HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/12/1944 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 12. 1944 19_ 21 I'. The Co)lllllission met in regular session and was called to order by Mayor Robinson, .t 10100"0.Clcick a.m. i Roll c;sl showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney I Johnslion and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted. ; Augusi Rosengreen, shingle roof, Lots 3 & 4, Block 324, Townsite : Oate qity Store, Secod hand dealers license I Brown I Msttress Co. Second hand dealers license , "' n Junk Dealer I s license I Lo6p ~uto Wrecking Co. Junk Dealer's license "n n Second hand Dealer I s license Harbor Tavern 5 Amusement Machine license n n 1 Music Machine Soft Drink $100.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 72.00 12.00 5.00 Pursuant to published call for bids, the City Clerk reported that bids for the purchase of one air compreasor had been received as followsl Amount bid $ 2175.00' 2265.00' 1856.00 1785.00 2072.00 2070.00 Bidder Howard-Cooper Co. Star Machinery Co. Columbia Equipment Co. Clyde Equipment Co. Service Equipment Co. Feella1?-hty Machine Co. Make Schramm Worthington Le Roi Sullivan Davey Gardner-Denver It' was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing bida be referred to the 6iy Engineer for I Checking and repol7t back to the Commission. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members vote( aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Th~ Commission then adjourned to meet at 2130 p.m. Th1,1rsday July 12, 1944 Th~ Commission met at 2,30 p.m. pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by Mayor RobUlson. Roll ~all showed the followin officers present, Mayor Robinson,COIlID.iesioners Beam and Masters, and Clerk. Hawkins. . The C~ty Engineer reported that he had checked the bids for the purchase of the air, compressor, the bids being. as follows, Bidder Howard-Coopsr Co. Star'Machinery Co. Columbis Equipment Co. Clyde Equipment Co. Service Equipment Co. Feenailghty Machine Co. Make Amount bid $ 2175.00 2285.00 1856.00 1785.00 2072.00 2070.00 Schramn Worthington La Roi Sull1 van Davsy Gardner-Denver After' due consider ation it was movsd by Commissioner Masters that the bid of the Star Machinery Co. for a Worthington Model 105 equipped with rubber tires for $2265.00 be accepted. Seconded by Mayor: RobiMon. On roll call all membsrs voted aye. The Mayor dsclared the motion, ca~ied. The COmmission sxamined and allowed the following claims and ordsred warrants drawn' for same' CURRENT EIPENSE FUND Port Angelea Evening News City Treasurer City Trsnsfer Co. , City Treasurer State .Treasurer Publications Light & Water Coal Light & Water Lnd Lns & Mad Aid qq;, ~" City Street Fund Frll!lk MacDonald & Sons Shop work Shop work Shop work Lime Iud Ins & Med Aid IS/..~) D & B Battery & Electric Station Crown Zellerbach Corp. State Treasurer Water .Fund City Street Department Clallam Adjuetment Corp. P.A. Evening News D & B Battery & Elec. Station Epperson & Sons P.A. Evening News Hooker Electrochemical Co. , Hugh G.Purcell Marckmann & Williams n n n Gas & Oil Collection Commissions Sprinkling notice Spark plugs Lumber Call for bids Chlo rine Oakum Tools Fittings Tools $ ,:55.19 827.35 15.25 105.98 10.05 10.30 18.82 29.47 65.45 54.27 55.24 3.23 11.00 2.96 4.93 3.57 14.92 7.41 19.41 21.35 55.30 ,.. 22 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington . 19_ Pipe & fittings 5,299.18 n n 3,583.68 State Tax 780.26 Ind ins & Med Aid 1f!b 1'1 38.50 , Collction Commissions 10.91 RSWIlrd notice 2.20 Car repairs 257.19 State Tax 1,129.91 Ind Ins & },led Aid 25.10 Power 31 10,587.00 1'2- 0 J .." Hardware 5.66 Light & water 8.25 Extra work 3.00 Petty cash 5.52 Gsrden hose 15.91 Periodical 21.00 Office supplies 2.95 Supplies 7.15 Books 64.57 Books !3~Sy 6.00 Books 1.45 Light & water 22.79 Hose Couplings, Files etc 7.93 Gas cen, push broom, etc 10.71 Garbage service' 17.00 . " 6.00 Light & water 26.98 Ind fils' &: Med Aid .)0 12.99 /0'./- Light 15.62 Light & water for Fire Station 16.52 Expense Account 58.56 Expense Account 4l.~ Service 11.75 Concrete 5.70 Gasoline 35.10 Gasoline 35.10 Parts 14.5C Mandrel 6.18 .'f, Supplies i ~ 15.93 1- 5'~ Cash paid for P. 0 Box rent 1.95 tight at Police Station 12.12 Supplies ,1.03 Closet euger 2.58 Remodel drawer 10.30 Shop warle 4.17 Gasolinll 78.30 Ind Ins & Ued Aid I J 5!1 25.42 Pacific' States Cast Iron ffpe Co. n tf ...- n 11 II State Treasurer " tIGHT FUND ClallamAdjustment Corp. P.A :Evening News , Hoare & Headrick , State Treasurer n - " Pug~t Sound Power & Light CO. CEMETERY FUND J ames Hardware Co. LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Mre Mildred Eaton Jenn1lu Norris Willson Hardware Co. Ii News Map of the Week, Inc. , Demeo Library Supplies The Library of Congress A.C. McClurg & Co. The H.W.Wilson CO. II Encyclopsedis Britamiica PARI FUND City Treasurer , James Hardware Co. Ii James Hardware Co. " J.R.McDonald J.R.McDonald City Treasurer , State Treasurer II State Aid FUnd City Treasurer n n C.A.Wolverton Louis J.HOlrser Pacific Tsl & Tel Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. General Petroleum.Corp. Union Oil Co. Western Auto Supply Co. il James Hardware Co. Sanderson Safety Supply Co. WAR LIrQUOR TAXF1lND ' Ii C1 ty Trsasurer City Treasurer Olympic Stationers Hibbs'Plumbing Co Epperson & Sons , D & B Battery & Elec. Co. General Petroleum Corp. State T....asurer There, baing no further busineas'the Commission thsn adjourned. ~ np+~ City Clerk ~J Of~ Mayor ~ I -I I I I