HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1943 ,... 544 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washinglon .July IlL, 1943 19_ ~..;~ .. ~~"""" ..A........ "ATI."m... ".....u.. ...lOG IIr.... The Commission met in regular spssion at 10 A.M. and' was oalled to ordAr by Mayor Robinson. Rol) call showed the following officers present: !!ayo:- Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnf,ton and Clerk Hawkins. The minute~ of the previous session were read and appro~ed. Under the head of Appl1cation" for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: VI. T. Belford, Remodel House, Lot 10, Block 330, To;vnsit~ Sydney C. Tozier, Con.orsion of Building, Lot 19, Block 293, Townsite Gard Blanehard, Remodel Building, Lot 1" Bloc~ 230, Tonlsite The Dog House II 1 Amuaement Machil:;Pl M & C Tavern, 2 PI ~ The Dog Rouse, 1 Muscc 1~chine M &: C Tavern, 1" tl The DOl; House, Restaurent l' !I ", Soft Drink Gate City Second Hand Store, Second Hand Dealrrr 200.00 500. oc 75.00 2~.OO/ 48.00.1 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 l5.GC Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUT ION lIF.ERElf>, The City Counnission on JIL"1e 23, 1943, adopted e resolution authorizing the solo of the hereinafter, described real property to Axel Arvidson and Tekla P~vidson, husbanrl and wife. the said resolution being I recorded in Volume 20, Page 538, of Commissioners Proceedings: I Lot Pour (4), Block One Hundred Ten (110), of E. C. Baker's Subdivision of Suburban Lot No. 19 of the lownsite of Port Angeles, "ushin6ton, and TIHEREAS, it appears th"t an error has been made in said resolution by giving th~ date of t.he deed from tl:e County Treasurer to the City of Port Angel" s for said property as July 8, 1'141 instead of July l~, 19113. I NOW, YJiLhEF'ORE, FE IT RESOLVED, that the said resolution hereinabove referred to, be recinded, and the City Clerk be instructed tp prepare a resolution using the correot date of the County Treasurer's deed to th€ City of Port Angeles, authoridng the sale of the above described property to Axel Arvi<'son and Tekla Arvidson, husband and wife, for tM sum of $150.00. 1<; .as moved by Commissioner ~Iasters that the foregoing resolution be approyed and adopted. Seoonded by Cot.',Iftissioner Beam. (In roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the fol1o~'ing described real property, havinE; acquired the same by Treasurer'" deed, dated July II., 1943. under end o..r virtue of tho lUthority of Sectien 9393 of Remin(;ton's Revised Stntutes, Chapter 11,3 of the Lav" of 1929, pace 365, to-..'it: Lot Four(4), Block One Hundred ron (llQ), of E. C. Baker's Subdivision of SuburbsI'! Lot 'No. 19 of the Tovmsite of Port P...ngeles, Washington, and VdlEREAS, Axel Arvidson and Tekla Arvidson, husband and ,"ife, have offnred to purchase the above described reol property from the City of Port Anee les for the sun of $150.00, nnd 1\llEREAS, The City Commi..ion has ',-'.tv'ed the ssid prop<:rty and is of the opinion that the offer is feir I value and at this time it is to the best interest of the Citv that it should be accented ~nd the sale mace 4 J . I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and th"t th,' City of Port Angeles sell the I saie property at private sale to the said Axel Arvidson !ino Tekla Arvidson, hU5bond and ,dfe, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to fLny other valid liens against the sante; that the City Attorney be instruct- ed to prepare a quit clsim deed oOJ:ycying s.id property to the purchasers, and that the City Clerk of the I City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute s?id quit claim deed, E".nd that the Mo.Jtor 'I of the City of Port Ane;eles be and he is hereby instructed to countArs~gn sdd quit claim deed .men t.he purch,,' e price and all accrued interest thereon has been raid in full. j It was moved by Commissioner I~sters that the foregoing resolution be approved and'adopted. Seconded by Cemmissiontr Beam. On roll call e.ll mAIllbers voted aye. The JI:ayor decle,red tre motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City cf Port Ang,'l~. is the owner of the fol; owing described real property, havins acquired tho tame by Treesurer's deed dater: April 19, 1940, under one] ')~ virtue of the authority of Seotion 9393 of Reminrton'. Revised Statutes, Chapter lh3 of the Lnws of 192':. pae;e 365, to-wit. Lot Thirteen (13). Block One (1), Hartt and Cook Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the T,w:nsite of Port Angeles, Washine;ton. end WHEREAS, Glen R. Gibson has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the S'Jl'l of $150.00, payable as foile..s: $15.00 as a do,'m pa:nnent !'-no $10.00 on or before August 6, 1943, and $10.00 on or before the 6th d,,-~ of e"-ch and every month thereafter until paid in full, togAther with interest on monthly balances B,t the rate of 7'f. per an..~um and paB with the monthly install- ments J and WHERJ:;AS, The City Commis.ion has viewed the said profcrty ann is of the opinIon that the offer is fair volue and that at this time it is the best interest of the City that itshould be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R'lfOLVED, that said offer be accepted and. that the City of Port Mr.cles sell the said property at private sale to the said Glen R. Gibeon for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to I any other valid liens against th~ same; tha.t the City Attorney be instructed to prepa!'~ e. quit. claim deed conveyinl!: said property to the purchaser, ene that the City Clerk of the City of Port ""geles be and he is hereby instructed tc execute said quit cleim de~d, and that the Mayor of ~he City of Port Angeles be and he is r.ereby instruct.ed to countersign EB.id quit claim deed when the pllrchase price end all accrued interest thereon hllJl been pa,id in full. It ,was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commiesioner Beam. On roll call all mr,mbers voted aye. The Mayor declared the mobon carried. I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'lIl 545 July 14, 1943 19_ I I I I I The Commission examined and allowed the foll~ling claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT F~ENSE FUh~ Tidfl?/ll.ter Associated Oil Co. V'ies~ey Sm~ th Hooker Storage W.stern Auto Supply Larrick's Cafe Geor~e's Service Station Western Auto Supply Willson Hardware Co. Frank MacdonRld &: Sons Olympio Stationers Willson Hardware Co. Ci ty Treasurer State Treasurer Gasoline Services Expens e s Tire Repair Soat Co-vers Meals for Prisoners Parts &: Labor !!at, etc. Hardware Shop Vlork Supplies Point Brush Post Cards &: Postage Ind Ins &: M"d Aid ?"':- <k"q 25.50 15.05 16.75 .77 11.22 147.86 158.81 7.69 9.35 20.80 12.;18 .34 3.00 39.20 CITY STREET FUND Tooker's Motor Freight Willson Hardware ~o. Associated Oil Co. The Texas Co. Ke lly I< De Vine Frank Macdonald and Sons State Treasurer l.~ 9.21 10.17 76.20 15.65 75.~ 75.72 Freight Bill Pu sh Br ooms Motor Diesel Co. Gasoline Tires I< Tubes Shop Work lnd Ins de )!"'d hid ~ }" WATER r'mlD Macdonald &: Sons Kelly &: DeVine G. M. Lauridsen Charity Trust State Treasurer " Shop Work Repair.s D"""'-ge State Tax Ind Ins I< Med Ai d 19* ~.~ / l' 108.15 ".61 23.38 570.1.5 20.05 LIGHT FUND D de BBattery &: Electrio ,tation Hoare I< Headrick The Texe,s Co. Willson Hard"~r~ Co. Puget Sound ~ower I< Light Co. Line Mateer id Co. Zellerbach Pap"" Co, State Treasurer It IT Charge Battery Tire Repair G;:;..soline Paint June Power Bi 11 Safety Straps Paper Towp.lr State Tax Ind Ins &: Med Aid CI'} 1/\.' \-1 \ 1.55 .78 31.50 1.43 10936.8, 11.72 4.96 11 S~ .~o 40.82 CEMr;Tb~P.Y FOND Fronk ~cdon61d I< Sons Repair Mo.....r 3.09 PARK FUIID Geor ge Bradford City Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. Kelly &: D,Vine Wi 11 son Hardware Co. State Treasurer City Treasurer {.,\ 11:'1 6.18 1.00 14.58 1.03 2.'{1 22.B7 .32 Labor Admiss:0n Tc_y. Hardware Tire S'3r't'ice Rope, Tape I< Twine Ind Ins lc Med Aid Victory Tax There being no further business the Commission then adjourned to meet on Friday, July 16, 1943, at 10 A.M. ?1,lJ11~ City Clerk ~ ty~~ ~