HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1937 .. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 505 July 14, 1937 193_ I I I I I ';~;""';~::~'~:~~~"'.~~'t in regular session at 10 A.M. and Vias calle 1 to ord~r by !.!8"'or Davis. Roll callshowed the follo~ing of"icers nres~nt: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and > Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hav/kins. 'The minutes of the previous session VIere r~~d and approved. Under the head of Applications for Licenses the following were granted: M & C Restaurant, Restaurant Mrs. O. '" ;/hite " The Little Place M. Osasa Carl DeBarros Pastime Cafe IH. C. LaMarty Duck Inn Jack Paris Vlilmer s ';afe Club Cafe Goneis Cafe Home Grocery Top Notch Cafe Oly:mpus ,,'ountain .Claude ". Carlson Palace of Sweets R. Carbonetti Holmstrom & Lofthus" Claude W. Carlson, Merchants Hotel (25 rloomsl Marjorie Roberts, Oak Rooms (9 Rooms I Essen Rooming House (l~ Rooms) ,Norway Rooms (9 Uooms) Olympus H~tel (14 nooms) Windsor Hotel (10 Rooms) Rainier Hotel (7 Rooms) Patterson Hotel (6 Uooms) New Home '(ooms (7 nooms) Lee Ho~el, Hotel (86 Uooms) " Restaurant " )! Soft Drinks Annex Hotel, Restaurant ILoop Cafe, " 'L. L. Farmann, 1 Barber Chair :Chas. R. Stewart, Journeyman Plumber .;Edmund Middleton " " ~nder the head of New Business the following Resolutions Wel'e introduced: I REsoLunorr 'f0 L3:ASE PROP'i:'tTY AC"UIR'm BY ?ORECLOSUR;<; ;IHERE-~S, the City of Port Angeles is the mmer of ~he following dJscribed ,in the L:ity of Port Angeles, to-wit: Soft Drinks " 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.0n 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.0n 5.00 5.00 5.00 I.,.OO 25.00 9.00 IG.OO 9.00 44.00 10.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 86.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 "- real prope rty The undivided one-half interest in the East 18 feet 8 inches of the ciouth 140 feet of Lot la, and the ~est 13 feet 4 inches of the South 140 feet of Lot 9, all in block I, Tidelands West of Laurel Street in the City of Port Angeles, Clal~am County, Vffishi llE-ton , having a frontage of 32 feet on the North side of "ront Street, on which there is a two-story frame build- ing, the ground floor of which is 3~ feet front by 120 feet deep, said store building being commonly known as 135 "est Front Street, Port ;ngeles, ~iashington ; which said property has been acquired by the said City by virtue of foreclosure of delinquent Local Improvement District assessments under C:hapter G05 of the jession Laws of 1927, and, i ~ffiERSAS, Benjamin Frank+in Thrift Stores, Inc., a corporatiJn, has offered to lease the , a bove described store room 3~ feet front by leO feet deep On the firs~ floor of said building on said real estate, for a period of five years, from the 1st day of July, 1937, at a monthly rental of \IG5.00 per month, payable in advance on the first day of each and every month during the ~erm of said lease, with thc further provisions to be contained in said lease tha t the '-'i t~1 of Port ,'ngeles agrees to tear dorm the old balcony on the front of said bUilding, to paint the front of said building, and to repair the plate glass front in the s8me; and th8t the Benjamin Franklin Thrift Stores, Inc., agrees to construct a new marquee across the full width of said building at its own expense and to 'put 8 Benjamin Franklin Thrift Stores, Inc., sign across the full front of the building at i ts onn expens e; and \'ffiER3AS, the City Commission has viewed the prope,'ty and finds the o::'fer is a fair 'rental far said stor'eroom; I NO\'!, TJEIEFORr::, BE IT R,':SOL V;;;D tha t the said offer to rent said storeroom be ,aceepted; tha t the City "ttorney be instructed to prepare a proper le~se and that the viry l'reas- urer be authorized to exeeute the same on behalf of the ~ity of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Henson thatth. foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissiuner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carl'ied. R;<;SOLU'.!'IOII ~O SELL PROPERTY ,\C:'UIRSD BY PORSCLOSUR:,; " 'fIHERE,\S, The City of Port ..n.geles is the OVlller of the following described pr'operty in the City Jf Port ~n~eles, to-~it: Lot Fourteen (14), Block Two Hundred (200) of the To~nsite of Port Angeles, vlallam County, ilashin"ton, ~ .. 506 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 14, 1937 193__ which said property h'lS been acquired by the City on forflclosure of dolinquent local improvem~nt assessments under vhapter ~r5 of th~ ~egsion Laws of 1927, and, WHEREAS, B. ),1. Berg has offered to purchase the above d~sc 'ibed real property from the City of Port ";'n~les for the sum of ~lOO.OO, payable as follows, ,!15.0r previously paid as rent for said pro~erty to be 1l.9plied as the down payment and th~ balance of ~85.0C in monthly payments of 1Il5.00 each beginning on --uiCUst 1, 19:57, 8nd )5.00 on the 1st of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Interest to be charged on defer'ed payments and collected with monthly payments at the rate of 6% per annum, and, ',7HEREAS, the City (;om!'.ission has viewed the property and find the offer is fa ir va lue for the pl'operty and exceeds the amount of the ddin<;uent local improvem"nt assessments and general taxes paid by the vity. NO\'! , THE:lEFORE, BS IT RSSOL'ED, That the said offer be accep' ed and that 1.he City of ,Port ,\ngeles sell the said property at privatp. sale to the said E. II. Bere fo~' the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens against the same; that the vity Atto~ney be instructed to prepare a df'ed conveyine saii property to th~ purchase!', and the ~ity Treasurer be authorized to execute the said deed in accordance with the pro- visions of this r~Rolution and Vhapter 275, 3ession Laws of 19~7, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was m:Jved by Qommissioner Henson that the foree:oine resolution be adopted. Seconded Iby CommisdiJner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The ~klyor declared the !motion carried. , i The CommIssion examined and allowed the follovling claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I I CURR3:NT EXPENSE FUND City Treasur~r ~ITashington Pulp & Paper ~O. Ves~ern Tra~tor ~ ~qui~ment Standard Oil Co. Shell on Co. Standard Oil Co. vo. " Ind Ins & hied Lime, etc. Parts " hid 32.76 4.03 liJ.OO .75 6.90 .5.0C 1.90 7g~ .35 9.00 20. :31 G? .09 16.10 21. 55 100.16 J.i. 21.:3:3 5:5.71 ).,.. 35.03 3~-V 1.12 .56 14.62 5107.43 3.4~ 35.20 43.:\6 1.02 <:0.19 6.32 :::6.;.;1 .s} 5.7b ~41'" 4.67 146.57 29.40 29.32 I Ci ty '.rreasurer '. 11 It 1';1. D. Morrissey IOlympic citationers The .l)en IMax ~toc~inger & ~ons . Olympic ~tationers If II Ind Ins & Med ~id 11 II II " II cip~cial Police Chalk Flash Lights, et:. Renairs 3uir;Jlies n H & rl 3pecialty Co. CITY STREET ?DIm Staplers Asphal t Oil Oil. etc. I 'i/AT.s:n FUND .1 Ci tv Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. IAntone 3mith Grocery I ' j LHHIT FUND ICit:v Treasurcr Pug~t Jound Power & Light Grange Warehouse Co. I The Texas Co. Albert S. Kn~ght Co. Olympic dtationers Hoare & "eadrick Byron ';linter General ElectrIc Co. IHarbld Hibbs Plumbing Co. 'Nillson Hardvmre Co. General Electric Co. Graham~. Ralston Thos. T. Aldwell Ind Ins & lied Aid Ma tel' ial Supplies Co. Ind Ins & Mea Aid Power Bill for Jun ~ Fertilizer Gasoline Meter Boxes Supplies Truck Repairs Ma tel' ials Meter vases Fi ttinRs Supplies Meters & Cases Insurance " I PARK FUND C. L. Sarff Edw. F. Gakin Grinding Lawn Mower La bor ".f- ..\ 1. 7 5 ;.;.50 I There being no fUrther business the Commission then adjourned. ??~~ ~~ /\~~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor ....