HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/13/1932 , Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 13, 193-.L 51" 1 I 1 I 1 July l3,1932,- A ~uorum not being present no meeting was held. July 20,l932,- The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of July 6,1932 were read and approved. ,Under the Head of applications for'permits and lioenses the following were granted,- Henry Reis Norman Goff ~!orman Goff Norman Goff Joe Silvia (Big Plaoe ) 1"J:1g01fHl ~r~""'gl '"'.fxlg g'~FFly rQ. J V.L.MoCords Angeles Gravel and Supply Co., I.!. Saide Servioe Station. Lot 9 Block 169,Townsite $4000.00 6 Pool and Billiard tables 60.00 Soft Drink lO.OO 2 Card tables 10.00 1 Card table ~-i~ ~~ 5.00 ~ "aFB. t9lJlij~~/;D,.c,.....;....... ,J ,.....'G.--:7 ~ Dance'July 15,1932 at I.O.O.F.Hall . 5.00 Resturant 15.00 Pedler, July 7,1932 lO.OO .The Bond of the ~vening News for doing the City Printing for the ysar July l,193Z to June 30,1933 was approved by the City Attorney and aooepted by the Commission. .The Commission instruoted the City Clerk to issue a warrant to ~~s.G.Hunter of No.3025 Van Ness,Ave.,San Francisoo,Cal. for ~10.00 as a refund for lot 2 block 12 section L,Ocean View Cemetery owned by ~~s. Hunter,whioh said lot had later been sold by.error to another party. Said warrant to be issued upon the filing by 1~s.Hunter of a properly sworn to olaim for same. Under the Head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following Ordinanoe was read by title and plaoed on its Third reading,- ,An Ordinanoe authorizing the issuanoe and sale of loaal improvement bonds for Looal Improvement Distriot No.145 to pay the cost and expense of the improvement in said dist- rict as ordered and provided for in Ordinanoe NO.968,approved February 3,1932,entitled "An Ordinanoe ordering and providing for the oonstruation of a lateral sewer within the City of Port Angeles described as follows; to wit: A lateral sewer commenaing at the trunk sewer at the intersection of "H" street with the alley between Fifth and Sixth streets running easterly along said alley to "D" street suffioient to drain and sewer all of Blooks 120 and all of Block 12l,the North Half of Bloak 113 and the North Half of ,Eloak 114, all in the City of Port Angeles,Washington, together 'with all appurtenance, anq e~uipment neoessary in connection therewith; creating Looal Improvement District 'No~145 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the payment of the oost and expense th~reof by speoial assessments upon the property within said distriot acoording to law by the mode of payment by bonds in accordance with Improvement Resolution No.145 of the Ci~y of Port Angeles and the plans and speoifications prepared by the City Engineer and ap~roved and adopted by the City Commission. ' It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the Ordinanoe be plaoed on its final passage and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll Gall all members voted aye. The May?r deolared the motion carried. Under the Head of New Business~~he.Yollowing resolution was introduoed,- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TAXI STAND. I I Whereas, the owner and oooupant of the Merchants' Hotel property has oonsented in I writing to the setting apart of oertain portions of the syreet area abutting his property , as taxi stands, BE IT RESOLVED That the follow~ng area be and are hereby fixed as taxi stand for the company set forth herein, to wit: For the YelloVl Taxioab Company,the space commenoing at a point 30 feet north from the northwest oorner of Front and Laurel Streets, measuring along the ourb line; thenoe for a distance of 35 feet along said ourb line, said space being provided for three cars. The stand previously ocoupied by the said Yellow Taxioab Company is hereby abolished and the area thrown open to general use and the rights of the Tennesse Taxi Company to the above space heretofore granted under previous resolution is hereby oanoelled. This resolution is adopted in oonformity Vlith the authority and provisions of Seotion 15,Ordinanoe No,960,of the City of Port Angeles. I~ w~s moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seoonded by Comm~ss~oner Beam. On roll call all member voted aye. The Mayor declared motion oarried. BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOLLOWS: Under the Head of Introduotion of Ordinanoes the fOllowinp- Ordinanoe was introduoed, read in full and placed on its First and Second readings,- 0 An ORDINANCE Relating to and f~xing charges and rates for the use of water supplied by the C~ty of Port Angeles; Prov~d~ng for the termination of servio~s6n notiae and for non payment of water rent; Providing disoounts for prompt payment; substituting said rates' i and provisions for those oontained in Ordinance NO.867; Repealing the provisions of Ordinanoe No.867 and making this ordinance an amendment to Ordinance NO.778; Providing for and deClaring an emergency: Plaoing this said ordinance in full foroe and effect after lawful publioation. .,.. ~ ,~ ~~. "'\-' " ~. '" j r\~~ , ,.'S ~ \\ ~;, 1 J \ ,.., \\.( ,"" I ,-, ....oIIIIl