HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/11/1934 ~ 224 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .1111y 11, 19M 193_ ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by MaJor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis. Commissioners Lutz and Masters, AttorPiey Plummer and Clet'k Hawkins. The minutes of the preVious session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits and lioenses the following were gran ted,- L. R. 'Ilhompson, Remodel Store Room, Lot I, Blk. I, Tidelands West Loop Cafe, Restaurant, I. C. Groves, Restaurant Florenoe Friedline, Restaurant E. Eldridge, 2 Barber Chairs Little Brick Cigar Store, Restaurant T. N. Vasilatos, Restaurant A. J. Brady, El ~oro Cafe John Hehir, 1 Barbe.r Chair' Miss A. Belle Payne, l;Beauty Parlor Chair Little Brick'Cigar Store, Soft Drinks Olympio Barber Shop, 2 Barber Chairs Harry Andrews, Restaurant, (Dew Drop Inn) $300.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 I I The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn fo r same,- CURRENT EXPENSE City Treasurer Remington 'Rand Ino. Evening News Willson Hardware Co. Frank Kes 0 Quiok Print Paoifio Tel. &: Tel. Co. Ci ty Treasurer Angeles Gravel II: Supply ~o. Automotive Parts Co. Garvin Auto Co. n "If Supplies Servioes Publioati ons Jam tor Supp li es Cleaning Chimney Warrant Invoiees Servioe Licenses for Truoks Lumber &: Cemen t Repairs to Flusher Repairs Spark Plugs Lime Repairs for Grader Pipe Water Hardware Fuel Oil Rep airs Handling Lime Hardware Lime L.I.D. issessments Servi ce Purchase Orders Repairs Tires, eto. Repairs Service Pay Roll Extra Firemen LiQ.uid Wax. Supplies Expense Acoount Killing &: Disposing Dogs Repairs " Washington Pulp &: Paper Corp. Port Angeles Iran Works P. A. Concrete "Pl'oduots Co. Ci ty Treasurer James Hardware Co. Ci ty Trans fer Mook's Eleotric Servioe Washington Pulp II: Paper Corp. Willson Hardware eo. Washington Pulp lI:'paper Corp. City Treasurer Paoifio Tel & Tel. Co. Olympio Prin;j;ery G. E. Coolidge Port Angeles Motors " If n Paoifie Tel &: Tel. Co. Fire Department Johnson II: Bork Blaokburn printing Co. Frank L. Plummer J. R. MoDonald Port Angeles Motors 11 II n Ci ty Treasurer Jaok Doran W. D. Morrissey Paoifie Tel &: Tel Co. Paeifie Tel &: Tel. Co. Art Burnside I. C. Groves State Treasurer P.O. BOll Rent Speoial pclioe n " Servi oe " Badges prisoners Meals Ind. Ins. II: Med Aid ~1 \I~" ~ LIGHT FUND City Eleotric Co. O. E. Eddy Ci ty Treasurer General ElBa. Qo. II n Commissions, eto. Garage Rent Water Meters Meters Ii: Tramformers Subsoription Federal Tax Repairs Staples Supplies Lamps Supplie s Supplies Battery Servioe Meters Creos ote Supplies Commissions. ete. Fll ter Pap Il1' Serv;loeB Eleotrioal West City Treasurer MoHugh II: peterson James Hardware Quiok Print Kiasner Motor Parts Co. Olympio Utility Supply Angeles Gravel II: Supply Co. Mooks Eleotr.1o Servioe General Eleotrio Co. Graybar Electrio Co. Ci ty ~~easu:ter City Electrio Co. Washington Pulp II: Paper Corpi paoific Tel. II: Tel Co. $ ;50 10.05 89.9'1 2.10 2.50 10.00 1.75 2.50 73.27 61.62 33.25 2.40 67.03 9.50 5.00 360.00 1.54 4.50 6.00 10.67 26.58 18.58 16.01 4.50 7.35 6.55 48.01 2.50 7.20 136;00 .70 .75 15.00 25.00 .35 3.35 .60 9.00 9.00 3.75 1.80 6.08 6.55 64.01 I I 65.56 3.00 1.95 31.67 323.10 2.00 4.69 3.50 .70 4.40 66.54 10.49 8.90 1.75 84.45 62.50 42.25 96.98 3.21 19.48 I .T111y 11. 19~4 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ ""Ill 225 I I I I I Johnson &: Bork V. A. Samuelson &: Co. ; Washington State Bank G. E. GooUdge P. S. lIavigation Co. Willson Hardware Co. P. S. Power & Light Co. State Treasurer Paint Cla mps Rent Ladder Hooks Freigh t Suppl.ies .Tune Power Bill Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid WATER lID Ci ty TI'easurer .. V. A. Samuel son & ,0. J. B. Mathews Sash'&: Door Co. Water Works Engineering Jacob's Plumbing Co. Ed B. Taylor plumbing Co. AngeleB Gravel & Suppl, Co. James Hardware Co. Paris Motor Co,' Washington State Bank J. C. Brei tlauoh P. A. Opncrete Produots Co. G. E. lloolidge Willson Hardware Co. Wm. Brennand Sta te ~reasurer Wa ter ])epartmen t Gas & Oil Grease Supplies Subscription Supplies Fitti#gs Supp 11 as Spikes Repairs to Ram Rent Plumbing Service Boxes Sharpen Pioks Hardvlare Rent Ina. Ins. & Med. Aid Pay Ro 11 gM.!.li:UJ!!l2 Ci ty Treasurer Paoific Tel. &: Tel. Co. Charles W. Clark Co. Amerioana Corp. Jenniln Norris Lowman & Hanford Co. Puget Sound News Co. The City Elec~ric Co. Ed B. Taylor Thelma Hall Johnson & Bork Light &: Water Servioe Boo ks n Petty Cash Boo ks n Plug & Reoeptacle Plumbing Extra Help Varnish, eto. PARK FUND C. LeRoy Sarff Ci ty Treasurer Jack Kirk Jalpes Hardware Kissner Mlltor Parts S ta te Tre lisurer Co. Grind ing LaWll Mower L.I.D. Assessments Repdrs Hardware Lamps Ind. Ins. &: Medj Aid LIGHT INVESTMENT FUIm Ci ty Treasurer EDIZ HOOK JlATER..EXTEN$];qN :FUND Warrants Purohased Port Angeles Evening,:News Quiok l'rint Publioati one V1arran ts There being no further business the Gommission then adJourned. 1; ?lJj~~ City Clerk. 1'" ,,~.3 - 11 1-11 - ->.J +G 1.10 .40 85.00 2.50 5.90 2.15 4848 .86 20.71 21.02 .25 3.64 3.00 43.48 1.89 .61' 5.20 .75 45.00 18.41 13.75 8.60 8.27 12.00 51.10 63.00 7.08 4.25 5.23 6.00 3.76 3.49 6.29 1.15 2.70 3.75 2.55 4.00 er 162.72 J~ b'- 2.10 15.00 .50 12.53 553.56 ")..1 ,b 1 9.17 12.50 // /\ <f' t<9~ /\- Mayor. # ...