HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/1948 1 I' -I J J Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '-'"..~",_.~"._".m. 'n" __ Juh 14. 19~ I'The Connnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and Vias called to order by Mayor Epperson. pr~sent were: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and C~erk Law. ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. IUnder the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: o~ I~ .3 2S' Building Permits: ,J.'R. Wray P ."H. Vair C" S. Wood 'R. H. Lovell I,A. L. Sanford B. W. Schackel ,Jaine s Hickey iRobert E. Gross (Holy Trinity Lutheran Church IRobert Cahill I If Licenses: J 75 - 'Sl1Bmrock Tavern 'Shamrock Tavern Shamrock Tavern Stiamrock Tavern Harbor Tevern ,Harbor Tavern Harbor Tavern Club Billiards :Club Billiards Club Billiards I Club Billiards 'Angeles Quality Cleaners I Eli te Beau ty Shop I Brown I s Second Hand Store IBrovmls Second Hand Store ,Sunset Do-Nut Shop Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 1-2, Blk. 106, Tormsite Build 3-Room Dwelling; Lot 10, Elk. 93, To.msite Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 20, Blk. 121, TOYffisite Bnild Car Porch; N2 Lots 10-11, Blk. 224, Townsite Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 205, TOYffisite Build 6-Room Dv/elling; Lots 9-10, Blk. 313, Townsite Build 2-Car Garage, with Small Apt.; Lots 1-2, Blk. 284, Townsite Add 1 Room to Present Bldg.; W2 Lot 3, Blk. 24, N.R.Smith Add. Construct Garage; Lot 7, Blk. 388, Townsite Build 2-Car Ga'rage; Lot 1, Blk. 248, Tovmsite 2 Amusement Machines Restaurant Music If.achine Soft Drink 3 Amusement 1:achines Mus ic Ma chine Soft Drink 3 Amusement Machines 5 Pool Tables 4 Card Tables Soft Drink Cleaning and Pressing 1 Beauty Chair Second Hand Dealer Junk Dealer, 14 Mo. Restaurant Operator 463 ., Officers , 3,000.00, 1,000.00, 150 .00 , 75.00,' 6,000.00 1,500.00,' 3,000.00: 1,600.00, 500.00 500.00' I 48.00, 12.00, 12.00 5.00: 72.00 12.00' 5.00: 72.001 50.00i 20.00 5.00 5.001 1.00' 15.001 29.18: 12.00, I Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on Improvement Resolution No. 151 was opened. The ,Engineer's report and est:i1r.ate for proposed L.I.D. was read as follows: Cost of Concrete Sidewalks, !$31,435.63; Curbs and Gutters, $72,414.00; Total $103,849.63. Protests filed were 36% of total estimated ,cost of improvement. Mayor Epperson explaihed ,my and how Improvement Districts are created. Commissioner Steele cited benefits derived from such improvements and hmv the average property ovmer could better afford ::construction now than when prices are lower. Connnissioner Johnson informed that numerous property o.mers lhave requested that improvement district be formed, and with small percentage of opposition filed, the district could be created, but it being the opinion of the Commission that majori t;r of residents do not I, favor improvement district, ,after disCllssion and due consideration, Commissioner Johnson moved that the ,Iproject be dis carded. Seconded by Connnissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the follovnng claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 151'- ~G' I CURREh'T EI'J'EIlSE WIlD: 'Olympic Printery I Port Angeles Evening News City Trea surer ,jWm. Bissell IrR. O. Ide Iwray & Raber Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. The Electric Co. Ol,'lfipi c Laundry & Cleane rs IAngeles Building Center IWillson Hardware CO. ,I Fitchards Ass. Service Schreiner !Chevrolet Co. Hoare & Headri ck I CITY STREET WND: .<,t,s' tI~ IH. G. Horstman Richfield Oil J:;orp. ,Olympic Printery 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. IPort Angeles Auto Supply Co. I o~ ViA TER FUIlD: .z 'f J'I - Olympic Printery Seattle Plbg. Supply Co. Pacific Water Works Suppl,' 'Johns-1~nville Sales Corp. 'The Mueller Co. , I Mar ckmann & Williams IE. N. Hallgren Co. iD & B Battery & Elec. Stn. "Star ~b chinery Co. Port Angeles Evening News Angeles Building :center State Treasurer LIGHT WIlD: 51,1:1.:1._ '(I Olympic Printery State Treasurer Viray & Raber Port Auge les Evening Nev{S 'Line Material Co. Boyd I s Wood Spe cial ty Co. J i' I Warrants and Payroll Sheets Legal Publications St.Lites, Fire Hyd., Sts. & Sewers, L.,W.,G., Postage Refund of Building Permit Car Mileage for June Duplicate Keys Tools and HdVle. Parts Laundry Brushes, Lwnber Tools and Hardware Auto Repairs, etc. Oil Parts and Labor Rent of Lots for Die sel FUel Oil Payroll Sheets Radius Arm Kit Tools and Hdwe. S to ok Piling Forms Fittings IVdrants Pipe Fittings Fittings Valves Parts Pump Parts Adv. Paint Tax Forms Tax llepairs Adv. Line Hardware Making Cross Arms ii I I 106.75 22.30.' 1,187.25 5.00 32.1311 .88 I 5.06:1 11.43" 17.16 3.92 6.45' 57.48, 2.06 88.78 \ I 3o.00:i 135.03 14.54 13.10' 15.93' I 37.05 138.55 1,099.32' 54.66' 287.54" 202.49 93.70' 1.Ol', 63.70 20.05 30.22 952.78 I 34.54 1,796.69' .82 1.54 165.84 14.78 II I , ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington July 14, continued. 19~ ...... ': I'LIGHT FUND, continued: 'Graybar Electric Go. Peninsula Ele ctri eGo. General Ele c. Supply Corp. Norman E. Keller :General Electric Co. Cut-ou ts Wiring Material 5t. Light Fixts. Transf. Substation Equip. ;;",5 SANITATION FUND: 17 ,'Angeles Building Center Lumber 'Ghittim's Service Truck Repairs Kenneth Owen June Rent, Garage City Treasurer Water II' , I<> of PARK WND: / 'f:(:1.. - School Dist. No.7 June Payroll, Summer Rec. Revolving Fund Port Angeles Auto Supply ~o. Pliers, etc. Angeles Building Center Lumber WUlson Hardware Co. Tools and Hdwe. Clallam Co-Operative Assn., Inc. Parts ,James Hardware Co. 12 Sticks Powder II City Treasurer Light, Water, liar. 'O~pic Hdwe. & Furniture Co. 11 Drums Scotts' Lawn Food Wray & Raber Grind Mower EconomY Irrigation Co., Inc. 2 Axles for Sprinkler PARKING IAETER & TRAFFIC <DNTROL FUND: .:1;1. ~o Willson Hardware Co. Tools and Harm.are Kenneth Owen June Rent--Warehouse II James Hardware Go. 'I" Tools and Hdwe. L.I.D. GENERAL FUND: 7 ~ Port Angeles Evening News Resolution No. 151 There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Q. [' ;ta~, (j City Clerk Jt"~) ~-'-A_-- 1 407.37 1.80 286.34 2.89" 48,410.00, 1,135.00 1.49 2.06 32. 77 8.35 1.85 89.52 146.85 1.55 3.20 Mayor 4.921 40:73 30.bO 1.60 3.85 15.00 3.55 7.98 1 I I' I~ 1-