HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/1937
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
July 9, 19:07
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The ~ommission met pursuant to adjournment at 4 !l.m. and "as called to order by Mayor
Davis. Roll call showed the followin~ officers present: Mayor uavis. Commissioners
Renson and ],lasters and Deputy Jle'k. J. .i:. Law.
The matter of the improvement of 8 th Street from Race 3treet "est to Lincoln ....t!.eet.
and from the ';'fe"t en4 of iumVlater Creek Bridfe ';Iest to "C" :Street. "C" Str~et "rom 81''1
!' Street South to the boulevard. thence westerly along the Boulevard to "M" Street, and
Ennis Street from First Street to the Olympic Forest Produ~ts COm!lany Mill. and 8th
Street .Iest from Lineoln Street to t.'1e "'as': end of ~a lley vreek Bridge and from the West
end of Valley Creek Bridee to the "'sst end of Tumwater Creel: Bridge, came up for furth"r
consideration and it appearing that tfiat the proposed improvem"nt tov.eth~r with the
[resolution providing for same had been approved by the State Highway Dcparcment to be
known as City Street Project No.1. City of Port ^ngeles.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Jity Cl~k be instructed to issue a call
'j' for bids in the Daily Journal of Jommerce of tleattle am the Port l\ngeles E"eni;16 News
for t!le construction of the said improvement. said bids to b", opened Jul~' 21, 19:37. at
10 A.I.!. and not later. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members
voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
IThere being no further business the Comrnis'Jion then adjourne~
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Deputy City Clerk M~yor