HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/08/1936 ,..' 402 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 8, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis.' Roll oall showed the following officers p~esent: Mayor Davis, CommIssioners Lutz and, Masters, Attoney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Poliae Judge Thomas Geisness reported 15 cases tried and $125.00 collected in fines ~or the month of June, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Lioenses the following were gran ted : George Dowell, Addition to dwelling, Lots 6 & 7, Blk. 2, Aldwell subd. 35 Ben Weeks Master Pl~ber James ,I. Caven, Master Plumber M~ Mohamad, Peddler, July 7, 1936 Ahad Ahmad," 11 II " Club Billiards, 5 Pool and-Billiard ~ables Club Billiards, 2 Card Tables Club Billiards, Restaurant Jaok paris, Soft Drinks Jaok Paris, Restaurant Palace of Sweets, Soft Drinks F. R. Payne, Soft Drinks .H. F. MoDowell, Soft DrinkS Mrs. O. E. \ihi te, Restaurant Dan Casey, Restaurant M. Ossesa, Restaurant Carl DeBarros ,Restaurant I. C. Groves, Restaurant Andy Brady. Restaurant 01ympio Laundry. Cleaning:& Pressing Co. Under the head of Reports from City Offioers the fOllowing.was read: 200.00 , 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 50;00 10.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 '0.00 '5'.00 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 15~00 <; 15.00 ,~ 15'000 5.00 To the Hon. Mayor and ~ity Commission Port Angeles, "ashington July 8, 1936 Gentlemen: I herewith submit the seventh monthly estimate (June) of work done and material furnished by the Angeles Gravel & Supply Company, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, PWA Project Dooket No. Wash. l245R. Item II " 1. 775 ~u. y~s. footing exo. @ $3.00 per HU' ~d. 2. 453 "abutment exc. @ $6.00 II ' 3. 377" ohannel change exc. @ $1.50 per cu. yd. 4.1,485 line ft. removal old pipe ~ 40~ per lin. ft. 5.1,585 II 3' trench @ 50~ per 11n. ft. 6. 456 II 8" drain pipe in plaoe @ $1.00 per line ft. 10. 550. ou. yds footing cone. @ $23.00 per cu. yd. 11. 181 II "abutment cono. @ $26.50" II " 12. 766 M.B.M.-creo. timber in place @ $37.50 per M. 13. 10 Fire draft stop curtains, each $120.00 14.1,157 lin. ft. ooncrete roadway and sidewalks @ $22.65 15.1,490 " " 1.1.11 electrical conduit @ 3l~ 16. 306 374"" II @ 25~ 17.2,250 #6 stranded oopper-wire @ .06 18. 576" #10 solid oopper oonductor @ .035 19. 5 light posts ~ $120.00 20. 4 light posts on abutments @ $120.00 22. 67 concrete fenoe posts @ $25.00 23.1,200.lin. ft. wire mesh fence, panel and steel frame @ $3.00 24. 286 sq. yds. class A concrete abutment roadway approaohes @ $4.00 25. Removing existing structures @$e,OOO~'lump sum . Total Less l5~ retained " " II " II II " Previous estimates: Less previOUS estimate December, 1935 January, 1936 February, 1936 March, 1936 April, 1936 :May, 1936 none $12,636.10 6,271.72 16,868.68 12,939.97 19,586.30 $68,302.77 Amount due 0 ontraotor Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer $ 2,325.00 2,718.00 565.50 594.00 792.50 456.00 12,650.00 4,796.50 28,725.00 1,1::00.00 26,206.05 461.90 76.50 135.00 20.16 600.00 480.00 1,675.00 3,600.00 1,144.00 8.000.00 97.221.11 14,583.17 82,637.94 68.302.77 $14,335.17 lIt was moved by Commissioner Masters that the City Engineer's 7th estimate on the Eighth Street Bridges, PWA Projeot, Docket No. Wash..1245R. be approved and the City Clerk be instruoted to issue a warrant for the sum of $14,335.17 in paymeht of same, on the 8th St. Bridge Construction Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all the members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion oarried. The ~ommission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for . same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Marion Jagger R. L. Fernandes Kissner Motor Farts Co. Pine Hill Service Thos. T. Aldwell Truck Spring Repairs Parts Battery Rectlarge Repairs iii.. 6.00 10.90 14.77 1.50 32.,00 I ,I I I I July 8. 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 25.70 23.78 13.30 2.20 10.00 ~( 12.18 Io/" .75 plj--~ 789.14 420.00 57.11 7.52 26.01 30.29 1.00 ~'\ 25.65 -- 5.10 1,3 14.11 1.CO 30.73 .50 23.10 D'1 21. 67 . "7";;- 64.26 .J'" 3.73 13.81 '" 4.50 ~::, -' 5.50 23.00 .90 I I I I I Associa.ted Oil Co. Associated Oil Co. I. C. Glloves Glenn's Service Station R. L. Polk & Co. Evening News City Treasurer Angele1l Gravel & Supply "0. Ci ty TJ~easurer , Department of Labor & Industries Departmen t of Labor & Indus tries WATER FUND Q.uick Print Seattle Plumbing & Supply Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Olympic Printery Angeles Gravel & Supply uo. Light Department City Treasurer Department of Labor & Industries LI GHT FUIID Pine Hill ~ervioe ctu.ick Print Blackburn Pri~ting Cq. Westinghouse ~upply\;o. City Treasurer Department of Labor & Industries LIBRARY :FUND Vivien Hall Dorothea Gagnon Jennilu Norris ~TY FUND City TreaSurer Gas Gas Meals for prisoners Oil, etc. 1936 ])ireotory pubU os tions P.O. Box Rent Lumber, Cement eto. Water Ind Ins & Med Aid Ind Ins & Mea Aid Printing Pipe Fittings Shop Work Printed rorms Sand & Cement Gasoline & Oil Misc. Cash Payments Ind Ips'& med Aid Tire Repair Printing & Suppliss Printing SlIi tohes Miso. Cash Payments Ind Ins & led Aid Emergenoy Help 11 II Expense Account Filing Deed There being no further business the oommission then adjourned. 7; '?11()~~ Clerk ~~ //y/t>f- Mayor 403 ..... J