HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/10/1950 "'24 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 10, 19~0 "" . ....... ,,'m". .,..".... ,...,.... . .... .... .. 'IThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor pre~ent were: Mayor Feeley, Cornmissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Tl'1,Illlbull and ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. ,Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, tl)e following were granted: ,,0 Building Permits: -"~foo - . Earl Clark Ceiling Attic and Partitions; Lot 5, Elk. 341, Townsite ,Knute Dorum Build Doubld Garage; Lot 14, Blk. 109, Townsite J. H. Catlin fuild Addition to House; Lot 14, Elk. 429, Townsite Olympic milders Build Residence; Lot 26, and ,Lot 25, Blk. 4, Cains Sub. Lot 18 Frank Pollow Move House; Lot 5, Elk. 59, Norman Smith Add. John Partridge Build Garage; Lot 3, Blk. 260, Townsite Paul Gosselin Shingle Garage & Pour Slab; Lot 15, B~. 92, Townsite Daisy Noe Put Apartment in Existing BaselOOnt; SLots 8-9, Blk. 230, Townsite Charles Gallacci Build Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 342, Townsite 50 .'Licenses: ;p? _ lEd Vannausdle iEd Vannausdle :Robert C. Hannah ',Tinker I s Barber Shop Golden Gate Cafe 'Golden Gate Cafe [Golden Gate Cafe jTheresa I s Beauty Shop IGoldie's Sundries Spud nut Shop ISpudnut Shop !SPUdnut Shop ,Annex Hot el I'Tugboat Cafe Tugboat Cafe Tugboat Cafe Chicl{~s Marina Chick's Marina Birney's Drive-in Birney' s Drive-in Birney's Drive-in Birney's Drive-in Harbor Barber Shop Feeley. Officers Clerk Law. 500.00 500.00 400.00 8,000.00 800.00 SOO.OO 200.00 5,SOO.00 8,000.00 Second Hand Dealer Junk Dealer Journeyman Plumber Barber Shop Restaurant Soft Drink Music Machine Beauty Operator Soft Drink Restaurant Mus ic Machine Soft Drink Hotel Operator Restaurant Music Mach ine Soft Drink Restaurant Soft Drink Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Amusement Machine Barber Shop 15.00 25.00 .50 2.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 1.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 21. 00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 24.00 1.00 Renewal " "Under the head of unfinished l:usiness, the bid by J. M. Bruch Company to install concrete pipe in the canyon !at Ocean View Cemetery in amount of $2,518.75 was considered. It was moved .by Commissioner Taylor that the Ibid be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. ",11 voted Aye. Motion carried. \A copy of contract and agreement between the City and State Department of Highways, whereby the City will maintain traffic signals on Primary State Highway No. 9 and Secondary state Highway No. 9-A through the City, 'lwas ordered filed. ] :Attorney TrumbUll presented a letter from the office of the Attorney General informing that Fairbenks Morse.. Compeny request pennission to dismantle the diesel plant in preparation for shipment. It appearing agreeab'~e lwith the Attorney General that permission be granted, providing no parts of plant or equipment be removed I :until negotiations are definitely concluded, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the recommendation be lfollowed as in letter of request. J.!otion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor ,reported result of investigation regarding resolution whereby the City will r-ay a porti. oJ of cost of origin and destination survey conducted by the StAte, which will be paid from the 1951 budget. 1 i TRANSFER RESOLUTION AND REQUEST roR THE DmECTOR OF HIGHWAYS TO pERFORM CERTAIN YlORK Resolution No. Before the City Commission of Port Angeles, Washington IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Commission that the Director of Highways is authorized and directed to I make an origin and destination survey of local and through traffic on the streets of the City of Port Angeles at the expense of said City to the extent of one-fourth of the cost thereof, such cost to said City to be limited to the amount of Eighteen Hundred Fifty-three ($1,855.00) Dollars, and THE STATE AUDITOR IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED to reserve from monthly fuel tax allotments the above specified sum, being an amount not in excess of the money reasonable anticir-ated to accrue to the credit of the City of Port Angeles in the Motor Vehicle Fund during the current biennium; and Upon notice to said auditor from the Director of Highways that the aforesaid work has been completed, and a statement of cost has been furnished the City of Port Angeles of the cost of all labor, equipment, material, supplies, and engineering, the State Auditor is fUrther authorized and directed to effect reimbursement to the Department of Highways in the amount of such cost from the funds reserved, hmlever, not to exceed the above specified sum with any unexpended balance to be released to the City of Port Angeles and to be included in the next succeeding warrant covering fuel tax allotments; all in accordance with Section 11, Chapter 82 of the Session Laws of 1945. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the resolution be approved and copies returned to the State Highway Department. Motion seconded by Commissioner llobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission discussed the interest rate to be fixed in Ordinarce No. 1230 creating L.I.D. No. 155, as pes sed and adopted at the previous meeting. Mtorney Trumbull informed that Blyth & Co. have advised rate for bonds at not to exceed 4%, and that the penalty interest be fixed at 6%. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bond interest be fixed at not to exceed 4% and penalty interest at 6%. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Attorney Severyns again appeared requesting that an emergency be declared for protection of the Elwha water line intake. Attorney Troml:ull VIas instructed to draft an Ordinance providing for ths improvement. .... 1- I~ I" I" 25 ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July loth, continued, 19~ I I- .1 ..1 "'0" ."."...."......,,,.... .,."... ..... .... I Merrill Oakes also appeared regarding excavation at First and Laurel Streets for construction of a building} Attorney Trumbull advised that it is the responsibility of the property ovmer to furnish lateral support.. The matter was referred to the Commissioner of Streets and Engineers Department. - , I Emerson Lawrence, Civilian Defense and Disaster Co-Ordinator, reported on progress of his organization and , informed of an institute to be comucted at the University of -/(ashington Julj" 12, 13 for defense emergency. I Also suggested that the Police and fire Chiefs and any members of their departments should attend, if possible. Also all others interested. Mayor Feeley inquired as to whether or not traveling expense of Mr_. Lavrrence, as his representative, could be charged to traveling expense account in the Mayor's budget. Attorney Tmml:ull will check to ascertain if permissible. 1 ' . A representative of King Eros. Circus appeared, informing that King Bros. contemplate showing here in August. He informed that license fee is very high and out of line as charged qy other cities and requested I reduction in fee, if possible. It was moved and seconded that the Attorney check Ordinance am if no leewa apparent, fee as set must be collected. ' ~ Th~ Cornmission discussed a recent opinion of the Att~rney General regarding retirement o~ City employees. I The matter was referred to the Attorney. 1 Cornmissioner Taylor informed that it is necessary to call for bids as follows: gal~anized pipe and fittings, 'j relocation of Morse Creek water main at the slide area, pipe line from National Park to 9th Street, all for , the Water Department. Also a calculating machine and drafting machine for the Engineer's Department. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the calls for bids be published at the earliest possible date. I Seconded by Commissioner Hobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Cornmission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in paymant of same: 30 3//3 - CURRENT EXPENSE l'VND: Howard-Cooper Corp. Ed. B. Taylor Evening News Press Bussing Office Supply Olympic Stationers R..O. Ide Hazel's Cafe Dobson Auto Electric Headrick Repe ir Vloodie's Harley llividson Puget Sound Stamps Works Middleton Motor Parts Co. ,D & B Battery & Electric Stn. i Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Luvaas Firestone Service , G & L Paint Supplies Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Nailor Lumber Co. Smith Ice & Bottling Works Angeles Building Center i Howard-Cooper Corp. Johnson & Bark · Hibbs Plwnbing & Heating I Angeles Machine & Yielding Works rLincoln Welding Thompson Studio James W. Caven Irwin & Johnson Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Radio Service Appliance Co. .Olympic Electric Co. i Graybar Electric Co. ?{ 1CITY STREET FUND: .3 72 - D & B Battery & Electric Stn. i Middleton Motor Parts Co. I. Dobson Auto Electric MciJahan Fuel Co. Olympic Stationers I Nailor Lumber Co. Angeles BUilding Center Crown Zellerbach Corp. IPort Angeles Concrete Products :VrATER l'VNlJ: .( 0 1ft, ~f ! City Treasurer .Remington Rand, Inc. 'ICity Light Dept. pt. Angele s Evening News H. T. Swanson Motor Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. j Peninsula Machine Shop ITmck & Equipment Co. . The Texas Co. I Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. \WillSOn Hardware Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. James Hardware Co. l'Remington Rand, Inc. 2=> I LIGHT JiUND: .( 7(.. 'f- Olympic Printery Pacific Tel. &- Tel. Co. I Truck & Equipment Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. jJalliSh ~'otor Co. Hose Expense Acct. Reprints of City Legal Office Supplies Office Supplies Car Mileage for June Meals for Prisoners Locate Broken Wire in Gen. Car Repairs 5 Dup. Keys Repair Stapler Parts, Tool, Hdwe, etc. Cable & Bolts Parts Tire Reps irs Paint Supplies Lumber, Cutting Lumber Paper Towels Turpentine, Myratec Turnout Clothing Paint and Supplies Fittings Bolts \'Ielding Pictures Plumbing Supplies Repair of Sirene Laundry Phone Plug Wire, F1.ttings, etc. Fittings, Globes, Electric 2,580.17 110.19 5.09 54.94 14.13 51.64 141.27 5.55 53.63 1.08 1.63 82.69 1.55 8.34 25.01 10.75 .46 1.97 11.55 5.49 12.55 56.07 1.45 1.49 2.06 16.48 15.71 27.27 21.B1 .41 15.22 65.87 System Supplies Co. Parts Parts, Hose, Brake Fluid 1 GaL Prepsol 1 Sack bmithing Coal Stapler, Staples, Clips Lwnber Lumber, etc. Lime Sewer Pipe, etc. 15.15 51. 7B 5.09 2.42 6.23 5.49 91. 59 141.65 77.56 Cash for Postage 'F'ile Cards Light at Reservoirs Actv. Part s Battery Iron Iron GllS and Oil Concrete, etc. Supplie s Pipe and Fittings Sprinklers Equipment 61. 60 5.10 5.89 28.08 1.60 15.45 4.20 5.92 14.42 268.94 12.27 29.89 2.47 1,590.83 Supplies Phone Ilepairs Repairs Repairs 6.59 11.13 13.59 25.21 12.88 and Oil ~ ,.. 26 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington fLIGHT FUND, conttinued: IRichfield Oil Corp. Samuelson Motor Co. ITower Super Service lEugene E. Williams IMiddleton Motor Parts Co. [City Water Dept. ,Olympic Electric Co. 'Nailor Lumber Co. . ,lHarris & Schuller r1Yillson Hardware Co. f,IfestinghOUSe Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co, Hoyd's Wood Specialties r\Jeosral Electric Supply Corp. Remington Hand, Inc. I c} SANrrAl'ION HfND, f 3 - I'Middle ton Motor Parts Co. CiW Treasurer IEarl Davids on I. oP ~PARK }liND: ~ 7,{ - 'City Treasurer ~Allan Dist. Co. 'City Fuel Co. ~James Hardware Co. iThompson's Service ,'PARKING 11ETER & TRAFFIC CONTROl RiND: /2 Nailor Lumber Co. 'Jame s Hardware Co. 'City Treasurer M. H. Rhodes, Inc. ~RICKSON CHILDREN'S PLAYFIELD FUND: 3 ~'- 'Nailor I,umber Co. I ,0 ANnt.AL CO NTROE JiUND: / f I - Clallarr, County Humane Society I 1." ,CIVIC ADVEI(TISING FUND: C,{, - IPuge t Sound lIa viga ti on Co. 1 . r'''' "'; M;~=""" '"' ~.,,"' ... """ "'..~,. (/ ".,.........."......"..........".. "....... City Clerk ~PUBLJCATloN~- July lOth, continued, Oil Repairs Parts Car Expense Parts Water Parts Masonite Bar Iron Supplies Meters, Cur. Transf. Ha rdware, Pins J ~,... Cros s arms' Thses Office Equip. Parts, llasking Tape, etc. Via ter Car Mileage for June Light, Water, GarUage Mo bilgrea se Stove Oil Sprinklers, Couplings, Clean Oil Heaters f'~ Lumber Nails Postage Magic Links Shingle s 19~ Tools & Hdwe. Budget Appropriation, Dog, Cat Lie. , Pound Fees Transportation, High School Band XO'l'JGI'; 'I'U 1I1))JII':II.<; '. I ,N'IJtI('(' Ii" hel'\;lJy giY';ll llHlt. ~,,;'kd lllOh; \\'111 I.c n'["ei~'('(l b.\' lllC City ('~('rk.of T]l(' Clt.I' r}f P'll't A lIg't,Jl'S, I'"'. US\llll;.;.tOll. - lit th(' oHit'., of lhe (:iLy Clr:r]c nrill b.tel' 111:111 11):IJD ll.ltl.. ,: i.~n:.ll~:;"'lll ~1~~'i,,:.u:_:OI~~:~I.Il;~:~'l:li~(.al?'J 11Ii~,t't'iI:lnl'OllS 1,lttlIIH~. l;i\ltlillg ,llSh,;t't:;; lila,' .tn~ D\}laio('{j at 1hc- OfrIC'~1 lof tln; Cil~"'"CI"rl,. 'nl(' ('Olllmiasion I ~;~~~::::,:.',;:J;,:,;~\\.':~;':~:,;;~:~n'. ~'I Not iC~~:'~{~~(O~~~? ~1~,~~ti~~t -a~aleG loInH will ""he rl'('eh'(><! bv th~ ('ll\' Clt'rk of'thl;j, City of J'ort AIIg'dei, \\Cn"hingtrm,'nl. Hie orrtel:!~ot tlH~ {,it): ell')'I{, until 1(1 a.m" J1Hr ,2t, Hl5(l, >lno not later. for tile llllrthnsc of one> JI'c](\I11 tru('l,. ~nld bid ~hnl1 be fU"",'rllnpanl"d h~' :J c.'c>rtifiNl ('lH'ek" for ]jot If'!<.'< thHIl ii% (,f lh~ -[l111011nt hid. Bidlling- ~hac'tl=: nta~' be- obinlncll fr'Onl Ow Clt~' l']"rlc T.I1(> t'Olllmis....lO~1 n'~e1.\'f'0': th8 ]"]ghl i,.. l"ejeL't nn~' or all 1)\(1.'1. J. R. J,.\\y, Clt~. Cll'1'k. l~l!hll.~h,,(l: July H, ::!I, 1[1,,0. ~~ff/6' A:.y 40.94 7.46 8.04 56.61 55.52 5.00 2.62 4.94 .67 6.57 455.16 217.51 175.04 114.55 1,590.84 50.53 1.60 31. SO 169.65 1.98 24.77 69.32 12.56 10.54 .94 1.06 .56 5.32 191.00 66.70 llayor r r I I.