HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/10/1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Jul V 10. 1940 19_ ""'Ill 183 I I J I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.H. and was called to order b.l' M8yor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk nawkins. <'he minutes of the previoue session were read and approved. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution >ffiS introduced: RESOLUTI CI, WHEREP.S, 'Ihe City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following desc:-ibed real property, having acquired the seme b.l' Treasurer's deed, dated April 19, 1940, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remington's Revised statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-wit: Lot Seventeen (17), Block One Hundred Nbety-three (195) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallarn County, Washington, and WHERE.!.S, Louis Johnson has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of ~155.OC, payable as follows: $50.00 as a down payment and $10.00 on or before the 10th day of August, 1940, and $10.00 on or before the 10th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in- full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the bala:1ce due and paid with the monthly installme:1t, and WHERE~,S, The City Connnission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the, offer is fair VAlue and at this time it is the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said a.-fer be accepted and that the City of Port. Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Louis Johnson for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other v61id liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to tho purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the Ci.ty of Port. Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in fUll. Under ~he head of Applications 'for Building Permits and Licenses the fcllowing were gr~nted: It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Coinmis sioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The lJa:ror declared the motion carried. B. S. Gillmor, Remodel Log Cabin Tavern, Brown Drug Store Brickie's Place Palllce of Sweets Street Shop ~a :-inc D::-i ve Lunch 13 (; M Grocery City Drug Co. Horne Grocery Fisher's Pharmacy Es sen Rooms Nonvay Rooms New Home Rooms Windsor Hotel re~5::ing Hotel Patterson Hotel Log Cabin Tavern The Marina The Rayonier Cafe Ha bit Cleaners L. R. Farrell Rayonier Cafe Little Brick Tavern The Shamrock The Do;;' ::ouse The Dew-Drop Inn Washington Cafeteria House, Lot 15, Block 72, Townsite Soft Drink Hotel, 12 Rooms n 10 7 10 16 6 Automatic Music Uachine l.()c~.tion ~.r.lUsement l:!~chine n n " Cleaning and Pressing Distributor's funusement Game Location P.musement Game fl II n 250.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 16.00 6.00 J.2.oo 21.00 24.00 6.00 1250.00 48.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 The matter of the application of Barbara Leighton for a license for the Star Roo~s was taken up by the COJllldssion. Protests against issuing the license were made by the City Attorney and the Chief of Police, therefore the matter of granting the license wes held in abeyance by the Commission. The Commission exaJlQned and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURP.EI1T EXPENSE FUND H. H. B'"etle Port Angeles Evening News Quick Print Tidewater Associated Oil Co. City Treasurer City Light Dept. Cit:; Treasurer Hooker's StoraEe Garage Ci ty Trea suror n n Expense Account Publications Envelopes Cas Cash Advanced Office R~nt Street Lights Gas WPA Light and Water Bills Light & Water for City Barn Service Sewer Pipe, etc. Pipe Cement, etc. rIa rd.wa re Lettering at Civic Park Cash P.dvanced Lumber Paint, etc. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. n " II II ~ngeles Gr.,el & Supply ~o. Willson Hardware Co. Thos. H. ':;uptill City Trea surer Epperson & Sons Johns on & Bork 7.10 73.71 8.16 41. 75 2.00 50.00 565.10 1.00 14.80 2.69 3.50 55.17 96.90 60.78 19.49 7.65 .60 31.42 6.64 ~ .. July 10, 1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 184 19_ T_~ .. ...-n. ....TnJI. aUT''''""!. P"ITEPS,: 110.00 All[;'eles Gravel & Supply Co. Pacific Telephone &. Telegraph Co. City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & TGlegr9ph Co. n II II It Lumber, etc. Service Money Advanced Service D & B Battery & Electric Statio:! Tideweter Associated Oil Co. The GrRnge Warehouse Co. Union Oil Co. City Treasurer QoTJS Johns City Trea su rer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. La rrick I s Cafe Tidewater Assodated Oil Co. R. O. Ide George's Service Station Sandison's Bakery Pacific Manifolding Book Co. n Emblem &Mfg. Co. Johnson & Bark V. A. SaI:Ouelscn & ~o. Harold Hibbs Plumbin!! & Heating Co. Jemes Hardware Co. - I J ames Hardware Co. StGte Treasurer Walkling Motor Co. Hooker Storage Garage Evening News Press D & B Battel"J & Electric Station Remington Rand, Inc. Union Oil Company The Texas Co. Shop Work Gas Spray, etc. Gasoline Light &. Water at Fire Hall Special Police Cash A rlvanced Service Meals for Prisoners Gas Expense Account Repairs Buns Tra.:' fic Tickets Junior Patrol Buttons, Frame RepBirs Faucet Hard'/fare u Ind In s & Med Aid Ignition Switch Plate and Labor Light Globes Supplies Shap Work Cabinet Gasoline ill'il CITY STREET FUND City Treasurer Epperson & Sons S. S. Caryl Wa shington Saw Filing Co. FrBnk V~cdonald & Sons Johnson &. Dork Willson Hardware Co. Automotive Parts Service Gils Welding & Forge Works Middleton Motor Parts 11 Cash Advanoed Lumber Car Wash Filing Saw Machine lrork Paint, eta. Hardwa re Repair Parts Shop Work Part s Angeles. Gra7el & Supply Co. 11 11 11 n II LUJ:lbeT, eta. Hardware, etc. Lumber GasJ etc. Grease Gasoline Hose Street Signs Parts Ind Ins &. Med Aid Tidewater Associated Oil Co. The Te xa8 Co. Union Oil Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. Charles.R. Watts &. Co. Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. State Treasurer WATE~ F"uND City Light Dept. .. 11 0 Office Rent Lightsat R"servoir Gasoline Union O:il ~o. Associated Oil Co. Mike Conrad ~iddleton Motor Parts Co. n n II Hauling Pipe Tools, etc. Truck Repairs Cups Service illmber Shafts Gas & Oil Sand, Cement, eta. Sewer Pipe Tools, eta. n n Angeles Co-operative Crea~ery Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Filion Mill Go. Loop Auto Wreckir,g Co. Demps ey 8, Bourrn Angeles Gravel &. Su;JPly Co. Port Ar~eles Concrete Products Co. Willson Hard~arJ Co. James Hardware C04 Evening News Inc. Gil's Welding & Forge Works Purmaid Da iry Grinnell Compa ny Hooker Electroche~ical ~o. Charles R. Watts Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. " tI II II II P.dvertising Shop Work Rent for July Couplings Chlorine Signs Pipe Saddle, etc. Vents State Tax IndIns state Treasurer II LIGHT FUND City Wat.er Dept. , Pacific Telephone & ielegraph Co. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Water at Store Service l'ools Dry Cells ~ /~~ 3! I' ~ 'V - n ) ) J.-~ ~ rt -- 77.40 4.70 7.50 .50 8.45 59.64 43.81 1.02 17.80 22.81 10.00 .75 5.75 64.97 54.76 20.55 17.130 7.54 19.63 4.40 .41 5.06 2.52 15.11 3.72 22.26 1.45 .56 1.55 8.85 52.12 50.66 7.85 I I 13.75 2.04 5.57 1.02- 9.69 159.05 4.08 7.75 1.55 15.45 18.22 15.80 20.45 40.52 54.67 19.28 24l. 51 8.93 424.26 16.92 5.97 6.67 15.46 1-. 25.00 2.47 25.28 34.55 28.00 10.52 14.59 2.96 4.25 15.35 5.06 l.5B 57.68 15.61 14/45 15.40 5.00 23.46 40.00 11.19 14.86 17.05 4l.21 156.47 521.15 29.54 I I 2,.01 50.65 5.06 .92 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 10. 1940 19_ ..... 185 I .1 'I I I R. M. Morgan Christensen's nrcstone Store The Electric Co. Kelly & Devine Associated Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Richfield Station Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. United Seal Co. Puget Sound Power & Light. Co. Adcressograph Sales Agency Genera~ Electric Co. Line M~terial Co. n " Sanbo~ Map Company St.ete Treasurer cn:ETSliY FuND The Gr~nge Warehouse Fred Wescott LIIlR;,RY FUND .. City Treasurer J ennilu Norris Pacifi, Telephone & Telegraph Co. Washington Bindery A. N. Marq~is Co. Eldridge Entertainment HOlE e The H. .W. Wilson Co. M?cmillan Ccr:.":'::ln-,r Edw:n Allen C~",p~ny, The Puget Sour<i News Co. The Bookfinders Pf,RK FU:m 9ri&11.":;.<::::-Ll~ Sr~op Fran!, J::acdonald & Sons Angelr,s Gravel & Supply Co. Washineton S~r Filing Co. Willson Hardvm rc Co. City Treasurer fI f? Stf'te. Treasu...lJr CITYW;mE SIDEVIALj; CONSTHUCTI.91,-.E.!!M! tJltiel,S (h'e ,el " S'-'pply Co. 11 II II L.I.D. GUArlA:ITY rum Cit;y Tre9surer fl " J. M. Davis Lumber Tape Switch Tires Gasoline " Lubrica tion Meter Troughs Wire Seal Links June Power Bill Plates He-:ers Line Hardware Cut-outs Map Correction Business Tax Ind. Ins. {' / 15'{ Shovels, etc. Sharpen Lawn Mowers Ligl,t & Water Pet t~. Ca sh Service Binding Book j / ) ~., Rent of bande::" Labor & Material Cement Grinding Lgwn Mower Garbage Can Light & Water n II It Ind Ins Cer..ent Nails) etca Cem~nt Steel Lumber, eta. . ..f-~ / ej-.P" \ Taxes nUn/: Fee Insurance There being no further business thz Commission then adjourned. '91?nfJL~ City Clerk 7-f7,J-Y]~ Mayor 7.95 6.55 4.89 12.55 26.01 28.07 1.79 7.25 407.57 6.47 5819.50 5.01 220.59 80.16 52.10 28.00 770.12 7.84 , I ~ " 6.46 2.55 6.15 4.64 4.25 154.42 9.00 2.80 62.70 8.56 155.16 21."-7 4.3?, , '1,. 11/' P .22 5.55 .92 l.78 1.00 26.28 23.88 6.n 1294.4~ 41. 49 3.68 17:69 89.40 28.72 I., 125.41 0/ .90 ,'-I-v 15.75 ....