HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/09/1951 ,....---- 146 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 9. 195.~_ m'.""..".."""""..'"......,,,."'..~ The Connnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feoley, Officers present were: Ma,yor Feeley, Connnissioners Robinson and Ta,ylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. I Min)ltes of the previous session were read and approved, Under the head of applications for building permits and lioense renewals, the following were granted: ~, Building Permits: 17(}OO- Dale R. Peterson Remoael Store; E. I' of Lot 6, & W 49' of Lot 5, Blk. 16, N,R.Smith Add. Johp Douglas Construct Concrete Block Residence; Lots 17-18, Blk. 119, Townsite 0" '-- 7,000.00 10,000.00 Licenses: -2/.:<. Win,Isor Hotel Street Shop Fountain Street Shop Fountain Port Angeles Recreation Port Angeles Recreation Porl Angeles Poster Mv. Theres a's Beauty Shop Co. Hotel Operator Restaurant Music Machine 10 Bowling Alleys 5 Pool Tables Billboard Poster Beauty Operator 12.00 12.00 12.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 1.00 Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was received from F. O. Fountain in amount of $325.00 for one, lot, 50' by 140', described as Tax No. 292, and being a portion of Suburban Lot, No. 31 of the Townsite of port Angeles. It was moved by Mayor Feely that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted ~ye. Motion carried. Compdssioner Taylor spoke regarding Fourth Street improvement and specifications for the si\llle, informing that the specifications call for the City making available the aggregate for improvement, and it is the opinion of the Engineer that rock can be furnished without extra cost to property owners. Connnissioner Robinson advised that the Street Fund could not furnish rock wi thout charge, thereby depleting the Fund, and, if the rock is furnished for one improvement, it would be expected by all. Also that the Fund should not, be depleted for one area and none left for the rest of the City, After further discussion, it was agreed by the Connnission that the aggregate could be used for improvements and it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Street Department should be re-imbursed for cost of the material. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The, Connnission again considered a petition by K. O. Erickson for vacation of portions for "R~ "Q," and 22n\1 Streets, and recommendations of the Planning Board regarding the same. It was moved by, Ma,yor Feeley that the Attorney be instructed to proceed with proper details for the requested vacation. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor informed he is meeting with the County Connnission regarding sewer district and connectione, the, meeting to be held Monda,y, July 16, at 7:30 P.M. at the Court House. Under the head of new business, the report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of ~, showing $~,367.50 fineS collected, was approved and ordered filed. Mrs. Wm, Wenner and others appeared regarding the Campfire Girls Clubhouse, and ownership of the same. Attprney Trumbull informed that he has examined records without much results and conveyance of property to the City shows no particular restrictions. That by oral understanding the Campfire Girls Club was permitted to build the Clubhouse and use the land. Mrs. 1,enner presented a letter from former l~a,yor W. B. Headrick stating that Mrs. Webster had appeared before the Connni6sion and did receive permission for building the Clubhouse. Attorney Trumbull further informed that no clear, distinct and established agreement exists and the City owns both land and building. It was also his opinion that if the City desires to convey property, or enter into agreement for lease, it is extremely unlikely the procedure will be challenged. The Attorney advised that the Commission request the Park Board to submit reco~~ndations. It was then moved by Y~or Feeley that the City convey the clubhouse to the Campfire Girls, subject to the Park Board approval. Seconded by Commissioner T~lor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following wa6 placed on first and second reading' ORDINANCE NO. ~ An Ordinance stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Ma,yor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Connnissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Connnission examined and approved the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: I iJ fj" ~f Statewide City EJnp.. Retire. System Olympic Stationers James Hardware Co. City Shop Dept. Bussing Office Supply City Treasurer Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Richfield Oil Corp. Fitchard I s Ass. Service Olympic Printery Electric Co. Taylor Heating & Plumbing R. O. Ide Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Willson Hardware Co. Automoti ve Parts Service Mine Safety Appliances Co. Tower Super Service 00 following claims and ordered warrants issued in pa,yment of same: Administrative Costs Blue Print Plumb Axe Gas, Oil, Repairs Pencils, Office Supplies Pen Fillers, Stamps, Box Rent Gas ~\otor Oil Car Repairs Supplies Repair to Light Repair to Heating System, etc. Car Mileage for June Phone Services Spot Remover, Supplies Pipe Chemox Canister Oxygen, Acetylene 759.04 .57 3.61 31.691 6.62 12.51 3.00 13.04 16.33 1.75 3.35 30.52 21. 21 74.001 45.20j 12.551 41.40j 22.401 I 377.001 1 ANJJ.1AL CONTROL FUND: 371 - Clallam County Humane Society Dog & Cat License6, Pound Fees, Budget Approp. ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington n ~ ",,,. "M "",,,. m'..". .,,,,,"' ..... ..... I CITY STREET FUND: 95/3:3 Howard Cooper Corp. City Shop Dept. I Luvaas Tire Retread Service 1 City Water Dept. , Al'lI\l" & Navy Store , Willson Hardware Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. CITY SHOP FUND: Jos?O Tower Super Service Middleton Motor Parts Luvaas Tire Retread Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Tide Water Ass. Oil Co. , Taper Oil Burner CO. I' Automotive Parts Service ~ <f . '.,rATER FUND: /f;2~ ~ Olympic Printery City Light Dept. Paci1'icTel. & Tel. Co. Hazel Wickersham Port Angeles Evening News Tooker Motor Frt. Luvaas Tire Retread Service Bow 'Lake EquIpment Co. City Shop Dept. Will'son Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Rockwell Mfg. Co. . Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. I Nailor Lumber Co. I DobS'On Electri c Co. I Owens Bros. Roberts & Nels on ,LIGHT FUND: 1/37- I Olympic Printery Olympic Stationers I Bussing Office Supply Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. F & L Service I ility Shop Dept. I Fitchard's Ass. Service ! Luvaas Tire Re-tread Service The Texas Co. City Water Dept. I T~lor Heating & Plumbing Co. i United Janitors Supply Co. I Olympic Electric Co. i General Electric Supply 60rp. Graybar Electric Co. Willson Hardware Co. Oscar Winters Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Clallam Co. P.U.D. No.1 , Line Material Co. \ Seattle Radio Supply Co. 2..~ .<:t 11 SANITATION FUND: /77- City Shop Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Middleton Motor Parts :2./ J1l1y 9t.hJ r.nntinuedJ Disc, Bearing Gas, Oil, Diesel Fuel, Repairs Repairs Galv. Pipe 5 Gal. Gas Cans Rope, Shovels, Rake Service 3540 Pipe Oxygen, Acetylene, Parts Parts & Labor Tire, Tube, Repairs Rod, Mirror Di esel Fuel Nozzle Parts Office Supplies Lights at Reservoirs Phone Service Refund Tap Fee Adv. Frt. Tires Cable Gas, Oil, Repairs Hardware Paint Repsir Meters Cement, etc. Hardware & Paint Belt Clamps Shop Work Office Supplies Blue Prints, etc. Office Supplies Phone Service Wash Car Gas, Oil, Repairs Tire, Tube Repairs, Tube Oil Water at Sub-stn. Repair Plumbing Cleaner Lamps .Meters Meters Hardware Filing Saws Plier Handles, Switch Insulators Fus e Links Tubes Gas, Oil, Repairs Tolls on 4494 Brake Fluid PARK FUND: 10 J ' City Light Dept. Labor, Changing Lamps City Shop Dept. Gas, Oil, Repairs Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Services 5288, 3851 City ~Iater Dept. Galv. Pipe Angeles Millwork & Lbr. Co. Plastic Screen, Molding Angeles Pittsburgh Paints Stain & Brushes City Treasurer Filing Fee, Elks Memorial Pla,yfield PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 10 '1:7 James Hardware Co. Machine Bolts City Shop Dept. Gas I CEMETERY FUND: 'f <jS I City Shop Dept. 3 J i L. I. GENERAL FUND: J - I Olympic Printery There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Gas, Oil Paper 1:- aw. r ","'rn, .,.., ""'DJ.'1I. City Clerk tl~i(i:'( ~:TIIi.'-',,~.r-r;~~~~I~.i,~;l'nb~hf; ~:...~,1~1 I,f I.orl, ..r IIIl' f'lly lIf PUf'[ "'Uf.-I..", n.'l.~hln::;lnl1_ Ill'll lal~,' th:1l1 1'1'111) :~.t:~~~?;r:};'?\;;i~~~:i:;;:i~~ ;'::~:~"::::I~\T~;'il;l\P'S 111,> rf~ljl t" .h.'Jed ,I I.> 1,\\\', r'1t,. C!"I"I;'.. l'I.II,;!I.-lluJ; Jul.)' 1a, 0:0. 1:1:'1. o S. tl I{ 1471 19-5L 25.23 839.50 30.03 3.68 9.27 28.59 9.37 5.56 59.34 26.11 22.28 1.16 113.22 2.58 81. 01 21. 79 5.65 52.36 14.00. 28.0B 1.43 25.09 21.82 761. 29 3~25 13.73 34B.87 94.08 20.14, 1.35 3.71 4.00 95.58 1.18 2.68 7.77 2.06 219.85 21.88 12.67 6.23 3.00 54.26 19.70 87.54 169.96 169.96 7.78 5.00 47.65 140.00 15.76 46.71 152.48 20.05 4.73 17.68 42.79 16.86 6.40 4.04 13.94 1.50 3.86 6.61 4.45 , 3.81 ? llu o '- Q.v!;Mt Ma,yor ....