HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/13/1977317 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 13, 1977 3 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. TT ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney walrath, Clerk Parrish. J. Honnold, P. Carr. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, K. Rodocker, C. Caso. Guests Present: S. Anderson, H. Pearson., F. Dalton, E. Conrad, J. Abernathy, 5. Goertz, J. Miller, E. Johnston, S. Eikum, P. Brady, M. McCall, E. Warren, W. Wallace, G. Holbrook, G. Robinson, J. Ohmert, L. Stockman, J. Lewis, R. Ramsey, G. Umbehocker, J. Ombehocker, J. Haley, M. Lichter, E.R. Downen, D. Reed, R. Parrish, M. Flodstrom. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the June 20th and the July 6, 1977 meeting be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. Councilman Buck then asked that the July 6th minutes be corrected to include Dr. H. Lydiard's public statement on the energy impact ' of the Ranney Collector. The motion as amended was passed by the Council. Let the record show that at the July 6, 1977 Council meeting H. Lydiard, Pres- ident of the Olympic Conservation Council, pointed out to the Council that in his opinion the installation of the Ranney water System on the Elwha River would require enough electrical power to energize 120 alI-electric homes of 2,000 square feet in size. He asked the Council to follow the request the Olympic Conservation Council and the State and Federal Legislatures had made of the public - to reduce the use of electrical power so as to avoid shortages, con- serve vital fossil and nuclear fuels, and save jobs. This could be done, he said, by developing a filter plant on Morse Creek thus utilizing gravity for delivery of water supplies to the City in contrast to an energy consuming pumping station near the mouth of the Elwha River. IV FINANCE 1. BID AWARDS a. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for the sale of 71 surplus transformers to the sole bidder, Ross Electric Co., Chehalis, Washington, at a unit price of $1.36 per KVA for a total price of $3,333.33. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. b. Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for sale of scrap metal at the-City Landfill site to the high bidder, City Recycling, Salem, ' Oregon, at a bid price of $7:51 per ton. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. At this time Manager Whorton recommended that the Council approve a proposed agreement in which $2.50 of the $7.50 per ton be given to Mrs. F. Carr for her efforts in seperating the scrap metal at the City Land- fill site. Councilman Hordyk moved the proposed agreement be tabled until the Council receives a letter from Superintendent of Utilities Rodocker reviewing and explaining the agreement. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion. On called vote, Councilmen Ross, Hordyk, Buck and Anderson voted "AYE" with Councilmen Haguewood and Wray voting "N0." The motion carried. ~la CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 IV FINANCE 2. SEWERAGE FACILITY PLAN - SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION SURVEY Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve payment of $10,551.78 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services on the physical survey and rainfall phases of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. It is noted that the Sewer System Evaluation Survey portion of the Sewerage Facility Plan Study is now complete. The total cost for this portion of the study is $53,812.12., considerably below ' the original budget of $79,300 for this activity. 3. L.I.D. NO. 200 - VALLEY STREET Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the Water Department to be re- imbursed $3,506.04 from the L.T.D. No. 200 construction fund for materials and labor furnished in extending the water main on L.I.D. No. 200, as re- commended in City Engineer Warder's Certificate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman Anderson abstaining. 4. VOUCHERS PAYABLE, PAYROLL Councilman Wray moved the Council approve Vouchers Payable of $253,683.75, LID's of $27,433.39 and Payroll of $112,132.81 and $118,845.38. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA M. McCall, from the Port Angeles Library System, introduced the new librarian Mrs. Peggy Hrady to the Council. Mr. D. Scott, of 319 W. 9th Street, asked the Council why his property was assessed for L.I.D. No. 200 since he has no access to Valley Street. Mayor Olson referred him to Director of Public Works Flodstrom for an answer. VI LEGISLATION ' 1. CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY Mayor Olson presented Certificates of Competency issued by the State of Wash- ington, Department of Ecology, Board of Certification, to Gary L. Holbrook, James Abernathy and Clarence Yuhl recognizing these gentlemen as Water Pol- lution Control Plant Operators, Group II Plants. By successfully passing the written examination, these individuals qualify for the higher rating. Mayor Olson extended the Council's congratulations to each for their continued interest in the program and their service to the community. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Planning Commission's meeting of June 21, 1977 and July 5, 1977 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Final Plat - Highlands Hills Division I, Seabreeze Inc. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the final plat of Highland Hills Divi- sion I consisting of 33 single family lots on 9.8 acres, with the in- clusion of a waiver of damages. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's June 21, 1977 meeting. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. H. Final Plat - John Z. Miller: The Uplands, Division III Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the final plat of the Uplands Division III consisting of seven single family lots on 2.13 acres, located on the north- west corner of Golf Course Road and Laurdisen Boulevard, with the condition that a waiver of damages be added and that a title report be furnished. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3 1 9 July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. C. Street Vacation - Port Angeles School District - Public Hearing The public hearing was opened 'after Mayor Olson read the recommendation of the Planning Commission. After a lengthy discussion between the Council, Planner Carr, and Manager Whorton regarding a cul-de-sac at ' the west end of 14th Street, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, with the amendment that if 14th Street becomes a dead-end street the School District shall provide a cul-de-sac, and:ap-, prove Port Angeles School District's street vacation request for vacation of portion of 14th Street and portion of alleys in Block 397 and 412, Townsite of Port Angeles {Stevens School) with the provisions that (1) utility easements be retained by the City, (2) the property revert to the City if it is not used for public school purposes, and (3) if 14th Street becomes a dead-end street a turn-around area shall be constructed on the easterly end of that portion of vacated Fourteenth Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. Mayor Olson then introduced and read by title ordinance No. 1930 entitled, Ordinance No. 1930 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of 14th Street and portions of the alleys in Block 397 and 412, Townsite of Port Angeles, at Stevens School. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson: Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. D. Conditional Use Permit - Peninsula Coperative Preschool Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a conditional use permit for the Peninsula Cooperative Preschool to operate a preschool at the First United Methodist Church, Seventh and Laurel Streets, in the CSD-C2 Zone, with the condition that the permit will be reviewed if there are complaints from the neighbor- hood or if the size of the classes increase. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. E. Alley Vacation - Angeles Auto Alectric - Public Hearing Mayor Olson read the recommendation of the Planning Commission and de- clared the public hearing open. As there were no comments from the audience on the proposed alley vacation the public hearing was closed by Mayor Olson. Mayor Olson then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1931, entitled, Ordinance No. 1931 • AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a ' portion of the alley east of Valley Street between Second and Third Streets. Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson, with the stipulation that the Real Estate Committee es- tablish compensation for said vacated portion of said alley. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanmously. 3`1 ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. F. M-1 Permit - Angeles Auto Alectric: Industrial Site at Valley & Third Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Angeles Auto Alectric`s request for A M-1 permit on the following conditions: (1) Tenants to be within the "light industry" category, (2) parking areas to comply with City or- dinances and policies, specifically controlled ingress and egress, (3) loading areas to be located so that streets and parking areas are not blocked, (4) if alley vacation is approved, no buildings to be constructed in vacated area, and (5) all clearances required by electrical codes to be complied with. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. G. Temporary Use Pemit - Edward A. Warren Councilman suck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one-year temporary use permit for a mobile home for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Wallace to be located on the northwest corner of 18th and Reyes Streets in a RS-9 Zone. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. H. Councilman Buckmoved the Council accept and place on file the minutes o£ the Planning Commission's July 5, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. I. Home Occupation Guidelines: Public Hearing Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the proposed Home Occupation Guidelines and asked for any opinions from the audience. A general discussion followed during which J. Lewis, J. Umbehocker, and ; R. Ramsey discussed their opposition to the home occupation Conditions with the Council and Planner Carr. Mr. Lewis was opposed to all eleven conditions; Mrs. Umbehocker expressed a concern about limiting hours of operation from 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P.M.; and Mr. Ramsey questioned condition No. 5 relating to exterior business signs. Following the discussion, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Ross then moved the Council table the proposed home occupation guidelines for later consideration. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 3. STREET VACATION REQUEST _ _ Mav~ r Olson introduced Resolution No. 17-77 entitled, RESOLU710N NO. 17.77 ~df RPor~ AngelOe~setiinp~ta ~ Resolution No. 17-77 ~hea ring dale for a regdJst ~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a request to vacate an alley in Chambers Addition. ro vacate an alley in :ilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Resolutien setting an August WHEREA$At hel owner o/1977 hearing date as introduced by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded :interests in real estate abutting7Uncilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council _ upon the aFley in Block 3, cnambers Addition nave /fled a~ the-street-vacation request to thePlanning Commission for a recom- ~I'petirion with the city aerk toltion. Councilmen Hord k seconded the motion and it carried. make vacation of said alley;. Y antl - WHEREAS, said petition (appears to have been signed by ). No. 200 - VALLEY STREET ~ihe owner of more than rwo• ' Eihirds Of the property abutting '~ lupon the parr of said aney- Olson read the Notice of Hearing on the final assessment roll for L.I.D. ~sou9 ht to be vacated; now,' Wherefore, !00 and~hen introduced and read b title Resolution No. 18-77 entitled, ~ BE IT RESOLVED $Y TH E,I-~^"~^ ~:q _ c a •>,mm c~ av'~ m+,~mc ~ c~ COUNCIL OF FHE CIYY OF WVa°° 9~ '~~~° fm°~~ „> £q?o£~^~c u~ `~, ~ PORT ANGELES as follows: ,~ ~ a Section 1. The petitign r0maoo aP ~of~x ac>Ed Qj~ H~U°c~ t~C`o a~ make such vacation shall be uic o _a++ o~-^Q __ ~ (heard and tletermined by this ~`~~ 3~ aWya na nmc 'o ~==c cZO~ ~ ~~ •council not more than sixty (60) OLL ~uL ~ «•u~ ~ m5 u°~`w Q~aNLL1ptc ~,=~~ c cif Port Angeles, "days nor less than twenty (40) n m ~ ~'° me - t o. v m- °' °- >r' °- =° Clri u On the w a a aL ~ y `~++ o. ~ g P tdays hereafter to wit: on the ~ f3 ~ o °L~z -d°`m `v°~~ v v3~+-'v ~ o fr m ~ t No. 200. k 70th ddy Of August, 1977. W p °.- > m ~ `m W m ° a._ ~2 ' Section 2. The CiTy Clerk is xur+ ^m m°+e+ca c`m«w a`Q~ov~~v~m>1p~ 1 ~herebY directed to give twenty}>° ~ ca ^y~o~~O...o ~o ~a_y~m of TmE ° ?1 (20) tlays notice bf the ~=v;n°L Nn:-y mul°rn`o > 1- Urdu mc.`eE Oo~ ! ~pentlencY of said petition p~~d >+v° '-nu°rm ~mDV W~>a~rnaWO°'°~oYW~ -' aCCOrtling to the provisions Of ZWOCO~` ~3n rua~ro~`°"t f~,.`V~~'LiW~a'~^rnapmn RCW 35.79.040. ~~¢- -,~c'`~,,'n u3~`o= Q J1a°3: ,°. °u_n~ y3°'~a PASSED by the Council of the W - - ([1T"--"" ~- ~ - - L City o/ Port Angeles this 13th' day of JuIY, 1971. .Carleton B. OI son MAYOR ATTE57: Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: C. T. Walrath, City Attorney Pub.: JUIy 19, 1977. 31.41 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. F. M-1 Permit - Angeles Auto Alectric: industrial Site at Valley & Third Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Angeles Auto Alectric'S request for A M-1 permit on the following conditions: (1) Tenants to be within the "light industry" category, (2j parking areas to comply with City or- dinances and policies, specifically controlled ingress and egress, (3) loading areas to be located so that "streets and parking areas are not blocked, (9) if alley vacation is approved, no buildings to be constructed in vacated area, and (5) all clearances required by electrical codes to be complied with. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. G. Temporary Use Pemit - Edward A. Warren Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one-year temporary use permit for a mobile home for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Wallace to be located on the northwest corner of 18th and Reyes Streets in a RS-9 Zone. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. H. Councilman Buckmoved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's July 5, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. I. Home Occupation Guidelines: Public Hearing Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the proposed Home Occupation Guidelines and asked for any opinions from the audience. A general discussion followed during which J. Lewis, J. Umbehocker, and R. Ramsey discussed their opposition to the home occupation Conditions with the Council and Planner Carr. Mr. Lewis was opposed to all eleven conditions; Mrs. Umbehbcker expressed a concern about limiting hours of operation from 9:00 A.M. to 5:60 P.M.; and Mr. Ramsey questioned condition No. 5 relating to exterior business signs. Following the discussion, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Ross then moved the Council table the proposed home occupation ;p•ti sodap OSS Sn~d du sta ' wn tguidelines for lator consideration. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion ) pa4si I'Aluo sllnpe lalnb iyi~~tn 'woapaq t - IUaw ~ and 1t carried. n.ede nn ain a3HSIN2}Il3 +EV E69 'stad ou 'Aiuo sll^PV uun}un ao pa 4s!u~n; V ~ ;ET VACATION REQUEST aysi ~ooapaq auo - WII1b3S NI - ='oaoEteS e wooa-d 'luau. =r Olson introduced Resolution No. 17-77 entitled, ~ '65 'o!~l~ala Il Fa ede Pa gsluan3=WIi1035 e ' u!8u!~P Pu ~ '££L9-L54 '6 s-uoN 'paJJa }aid ald nog .F Resolution No. 17-77 i igow a16u15 tamp 'Paysiuun} t~ 1 j1~ed •woo~pag93a 0 1 1 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing •E t£9g ~sa~ue!Idde wapoW o - date for a request to vacate an alle in Chambers Addition Y a5 w~n . piiadue~ uee?. of 1g . _ Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Resolution setting an August 10, 1977 hearing date as introduced by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council refer the street vacation request to the Planning Commission for a recom- mendation. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it,-carried. 4. L.I.D. No. 200 - VALLEY STREET Mayor Olson read the Notice of Hearing on the final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 200 and then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 18-77 entitled, ~aw~y ~' wa'o Groff azaFr 3~3,3QD~ ~~°o.i v~~~moy am~TRl "~°o o~^A n~°co °~33a~~ a~~n~ ~A ~~01o"'2 OG~tp~ 3QK N IIi oven ]: ooaJn3.^~? -- ~A "-°m a «-D dw-v °i Q~m nA >'G3 O m3 mdr ~~Imz ~;~,o 0 ~~m~~m 3~~' - 0o W~'~ m--+`-• D °'~at_z ID mow ~~ ~F~ °m am- oz o'~~ .Q Qo m Z A ;A., o O ~ c y V ~ Z n y d =m °mA A C!1 z ".~ ~ C °1 ~¢ cc~ ~ r ~~, iii - Resolution No. 18-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, ~ Washington, fixing the time and place for hearing upon the ~ assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 200. ,` ti a a -- ~ 3~{J CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. F. M-1 Permit - Angeles Auto Aiectric: Industrial Site at Valley & Third Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Angeles Auto Alectric's request for A M-1 permit on the following conditions: (1) Tenants to be within the "light industry" category, (2) parking areas to comply with City or- dinances and policies, specifically controlled ingress and egress, (3) loading areas to be located so that streets and parking areas are not blocked, (4) if alley vacation is approved, no buildings to be constructed in vacated area, and (5) all clearances required by electrical codes to be complied with. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and. it carried. G. Temporary Use Pemit - Edward A. Warren Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one-year temporary use permit for a mobile home for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs, W.P. Wallace to be located on the northwest corner of 18th and Reyes Streets in a RS-9 Zone. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. H. Councilman Suckmoved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's July 5, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. I. Home Occupation Guidelines: Public Hearing Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the proposed Home Occupation Guidelines and asked for any-opinions from the audience. A general discussion followed during which J. Lewis, J. Umbehocker, and R. Ramsey discussed their opposition to the home occupation Conditions ' with the Council and Planner Carr. Mr. Lewis was opposed to all eleven conditions; Mrs. Umbehbcker expressed a concern about limiting hours of operation from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; and Mr. Ramsey questioned condition No. 5 relating to exterior business signs. Following the discussion, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Ross then moved the Council table the proposed home occupation guidelines for later consideration. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 3. STREET VACATION REQUEST Mayor Olson introduced Resolution No. 17-77 entitl d RESOLUTION ND. 17-77 e , ewwlarn uaopl7[p} ;+ ggel~ene sa~eds aplm algnop Resolution No. 17-77 ue alBUlg sJadtllls ;o yyJOU ' ; .l aolq z 'saJ°y al!gow sa3,13 ~ '6ulluaJ rnou syua wlJ ¢dy ' A RESOLUTION of the Cit of Port Angeles setting a hearin y .61 b-LS.h asey~ .S siaz ;luaw~Jptly asnoH 113)i~1d g date for a request to vacate an allay in Chambers Addition. ILII-LSt 'ulo~ull 'S ZOE 'saw off i eJalleo auitlly-uo!loaFas 6Jel- lls '1 , '=ilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Resolution setti i toA u! sanu I Clua~wed AHM ng an August K•977 hearing date as introduced by Mayor Olson. The motion was second d ~ueb ~o}e~udg ~alln~l £E e buncilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council ~, the~~street'vacation request t th 'sers ee9 iwo~laen ~uaJpl!y~ 'saauelldtle o ePlanning Commission for a recom- ton. Councilman ¢ Hordyk seconded th ~apOw IIV 'SJ!un wool paq ' e motion and it carried. f Nl pue auo axnla0 •w!nbaS u! IN3wlaedeswavavaa~ '100£'fB9 -w!nba t>. No. 200 - VALLEY STREET g uoo~ ~aL ai¢JedaS 'woapaq a pue l axnla0 'sluawlJetly 'Olson read the Notice of ov i~ln aDIS Hearing on the final assessment roll f tiNNns X00 and then introduced an or L.I.D. d read b title Resoluti N 1°~1 m °n-•.cS nod Noi..op m o0 °o F3 o~~ s m' on o. 18-77 entitled, uoEc-r•a~.~•-LB yz .imgt`,x m~Lmnc~ a' ~-rnH c... cagy m~un m;-N-x~ ~ ~ o ._,~a,o Lac- oo °1a oa a~^mc - w `• nmD r c'^°m o y~-6.Z1 s m °N n3j ~a o°ic N~-E ~aoi ~ .` `o - ~ma~-~ ~ ~ .n> «c Or~~.-° a~? wi ° ~m O U° Vo EOJ O?C'~C OyJGC d~U W;r via ~daN Oip ~« ~ ma W O ~_v f f ~~ '~-O nm a o FnonC < o ~ f_r° o ;3d ~«r:-~cZ=>y`~~ccZ Oio+~~~o«~x =~i°1D ~ ~aVCmo =m~n~ ~u ~ - ~ oEm m w oLUO'ur~.eo a« e. o .. i~•- 3 Nd~ a _'F.n p7 o3 O~ 3' 3a~ ~-0-. N° ` , - , ~ ._ m CQ ~.yL C W OfV ~a 0i0 Viq iC ~,PrNT~ uv ~m ~`r o'_°~ G u °' 'o n!0-ao ~~`~ o ~ d. ~.-.O c~. 0•Q ~=~~Y cZOE~ m tiu 1 s, ymA u. a,n 1~ ~ m Sv m° £ s m *. c Q~t~ ° ro a -' « a~ mNC'~~~~+`an~-w'~d3.r~nnp .v u~m~~~a, m10 p a ~o v ~ a Q;~.cW'~cu~~:~a c ~f Port Angeles, o o~+ b o~-°' " ' ~<< o ~_cn an ~ v °>• < ~~~N a.. f tE ~tEo'o ~o ;V m~c o- i.o a c ° ~° m so >~ fno~n ~ a v uc L 4 u '0 ~,r~ ~ aa .- rin u on ~ Y ~~_r~ n~ g P the a ? ^ m` u 'sK ! o- o..< a-m <~m _,f ~7 .- --1 ro° r~~~ ~d n$~d n° a o ~y v~ L,.. I-` o - m~-a~ c v>.itca+ m o~ o^ a m ~ ~ cd .._w a~vv °1~d o Ec' m°+vca a i ~"a Gi ~ u rnw ~ v _ m t:. c ,cZ~u wmNai~°~y~ ~ ~ t No. 200. o ~' ~ ~N aQ~ ~ ~a~ - ~ ado z oo~°m om< m nm °~ 3;;3 c v '~ ~ , E p mE r c~._ a ~.. ~v w`o ac~;= `m oo.Erom.°~vuoa,oo~.0.`0 o °~cEy rnno av a ~E ° N ' m O ou `O _. iu „~m~oa. act- c > ~~`Ea °-' o u~ ° -~ ~~c o mvo°~ m ~ I °:m ~ 3 «oN .a ,~ ,~ a > o y ~ ~ ~. mo rn c i,~ Ewsa~'^i~ m~ aon~'^NOCC,•- ct E>tSm n~ m m._ w`v d m ' f D! rn 0 r v~cV¢~~'cmc~, a LW~ o ° em~ P°3 o.~0 ° - ~ ~ ,_ a ~ o,~m oyna,m~ c`y mN <nr >ac~,noma-'a da ~' LQ ~, u~r m ~ y 3 >= E GI U N Vn c Wm>~ aQWO vmiV-•- ~Q N . K d TN F-i T~ J ~ Nr L E ~l0 YID O ip~ ~ QL nm ~.O '=ova«o~_3mm ~v~ c .. ;g,.a, U~~`o~ J V- ~ QS4 o uawooroviO mi: ~ _ .~~_.. ~ ., , _ CITY COUNCSL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. F. M-1 Permit - Angeles Auto Alectric: Industrial Site at Valley & Third Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Angeles Auto Alectric's request for A M-1 permit on the following conditions: (1) Tenants to be within the "light industry" category, (2) parking areas to comply with City or- dinances and policies, specifically controlled ingress and egress, (3) loading areas to be located so that streets and parking areas are not blocked, (4) if alley vacation is approved, no buildings to be constructed in vacated area, and (5) all clearances required by electrical codes to be complied with. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. G. Temporary Use Pemit - Edward A. Warren Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one-year temporary use permit for a mobile home for the exclusive use of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Wallace to be located on the northwest corner of 18th and Reyes Streets in a RS-9 Zone. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried. H. Councilman Buckmoved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's July 5, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. I. Home Occupation Guidelines: Public Hearing Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on the proposed Home Occupation Guidelines and asked for any opinions from the audience. A general discussion followed during which J. Lewis, J. Umbehocker, and R. Ramsey discussed their opposition to the home occupation conditions with the Council and Planner Carr. Mr. Lewis was opposed to all eleven conditions; Mrs. Umbehocker expressed a concern about limiting hours of operation from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; and Mr. Ramsey questioned condition No. 5 relating to exterior business signs. Following the discussion, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Ross then moved the Council table the proposed home occupation ;p •l!sodap OSS nld o Ls s;a ;guidelines for later consideration. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion l'Aluo s~inpe la!np 'pa4s!um; 'arid It Cdrrled. !;!l l;n Mun~p 43HSIN ans a.e d e ~jEC~E89 'sjad ou ~Nua' s;?nP'd ET VACATION REQUEST '~ ;a ys!u~n;un ao Pa4s?ua n; oo~paq auo - WI(1035 N1 _ ~:--- o Etas x Olson introduced Resolution No. 17-77 entitled, ~. ~~u halo He woos-Z 4uaw pea cede ~EE[9 LSY ,6u!xu!aIP PUe °~< a.Ua;a~tl old nog '~ Resolution No. 17-77 ,~~ !Mows-uoN P a s!u~n; ~ / al6u!s w1oo~Pa4`3No i fib„ aef_ __-.9~ay;e l A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing ~'a ~ sa~ue!~dde u~apow date for a request to vacate an alley in Chambers Addition. '--9 L-E89 wlnba ~ l~ladJe].d1.2M_O171eM '--. ~~- Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the Resolution setting an August 10, 1977 hearing date as introduced by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Haguewood then.-moved the Council refer the street vacation request to the Planning Commission for a recom- mendation. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried. 4. L.I.6. No. 200 - VALLEY STREET Mayor Olson read the Notice of Hearing on the final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 200 and then introduced and read b title Resolution No. 18-77 entitled, ~La~m- ~ aciy y«3ou t-~`Lro i.m ° o «L.c OIL U'"°o wa. r' «acio «u~c'c'-" i VaO .% «Oz N ~~ ~ CQ WUd Nh . n -O.ra o 06ai Nb ~CC~ _ Z C« Om~ d~ Of~ tpU m OCV 1u 00 9^- ~~T ~ IV ~.Nw 'VQOEt mC Z CWP¢~ a~ ydW.~t « 0 oyoa~aN z G JW W.L ,~o.c~o~,..o!«>m d- ~ i„~~d ~ a~ ^co a ~~`~>~ ad^ ~ uu ~f Port Angeles, > zuc° Oa't'~~od wEo3vEc0 «c 3 $a" un'U= « ' t'c~ro ° ~~u?m a~b dtav~ ~ ~n ~ , ¢~`oyW cua o. ring upon the ~ aa-Y mF~°? ~~a° 1 1 r-f~~m c , m m ;Fut..W mm c¢ L~ , .. ofa~ =a"u°TU .D 7 _ ,~ `w o '- Cm~~ t No. 200. ` u ~~«OU>-O~r C J oxO NE ¢pOat%o?LO£~i, ~O Z ina~~DIA ~J+y _ aYZNV ~iV Nd~•~•~` lO ~~ O-NE~Ev . 'n u°''-~/.o WJ ~«~rn2lU ,. ~~ «aaocH)o ca !Y a~c~~O.r om`o moo~WO ~ yQu>y ~ K io o >~ "u-C~=rn>rn ~'~a~« ~ `~ ~arnv~ipvn ~ i WO~~'c°wy3p'~°-N'in°t ~ ` = ~~o.unL~ cr>a~v wm>.¢y~aWoo~~~Fc ~ d_ occd E°o ~¢«tm_n .a~~tp~cv3 . u~ $orwm~~zluoc°'-°v°'im t¢~.`~~ }da:m~a"° c d a_t t^ ~~ r. dso'° o ~``~-~~oW•o% ., i ., ooua° o!ua° ~ ~ r~ u3~o~ =.cc . o o ¢~ }.~:,io.ax°~n~«~3~,~0.. , ~ - ~-- -~ -~ - l .d.3". . CITX COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 4. Cont. ,~~1 Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and it carried. It is noted for the record that this Resolution sets a hearing date of August 10, 1977. 5. 1977 DROUGHT RELIEF PROJECT ' Manager Whorton briefly reviewed the recent developments in the drought relief project and outlined the steps necessary to be taken before the water project could proceed. He informed the Council that letters setting forth an Emergency Permit and Waiving Bidding Requirements have been received from the Department of Social and Health Services and the Department of General Administration. He then read a letter from DSHS concerning the City's application for a Referendum 27 grant which indicated that the water project has received a • high priority rating and has been recommended to the Governor's office for funding. DSHS will recieve notification from the Governor's office on July 25, 1977 regarding their recommendation. DSHS also expects an offer of funds will be mailed July 29, 1977. Manager Whorton also informed the Council that an offer has been received for Council consideration regarding purchase of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way of $1,500 per acre, and that a report regarding the use of City power has been provided by Light Super- intendent Honnold. It was Manager Whorton's recommendation that if the Council decides to utilize the Railroad right-of-way, utilization of City power be pursued. Manager Whorton also informed the Council that the City of Port Angeles has been declared a disaster area and the only elements that are lacking .at.tfiis time are firm commitment letters from EDA and DSHS; both of which Manager Whorton feels confident the City will recE2ve. ' Mr. Whorton then gave a breakdown of the grant and loan amounts applied for in the drought relief project as follows: (1) total project - $3,295,000; (2) grant from EDA - $659,000; (3) loan from EDA - $2,636,000 and (4) grant from DSHS - $1,191,480. If the City receives the $1,191,480 grant from DSHS, the $1,191,480 will be applied to the $2,636,000 EDA loan. In the event the EDA grant and loan are disapproved, the water project is dead. Items to be considered by the Council at this meeting include (a) a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the project, (b) agreement to purchase Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way, (c) Resolution establishing water transmission pipeline route, and (d) Ordinance authorizing sale of water revenue bonds. a. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to proceed with project. There was a lengthy discussion between the Council and Manager Whorton regarding the proposed Resolution. Mr. Whorton advised the Council that the Resolution could be adopted since the Resolution provides that no action will be taken until confirmation is received from EDA that our application has been approved. During the discussion S. Goertz informed the Council that a possibility exists that the Department of Fisheries may assist in financing a Ranney ' Collector. The Department has been proposing to build a fish hatchery at the E1wha Salmon Rearing channel. Since the Elwha River surface water is not good enough to raise fish, the Department may be interested in purchasing water from this City from October to May. Following further discussion•Mayor Olson then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 19-77 entitled, 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 5. Cont. Resolution No. 19-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to enable construction , and other related activities to start on the Drought Relief Program for the City of Port Angeles and es- tablishing the guidelines under which execution of documents is to occur. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Manager Whorton discussed the terms of the Resolution, the sale of revenue bonds, any possible increase in the total amount of the project, and the estimated Cost to run the pump. Mayor Olson also pointed out that it was not the decision of the Council to install water meters, rather it was a provision of the grant. Councilman Haguewood suggeste~' the cost of 'the water meter installation not fall on the homeowner but be part of the grant. The motion was then passed. b. Agreement to purchase Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the proposed agreement for purchase of the Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it passed. c. Resolution establishing route for water transmission pipeline. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Resolution No. 20-77 entitled, Resolution No. 20-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing the route of the water transmission pipeline from the Elwha River to the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned the possibility of building future Ranney wells further upstream and using a gravity system instead of a pumping system to get the water to the City, thus saving power. Director of Public Works Flodstrom will investigate this possibility and report his findings to the Council. Increases in water rates were also discussed at this time. On call for the question, the motion to adopt the Resolution was passed by the Council. d. Ordinance authorizing sale of water revenue bonds. This item was tabled as the Council felt that the City should deal directly with the Federal Government for repayment of the loan if possible. Finance Director Orton explained that the possibility exists that the State Auditor's office would not approve the City's indebting itself without being bonded. Attorney walrath and Finance Director Orton will investigate the legality of this matter. 6. ORDINANCE - SUDGET APPROPRIATION INCREASE Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1933 entitled, Ordinance No. 1932 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authorizing increases to 1977 budget appropriations in certain funds to provide for wage and salary increases and other adjustments. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 6. Cont. 323 Manager Whorton briefly explained to the Council the reason for this Or- dinance, which is to authorize the transfer of funds to cover wage and salary increases that were effective January 1, 1977 but which were never included in the 1977 budget. Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the Ordinance ' as read by title by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 7. ORDINANCE - CONVERSION TO BANK CHECKS FOR PAYROLL PURPOSES Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1939 entitled, Ordinance No. 1933 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Finance Director to use bank checks for purposes of paying wages and salaries of City employees Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed unanimously by the Council. 6. RESOLUTION - CIVIC FIELD AGREEMENT Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Resolution No. 21-77 entitled, Resolution No. 21-77 A RESOLUTION pf the City Council of the City of Port ' Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to sign an Architech/Engineering Agreement for the reno- vation of Civic Field. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson, authorizing the signing of an Architech/Engineering agreement with BJSS for Civic Field. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed. 9. SHORELINE PERMIT APPLICATION - CROWN ZELLERBACH Mayor Olson read City Engineer Warder's memorandum regarding Crown Zeller- bach's application for a Shoreline Permit. However, Manager Whorton informed the Mayor '.that the application was not ready for Council action and the application was passed over. 10. CITY CREDIT AND DEPOSIT POLICY This agenda item was left on the table. 11. ANNEXATION REQUEST Councilman Haguewood moved the Council refer W.T. Freer Jr.'s annexation request to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion and it carried, ' 12. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS This agenda item was left on the table. 13. WATER CONNECTION REQUEST Mayor Olson read a letter from Mr. M. Luellen requesting water connection to a private line which. is connected to a City water main. Manager Whorton and Director of Public Works Flodstrom privided the back-ground information con- cerning this private line. Councilman Ross then moved the Council grant per- mission for this connection. The motion died for lack of a second. At this 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 13. Cont. time Mr. S. Eikum spoke to the Council and informed them that Mr. Luellen is building the home for Mr. Eikum's personal use only and not for specu- lation. After a brief discussion with Director of Public Works Flodstrom, Councilman Hordyk moved the request of Mr. Luellen be reconsidered and the water connection be allowed contingent upon a letter agreeing to meter the service and also agreeing to any future annexation of the area. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. After a question was raised regarding the ownership of the home Councilman Hordyk moved to amend his motion to read the request of Mr. Luellen and Mr. Eikum be recondidered and the water connection be allowed with the condition that there be a letter agreeing to meter the service and also to be in agreement with any future annexation of the area. Councilman Buck seconded the motion as amended. On called vote, Councilmen Buck, Hordyk, Ross and Wray voted "AYE" with Councilmen Anderson and Haguewood voting "N0." The motion carried. 14. COUNCIL POSITION NUMBERING Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Clerk Parrish regarding the Council position numbering for the municipal primary election. In compliance with the provisions of RCW 29.21.017, positions for nomination of City Councilmen to be voted upon at the municipal primary election to be held on September 20, 1977 are hereby designated for the purpose of election as follows: Position No. 1 - Samuel Haguewood; Position No. 2 - John Hordyk; Position No. 3 - Carleton Olson; Position No. 4 - Lorraine Ross. 15. MILEAGE ALLOWANCES Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Administrative Services Director Orton regarding the current mileage allowances for cities with a population in the range of 10-30,000. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council comply with ' Mr. Orton's recommendation and increase the mileage allowance to .15 per mile. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. VII STAFF REPORTS Councilman Ross: Checked with Attorney Walrath concerning a contract zoning amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Hordyk: Requested an opinion from the Planning Commission and pursuit of annexation of that property east of, the City to Morse Creek and south to the current City boundary. Mayor Olson: Read a letter from Mr. Raleigh Wagner on the success of the recent VFW Convention and a letter from Mr. Richard Thompson requesting a reproduction of the photograph showing an aerial view of Ediz Hook which is displayed in City Hall. Informed the Council that 13 bids were received on the sale of surplus City property totaling $43,255. (11 parcels sold out of 45.) Councilman Wray: Recommended Council meetings start at 7:00 P.M. Commented on Grays Harbor's Mass Transit System. Recommended a sign be installed at the entrance of the City indicating our sister city. Councilman Haguewood: Requested the staff report investigating the feasibility, ' funding possibilities, and history on a City bus system by the next meeting. Commented on and discussed with - Public Works Director Flodstrom the 26 letters that were sent out to property owners regarding the repair of side- walks. First Street sidewalk repairs were also discussed at this time. Councilman Anderson: Suggested that the City should adopt some form of insulation standards to conserve energy. CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 1977 325 VII STAFF REPORTS Manager Wharton: Reminded the City Council about the hearing of the House sub- committee on Toll Facilities and Highways at 1:30 P.M. Friday at Aggies. Manager whorton explained that an "Order: has been received from the Department of Ecology setting a construction schedule for the City to achieve Secondary ' Treatment in compliance with the requirement of our NPDES Waste Discharge Permit. It was Mr. Whorton's recommendation that the City file an Administrative Appeal to the "Order." Attorney Walrath explained the details of the Order and stated that the City has 30 days to £ile an Administrative Appeal to the provisions of the order; if we do not file an appeal within the time period then we will be foreclosured from ever appealing or challenging those provisions of the Order. Councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize an Administrative Appeal to the Department of Ecology's Order be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried- Light Superintendent Honnold presented a progret_.s report to the Council concerning the repair of the Peabody•SUbstation, ti City Clerk Mayor 1 1 ~.~ 62477~- ~r Noti~e LOCH ARING I W+'1 hold anp blib CNyvCou^h i Ca ^13, 1977 at 7:3 hearing o' ~ Angel es tr cha ob onsp der4n W. + 121'5 pefitioo ool Dis frici POrt '~rtion offaflehrstaeeftoo o~a t ALocafso Townsite 80/ kpo9tJJ{. + aAAea tnf re fed eri5 $Ch0a1, 1 Pr Posal.rheir hopinEarrirtg aRQ ? MARlA PA On this t N C. SH it P~•• une y4 19 Cit yCferk NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOFICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Port Angeles will offer for solo by means of sealed bids to he opened by the Mayor on the 33th day o1 July, 1977 at the hour of 9;90 A.M. in the a Board Room. School District 121, Central Service Buildin 21 I the lollowin described 9~ 6 Easf 4th SlreeT, Port Angeles. n 9 property. Terms ore cash or cashiers check only. No parcel shad be e sold for less than the minimum price indicated. All bids shall be in writing specifying the name and address of the bidder, the parcel and the amount bid, and said bids shall be deposited with 1 the City Clerk not later than the close of business on July ! 2, 1977. The envelopes containing I the bids shall be marked on the outside with the parcel number and property description indi- + cored 'n the cola for bids. iitie shall be conveyed by Quitclaim Deed, and the City shall not furnish title insurance. The City reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. PARCEL h 81ock 34, Lot 3, '5000.00 PARCEL 2: Block 34, Lot 5,'5009.00 PARCEL 3: Block 35. Lot I t, '2000.00 ' PARCEL 4: block 113, lot 11,'4000.00 (including LID assessment) . PARCEL b: Block 1 i 3, Lot 13,'4000.00 (!ncluding l1D assessment) PARCEL 7~ Block 113, Lm 14, '4000,99 (including LIDassessment)' PARCEL 8: Block 113, Lot 15,'4000.00 (including LID ascessmemJ PARCEL 9: Block F 14, Lot 15.'3000.00 (including LID ossessmont) PARCEL 70: Bieck 114, Lot 16,'3006.00 (including LID osseasment) PARCEL 1 1: Block } 14, €oT >.7, '3000.00 (including LID assessment) PARCEL 32: Block I I4, lot I e,'3000.00~(including LID assessment) PARCEL 13: Block 114„Lot 19, '3000.00 {including LtD assessment) PARCEL 14: Block 114, lot 20, '3090.00 {includinq CID nssessment) PARCEL 15: Block 152, Lot 1,'6000.00 (including lID assessment) PARCEL 16: Block 152, Lot 2,'6000.00 (including LID assessment) PARCEL 17: Block 152, Lot 3,'6000.00 (including LlD ossossmont ) PARCEL 18: Black 152, Lot 4,'6000.00 (including lib nssessmenl) PARCEL 19: Block 160, Lots 12, 13, 14. 15, Ib and 17,'6060.00 PARCEL 20: Block 177, the Easf 35 feet o} Lm 12, '2,500.00 PARCEL 21 : Block 242, Lot 10,'3,500.00 (incl. ilb). PARCE€ 22: block 303, lot 13,'4000.00 (incl. LID assess) ,~,. ,. 'PARGEC 23:~elock 307; Cot 9~2060.00~ .~ _ .,, j' c~~..J:.G -,u ~w -PAP.CEL 24: Block 307, Lot 10,'2000.00 ~ ~ - "'~ " ~ . as ~ PARCEL 25; Block 308. Lot 1,'2900.00 °~nor, PARCE€ 26: Block 308, lot 2,'2000.00 PARCEL 27: Black 308, Lot 10, '2000.00 PARCEL 26: Block 312, Lot 13,'2000.00 PARCEL 29: Block 312. Lot 14,'2009.00 PARCEL 30: Block 408, Lor 11,'3900.00 PARCEL 3F: Block 408, Lot 12,'3000.00 PARCEL 32;BIock 408, Lot 14,'3000.00 PARCEL 33: dock 408, Lot 20, '2500.00 ' PARCEL 34: Block 451, Lot 13. '5000.90 PARCEL 35: Block 451, Lot 1A, '5000.00 PARCEL 36: Block 451, Lot 15, '5000.00 PARCEL 37: Block 451, Lot 16,'5000.00 PARCEL 38: Block 451, for 17,'5000.00 PARCEL 39: Block 451, lot 16, '5000.00 PARCCL 40: A 40-foot strip of land lying north of the Milwaukee Drive right of way in Svbur- bon Lat 39, approximately 200 feet long, '2500.90 PARCE€ al: A 40-foot strip of land lying north of the Milwaukee Drive right of way in Sub- urban lot 40, opproximalely 200 feet long, '2500.00 PARCEL 42: A 40•(oot strip of land lying north of the /Miwaukee Drive right of way in Sub~r- ban lot 41, approximately 200 feet long,'2500.00 PARCEL 43: A 40-Fool strip of land tying north of the Milwaukee Drive right of way in Sub- urban tai 44, approximtely 200 feet long, '2500.00 + PARCEL44: A 401oot drip of land lying north of the Milwaukee Drive right of way in Subvr- +J bon lot 45, approximately 200 feet long. •2500.00 PARCCL 45: The Southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 23, Township 30 North, ( RangebWest,W.M.,containing40ocresmoreorless,'80,000.00 S/2d/9f i taw