HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/1947 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 359 ~ "... ."".."M"~m__ ""n.. "no _ Jllly_jL, 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of officers shm1ed the follffi1ing present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and J?hnson, Attorney Wilson, I and 'Clerk Law. ,; Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications Building Permits: ~5(}/){) Ed Hemstead 11. Leonard Hsloh W. H'. Rand F. E. Ridgway Peterson & Crever IE. C. Steele 'Holl Stark Kedrick Randall , A. R'. Anderson q ;<S Licehses: ;J-- () I ' Vernon S. Behymerr Zelma Williams Beauty Shoppe, , Pershing Hotel 'Palace Tavern w n [I 11 II I Shamrock Tavern fl" "1 n " P. A'. Poster Adv. Co. Kenny's Second Hand Store for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Build 2 car garage, Lot 17, Blk 14, P.S.C:C" Move house to E~ Lot l~ & 13, Blk. 198, Townsite Move house to Lot 5, Elk 3, Williams & Cramer, Build 5 room dwelling, Lot 20, Blk. 107, Townsite Build 5 room dr,elling, Lot 6, Blk. 192, Townsite Remodel dwelling, Lot 1 Blk. 160, Towneite Add utility room, Lot 50, Blk. 140, Remodel, Lot 7, Elk, 121, Townsite Build garage, Lot 14, Block 91, Tovmsite Massage & tfuscle Conditioner, 2 beauty chairs Hotel - 19 rooms 2 Amusement Machines 1 Music l1achine Soft Drink 2 Amusement I,~chines- Restaurant Soft Drink 1 !lusic Machine Bill Beard Poster Second Hand Dealer 3 Months i 500.00 6000.00 I 1000.00 I 5000 .00 5000.00 , 500 .00 250.00 500.00 300.00 6.25 2.00 19.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 , 48".00' 12'.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 15.00 Under the head of unfinished business, the City Attorney reported that care of parking strips and private property is required by existing Ordinances now in effect. It was decided that the Garbage Dept. will report I property and parking strips needing attention to the 1'ol1oe Dept., wh~ch will notify the property oymers as I' I to Ordinance requirements. I Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property b;r the C~ty, the following !(esolution was introduced: Demetrio Cudanes Lot 6, Block 256, Townsite of Port Angeles, lIt was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the i by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. The t.lotion carried. I 'The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and :Current ExpenselllFund: 171>7.71 r P. A. Evening , ews Publications & reports ,I Olympic Stationers File & Beok 'I Epperson & Sons LlL'llber, Screws, Lock City Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage, St. Lights, Fire Hydrants II City Street Dept. Mechanical Labor 'Hazel's Cafe' Meals for prisoners :Washington State Penitentiary Traffic Signs Automotive Parts Service Car Parts'; Viray & Raber seat Cover R. O. Ide Car mileage - June Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service Tide water Associated Oil Co. Gasoline & Oil 'Doyms Auto Electric Radio Supplies The Converse Co. Contact Fingers Willson Hardware Co. Dept. Supplies Howard - Cooper Corp 2 body guard coa ts ~ Street ~: Jf2./;7./'" I Crown Zellerbach Corp. I Willson Hardware Co. P. A. Concrete Products Co~ Tide Water Associated Oil Co. I p, A A:otors Automotive Parts Service Epperson & Sons ,Vf. D. Hense Western Asphalt Co. V,rater fund: 'f'f7.33 Oi ty Street Dept. Hooker Eledtrochemical Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Seattle PlumbingSupply Co. J. VI. Caven 'P. A. Concrete Products CD. Surplus Property, Revolving Fund IILight F\=1. 15; 4~ 1.. '14 City Street Dept. , II Clallem Co. PUD District No. 1 Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Olympic Stationers I Tri-County Typewriter Co. IUnited Janitor Supply Co. r. R. HathawaY Line Ma te rial Co. i 100.00 I :1 property sold. Seconded I I saJ$: I ordered T<arrants issued in payment of the Changing Pump on Waste Liquor System, Valves, Flanges Suppliea Bipe Gas & oil Switch Supplies, tools and hardware Lumber turn 4 brake dru.~$ Plant Ilix Service, gas & oil Chlorine Valve Fittings Fittings 5erv.iee Boxes Fire pump trailer Truck repair Power for June Gas Sup~lies Service Supplios Filing saws Hardware 41.65 23.18 8.05 1116.93 34.90 43.52 46.08 6.61 5.41 28.91 12.55 170.31 149.73 2.93 ?26 59.9? 89.95 21.19 20.60 261. 71 ~ .41 186.08 II 5.41 5.15 36?? ,10 I 46.58 I 35.35 I 109.88 8.26 .?O 16.07 252.'19 19.25 I 14,157.00 37.92 2.58 49.14 28.18 5.86 " 57.04 I 'I I ~ r360 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 9, 1 19A2- Light ~ Continued, Alleman Mill & Supply Co. General Electric Supply Co:-p. G. & W. Fire Service II Westinghouse Electric Supply Corp Sanitation FUnd: 105. 'II AI Lamoureu;Z-- Tide'Water Associated Oil Co. : Street Dept. , Loray Jagger City Treasurer Park' Fund: :z 'I j., ;H Willson Hardware Q::. Cherry Hill Florist City Street Dllpt City Treasurer City FUel Co. , Parking ~ !!:. ~ Control FUnd: "lifray & Raber '1.$~ Willson Hardware CD. L. I~ D. General FUnd: P:- ii: EVening NewS- '1.'1' gemetery FUnd: ity'Street Dep1l. 'l.S'D Preservative Meters, lights Gharge fire extinguisher Transformers & Sockets Brake Fluid Oil Gas & Oil Car mileage - June Water Tools & Hardware Plants Gas, Oil, Service Light, Water, Garbage Oil Dup. Key Bolts, Bit. Publications Gasoline There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. ~B~. (j Clerk ~ t.C?J/I\ ?,~~ Mayor 166.87 627.02 2.83 5J:0.99 3.91 9.58 75.48 14.84' 1'.60 I 19.15 16.75 59.16 129.14 li8.15 I .36 4.22. 4.41 4.50 .f'\.", I 'I I