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Minutes 07/10/1917
Proceedings of Cil)' Council of Ilw Cily of Pori Angeles, Wusl,inglon 191'1- ... .. ~uv...~-:&~'-""" .:-'~""" ---L.~ 0-",-.7: 3 t e-'&~ ~. \n. ~ ~ ~\:.c~~\,,~ f'_""> ~.d.~-;&,"",.___ ___ . ....~c~.~ ~~~~ \~'-""-~--"~~r-~~"-~~' ~.;.&~" \-+c-~. 2,.;~~,.\)~~\.. ~,. ~<n).-.~ ~~.:."",.~~.At\~ k,(.:,-,-~.,. ~\ o\~~~~~'-~"" ~.&~~,,,, - -\"i\,(....~'-'-..A ~~"'-~~'''''''_~J'-:~~''''' ~''"''''--\ (J..," ~. . -- ~,:\5.,,- ~ ct. ~~~ ~~\J"N"\.,'~~ ~ ~'-~ ~~'-'" . - ~ ~-~ ~'-'-\'~~ ~->-.1A,\~""'\ ("",,\,-.i"\.'-\,'~ ,~~~.\t..\w. ~~ '-CS'-."'"'--~0... '\..-:.~ ~~ "'-'-'--\'''i''~''''''''\\.'\.~<J-"" '6.~'~.~ v\., \,-I..'-"-'-'S-.~ __ no !Lv... ~,;,;~""-'-'-",-,--,---\;"''''-''-~~ -to--. .l>...~~~ I..."-~..L-.,':::;, \:).~ ~~,\'-,o""--'<'~:-'\..1.n . t.+",-"-' ~-.s.:0\ ~~ ~ n~' .:4-~ 'c\- ~ .J..,-\~."'tc '0.", ~\ ~"."'- ~ J ~-t&\ ~"'-~ S../l"\.~ ~ ~_~""-~ ~~ '1 ,,~\......~fl~ -~ _~,\~~"wA (l...~'t\"-,,.J '--""-~~~~"'-'""^' "'- \--""-~ "ld\\'6....J...~ ~'--.....,~ ~~~ J:''l 'to ~C"-'-~\" ...1 A-cl~\...~ ..N<.,- ~"-'--"'--~ ~\~ i:oo..""~...-..\.. ~....~.... .-\Y.,-" ~\;..~ ~ c\ "L\ I~. ~~ 1'-1 0 .~~ _-...-..<:"-."'D,,,,,-,,,--,,-",,-~ C:N'-~"'~ P&~) 'H. "p( Jv\~ <:>-.......<\ ~"'...0i~ 13t tc "-- \'-.~~ ""'- U~ "'~"\h 3.....:..-..-"\"\s.~ '"'....,.:.~~ ~ ~ 1..'1, -\\~ ~"-'~\-.. I ~<;\,.'tRw:s\-. '-'-''''"'\.\\.~~'-'''- \'\.~:s.. '-~ I . ~~ .).,.;t." Y Ikm...l. f:.. c-'\ ...N.~.. ~6-..~ 1 j t, -tw..V\..,--,,-- ~"\...:~ ",--,...J'-_S-c-~. 5; 'i .3. :l. ~ \.~~~"-"<--~ ).".Ax-wJi ~ ~~ }l.:, tc. ~-->., \.;...,'-"'-.....~~ o\-~'-~ .A.\~~<\~~~"\ll.\'n~-......~,~ Vv..o...'-'-\n.d...~"^-,,- \..:..~ ~~~co-.,'r\o . 5 1 ~.:.""'~ "-,,, Sl..N-...~~\."":'L"\ ~'4:c-... ~~ 'r--",~-:"""c.\...~,,-d ~~\ . "'~,~~~c-... 1,:,,- ~\s.... ')..~ ~~~~ ~""... 'IJ..", .'r-"~~~ \m ~~~ '~~-:"""'-"-.0~~~ ~ ~.,""'~~ ~ ..'0-~"'-L"'~ ~ ~\~\". _ -.1 ~~~"^-'--'-- o......c\.L~~~~ .~~~ {o-... \..~ ~"'~"''-'--...~ ~ .~~ ~.~~ t~\ ~ ~~~C'-~~ov'- ~~~ ~ \0 I ~,'"~~~ ~ ~~..!~, .\\(K~, ~~\.~---U~\ IQ\Y\-t\-, ~ ~,\..1\f \:-., .1'\ ~ ~.. _\<.~ -t--CNn .~ v~ ~ at :U~..L~ 'i\~ "to ~ f"""-~~o\'~~~..~'-..1~ ~ ~~OJ'I\~~-\~ ~ 1\9.'\5, ~ "\ ~"'-\.~ . -~ ~~<:s_~"'-"N.. '" ~ -^=.h.,.~ '1\0. 50 ~ ~. (~ Q.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~\ f'-~. ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~\ ~~\'-'-.\! ~~ ~~-~~ ~..\'~~~i"'-~~~~~~ ~""'<>'~~I ~~~'\,.,~""^ .,<,--~~ '-""- '""-~ dv-:~-~~.\,-~~~ ~~ """,M.... " a\."~~ ~~ ~-ov...~". ~ . _ .... "~ .~ ..~~ ~k....~\0'-~.\'~'r'^0\..~\.~. .~A~\ ~ I ~\5n ...t\~ :\:o.15~ -.i~\ ~C\ ..~OUA~"""\.\ J.t~ +OW\ ~~ i~.'to o....~ 'So ~_WU-\. 0\ .......~ ~, ~ ~~'\ QJv\.t\.~\ ~ ~~\ ..~ ~ ~ ~ Cl-.I:..'-\n.~O"~.~ ~ .~'\,..~~ ~ .~\'^~~ ~..~~~-~"-'M ~~~'-~~ ~\h~ ~~.~~~~~. \J-v-~ ~.~~~~~~~~Q-~cr.., ~t\.~~ ~ :~ ~~_.~\..~ ~~ ~+u..~..cu,~ "'-\"W'>\ ~H'0"~~~ ~~ ~~.....'t.. .___...._____, .---... .-- ~-. .._H.___.... .,. ... -'--'~'''''.''--'''''''--'-'---'''--'-'--'---'' ,._--..~---,------~_..- -"-'.--" - _.'--'~'--""'-".'--"----"-"------~ -.--,...-.----. -'---'-~-"'- ---- "'.'..,,.. ...- .. .--