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Port Angeles, Washington
July 7, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:35
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmember McKeown.
Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Hagar, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, K. Ridout,
S. McLain, and D. Sawyer.
Public Present: No one signed the roster.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Scott McLain.
WORK SESSION: Councilman Doyle stated that the Utility Advisory Committee had recommended that the
City Council hold a work session to discuss the possibility of Jefferson County hauling
Landfill Agreement with solid waste to the Port Angeles landfill for a seven month period. The UAC began
Jefferson County discussion of this item in February, 1998, and Councilman Doyle felt the Council should
have the opportunity to hold a work session to get all the pertinent information, then make
a decision at the next meeting.
Interim Manager Pittis distributed a memo providing background on this issue. He stated
this item was on the agenda for this evening under Other Considerations, and further
information was contained on Page 79 of the packet. Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the
history of this issue as outlined in his memo and described the ongoing negotiations with
Jefferson County for tonnage fees. He indicated that staff was comfortable in accepting
solid waste for a seven month period, which would generate almost $250,000 in revenue
for Port Angeles.
Lengthy discussion followed, and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions and
provided additional clarification. Concern was expressed over Jefferson County receiving
such a low tonnage fee as compared to other haulers. Finance Director Godbey explained
that City and County residents had an obligation for closure and post-closure costs that are
built into the current solid waste rates. Jefferson County, however, has no such obligation.
Therefore, the fee charged to Jefferson County is market driven and not based on a cost of
Discussion continued, after which Interim Manager Pittis informed the Council that the
July 7, 1998
WORK SESSION: Jefferson County Commissioners would probably be contacting them regarding this issue.
(Cont'd) Mayor Braun thanked staff and the UAC for all the hard work and research that has gone
into this matter. No action was taken, and this item will be brought back to the Council
Landfill Agreement with meeting of July 21, 1998, for a decision.
Jefferson County (Cont'd)
APPROVAL OF Councilman Doyle moved to accept the minutes of the June 16, 1998, regular
MINUTES: meeting and the June 23, 1998, special meeting. Councilman Williams seconded
the motion. Councilman Hulett noted that the minutes of June 23, 1998, do not note the
absence of Mayor Braun and Councilmember McKeown, and himself. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried by a majority with Councilman Wiggins abstaining
due to his absence from the meeting of June 16, 1998, and Mayor Braun and
Councilman Hulett abstaining from voting on the minutes of June 23, 1998, due to
absence from that meeting.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Williams asked to have a brief discussion regarding Northland Cable. This
PLACED ON THIS OR was added as Item C. under Other Considerations.
FINANCE: A. Contract for Sale of Parking Ticket/Citation Database to Sequim
Contract for Sale of Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Councilman
Database to Sequim Campbell moved to approve the sale of the parking ticket/citation database to the
City of Sequim, in the amount of $4,000. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion.
Councilman Campbell stated it was a tribute to Chris James, the creator of the database,
to have someone want to purchase it for $4,000. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun noted that George Woodruff, Superintendent of Schools, and Jim Jones were
present regarding Councilman Wiggins' report from the Clallam Public Health Advisory
Committee. As a courtesy, this item was moved up on the agenda
COMMITTEE B. Clallatn Public Health Advisory Committee
Councilman Wiggins reviewed the information contained in the packet and stated that
Clallam Public Health nationwide, there are one million juveniles with guns. Three were found in the Port
Advisory Committee Angeles School District this year. Councilman Wiggins felt this is not just a school
problem, but a community problem as well. He stated possibly, in the future, the Council
might consider passing an ordinance prosecuting gun owners who permit guns to fall into
the hands of unsupervised juveniles. This is akeady being implemented on the East Coast,
and it has measurably reduced the number of child deaths involving a firearm. Councilman
Wiggins did not feel responsible gun owners would have a problem with such a law.
Councilman Wiggins asked Police Chief Ilk for input on this issue. Chief Ilk reported that
the School District had notified the Police Department of a grant available for a School
Resource Officer. A letter was received last week stating Port Angeles had been awarded
a $30,000 grant, renewable for a second year. The School District is also contributing
$17,000 toward this endeavor, and a Department of Justice grant can also be applied for
which would pay for necessary equipment.
Chief Ilk stated this item would be on the Council's agenda for the July 21, 1998, meeting.
At that time, the Police Depamnent would request an additional position for the School
Resource Officer. Chief Ilk then described the Resource Officer's duties and stated this
program would begin at the start of the new school year. Chief Ilk stated Officer Tyler
Peninger has been selected for thisposition, as he has an educational background for this
position. Councilman Wiggins then asked Superintendent Woodruff for his comments on
the issue.
July 7, 1998
COMMITTEE George Wo(xtruff, 710 Milwaukee Drive, Superintendent of Schools, stated any time there
REPORTS: is violence, whether in the schools or not, it is a community issue. Violence happens in
(Cont'd) small communities as well as large. The Police Department has an excellent working
relationship wi~,~Sch09,! D~II~ct. Mr. Woodruff felt having a Police Officer on campus
Clallam Public Health would deter some unacc~pt~lble behaviors, provide immediate coverage if there is a
Advisory Committee behavioral issue, and provide a positive relationship with students and the Police
(Cont'd) Department.
Councilman Wiggins suggested the City continue to study this issue. He indicated he
would be interested in speaking to the legislators regarding this issue to inform them of the
success other areas are having in reducing this type of violence. He felt it was necessary
to determine what, if anything, the State is going to do to in this matter. Councilman
Wiggins then asked Attorney Knutson to comment on what can be done locally.
Attorney Knutson stated staff had preliminarily researched the law of pre-emption in the
context of gun control. No fn-m conclusions have been reached, but there is a significant
issue regarding the ability of local government to regulate in an area traditionally regulated
at the State and Federal level. Attorney Knutson felt that Councilman Wiggins' intention
to start at the State level to see if the legislators would be willing to support such a law
would be the best way to proceed. Staffwould have to perform more research before it
could recommend such an ordinance.
Councilman Wiggins felt it best to check with the legislators first, and he volunteered to
perform the follow-up on this issue. This issue was discussed at length by the Public
Health Committee, who endorsed the idea immediately. Councilman Campbell praised the
efforts of Councilman Wiggins in being willing to get involved in such an issue; he fully
supported the proposal.
Interim Manager Pittis advised the Council that a condition of the grant for the Resource
Officer was a public hearing, which will be held at the next meeting.
FINANCE: B. Request to Advertise for Bids for Mobile Lifting System
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Interim
Request to Advertise for Manager Pittis stated the memo was in need of correction. The words "declare this budget
Bids - Mobile Lift emergency and" should be struck from the recommendation. Mayor Braun asked Deputy
Director Ridout for further input, which he provided. He explained that the hoist currently
used is no longer repairable, as parts are no longer available. Replacement of the current
hoist would be more expensive than the purchase of a mobile lifting system. Mr. Ridout
then responded to questions and provided additional clarification.
Finance Director Godbey explained why this is not considered a budget emergency and she
reviewed the source of funding for lifts purchase. After further discussion and clarification,
Councilman Williams moved to authorize a call for bids for replacement of the hoist
with an above-ground individual movable post system. Councilman Doyle seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
QUASI-JUDICIAL: Block Caroline Street: Request to rezone property from Commercial Office
(CO) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP)
Rezone Request - Olympic
Memorial Hospital Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and opened
the public hearing at 7:13 p.m Attorney Knutson announced that no public comments
July 7, 1998
Rezone Request - Olympic would be allowed at this time. Therefore, Councilman Doyle moved to continue the
Memorial Hospital (Cont'd) public hearing to July 21, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
OTHER: portion of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets
Street Vacation - Northwest Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams stated they would step down on this matter due to
Permit appearance of fairness and conflict of interest and they, therefore, departed the meeting at
7:14 p.m. Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department and opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.
Councilman Hulett moved to continue the public hearing to July 21, 1998.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor
Braun and Councilman Williams returned to the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Memorial Hospital 98-02 -portion of the Georgiana/Caroline alley west of Chambers
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planmng Department and opened
the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. Councilman Wiggins moved to continue the public
hearing to July 21, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
FINANCE: C. Consideration of Application for Drinlong Water State Revolving Fund (DWRF)
(Cont'd) Loan for Downtown Watermains
Application for Loan for Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
Downtown Watermains asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input. Using the map provided in the packet,
Interim Manager Pittis demonstrated what streets would be impacted and explained that
public process would be utilized to a greater degree in Phase II. This loan would come'
from the State Revolving Fund which is derived from Federal Clean Water Act money.
Interim Manager Pittis stated a video had been prepared at the conclusion of Phase I, and
he invited the Council to view the video at its convenience. Interim Manager Pittis then
responded to questions posed by the Council and provided clarification.
Following discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to instruct staff to submit an
application to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for Phase II of Downtown
Watermain/Sidewalk Reconstruction. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Lewis County Lawsuit D. Lewis County Lawsuit Challenging State Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
Mayor Braun stated Councilman Wiggins had drafted a letter which he had distributed to
Council prior to the meeting, and he asked Councilman Wiggins to speak to this issue.
Councilman Wiggins stated the lawsuit had been extended to November of 1999 and has
been argued since 1995. Councilman Wiggins noted the implications of this lawsuit are
negative to Port Angeles and Clallam County. The cuts will be very large, and this is not
a good way tbr the Trusts to do business. No one is opposed to an HCP, but this HCP is
giving away a tremendous piece of ground for growing and harvesting trees. Councilman
Wiggins moved to have the City pay $1,000 towards the legal costs incurred in
bringing this lawsuit. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion
followed. Councilman Wiggins asked Council to consider the draft letter he had presented
July 7, 1998
Lewis County Lawsuit and suggested statfreview it. He felt if the motion is passed, the letter should be sent to the
(Cont'd) timber cities, and he asked that this be made a part of the motion. Councilman Doyle stated
that while the City itself is not a trust beneficiary, there are entities within the City that are,
such as the L~![ ,a~,~_~lgq~ District, Hospital, and Port. Councilman Doyle felt these
entities shouldteee~ve a.eop~ of the letter as they are directly impacted. Councilman
Wiggins stated the fire districts are also impacted and should be included. Councilman
Wiggins therefore amended his motion to include the sending of the letter to timber
cities as well as all taxing authorities within Clallam County who receive these
timber funds. Councilman Campbell agreed as seconder of the motion. Following
further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle noted that the software purchase agreement was dated 1997 and asked
staffto look into this, to which Attorney Knutson agreed. Following brief discussion and
clarification, Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda including: A.
Agreement with State DIS for software purchase; B. Payroll - June 14, 1998 - $364,698.13
and June 28, 1998 - $391,266.59; and C. Check list - July 2, 1998 - $520,047.49.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
COMMITTEE A. Appointment of Two Council Members to Gateway Review Committee'
Mayor Braun explained that two members were needed for the Gateway Review
Gateway Review Committee Committee. Interim Manager Pittis stated this Committee would probably meet no more
than once a month. The first item of business will most likely be review of design
proposals and will begin next month. He asked that the representatives not be those
Council members on the Transit Committee, as this will allow for a wider distribution of
the information.
Councilman Wiggins stated he and Councilmember McKeown are currently on the
Downtown Forward Committee, and he felt it was a natural progression to be on the
Gateway Review Committee. Mayor Braun, therefore, named Councilmembers McKeown
and Wiggins to the Gateway Review Committee.
Economic Response Task C. Economic Response Task Fo~ve Meeting with Dennis Snyder (Rayonier)
Force Committee
Councilman Campbell reported there was a meeting on June 25, 1998, between the
Economic Response Task Force and Rayonier officials, represented by Dennis Snyder, who
deals with the local mill demolition and clean up, and Dana Dollop, Wendy Pugnetti, and
Paul Perlowitz.
Councilman Campbell stated that the Economic Task Force had previously agreed to defer
any economic development or business recruitment activity to the Port Angeles Works!
Committee. At the June 25 meeting,' the Rayonier officials committed to meaningful
interaction and discussion with the Port Angeles Works! Committee. Councilman
Campbell felt this meant the City's views and input would be seriously considered by
Rayonier. Richard Carruthers has been hired by Rayonier. Mr. Carruthers was present at
the meeting and echoed Dennis Snyder's comments. He will be employed by Rayonier, but
Councilman Campbell felt he would also be a resource for the Port Angeles Works
Committee as he gathers information and prepares the highest and best use analysis for that
property. Mr. Carmthers has agreed to meet with the Committee as appropriate to get the
Committee's input and inform the Committee of his actions. Councilman Campbell felt
that the City has a good relationship with Rayonier on this issue.
Mayor Braun thanked and praised Councilman Campbell's efforts on the City's beha~
Salmon Recovery Councilman Doyle pointed out that Council had received some literature which stated that
July 7, 1998
COMMITTEE Bonneville is spending $435 million annually on salmon recovery plans.
REPORTS: (Cont'd)
Letter fi.om Waldron Mayor Braun read aloud a letter to the Council fi.om Waldron and Co. congratulating the
City on hiring a new City Manager and thanking the Council for allowing them to be part
of the selection process.
Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None.
Street Vacation Petition - Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Resolution No. 12-98 A. STREET VACATION PETITION- HERMANN, STV 98-03, Portion of the 2/3
alley in Block 49
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
requested further input from Senior Planner Sawyer, which he provided. Mayor Braun
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a heating date for a petition to vacate a portion of
the 2/3 alley south of Marine Drive, Port Angeles,
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Hearing on Six-Year B. Resolution Setting Hearing on Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
TIP/CFP and Capital Facilities Plan.
Resolution No. 13-98
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input, which he provided and explained the
differences between the TIP and CFP. Mayor Braun noted a typographical error in the
resolutiou, the hearing date reads 1997 rather than 1998. Interim Manager Pittis stated this
would be corrected.
Mayor Braun the, n read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles setting a public hearing date for review of
the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Six-Year Trans-
portation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years
1999 - 2004.
Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title with the
correction of the typographical error. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Planning CommisMon J~titlutes/Aclion Itenls
Planning Commission Minutes of May 27, 1998
Planning Commission Minutes of June 10, 1998
Planning Commission Minutes of June 24, 1998
July 7, 1998
Councilman Campbell moved accept the Planning Commission minutes of May 27,
June 10, and June 24, 1998. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Other Considerations
Right-of-Way Agreement A. Right-of-Way Agreement with Port of Port Angeles
with Port
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Deputy Director Ridout for further input, which he provided. Mr. Ridout and Interim
Manager Pittis responded to questions posed by the Council and provided further
clarification. Using the map contained in the packet, Mr. Ridout demonstrated the property
which would be acquired by this agreement and explained where the new airport entrance
would be locate& Interim Manager Pittis explained how the new intersection will be laid
out and stated this change would greatly improve the safety factors for this intersection.
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the purchase of right-of-way from the Port of
Port Angeles and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement after acceptance by
the Port Commission. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
Northland Cable C. Northland Cable Information
Councilman Williams stated that he learned today that customers have 30 - 60 days to
change tiers, up or down, without incurring any expense, when rates are adjusted by the
cable company. Councilman Williams stated he wanted people to be aware of this, as this
information was not sent out by the cable company.
Councilman Doyle asked staff to consider getting bids for the purchase of more comfortable
chairs for the Pubhc Works Conference room. The current chairs could be used elsewhere.
Interim Manager Pittis stated he would look into this and report back.
Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council that he would be taking a few days off and
Attorney Knutson will be acting in his absence.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m
Becky J. U~['~-t~cler~ '--- "'- GaryE/raun, M~or