HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/13/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 563 ., I .1111y 13, 19__ML .,..............___\&7.70~ I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk law. kinutes of the previous session were read and approved. ! i Under the head of I . I Juilding Pennitel j A. P. Marquis Allen Clayton , Petersen & Craver Verner Viilson il A. Clevenger Warner Forsman I Charles M. Seat 'Mrs. C. J. Dolan I G. A. Gentry E. B. Berglum I John Goneis 50 Licenses: 3(" 5 -- I Theresa's deauty Shop Beauty Operator 1.00 Animal Oddities Exhibit Animal Exhibit 40.00 , laBelle Beauty Shop Beauty Operator :3.00 Golden Gate Cafe Hestaurant 12.00 :, The Shamrock 2 Amusement ~';achines 48.00 :' The Shamrock Hestaurant 12. 00 : The Shamrock Music Machine 12.00 The Shamrock Soft Drink 5.00 Port Angeles Poster !ldv. Co. Billboard Poster 25.00, Little Brick Tavern 2 Amusement Machines 48.00 I, Little Brick Tavern Ilusic Machine 12.00 ! Little Britk Tavern Soft Drink 5.00 Roy's Bar-ber Shop Barber, 1 Chair 1.00 ,Audett Hotel Hotel Operator, 29 Rooms 29.00 'I Brown Drug Co. Soft Drink 5.00 Birney's Drive Inn 2 Amusement Machines 48.00 I 'I Birney's Drive Inn Restaurant 12.00 Birney's Drive Inn Music Machine 12.00' 'Birney's Drive Inn Soft Drink 5.00 Close Cafe Eusic Machine 12.00 ! Spudnut Shop lioft Drink 5.00 [Annex Barber Shop Barber Shop 1.00 DI'. R. II. Nichols Massage, 6 Months 12.SO I' Under the head of unfinished business, bids for repair of North Laurel Street were opened a s follows: Hugh 'I Govan, Contractor, "':3,940.00; J. M.. Bruch Co:' lP4,450.00; Owens Bros., Contractors, $4,400.00; Mike Pitzl, I $4,800.00.' It was moved by Commlssloner Roblnson that the bld be awarded to the lowest bidder meeting specifications. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. ! I I ] I 400.00 'I 100.00 ' 4,000.00 ! 150.00 ' 500.00 1 400.00 1,000.00 ; 150.00 I lOC.OO I: 150.00 '.1 2,000.00 I applications for building permits and licenses, the followillg were granted: cC f?s(} - Construct Garage; Lot 16, JJlk. <:5, N. n. Smith Add. Construct Porch; Lot 15, Blk.' 294, Tovmsite Addition to Existing Service Stn.; Lot 9, Blk. IDl, 1'0vIl'lsite Repair Foundation; Lot 10, Blk. 84, Tovmsite Hemodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk. 1, T.1'.Aldwells Sub. :35 fuild fireplace; Replace Front Door; Lot 1, 3lk. 1, Williams & Cramers Build Add., Put on Siding, Hnish Up Inside; Lot 9, Blk. 197, Townsite Construct Garage; Lot 1, alk. 202, Townsite Repair Roof, Touch Up Paint on House; Lot 6, lJlk. D, Glovers Sub. Remodel Garage; Reroof; Lot :3, Blk. 74, Tovrnsite Remodel Building Inside; Lots 8, 9; Blk. 57, C. C. Leighton Add. i Commissioner Taylor informed that during recent inspection of t he New Fire Hall by the Architect and, himself', the Commission was advised to contact the Contractor, and when the ceiling is completed as per contract and ! I' certificate of completion submitted by the Architect, construction will be considered completed, contract I '; clos:d, and balance paid. Conunissioner Taylor also reconunended .that the claim by Georg: Drake for road , I !repalr should not he pald as there lS no rscord of work belng authorlzed by the Commisslon or any lndiVldual. It VfaS regularly moved by Commissioner Ta;y-lor that the said claim be rejected. Seconded by Commissioner 'I ,Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ii 'I "k proposed ordinance regulating construction and operation of service stations was read, also correspondencd' I from :l.ocal #155, Paper l-.ill Workers Union. 'rhe ordinance as proposed appeared satisfactory except for II section designating number of pumps for each attendant. After discussion and due consideration, it was I moved and seconded that the ordinance be referred to the Attorney and Fire Chief for redraft. Motion carried. , , , Under the head of new business, Dr. lJondelid and Frank Christman spoke regarding the hiring of Vim. C. Adams ! in the Park and Cemetery Departments. Dr. Bondelid informed that services of Mr. Tucker are satisfactory and that the Park Board is not in favor of any extra expense. Mr. Christman was opposed to Creating Wlnecessaryemployment, clerical Or otherwise. Commissioner 1'aylor explained why Adams was employed and cited. duties of officials. lie also informed that it is not the policy of this Commission to create jobs land load payrolls. At conclusion of lengthy discussion it was moved by CO~lissioner Robinson that the "matter be referred to Commissioner Taylor until the next session. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye., I J!.otion carried. Residents of outlying districts complained that little or no water is available. Commissioner Taylor , informed that it is the dut;y- of the City to try to keep reservoirs and mains full but must have co-operation of conswners at p-'8sent. That the only solution is said co-operation and later to create improvement I! districts. I Correspondence from tha Chamber of Commerce requesting that 2} mills be set aside for advertising as previously requested was ordered filed. Commissioner Robinson informed the Commission that he had requested a meeting to be scheduled between the P.U.D. Commission, the Cit;y- Commission, and :l.ight Bupt. McLean for the purpose of ro-negotiating the contract between the P.U.D. and the City. I, , The Commission examined am approved the following claims snd ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURHENT i:XPENSE FUND: w.,:; ""-5:. Peninsula herald Dept. of Labor & Industries V. H. Haller Hardware 1 H. O. Ide I Vlillson Hardware Co. I Deines Studio 1 Legal Publication, etc. Ind. Ins. & 1jed. Aid Oil, Polish, star Drill Car Mileage for June Light Globes Camera and bupplies 39.28 , 117.00 Ir 1.53 25.831 1.90 117.78 , ~ "..- 564 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ July 15th, contimed, 'CURRENT EXPENSE F'J@.,~]l__t1!!ued: The Olympic PrinterJ L. N. Curtis & Sons Fire Appliance Co. C. A. Wolverton O. E. Ullstrom I:Chas. L. Goodwin 7(- CITY STREET FUND: 117 , Dept. Df labor &. Industries Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula Herald The Olympic Printery l:lVATER !'UND: 1'1-71 !(. Dept. of Labor & Industries Angeles Machine & Welding Works Tri-Gounty Typewriter Co. V. H. Haller Hardware Co. Yiillson Hardware Co. ,Peninsula Herald !!State Treasurer LIGHT FUND, .:l C;C; y ~ / Dept. of la bor &: Indus trie s City Treasurer Clallam Adjustment Corp. State Treasurer ,Willson Hardware Co. I:v. .H. Haller Hardware Co. Home Electric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Puget Sound Express Tooker Motor Frt. General Electric Supply Corp. SANITATION ~1JND: IFI c:.....:L Dept. of labor & Irrlustries JJuvaas li'irestone Service Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Earl Davidson 1+ PARK !'UND: .:z'1_ Dept. of Labor & Industries tiillson Hardware Co. V. H. Haller Hard,"are PARKING tlETJo;R &: TRJ\FFIC CONTROL 'FUND: 'Dept. of Labor /;< Industrie,s vrill", n Hardware Co. Johnson &. Dork ?'\, i'L. 1. D. REVOLVING 'FUNDI -< Peninsula Herald Paper, Pencils, Envelopes, etc. ';(renches, Badges, Coat, etc. 12 Decalcomamas Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Travelillff Expense Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid Tools and Hardware Notice to Bidders 2 Dispatch Books Ind. Ins. &: !Led. Aid Shop Work Machine Service Hardware Tools, etc. Adv. 1laxes Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Cash for !!:nvelopes Collection Expense Taxes Hardware &: Lamps Flashlight Tape Meter Parts ~'rt. Hill Frt. Bill Paint Ind. Ins. &. lied. Aid Parts &. Hapa ir One POYier Take Off Car Mileage for June Ind. Ins. & !Led. Aid Tools and Ilardware Faucets (.5 go - Ind. Ins. &. lied. Aid Screws, Taps Red Lead, Paint Supplies, e tc. There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Adv. ~. C. XOJAr (/ City Clerk /~..0 4' L7 ~ , 111. 21 68.55 208.06, 51.211 30.02 7.56 1,015.35,; 110.67 500.00 1.68' 1,969.97, 100 .63 1 70' 16:94' 151.29 1.25 1.25 15.15 Mayor 5.821 26.511 4.45' 41.60 42.051 41.85 , I 78.35' 53.121 4.56 1.75: ! 50.25 16.74 82.60' 51.43 , , 19.58 7.84' 2.02 16.85: I 6.95 56.87 2.86 . I I I . , I I