HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/07/1981 ~. 126 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 7, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus. Members Absent: Councilman Quast. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. A. Rose, J. Pittis, M. Cleland, P. Carr, R. Orton, M. Campbell, K. Rodocker, D. Frizzell, B. Myers, L. Cosens. Public Present: K. williams, R. Grice, J. Grice, W. Hatch, J. Swordmaker, D. Bragg, L. Torres, A. Lang,J. VanDerSys. III MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the June 16, 1981 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA During the June 16, 1981 regular Council meeting, Mr. George Crawford spoke to I the Council in regard to large trucks parked at 5th and Francis Streets, block- ing the view for motorists. At this meeting, Mr. Crawford announced that one truck had been removed, with two remaining, and suggested the Council consider adoption of an ordinance which would prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles in a residential district. The Council discussed this and other options briefly with Attorney Miller, Manager Flodstrom, and Mr. Crawford. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council turn this matter over to staff for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Buck informed the Council that certain groups concerned with the development of the Port Angeles area, have raised the question of the City annexing. areas suitable for commercial and/or industrial development. In view of this, Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize staff to develop a growth impact assessment and management model to aid in this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. VI FINANCE None. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent I Agenda including Vouchers of $141,439.87 and Payroll of $169,613.60. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezone Request: Grice Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Grice's request to rezone 11,525 square feet from RS-7 to RMF, located on the south side of Lauridsen Boulevard, west of Pine Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 127 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cont. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance NQ._2~~4 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 215( AN ORDINANCE of Ih.. Cily at Pori Angel..s redos.ifylng Ordinance No. 2154 properly localed ot ,he southwest corner at lauridse" eO.,~.vard and eine AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles SIreol tram Rs-71o RMF'it' WHEREAS, the PI<:Inning reclassifying ~roperty located at the Cammis.lon ot the 'City 0',' southwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard Port Angele. has held 0 public hearing and recorded and Pine Street from RS-7 to RMF. it. recommendalion to Ihe City Council in Ihe Planning CommissLon Minutes of June Councilman Buck moved the council adopt the foregoing i 10v.:~8~~~n~s. the by title by Mayor Haguewood because the rezone would b requiremenl. ot Iho sIole Comprehensive Residential policies 15, 16, 17 and 18.' i Environmental Policy Acl I have been met: and facilities are available; the site is functionally clol WHEREAS Ihe City Council. alte' 0 public hearing, fjn~. the area could not be primarily a buffer between land Ihol said rezone woula be.," location provides aesthetic amenities. The motion was ~hn~ b~;I i:~Ie~i~::e~~ t~~Pl~ Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk v keeping wilh the Cam- ~eh~n5iYe Plan: now, ~rEe rrORDAINED 8Y THE B. Rezone Request: Neuropsychiatric Assoc. CITY COUNCIL OF THECITV OF PORT ANGELES as Mayor Haguewood opened the pUblic hearing on Dr. Lang' lo~:~~~~ 1. The Official Zoning Map and Ordinance rezone 22,500 square feet from RS-7 to OC, located at No. 1709 ore hereby Georgiana, and requested comments or questions from th amended to change Ihe. zoning at Ihe following staff" Dr. Lang then addressed the Council to comment described properly I.om RS-7, associates had searched for property east of Race Stree Single:Fomily Re.idential, I~ \ RMF Resident,al Mult,. available. There were no further comments and the publ Family: closed. I Lots 1 to 4. 1l10ck 2, and the narlh one. hall of Lol 4, 1l10ck . 3 Fogarty and Dolan's Ad- Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordin. dilion to the Townsile of Port . Angeles. ToGETHER WITH entitled, va co led portions 01 " Washington Avenue and 'Pine Street abutting: all in Clallam \ Ordinance No. 2155 Counly, washinglon. ._ Section 2. The City Clerk IS . hereby dire<t.o to attach a AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles . copy of This Ordinance to Ihel reclassify;ng property on the north s;de Official Zoning Mop and t.o ..I.. .... file a certifi&cl copy of thiS of Georgiana Street, between Race and Ordinance with ltie Cia 110m County Auditor. Francis streets, from RS-7 to OC. PASSED by the City Council of Ihe City of Port Angeles at . Q regular meeting of said Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt. the foregoing. Council held on the 7th day 01 by title by Mayor Haguewood because: (1) the area i " July, 19t~muol J, Haguewood to the Hospital and therefore it is in the communit Mayor, , ATTEST: ' devote it to Hospital related medical commercial us I Marion C, Porrish, City Clerk Hospital and community increase in size, Office Co APPROVED AS TO FORM: 3 ' Craig L. Miller, City Allorney to the Hospital would be the most appropriate use o. Pub. July 14, 198\ medical-commercial use of the proposed site would blClH e"oW un" ,~~u.. ,"U'''UT lated to the Hospital. The motion was seconded bYJ 'L09&.Z;~~' per u'OY' "'1oy and carried with Councilmen Boardman. and Hordyk vo ~I~:> 'ipJeilday's uaWJe~. ~ 'ow .. 'oeJD SMOpDBW ~~:u..l5una 'pJO"""J 'l~2: C. Street Vacation: Adams 'l6E\;.L~V~OV~\;\;'QU> I OJ .. JDIlOJ 0811 6'.J~JoeM 1 lid SOH 'puaIJ"\flns e,\01. W!I . SIt U99S1 "Pll eJOI1~ S lJO . I Isol 'qal 'l,olll "lOW .1SC. 'Oll...M311 ~z;9.l:89 .0..Ja 5JoqslJoJ 'sn5u... pe,alell\f"" )I:>!]. 'a7...0./ev: 1I...M311 I I Mayor Hague~uod then introduced and read by title entitled, Ordinance No. 2156 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the north one-half of Lee Street west of pine Street. ~ is Irq'...nIH . 0009 00 0 I".... DV ."" br. f dinanee wirn ~Vl!i III 'PI of Clallam County, · 1 PASSED by the City Council of the Cily 01 Port Angel... ot a 1egular meeting of said ~ I Council held on the 7th day;JOf . July.. 1981. I Samuel J, Hoguewo, I ATTEST: MAYOAJ. I Morian C. Parrish. Cily Clerk ,Aj>PROVED AS TO FORM: . I Craig l. Miller, Cily Allorn. ey Pub.: Aug. 10. 1981. , " --. ....... ,",-. .--- .- I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 9~0,lIl6 9"0 U9"~ 1808'i.r UE3'/'D f118 rror-m J. 6r.~-8l6 J"OJJ "'1'/ =-ll~ SDHlN]A] 'OOO'&I1'puo,., "UOIOMO' 41!M 101 INOlI~ H)Y38 VIII b 10'010 '01 5.101 mY)YA 9 i 'OOO'OCtS : O~U! dOIGAep JO S! so .! U":M ,snld pUDI pe1JOl /OpJ9WUJO:) ?U! 9)PcI .0&,10 '1)00) .JIUDJI H!M .lIJ)()I& dOd , WOW Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordi! 'OOS't8$ JOI6uoll,oll,UOM entitled, 1"01 p"Jn>!UDw lIeM e6JoI 0 HM podJI;J> .IDJ t PUD 86DJ06 UD WooJ .4.nwD, 'e:'DldaJ!! Ordinance No. 2154 OJUOW uo pelo>ol 3)Y1d 1153a aNY JAII.)YIUY .elqol!ohO oWJe! 'OOO'Stl$ Jod ~y61s-~o~lno PUD 9sno'4 o o!~Dd peuoM l1)!Jq '6u!u!p ~OO.l 6u!^!1 fDWJOI 'swoo,lpeq sew fa yo"DJodBS staid dS ''''au UOLJI JeUf'Q_$! awolf .S!41"3AO! )~~~ Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing r lnance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood because the rezone would be consistent with Comprehensive Residential POlicies 15, l6r 17 and lS.'in that pUblic facilities are available; the site is functionally close to arterials; the area could not be primarily a buffer between land uses; and the location provides aesthetic amenities. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." LEGISLATION 1. Cont. I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property located at the southwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and Pine Street from RS-7 to RMF. B. Rezone Request: Neuropsychiatric Assoc. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Dr. Lang's request to rezone 22,500 square feet from RS-7 to OC, located at 823 and 825 East Georgiana, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff: Dr. Lang then addressed the Council to comment that he and his associates had searched for property east of Race Street and found none available. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title entitled, ordil , I C. nce No. 2155 ~RDINANCE N;;. 2155"'" AN ORDINANCE OF THE' CitY, of Port Angele.: rec ossIfying property on the north aide of Georgiana, Street, between Race and Francis Stre.t., from RS.7 to OC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commls.lon of the City of Port Angelita hOB h"':d Q public hearing and ro<orded its recommendation to the City Council In the Planning Commiuion Minutes of June 10, 1981, and WHER€AS, the requirements 01 the State En,,'ronmental Policy Act ha"e been met; <lnd WHEREAS, the City Counc!l, ~~~~r $:,l~~~i~n~.:~~rct ::1~ the best interests of the City and of itl citizens and In by . keeping with the Com, voJ prehensiv. Plan:... now, ~. therelore, { 8E IT ORDAINED 8Y THE i CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY : S3~' gflo:'?RT ANGELES os lS .., s"'tion 1 The Official Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on thiS~ \\_ Zoning Mop and Ordinance . No, 1709 ore hereby the north one half of Lee Street, abutting Block amended to change thi> . . . zoning 01 the lollowmg Addl tlon, and requested comments or questlons frorr. described property Iro":, RS,T, staff. There were no comments and the public hear ~g~~t,~:g~mR'::~~cr~I~'ol, to Lot. 1~, IS and 16, Block 37, Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title ~i~~~:~ ot'heS'V~~sit:u~i entitled, Port Angeles, Cia 110m County, Wo.hlngton. Section 2. The City Clerk i. hereby directed to attach 0 Ordinance No. 2156 copy 01 this Ordinance to the '- Of II cia I Zoning Mop and to file 0 certified copy 01 this Port Angeles Ordinance wllh the Clollam f L St t COUnty Audita,. o ee ree 1'''~'''nlO. PASSED by the City Council L(<JQ "". of the City 01 Port Angele. at . dlnarICl <I regular m_ing 01 sold . Clallon Coundl held on the 7th day 01 PASl July. 198!. 01 the j Samuel J. Hoguewood o re-g~ Moyor , Council ATTEST: . July 19 Marion C. Parrl.h, City Clerk . '. APPROVED AS TO FoIlM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney I ATTEST Pub. July 1~, 1981 I Moriort IA~PRq . Craig W 'Pub.: Aug. 10, 1981. . - Ordinance No. 2155 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property on the north side of Georgiana Street, between Race and Francis Streets, from RS-7 to OC. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing 0 by title by Mayor Haguewood because: (1) the area i~ to the Hospital and therefore it is in the communitl'-.l devote it to Hospital related medical commercial us Hospital and community increase in size, Office Co to the Hospital would be the most appropriate use 0;311 medical-commercial use of the proposed site would ~'" lated to the Hospital. The motion was seconded and carried with Councilmen Boardman and Hordyk Street Vacation: Adams AN ORDINANCE vacating the west of Pine of the City of north one-half Street. J CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 127 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title entitled, B. OrdinanC_/LBo_.~2.1~..4 [ORDINANCE NO. 21~ AN ORDINANCE of tne City 01 Pori Angele. redaullylng properly 1"",led at the southwest cotner of Laurid.en Boulevard anlll1;ne Street from RS. 7to RM~j WHEReAS, the ,:laFlnlng Cammlulon of Ine CIty 0' Port Angeleo ha. ht-1iI O' public heoring and recorded its recommenda1ion to the City Council in the Plonnlng Commission M.nu1es of June 10, \981; and _I \ WHEREAS, Ihe requirements of the Stote Environmental Polley Act hove been met; and WHEREAS the City Council, after a ublic hearong, fln~o tha' . zone woura be. III Ihe ~ .e~'o" uaIBu!~'oM Ii' 3 [ORDINANCE - - '10' AN 0 NO. 2156 lSC of P rt ROINANCE of 'he City .LSt " norlh o~~::jOf~coting Ihe 10/1 I West of Pine St, ee S'r"", 0 I 9 M H d d th ubI ' h' D L I I WHEREAS eel, 150 ayor aguewoo opene e p ~c ear~ng on r. ang file w.'h ,0 ~t1t1an I. on _ rezone 22,500 square feet from RS-7 to DC, located at Angel:.lolhe City of POri .. o. vacole Ihe nOrlh " Georgiana, and requested comments or questions from the po~e."oJf of l.. Street Wes, of - . I In. Stree,- and LSt' staff. Dr. Lang then addressed the Counc~l to comment WHEREAS .op associates had searched for property east of Race Strel ~3e'l,ulremen's' of Chopl~. 0 , , .~IC RCW 'h S e, ~St avaJ.lable. There were no further comments and the pub vlronmenlor Poli e to,,, En. 3 1 d been cy Act, have C ose . f h mel and 0 public c~aring ha~ been held by Ihe ty Council fOllow/ng p bl. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title ordj 35"017/cge, "unuon' to Choup,~~ .m t . RCW: and w,,, entitled, a WHEREAS, Sold varo'lon '.in a~r:'rs ,~o ~e of b.n.'I, 10 'S$ publlc~ no': ,':!leref'IS of Ih.. 'dSS I BE' . fiBre Ore - S CITY IT ORDAINEO 8Y THE 110 OF COUNCIL OF THE CiTY I fOlla~ORT ANGelES o. Section I. ThaI rtl , ~ ~~e nOrlh on..hoft" otnl..':, I r.., abutting l Ihrough 28, 8lock 3 0:: 24 o"d DOlon's Addlt/o~ to g~rty Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoin :"bg,.,.... is hereby vaco,.:drt tuec"othe d' by title by Mayor Haguewood because: (1) the area is. "'ated. In.,. <onltlon. to the Hospital and therefore it is in the communit{ :~D35 79030 ~ an-: d. . 1 1 d d . 1 ' 1 :j " I". c.ty evote l.t to .Hosp~ta re ate me 1ca commerc~a us r.taln. an "-..m.,,1 aVer Hospi tal and community increase in size, Office C ;:~ ::,bove de.crlb.c! pa.ul · con.tructlon r.palr to the Hospital would be the most appropriate use 0;' d - I ' medical-commercial use of the proposed site would bl ~~/IItJ:'~ ntenance of public lated to the Hospital. The motion was seconded by ( Sect/an 2, Sold vacolion .., . I .hall become effectlv. uF'On and carrJ.ed w1th Counc~lmen Boardman and Hordyk vot:'he payment 01 $0 os 'compensCltion tor laid vocated street. Section 3. The holders of Inlere.' in loto 24 Ihrough 28, Block 3, fogorty and Dolan'. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on this PE Addlllon, shall rededicate to the north one half of Lee Street abutting Block 3 I 'he Clly, by worronly deed, OJ , , Ih. west 30 fee' of Ihe right- Addition, and requested comments or questions from tof.woy m.osured I,om the staff. There were no comments and the public hearinc c.nlerllne 01 810~k Diamond . Road obulling th." property. r Section 4. AIt.r compliance Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title 0' wllh Ih" 'erm. of this Or- . dlnonce, and upon Ihe entitled, requeot lor ond furnishing 01 a quft claim d.ed by ony l own..r of property abutting uF'O" th. vacated .tre..t, 'he. .~~ndd~~::~:b:)(:~~~:r~~~ quit claim deed. Section 5, The City Clark II h.reby di,.cted to III.. a cerlilled copy 01 ,hio Or. ,dlnanc. wl'h th. Auditor 01 Clallam County. . I PASSED by the City Council t of 'he Cily at Port Ang..l..s at a regulor meeting of said ~ I Council keld on the 7th doy of I July, 1981. I Samu,,1 J. Hagu.wo""? I ATTEST: . MA~OIt I Marlon C_ Porrloh, Clly CI.rk I ApPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig L Mille,. City Attorney Pub.: Aug, 10. 1981. .. -. - .'. ordinance No. 2154 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property located at the southwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and pine Street from RS-7 to RMF. Councilman Buck moved-the Council adopt the foregoing by title by Mayor Haguewood because the rezone. would b Comprehensive Residential policies 15, 16, 17 and ls'i facilities are available; the site is functionally cl~ the area could not be primarily a buffer between land ; location provides aesthetic amenities. The motion was Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk v Rezone Request: Neuropsychiatric Assoc. I Ordinance No. 2155 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property on the north side of Georgiana Street, between Race and Francis Streets, from RS-7 to oc. c. Street Vacation: Adams I Ordinance No. 2156 AN ORDINANCE vacating the west of pine of the city of north one-half Street. Port Angeles of Lee Street 127 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cant. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinanc~~_.~1~4 entitled, r-;;RDINANCE NO, 2154 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Pori Angeles redossifylng property located 01 the southwest corne.. of Lauridsen SOlllevard ond ~ine . Slreet !rom RS.7 10 RMF..\!\;i WHEREAS, the. elSl\nlng Commission of Ihe CIty 01 ~ Pori Angeles hos h~1fI 0' public hearing and reCorded , Its fe-commendation to the City Council in the .plonnlng Comminlon M;n\lles of June 10w~8Jk~nts, ....'he \ requtrQments of ttle- Stale Environmenlol Pol icy Acl hove been met~ ond WHEREAS the Cily Council. aller a oublic heanng, linds Ihot ,.., ,,,r; ezone wouro ~I;~ the II 'BA. ,t, and I ' '" uOj8Ui4ooM 'B ~ keel: e.""419 DeJ'" '"oror., 'JOloO ~:,; UOI 60p BlOW flOWS 'lSO 11"1 ' 'OO9S-LS' Clt;, "X38" '0601 AellOA 01 ,,6o~S 'JOlloo ~oo 101; 'elnw"loW/A~onH :ISIOI Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Dr. Lang' rezone 22,500 square feet from RS-7 to OC, located at Ze' N:, Georgiana, and requested comments or questions from th a. staff: Dr. Lang then addressed the Council to comment zi' 'oel"6uv d 'OJ9WO:t associates had searched for property east of Race stree , available. There were no further comments and the Pub!J~ closed. I i J ~ Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordi I entitled, ; L Ordinance No. 2155 l~s AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles ~_l reclassifying property on the north side L of Georgiana Street, between Race and Francis Streets, from RS-7 to oc. Ordinance No. 2154 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property located at the southwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and pine Street from RS-7 to RMF. Councilman Buck moved-the Council adopt the foregoing I by title by Mayor Haguewood because the rezone would b Comprehensive Residential policies 15, 16, 17 and lS.i facilities are available; the site is functionally cl~ the area could not be primarily a buffer between land I location provides aesthetic amenities. The motion was Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk v B. Rezone Request: Neuropsychiatric Assoc. ~SOl Y' '9l0t-L~' 'ld U^"O~UMOp ~TS 'oNno d 9l9l:-ZS' IU!O lOBS "oewo!S 3l\fW3 spy punO:l aaJ:l C I I 'o"I"Su", IJOd . ~L9l:~~~ ~b&S .S8~DW!~sa -e-eJ;:j "J,a 'don -YO"I:> UMol 'JM4 uo OO'S$ WOJf 6u!do>spUOl 'OlI"S$ wO.Jj 6u~MOWUM01.....j.5.4DoadS' J81l1wns JOI MQU' 110 ~NldV:JSON"'l !~M"'l S, VNOllll "\-{AA 'Uun" Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood because: (1) the area is functionally close to the Hospital and therefore it is in the community's interest to devote it to Hospital related medical commercial uses; (2) as the Hospital and community increase in size, Office Commerc~al use related to the Hospital would be the most appropriate use of th~s land; and (3) medical-commercial use of the proposed site would be functionally re- lated to the Hospital. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilmen Boardman. and Hordyk voting "NO." C. Street Vacation: Adams Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on this petit10n to vacate the north one half of Lee Street, abutting Block 3, Fogarty and Dolan's Addition, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2156 entitled. ~JOAn~ lllWo;) llS{8 .{lIl/1 lnq I 'pll, liS <ll/1 aJll AiUO lON OlUlOl ~l!1g4\(ll!..UIO~~l\;)~ ~ Ordinance No. 2156 AN ORDINANCE vacating the west of pine of the City of north one-half street. Port Angeles of Lee Street f I- L88L-l;titJ' \ 't.' 'J. 128 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, because: (1) the Lee Street right-of-way is presently unused for street, above ground or below ground utility purposes, therefore local circulation and utilities services will be unaffected; (2) vacation will clear the property title; and (3) vaca- tion is in the best interests of the community. The motion was I seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved ~he Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Commission minutes of June 24, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 3. FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL: L.I.D. NO. 203 A. Letter from GSA Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the General Services Administration (GSA) regarding their assessment for Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 32 (the old Post Office building) in the amount of $14,888.50. The letter stated in part that "GSA is not required to, and in general may not, participate in Local Improvement Districts." Manager Flodstrom then explained that GSA's assessment must either be paid by the City or spread among the remaining LID No. 203 property owners. Also, this is not a protest from GSA, only a denial of payment, therefore GSA will be removed from the list of protesters. Councilman Hordyk then moved the City pay the GSA assessment for L.I.D. No. 203 in the amount of $14,888.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Manager Flodstrom briefly discussed the im- provements proposed by GSA for this property in 1982 and the exclusion of the GSA property in the second phase of the Downtown Improvement project. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously. I B. L.I.D. Protests The next area to be considered by the Council was the protests filed against L.I.D. No. 203. It is noted for the record that protests from eight property owners were filed with the City Clerk totalling $54,977.49 and representing 6.67% of the total amount spread on the assessment roll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council deny all protests against L.I.D. No. 203 and let the assessment roll stand as stated. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, 'Councilman Buck expressed his concern regarding Time Oil's assessment, and attorney Ken Williams, representing Time Oil in this matter, re- quested the public hearing be reopened in order to submit additional information and comments. His request was denied. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously. C. Ordinance Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2157 entitled, Ordinance No. 2157 , , 1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll in Local Improvement District No. 203 for the construction of certain improvements within the city and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against certain property as ~hown on said assessment roll. I councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilman Duncan abstaining and CounciLman Hordyk voting "NO" because of his opposition to the City's responsibility for maintenance of the downtown planters. H,:J::'tI0'(") gg8,'<g 0.::rr1"::l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. <1 g lD' ~ r1" 0 PJ ror1"PJtr::l ::l .... ::l '< ~.gp,,~~ o OPJO ro=PJ'<;>;' Z H 0 o q ~. H 15 H, ro:J:: <1 ggP"Jl~ (l) ~ ~. ~ r1" P"s::g~g- o CIl 0 ~ro(")o.(") Sg,g' g ~ ::r is' !-3 g ........::r .... '1j [/j r' ro i-' ~OreSPJ ::l'1j ::l 0 P" it '8 tl~..g ~ ~. 5 g r1" r1" 0 r1" .... PJ :::: ::t o :J PJ ro ::l CIl PJ HI rttr'CIl0 o CIl ro H rtoro rt PJ 0 o.Q ::r f-'.:J 0 ro :J 0. .... .... ro :J () ::l P" o.Q .... lQ rt 0'0 '<:PJ'<:H -:J P" [/j P" (") ...., o :J ~ g 5 ~ ~ 5 ~. 2 o 0 i-' :J .... S PI ~. ~ ~ [/j 0' PJ 11 ....::l (l) i-' PI .... P" rt '< ORDINANCE NO. 21S7 AN ORDINANCE olth.. City of Port Ang.I.... Wa.hington, Opproving and confirming fhe o.....m.nt. and', the aueum.nt roU In local Improvement Di.trict No. 203 for t"e cons-true' ion of certain improvement. within the city and I.vying and O.....lng Ihe amounts fllereof agojns. c.rtoin property o. ,h.own on .oid o's.ument roU. WHEREAS. notice 01 the: time and pJo<e of hecring On the ossessm.nt roll lor tocolj Improvement Dislricl No. 203 was duly and regularly given to on property owners within laid diot,ict by publ i callan.. Ihereol and by mailing to all 1 property owners whose names appeared on soid O.....ment roll In the mc2nner provided by low, and WHEREAS, ot the time and place fixed for Sc2id hearing '\ the Council me' and duly. considered -said Q.5ses:men-t roll _o"d the \lariolJ$ protests .mod against said roll and alter consideratio.... thereof, determined to order Ihe roll confirmed os presented; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council 01 the City of Port Angeles, Woshi nglon, as lollows: SectiQ/1 t_ That the assessments and D5S&nmOnt roll lor Local Improvement District No. 203 lor Ihe c.o"structlon and instarlotion of the improvements d.scrib..d in Ordinance No. 2049 01 the city, passed and opproved December 18, 1979, as p,esentecl 10 the Council at the heorlng Ihe,eon, in ,he tOlal Omount 01 $824,831.43 be and the some hereby are in 011 thing, approved ond confirmed. Seclion 2. Each 01 'he lots. tracts. porcels 01 land ond 01 her property shown upon sold foil Is: hereby decl.....d to ~e specially beneflled by said omounl chargBd against the 10m., and th. ass.essment apP9aring against .t,. SOme is in proportion '0 the leverel a-ssessments appearing upon said rol,. There is hereby I.vied and o'Ssesse-d ogornst &IIch such lot, tract. parcel of land and olher property c2ppeoring upon said roll Ihe amount finally charged against tne Soma 'hereon. Sold amount or any portion thereol may be paid at any time within H'irty (30) doys Irom Ihe date 01 the first publication 01 the Cily Treasurer's notice thot the aue!nmenf rolt hos been placed in her hands lor COIlKlion without penalty, inter.st or costs and Ihereofter the sum remaining unpaid. if any. moy be paid in ten onnual installments with int.,est on the whale unpaid Sum ot a rate not to .xceed 13% per annum. Com~ mendng one yeor aft.r 0 date. thirty (30) days after Ihe lirst publicotion 01 said nOlice, and eoch year ther.a11..r. one 01 said in. stallments togelher with the interest du-e thereon and on all installm..nts therealter 10 become .duo! sholl b. collected as provided by low ond the ordinance. 01 the City 01 Port Angeles. Washington. SKtian 3. Thi. ordinance shall become effective liv.. (S) days alter its passog", ap' provol and publicotion. PASSED by the City Council 01 Ine City 01 Port Angeles 01 a regular meeting 01 the Council held On the 7th day of July. 1981. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON By: Samuel J. Haguewood Mayor ATTEST: Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM; Craig L. Miller. City Attorney Pub.; July IS, 1981 (") :;;: 0 .g III H '<: P" ro 0 .... [/j H ::> ... III ... :J:: :J 0 III 0 :J \0 ro s:: ... (l) ~ :oJ ro 0 l5 P" .... ... ::l i-' r1" 0 H :oJ 0 " 0. s:: III 0 (f, (l) 'tI 0. III PJ en ::l en 0. (l) j:J H ~ (l) PJ :l P" III :J 0' ~ '<: 0 rt s:: .... en rt f- I-' '< ro 0 H P" .... :J PJ ::l () (l) Z 0 N i-' l.n -..J 11l ::l rt .... rt r' 11l 0. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 129 VIII LEGISLATION 4. EDA GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from H. W. Williams, Acting Assistant Secre- tary for EDA, containing an Offer of Grant in the amount not to exceed $800,000, pursuant to the City's application for federal assistance to construct or equip sidewalks, street resurfacing and other related im- provements to the downtown central business district. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the appropriate papers and accept the Offer of Grant from EDA. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk. During discussion on the.motion, the Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed any conditions attached to the grant, and the forth- coming discussions between the City and the Downtown Improvement Group as to how the grant monies will be expended. On call for the question, the motion was passed with Councilman Duncan abstaining. 5. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON FRANCHISE REQUEST FROM PUD Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mike McInnes, Superintendent of.Clallam County PUD, informing the Council that Mr. E. Lackman and Mr. R. Green have requested an extension of electrical service to property.off old Mill Road in Section 22, Township 30 North, Range 6 West W.M. Since it would be im- practical for the POD to serve this property, Mr. McInnis has requested the City issue a franchise for the purpose of installing, operating and main- taining a 7.2/12:5 KV underground primary electric distribution line along Scribner Road. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 22-81 entitled, r RESOLUTION NO. 22.81 A RESOLUTION ot Ih.. City o-f Port Ange'es c;alling 'or Q public heori"g on the request of Ihe Clallam County Public Utility Ois.ttict No. 1 for a htmchlse tor electric-ol distribution line on Scrivner- Road wilhin the City 01 PorI I Angeles. and setting 0 date lor thaI hearing, WHEREAS, Ih.. Clallam County Public LJt,lity District : No. 1 has requesled a t franchls.e for construction of an electrical distribution line along Scri'll'ner Road within I Ihe City at PorI Angeles; and WHEREAS. purs~anllo RCW 3SA. 47,Q.40. Ihe City of Pori , Angeles is empowered to grant 5>lJch 'ran'this-e; and WHEREAS, 'he Cily Council 01 Ihe Cily 01 Pari Angele. determines it appropriate to receive publh: comment on tnis franchise request: now, tnerefore, BE IT RESOL VEO BY THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of PORT ANGELES thaI a r.ublic: nee ring on the request or a 'ronc:nise by ClcHom Counly Public Utilily Dislricl No. 1 for electrical tran- smission lines on Scrivner Raad wilhin Ihe City 01 ParI Angeles will be held by Ihe Clly Council on Ihe 21s1 day 01 July 19B1. commencing al 7:00 p.m. 0'- as _ soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, 01 Ihe Cily Council Chambers. 140 Wesl Fronl 'Slreet. ParI Angeles, WcshinQton. at whic::h heor,ing 1, all .,.rson. may spROk lo~ ar , . agoinS' SQid .ran,hLse. , Written cQmm.nts on tke During the June 16, 1981 regular Council meeting, Finance Dj. I,anchise may be sub'mit~r,d gave a brief presentation on the feasibility of self-insurir until.'he close at Ihe pu 1< general liability policy. At this meeting, Mr. Orton submit he~~~~EO by Ihe City Count"il , .. .. If" b h h . ,. I the City 01 porI Ange eS lnformatlon and statlstlcs on se -lnsurlng ot t e Clty s I 0 d t'J Iy 19B1 bility policy and the present City-paid health plans. Estin this' ala~u~IJ'.Hag~ewoadl Moyar \ experience statistics for the City's present health plans wEST: Mr. Orton, in addition to a proposed self-insurance health ~~ianC,parrish,CiIyClerk \ . I APPROVED AS TO fORM: ~ Craig L. Mill..r, City Allarney ~ Pub::July~j, 1:~~ _ Samuel J. Hag~ewaod Mayor Resolution No. 22-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles calling for a public hearing on the request of the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for a franchise for electrical distribution line on Scribner Road within the City of Port Angeles, and setting a date for that hearing. Councilman Buck moved the title by Mayor Haguewood, for consideration of this Hordyk and carried. Council setting matter. adopt the foregoing Resol; a public hearing date of The motioniwas seconded 6. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREE~ . I Resolutlon NO'1 Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 23-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port a public hearing date for review Comprehensive Street Program. Angeles setting of its Six Year I Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing ReSOlj title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of for consideration of the City's Six Year Comprehensive Stre. motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 7. SELF-INSURANCE: HEALTH PLAN AND LIABILITY POLICIES ATTEST; Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk Appf"oved as to form: , Craig Miller, City Allorney Pub. July 15. 1981 I I EDA GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT 1 Mayor Haguewood read a letter from H. W. Williams, Acting A tary for EDA, containing an offer of Grant in the amount no~ $800,000, pursuant to the City's application for federal as! construct or equip sidewalks, street resurfacing and other 4 provements to the downtown central business district. Coun, moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the app and accept the Offer of Grant from EDA. The motion was sec man Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council a, Flodstrom discussed any conditions attached to the grant, ailSlllg.:HO~ coming discussions between the City and the Downtown Improv' to how the grant monies will be expended. On call for the motion was passed with Councilman Duncan abstaining. e1seN,VJal 113"lUnoO eau I ,all"J fl'8 a!,,~ 11100 1~0101UV ,er :lIe~ slulUa'J Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mike McInnes, Superinten;' NJHOll8 'lNj~N,^ l)~M~a County PUD, informing the Council that Mr. E. Lackman and MIJ1nw.OBi.WJW .ceJ. requested an extension of electrical service to property of ... .. 's-wJa~OO!;'l9,.~OI.,6JOl ~n Sect~on 22, Townshlp 30 North, Range 6 West W.M. Slnce I woo'paq E-INYS"nd 'lW practical for the PUD to serve this property, Mr. McInnis h " f 'f h f' 11 ' Id "ap,oq 101 p6do>SPUOI 66,01 C~ty lssue a ranchlse or t e purpose 0 lnsta lng, opera.E 6Aal.P1-JOCII NOANY:) taining a 7.2/12:5 KV underground primary electric distribu I . ' 'M9U .SOWIV 'D&JC 6unpcd ScrJ.bner Road. '!PI!nq 10P"..wWOJ 'II 'bSOO9I .:)lB"" ''''B1snON' iBOdB'" Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolutio' ~'S~' entitled, . iNOB.BUYM )lNY.H~IH CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 4. I 5. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON FRANCHISE REQUEST FROM PUD Resolution No. 22-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles calling for a public hearing on the request of the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for a franchise for electrical distribution line on Scribner Road within the City of Port Angeles, and setting a date for that hearing. Councilman Buck moved the Council title by Mayor Haguewood, setting for consideration of this matter. Hordyk and carried. 129 'saa'l .sro~iJJ\r: I .qog 'a~o'g liD) 'UMOP wnwpu!W IlI'M 009l$ 'ssnoy JO I:tl!qow D JQj ~pDeH .ll~"'d SNOS'V3S , I'" 1C 'OO6'El$ WOJ~ 'noA dla411!J lofllo9 ')9~D' Pllnq 'JIf\OY A.ni '~ul)q I) Aq peuMO 'NMOC WnWINIW 1 \f SlOl WU^i i '"{o,,,,",o JO~ ,(Moq 0' iuewA,o; UMOp l.jlSnolJe AluC s.J!nbe 'elles pue 006'98$ ID pe'lJ -18 U ..JOlJ,l PUD -efiOJO OOlS'Z<;\, s\,[s.m lIo<;-m EZ9S-m 9091-/<;1> j 000'0 II. a'Sno"lueeJ6 pa4:J1DUV -!Dp9p , a6JI)I-ON"'\lIIHlnS ;1)1"1 'SWJ8J pt)J~UOJ .u se"'O , uO-SIIB1 .0 SiO' adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by a public hearing date of July 21, 1981 The motion/was seconded by Councilman Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 23-81 entitled, [ - - RESOLliTiON NO. 23.81 A RESOLUTION of 'he Ci'y . of Port Angeles ..'ting a I public h.oring dot. for t r.eview of its Six Year A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting I Comprehensive Street a public h~aring date for review of its Six Year ! ~o~.:,O and RCW 36.81.121. Comprehenslve Street Program. I'h" City at Port Angel... I. required to reVlew its Six . . . Yeor Comprehen-sive S'reef Counc~lman Buck moved the Councll adopt the foregolng. ResolU Program annually, AND title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of d NOW, THEREFORE. 8E IT ,. . , . .' RESOLVED by the City Council for conslderatJ.on of the C~ty s SlX Year Comprehenslve Stree of the City of Por' Angele.. motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Washington that .ha City Council will hold 0 public I- hearing on the review and revision of said coma ~-pr..hen.ive plan on Ihe 21st day of July. 1'181, com- mencing o. 7:00 p.m. at 140 We.' Fron' Slreet, Par' Angeles, Washington. All wri"..n and oral ob. jedions to the comprehensive plan a. prepared by ,he City of Port Ang..I.... Washington relative to the street program for the ensuing six years within the City of Port Angele. will be considered. PASSED by 'ha Council of rh.. City 01 Port Angeles this 7th day of July, 1981. Samu..1 J. Haguewood Mayor 6. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET PLAN Resolution No. 23-81 7. SELF-INSURANCE, HEALTH PLAN AND LIABILITY POLICIES During the June 16, 1981 regular Council meeting, Finance Di gave a brief presentation on the feasibility of self-insurir general liability policy. At this meeting, Mr. Orton submi\ information and statistics on self-insuring both the City's' bility policy and the present City-paid health plans. Esti experience statistics for the city's present health plans w Mr. Orton, in addition to a proposed self-insurance health ATTEST: Marion C. Parrish. City Clark Approv~d as to form: Cro!g Mille" City Attornay Pub. July 15, 1'181 I CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 129 VIII LEGISLATION 4. EDA GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from H. W. Williams, Acting Assistant Secre- tary for EOA, containing an Offer of Grant in the amount not to exceed $800,000, pursuant to the City's application for federal assistance to construct or equip sidewalks, street resurfacing and other related im- provements to the downtown central business district. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the appropriate papers and accept the Offer of Grant from EDA. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed any conditions attached to the grant, and the forth- coming discussions .between the City and the Downtown Improvement Group as to how the grant monies will be expended. On call for the question, the motion was passed with Councilman Duncan abstaining. 5. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON FRANCHISE REQUEST FROM PUD Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mike McInnes, Superintendent of Clallam County PUD, informing the Council that Mr. E. Lackman and Mr. R. Green have requested an extension of electrical service to property.off Old Mill Road in Section 22, Township 30 North, Range 6 West W.M. Since it would be im- practical for the PUD to serve this property, Mr. McInnis has requested the City issue a franchise for the purpose of installing, operating and main- taining a 7.2/12:5 KV underground primary electric distribution line along Scribner Road. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title entitled, Resolution No. 22-81 RESOLUTION NO. 22.81 A REsouprilY .. a '3^1. .110)' 19L5: 'oeM 'OOS'b!S. lei 'SlII:J" 5 NO 1JlaW"'li..' 'OOS'~~$ i In, '~JOd 'UO'D"S:l~ -a6oJO's apA: I \JaMSUD ; i.PU8'lo!eD1 Joa6 Jno~ ~ 6s1a~CJ , ,,1nSNINi<l J' Resolution No. 22-81 I A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles calling for a pUblic hearing on the request of the Clallarn \ County Public Utility District No. 1 for a franchis. for electrical distribution line on Scribner Road \ within the City of Port Angeles, and setting a date: for that hearing. Councilman Buck moved the title by Mayor Haguewood, for consideration of this Hordyk and carried. Council adopt the foregoing ReSQ setting a public hearing date of matter. The motion 'was seconded 6. RESOLUTION: PUBLIC HEARING ON SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREE1 Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. Resolution No. 23-81 '\ :'1'" '1,!nb JO .jluno,( SJU3.\ 61 '1~''l ,!J1J pOd pooil u~ jlu!1']loq 'l' A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for review of its Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. 1 ,~1)11\t . I Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of July 21, for consideration of the City's six Year Comprehensive Street Plan. motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. read by 1981 The 7. SELF-INSURANCE: HEALTH PLAN AND LIABILITY POLICIES During the June 16, 1981 regular Council meeting, Finance Director Orton gave a brief presentation on the feasibility of self-insuring the City's general liability policy. At this meeting, Mr. Orton submitted additional information and statistics on self-insuring both the City's general lia- bility policy and the present City-paid health plans. Estimated 1981 claim experience statistics for the City's present health plans were presented by Mr. Orton, in addition to a proposed self-insurance health plan and a 130 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 7. Cant. "incentive" (stay well) plan for City employees. The maximum costs under a self insured health plan would be approximately $221,105. When compared to the present health plan expenses ($280,000), the self-insurance plan shows a potential savings to the City of approximately $58,000. Following discussion on the proposed self-insured health plan, Mr. Orton I presented statistics on self insuring the City's package liability policies. Mr. Orton explained who and what is covered under the General Liability policy, Public Officials policy, Personal Injury policy, False Arrest policy, and Umbrella policy; the advantages and disadvantages of self- insurance for the City and whether the City is too small to self-insure; savings potential versus risk of a large "shock" claim; effect of self- insurance on the City Attorney's office; the City's claim history; and the possibility of self-insuring all but the False Arrest and Umbrella policies. The Council discussed this matter at length with Finance Director Orton and Manager Flodstrom, and concurred that the subject of self-insurance needs further consideration by the Council, staff, and unions before a decision is made. 8. CONSOLIDATED POLICE/FIRE DISPATCH Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom, Police Chief Cleland, and Fire Chief Glenn regarding a proposed consolided dispatch for Police and Fire Departments. The memo outlined the benefits of a combined dispatch system, as well as the cost of provided those benefits. However, as Manager Flodstrom pointed out, the proposal will require the addition of one dispatcher in the Police Department, and the Council may want to proceed cautiously when considering additional staff. Police Chief Cleland and Assistant Fire Chief Campbell then addressed the Council to speak in favor of this proposal, pointing out that a combined dispatch would provide more prompt handling of emergency calls, since "double handling" would be eliminated, and 'free one fireman for first alert responses. Additionally, the cost to modify the existing switchboard and phone system (approximately $6(000) would be a one-time cost. I The Council then agreed that the information submitted needs additional review and consideration, with a decision made at a later date. 9. LETTER RE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR DAY CARE CENTERS Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Ms. Betty Warder concerning parking re- quirements for Day Care Centers and similar situations. Ms. Warder pointed out what she felt were several inconsistencies in the requirements and en- forcement of the off-street parking for Day Care . Centers , and suggested the parking ordinance be amended as to child care facilitles so that it would not be as discriminatory. Councilman Buck then stated that he founded, and moved that this matter for analysis and a recommendation. Hordyk and carried. felt Ms. Warder's concerns were well be referred to the Planning Commission The motion was seconded by Councilman 10. PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICES I This matter was passed over by the Council. 11. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT: CONVENTION CENTER STUDY Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Clallam County, whereby the County agrees to contribute up to $2,500, or 50%, of the cost of the study being performed by Event and Facility Consultants Inc. on the proposed Convention Center. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 131 VIII LEGISLATION 12. DERBY DAYS SALMON BAKE Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the closure of Laurel Street between First and Front Street, except for the alley, for the Kiwanis Club Salmon Bake, August 29, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. ,I 13. LETTER RE VALLEY STREET PROPERTY: C. JOHNSTON Mayor Haguewood read a letter from courtney Johnston regarding five parcels of land located near Valley Street (Highway 101, West 15th and 16th), which are zoned PBP. Mr. Johnston, who was writing on behalf of his brother and sisters, stated that the zoning of this property restricted the purchase and use of the land to the City itself, and denied them any possibility, as property owners, to develop and market the land for its best use. Mr. Johnston was also concerned regarding the recent 131% increase in the assessed valuation of the property. As a solution, Mr. Johnston suggested either the City purchase the land for its designated public use at the current assessed value ($14,500) or rezone the property to its original residential status. During discussion on Mr. Johnston's request, Planner Carr pointed out that Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 38, 39 and 40 of Block 4 are still zoned RS-7. The Council and Planner Carr also discussed whether the lots in questions were buildable and whether the property could be classified as Open space. The Council then directed Manager Flodstrom to respond to Mr. Johnston's letter, men- tioning the options for development in a PBP Zone, the correct zoning of all the parcels, and the Open Space classification. 14. SALE OF PROPERTY TO CITY: R. PORSCH I Councilman Hordyk reported that the Real Estate Committee has not had an opportunity to review this offer, and the matter was passed over. 15. COUNCIL POSITION NUMBERING Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from City Clerk M. Parrish regarding the Council position numbering for the municipal primary election. In compli- ance with the provisions of RCW 29.17.017, positions for nomination of City Councilmen to be voted upon at the municipal primary election to be held on September 15, 1981 are hereby designated for the purpose of election as follows: Position No. 1 - Carole Boardman) position No.2 - John Hordyk; position No. 3 - Samuel.Haguewood; position No.4 - Dorothy Duncan;, 16. FISHING DERBY ON MUNICIPAL PIER Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Jim VanDerSys, of the Independent .~ible Church, requesting permission to use the Municipal Pier on Saturday, July 11, 1981 from 7:00 AM to 2;30 PM for the purpose of facilitating the Church's Annual Fishing Derby. The Church will clean up the pier following the Derby, and provide a certificate of liability coverage. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the Independent Bible Church to use the Municipal Pier for the Annual Fishing Derby on July 11, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. I IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. X LATE ITEMS 1. PROPERTY TRADE: DNR Manager Flodstrom referred to a letter from Mr. Don Miller, Department of Natural Resources, regarding the possibility of trading DNR property (10 acres west of Cherry Street and south of Park Avenue) for City property of an equal value in the Morse Creek watershed area. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the Department of Natural Resources to identify parcels of City owned property of equal value in the Morse Creek watershed area which they feel would be appropriate for a trade. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 132 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1981 XI COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS Manager Flodstrom: Called the Council's attention to a memorandum in the Informational Packet regarding Public Development Authorities. Informed the Council that Dana Siebel, who had recently been granted a street vacation, had applied for, and received, a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Ms. Siebel's street vacation was conditioned upon the City retaining a 35 foot easement for utility purposes; however, the variance would allow Ms. Siebel to use 28 feet of the 35 foot easement, leaving only a seven foot right-of-way for the City. One condition of the variance was "that the question of the easement I be worked out with the City Attorney to assure that the City does not have a use for the property." The Council discussed this matter briefly with Manager Flodstrom and planner Carr, and directed Manager Flodstrom to contact Ms. Siebel to resolve this matter. Passed out a brochure on the Yakima Convention Center. Commented on the format for enforcement of the new Sign Ordinance. Councilman Buck: Expressed his concern regarding a recent newspaper quote attributed to Councilman Quast regarding the Northern Tier Negotiations. Councilman Buck reminded the Council of the agreement with Northern Tier that negotiations would not be discussed'with members of the press except in the presence of the other party during public meetings or joint press contacts, and suggested that Councilman Quast was out of order in violating this agreement and should be reminded of its importance. Councilman Duncan: Requested a tour of the Marine Lab when it is completed. Questioned Manager Flodstrom as to the status of the ITT Rayonier pool which has been causing some pollution. Councilman Polhamus: Questioned what are "jake brakes" and why are they prohibited. Attorney Miller: Informed the Council that Trans Mountain Pipe Line Corp. has requested an indefinite postponement of their application before EFSEC. XII I ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. to an Executive Session. XIII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at 10:20 P.M. and was adjourned. ~4~~'~ @.~ City Clerk -'~~ I