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Minutes 07/12/1922
.k ,J II.'....'....;..... L , . '. \; k ~.~. ...--.r ::--- '~ c ,~... '_., '')-.' '~.'" ."..: . '_";'_- 'P~eedinjis 'oithe:C:~~f thi q~ ;;jfB;J~geles>~Wishington / '.:? ;?:4.. 1920{, . I~ . _--. uanl.L' l/"'. -, '. , ' ' ~~,~_-+:>:'1_~_~_~,~,_ ~,:t;;..-~--e..,-q o---~~~ g'~ .~~-~,- Ji4_~_~_~_ ~~J-:-----"-"- ~~.~_~~~,c-~~ ~._~,~~-~~' " '~~_1~.sr~ ~~~~.--.-~.~;p ECALL FOR BIDS':4..:;;",,"'" the order"or the City ,Treoeurer cit"V~ ~ ~::. ,_~, ; ~~()tlte i. bereby gh'eo that seal- the City, of_ Port Angeles. ~r the' . I . . ' ~.bJ~ wlll be recebed by the City bid ~ wIll ,Qot '; be cOuldered.. BoD~ ~ ~ ~. ~ fl__ __ __ .' __ 0 'S..,I.,_""." of the ct, ty,of Port AD~eles.. for, rUt,. :~..r cent o. r : the. a.moUD,. t..,. . _ _ -' _ _ _.. . _~.r...-,r__~. ..U ... .~_ ,WaahID&tOD; until .JulT Ulh.'UZZ, bid must bo rnrnJahed by the...... -.,; /7 j)' 'F' diitO .10 a. ",,' (and 'Dot later) at _01 bldd'T' ~t'io'~'t. ~ ~..~' , pi~,'-C1erk of~Jee In' the City Hall : ~ Plaos and :IIPeclfleat~ona may, be,':"- '~ ~ ~ :.;:, . ,. - . ,.' I. ~ at :BaId City, ror tbe raral_b,,,,,, or obtatned from the City CI,ark UPOD f ~. J.. ~ ' "& ~ /? /l) .. '. .. _ , 8~1..'.....ngeeasa..' ry,~laborJ.and. ~"materlal the .deposltln&'. of the 8U~ o.r po. .yel 'V _~. _ _______~ _ ~ ~ '7 z.-.. ~v..,.,. ,.'~-'; r. 9, ~l,..~e ~ cooetructlon i of ~ lateral ,Doua. ra for the return of the lAUDe. i ." 'I , ' i ....n,"1D lbe a1lqa betweea 8th which will be reCunded If tho Plaus XP d>a. '_~' _'0 'A'_' D~O 1ii"..Iti.;"'lb oil: 101h,'10th oIl:'Utb, aad'_pecUlcatlona"are'teturned to :~,~- ~~_....~_~ !~.~.,:.&. i li~. ;,_12th ~ ~ 13, t., h.l fro~. th, e.Clerk's' offlco. b.?~re the Ume ..!.. .P, ,....", ", .J" " lllncOID~Street!i:East to ~P...bodY or openl"" blda.~~, ,~ . ~ ~. ". . ~~~~1 in :the City or Port A.nKelee. .~ The City CommlssJoD reeerY.. t~.e r - - ~ - - - Q "~ - ~ . _ - -~ '. Wasb.;as,called ror by ResolatloD right, to reject any aad aU blda. ! <:;' /7 f;\;'..J2.f!./~'-/2} ...__P_. . . -If ,.", No,:U.--'~"ii-' -- .Date"orl:iPubllcatlou JllDe 39, ' r;y._"1_,_oC/~~----=-V '_~ ~_13.v:.<[.r"J'.. tAIl 1 bide Imuot1be r IICCOmpanled U!2_., ..' . ~ I bY.8 eerUrled' check. In a .aum Dol C; D. ~.' " " , ~ 4- { .tfJ 'f if '! ,J_.lthaDlrIve'lhercentlorJtho Clll' C1erlL,,' . ~-7 - J -, l8;;;ount7bld,land'mode panble.,to; .8-1-<: (7),) . , c- . . ,. /lJ ..!. -i'-- , .. I ' "h='.,,' . , '" ". ,..., , ~V~" ~" ,,;T 4- '1-4--3 0<1 ~...~.~:~~-~~ - - ~-~~~~j --:::;~;.1;: i-'h~_~~~~~ aft ~_~ ~~_~~.. ~,~~~.~-~ .~~~'~~- ~~~~~~~-~. ~,- -, ..,-~-~~_. ~"-~, '~:Ot7 .. ,.." .: J~-~~~~~-~-r-= X.'~._~, 1. -:7 :....Ir{)---~. __/~.... ....A..J ..' ._!t... _'~ .,~~~.~, . .q '. ~ i//_ .' v;.'r:---~., ' ':--7 . ~ .,:---Q~ ,~-- -~:'-a.d-_~ ~f:---- . ~r;; _~_'~~_~~4_~._~~~ f~_/_'l'.;tQ, ~ /D '~_Ci. 0~_~--~--~-'-'.;;;0-~-L.4- ~:.';(;;.~_~,~_~ Z;:,~~ ,. . " ~,~_(f~,~~_~~_~ .~-~~,~.~-;ti--~-a--~~:.H ti-~~ ?-~'~~'r~(f,#:~4._~ i- IJ~~'~ .;e..~.J/), :ho.__/.t,,_~_~_~, (;', ~ .,' , .v:~~~.~R~~:7~~-~'~' ~~~~,-~~,.l~7-~'~_d'_~_.:?,~ ,:Y~_~~v~ . ~_~"_~'~"~~ ~ 't"~_"f-'~_~ ;C:. "~ ~ Y;./-dJ~f ~-~}~~--E::f- -t-_~_~ ~'4~.. ~ t13z>d,'_~;-..e..<.,~ ~,=-tU-- /44- 1'-- b-~' 4A-- ~_~ ~_1-_i<. (J'~ DC I (;L':zi.-. ~ y- _ct"~ ~ i.",.....;h..".;:.'. ~