HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/1930 ~ ommission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19:1P. '- I f~~~~r~d/(/~k~~~Jt4~f-~ ~tt52l~Z:L/.~~~.:.vdZ:1 ,~~f:f:5:!!Z:;~:J. ',"',..., ,.." " ,. -I I~-- _____________uuu__u__ . ~t ~~(~~4c:~~:k21G~ I~::t::.. 4'- .. /L .. .a7-~'--"" /<M ~/ U ..__J(_n_ ~____ _ __u__ /~_____" //,.z:__.!!..___ n_" -Yd"-J I I .=j I 1 u~ I ] 1 --j r ~dvZ~jiJ;Z2:~:~;r~~~ ,.<7 'd d nll~IlO\.E}IEXT UESOLUTIUX ILUtz'.!! Subdivision ot Suburban Lot NO. ]31 17: nlocks I to " Inclusive oC Caln's BE IT RESOLVED by the ~lty iW:~~~lsIlg3. to~. ~~~u~~~nll~~C l:i Commls:don or the CIt], or lor-t Crowe Ilaker-"s Subdlvlfllnn: Ulocks Angeles-; 1 to ... Inclushc or Uoylc.l!l Sub- FIRST: That It Is the Intention (lIvlslon at Suburban Lot %0: mocks ~~tle~heth~JtlolI~~I~:rtde~~~flJ~~s I~~ ~~l~u~;'~ t::f g~l~rOcskU~~I~J;I~w~; llrovements In the following de- & 3lastlck's Subdlvlslon; Block 179. scribed Ilortious at tbo City ot 180 and 181; lots 1 to 3 Inclusive Port AngclelJ, to wit: The con- lu Dlock 1~6; 1.Alts 5 to 14 Inclusive structlon or lateral sewers to !"erve oC nInck 195; Blocks 191 to 19-1 and sewer the following described Inclusive: Lots 1 to 9 Inclusive In ~~\~el~~~Jl~~t)~.N: Lhe City or l'urt ~lo~o::o:%~t"nfoc~oB 1:0/n~~u8~10 ntocks t 4 .5 G 9 10 11 1" Inclu!lve: Blocks z:n to ZZ3 tn. 13 and H. Lots i to' G inclusive' and dURh'e: LotI'! I, %, IG. 17 and IS in ~o t~U N~ i~~U:i'::' I~n :N~;: i:' ~~~: r~o~~ Zrl:JC~~2J; tto7tin~Juts~\'~ ~~~ 5 to 15 inclusive In Block l!i ;'ll In cluMlvc anll 16 to 18 IncluMh'c in Pugct Sound CoolleraUvu Colon)"s UJock %i5: Hlock %76: mock %77; ~b~::~11o~; a~~ltsh~tsto1~Gt~ncl:s~~~ t~~: ~ ~~ ~ 11~~"~JsRII~~ I~ Bril~~k %~:~ cJush;c In 'block % oC Cain's Sub- ami Block %:83 or the Townsite of division at Suburban Lot 36' lots Port Angeles, "\Vasbln,;ton; together 1 to 64 Inclus!ve or pet-kln's' Suh- ~d:~h a~as\~:' nl~~~~~~rYw~nh~~~ hOJll;es. drainage gates and nny nnd aU equipment necessary tor the said construction: Rnd the City or Port .Angeles shall not be liable tor nny I>ortlon oC said cost nOli eXllcnso or 81lld Imln.ln'cment, ex- cept In so far as the tm.ld City Ir made liable b)' vlrtuo or the lItatulell oC the Stato or 'Vashlng- ton In Buch cases made ami Ilro- ~~~:d'I>:on\~~d 1~~t'i~~rr:?;r:~W~~ sltl~~t the CIl)' or Port An~e1es create a Local lrnpro\'ernent gunrantcl! tund r;Jr fI'!! Illlrpm;e or ~uarantecln~, to the extent or such tun,1 nnd In the manner IJro\'ldcd by law, the pa)'- ment DC loc.,1 ImprOW'hIcnt Ilond~ ~~:~~~ ot:'der:J br;rth~oc;~ldl~li~~ve- THIRD: That nIl perl!ons who Lewis & :\lal\t1ck's Suhdlvhllon: desire to obJect to the said Im- hlOCI\. 179, 180 and 181; lots 1 to 3 Ilrovement. or to any part thereot. Inclusive In lJlllck 19G; Lots !t to are hereby notified to appear nnll 14 Inclusive or Block 19r.o; U:ucks Ilresent I\uch ubJccUIIIl.tl at a metlt. --J.. 191 to 194 Inclusive. Lots 1 to 9 Ing or the City Conunlsslon In the ~~clrl~~~:~~RI~~ ~~~ocJtI0~~O:20~?tslll~C~~ ~?I:~~~ll~~~~ ~io;~~rll~\nt~':Je~~tKn ht~~ 207 to ~10 luclusl\'e; Ulockl'!' 221 to 9th dn). ~.r July, 1930. at the hour ~-I'..... i;31:~cm~~\:;2~~)i!!~t:'l6iol.... ~':.~ ~~ldtcl~~)'~~l~l~h Irhll(~II';U1':io~~~oG" n~~ . elUsive and 18 In mock 22r.o; loots hereby flxec) Cor hearing all the ~I~~h'~ Il~cl~~II~:k a~~6:1Gll~~c~8 2~t ~~(~~?'~~n::~I~tt1n~nJO :J~ld oeIl~ttl~~~ --- lJlock 277. Lots 1 to 9 inclusive In thereto. and for dotermllllng the ~IOft~oct7Sill~L~~~1 \U~~I( 9 2sI3ncJ~s~~: m1~guh-';.h~).Il?~~een~I~;r ~~~I~r:}re.11\ Townsite or J'ort Angelell. "\Vallh- hereby directed and Inlltructed to ---~ InJ;'ton; to~cther with all the neces- suhmlt to the City Commlnlon at ~ sary manholes. catch bU:J!JIIl, Inlet!;, or prior to thl' 9th du)' of JUl)', Wl'cs, sand boxes, drnlnage gatcill 19:10, hIs slatement of the esU- ~:;;~ of'Z- ~)~~ :~idc~~:.':'i:_'i:~;lon;;'"s. ~1~Utc'~=~\'b~tl:fPif.~~~~.;,t ~~1 ------------------ ........ SECOND: That the Cllst and ex- the amount whIch shall lie borne pelitic or the ahovtl IlcRcrlhed im- II\, the property within the pro- IU.O\.cmenls :!lhall be borne b}. and IlOsed assessment district. alul a assell!cll against the ()r'operly which statement oC the aggreJ;'ate as- ~------.---- .-------~. -----.~--l....' sbaH lJc lIanente,1 by the,sald Im- lleSRctl valuation or tllI'I real e!'tate, . C;ov~~~Y~:~;1 wr~c~I~'r~~~rlfo:fol~:I~cg ~~f~u~~~rr'~[ al~~;3;~:~~tihew~~~~~ descrlhed prollcrty: allou Inst 1.1acc.1 111)011 It ror the ,__.._.____~__. Hlock:i I, .c, r:. G, fl, 10, II, 12, purposes or general taxation to- 1:1 :lIld 1-1; Lota 1 to G InclulIlve. ~cther with a dla~rnm or print ami 10 to 18 Inclusive, In blnck 2j showing thereon the lots. tracts. :~~~ J tt:; l~ 1~:~i~';I~~O l~l rii~oc~ l~: ~:t:'I~}~s :tllla~~l ~~e~I~N~erb~~~li~i~fJ ..~ nIl In Pll~et Sound CooperaU\'e there b)', nnd the estimated amount eolon)"s SulJllh.lsloni l..otll Ii to :r. of tlH' eont nnll el;J1en!le ot tho said Inclusive In block 3 and lots 10 Iml>rO\'Oment to be i,)orne by ench to I" Inclu!!l\'c In hlock 2 of Caln's lot trnct, parcel ot land or other _ ____.__~~____ Ruhdh'lslon of Suhurball Lot :\G: J>rl;pertv. . I ~~t~dl~I:I~n~\:::g~u:'rfo Oll~~[~ll\~: nn~a:1:~e~))b},U~f,e C~~K)'o~()~hT;Sr~~~ -- --. ~f(JcI~~n~t nn:t ... ~~O~';ko S~~~V~~(:::: dny of JlIll(>'V.19~. I1EDJUCK, _1. ~ti~;;~e SoUcb~~r'i:rr':~~l; ):hcCr~~e~?8 ~Jg: ATTEST: c. ~aYS[iIELDS. 1 division; blocks 123, 124, 128 and City Clerk. 129 of D, 'V. .MorRe'R Subdlvh~lon; ~\J1pro\'ed as to rorm: blocks 1 to '" lncludve of West- l~ewls & Church, flhal's Su City j\tlorneys. of London Description approved: urhnn lot I : Tholt. 'V. OWf!n, City Englneer. 1:12 or T. ,V. Dale or Publication: Juno 17, 18, i~.?Z/~~f~/tf-//-/.z~ ~d~ ~~.-/d6-7"""~ :;;.- f I- I 'd '" ~ , -'" ~ '7 ~ 'q> ~ :-._- 't.. 2' ~ ~ ~ , f i::- r ~ r- ----I 179