HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/12/1933 Proceedings of the City Com~ssion of tbeCity of Port Angeles, Washington ____JUil.!_~2 ,1933 129 " 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m.and was called to order by Mayor Davis.1 Roll oall showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion A t~orney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. Tne minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Applications for Building permits and licenses were granted as follows,- Chas A Brown, Garage F.Benjamin, - Tyee Cafe - New Windsor Hotel Oliver GUy,-Palace 232, Tovmsi te 75.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 1934 ~ ~"'.:~"!('I1T I'HIX'I'I:'iI~ I ; XQTrCK is ~)y gi,tf'll. that I !JNl.lf'tl hill!", wlll. be rccriv.~ 111 the I [)fn('(~ u( tll{' eil~. Clerk o,~ the: City o( 1'Ol"t .Angl'lP!'I up to 10 fl. 111.. 011 \V{'/lnmHla~', July J2l11, J!.l33, r<.lI' 1.ll(~ i I f>~~~{i:l111~::~~~i)lfor n~hl;t]l~'e<t~il~o~~ IIH."nl'illK ,full' l, Ifl:J:I. The ]H'lnllng : to l!t' in 1H11\11:tr(l1l 01' :j;ix point I t~'pe anti publt!-lhlHl in r('gulnr Is. :~~h cO:nt;~~L nJ~d~Hl~e\~ ~~~~;~ll~ lcd ()11 a ha.Ris nf chtll'gc "PCI" line," Contrrwt flll1 LOJld in till' sum of $10l1l),OIl fOl' 11l1'! falUlful IH'l.fi)rllHIIH'{; of this conlrrt,cl win Ill:! retluil'ell. 'l'h{' .cQmmi~slon rc- 1 ~~L~1~~.!::i~'i~;1~1 ~Oa}:'I~;C.~~~:~. 1:;: N M. HA" KINR, Pub Jul~' ~ 5 Ih 1 fi33 c':r Clcrlc II. __vnnrtTTT_VL1-"- Under the head of unfinished business,the City Clerk reported that pursuant to call for bids to do the City Printing one bid bid was on file as follows,- port; Angeles,ITashington, July 7,1933 Hon.Board of City Commissioners, Port Angeles,Wash. Gentlemen; P1ITsuan t to published call, we subrni t the following ,as-our bid on the City printing for the year 1933 - 1934. Seven cents per nonpariel line,single column measure. Fourteen cents per line,single column measure for tabulated matter,when publ~shed only one time. If published two or more times tabula,ted matter also at seven cents a line single column measure. '~e will file a good and sufficient bond,in the event of our bid being accepted. Port Angeles Evening News, By John Schweitzer, Hgr. . It ViaS move,i by Commiss ioner Boam that the bid of the Evening nevIS for doing the City printing be accepted ann_ tbat the Hayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign the contract' with them upon tho filing of a bond approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Commis- sioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Riayor declared the motion oarried. Under the head of unfinished business,- The City :ngineer having checked the petition for a Local Improvement District to sewer as near as possible Blocks '115,119,122 & 126, Townsite of Port Angeles ,returned said petition to the City Commission. - The Commission examined and allowed the 'following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Willson Hardware Co. II Current Expense Fund Hardware Rardware & tools Fittings,etc. {fa te r Oil Repai r,s , e tc . Repairs Pipe,etc. Filing saws Repairs Green stain,etc. Trac tor parts 1 axle shaft Service Repairs for tractor Lumber Lumber Foam recharge 'Insurance Service Supplies Service ~ Publioations Remington 'Rand-, Inc .Maintenanee service Expense account Blue print Expense aooount Sweeping Compound Repairs Service Meals for prisoners Speoial police Special police Supplies ~~ 9.16 41.64 .28 360.00 19.13 2.55 .75 21. 60 2.00 2.40 7.20 20.62 12.00 5.70 15.23 9.98 129.27 6.75 212.50 6.95 8.50 2.60 74.73 10.00 15.00 .25 7.70 7.50 8.65 3.80 11.20 6.00 9.00 2.7q Central Maohine Works Ci ty Treasurer Standard Oil Co. Lamoureux Service Harris & Schuller P.A.Concrete Products Co. Wm;Schrader Penn's Garage Johnson & Bork nestern Traotor & Equipment Co. Caven lIotor Co. Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Gate City lmchine Works JI[. R.Alleman Tie & Lumber Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Bingham & Searles J.L~oyd Aldwell,Ino. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Quick Print Paoifio Tel & Tel.Co Evening News Remington Rand,Inc. Frank L.P1umrner Lincoln Securities Co. Thos. ';1. Owen Zellerbaoh Paper Co. V1.J.Buhler Hotor Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lee' Cafe , Frank C.Twaddle . J. VI.Pike Willson Hardware Co ..... ~ 130 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington July 12,1933 193_ John Henson Central Jdachine ~orks J.W.Hooker Owens Bro's. state Treasurer Water Department Willson Hardware Co. Washington state Bank 1 Hartzler-Yleldon Co Seattle Plumbing SupplyyCo. Seattle Plumbing SUpply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Federal Pipe & Tank ao. N.W.Plumbing & Heating Co. F.C.Reynolds Hartzler-~eldon Lbr.Co. C.E.Hammer Byron ':Iinter Byron 'ilinter City Treasurer State Treasurer V.A.Samuelson & Co. Fisher's Pharmacy Ben.Franklin Thrift Store H.E.Bastien Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. S.T.Eddy Clifford Cowling Westinghouse Electric &,Mfg.Co Fobes Supply Co. Fobes Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. P.A.Concrete Products Co Gate City Machine Works Kaufman-Leonard Co J.C.Breitlauch N.IT.Plumbing & Heating Co Ed.B.Taylor Floyd Barnett Floyd Barnett Floyd Barnett 'Byron Hinter Byron 'rlin ter Graybar Electric Co. G.E.Supply Corp. II " Fobes Supply Co. 11 11 Washington Stove Works J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. Evening NeVIS W.W.Ebbett Zellerbach Paper Co. Washington State Bank State Treasurer City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Ed.B.Taylor Plumbing Co. Puget Sound News Co. Puget Sound News Co. Jennilu Norris Zellerbach Paper Co. Packer-Saott Co. Library of Congress Demco Library Supplies The Washington Bindery Johnson & Bork The -W.H.Wilson Co. Charles IT.Clark Co. Sta te Treasurer Fred Vlescott Central Machine rlorks Lum Sue P.A.Concrete Products Co. C.LeRoy Sarff Willson Hardware Co. Schlager Bro's There being no further business 1?m~ City Clerk lIr...- Hood' Repairs Insurance Building Bridge Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid Water Department Fund Pay roll Hardware & tools Rent Lumber Pipe, etc. Pipe,Etc. Pipe Wood pipe material Funnell ,etc. 1 sink Lumber Keys ':firing material " Express advanced Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid Light Fund Repairs Lysbl Saniflush Advertising Maintenance service Liquid soap Wa ter Service Service Rent EXDense Aacount Meter ',7ire Locust pine Repairs ,Etc. Light Standard Washer repairs Range parts Plumbing Connecting water heater n fl Wiring for range It " II 11 11 Range,etc Tank heater,etc. Thor wringer parts Ranges, etc. . Range uni ts Heaters ,etc. Rent Advertising Expense account Counter paper Rent Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid Li brary Fund Light & water Service Repairs Books Books petty Cash Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Binding Paint remover,etc. Books Books Park Fund Ind.Ins.& Med Aid Sharpening Lawn Mower Chain for Power Lavm Eower Fertilizer Pipe,etc. Grinding Power Lawn Mower Lamps Flowers the Commission <7 t~~a.dj ourned. <\~=:9c~ I.layor ",,01 pp- /1 /,; ?; f) ___ y.>-- 1'1-31- If5~ Iff k</" .- 2.75 1.00 29.25 160.00 68.62 12.00 15.56 45.00 4.65 107.64 91.04 303.56 2.92 .95 3.50 10.75 2.00 4.59 5.21 .36 20.44 7.75 1.00 .25 12.00 7.75 4.93 1.95 9.80 8.25 . 3.00 25.93 11.89 75.92 7.97 10.73 42.00 6.45 1.75 3.97 13.60 5.38 30.00 25.00 25.00 31. 00 50.00 319.72 69.63 1.63 326.49 20.70 59.77 50.00 75.30 15.00 5.04 45.00 20.30 6.56 4.35 2.15 .77 1.09 5.57 4.40 4.50 5.78 8.95 102.26 7.45 37.95 3.60 12.79 2.00 5.27 2.65 6.80 2.25 4.9$ 27.75 1 I I' I I