument to the logging industry. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that
II Mr. Richardson be authorized to proceed with acceptance and acquisition of the locomotive. Seconded by
I Councilman Smith and carried. '
I Councilman Randall requested that flood lights at Civic Field be cleaned, thereby increasing lighting efficien y
i for the coming football season.
The Mayor reminded that the Equalization Board meets July 11th and 18th and asked Councilmen to attend if
Dick Hubbard thanked the Mayor for his speech at the July 4th celebration and all others who assisted his
i There being no other business. the meeting was adjourned.
C. G- :;La-ur
r\,~ ~,lAM^I'GvM
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